October 2020 Posts

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01-Oct-20 Exposing Joe Biden's court-packing scheme
01-Oct-20 Dianne Feinstein, Democrats attempt to stop Amy Coney Barrett confirmation

02-Oct-20 President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump test positive for COVID

03-Oct-20 White supremacists, Antifa/BLM and shoddy journalism
03-Oct-20 Cal Cunningham's political demise?

04-Oct-20 Early voting done right
04-Oct-20 Operation MAGA is unveiled

05-Oct-20 Amy Klobuchar is Chuck Schumer's shill
05-Oct-20 NBA fans voting with their TV remotes

06-Oct-20 Trump vs. Biden, leadership edition
06-Oct-20 CNN's Fake News polling

07-Oct-20 Peterson's Pelosi problem
07-Oct-20 COVID is the top issue?
07-Oct-20 Donald Trump stumps Nancy Pelosi
07-Oct-20 Will the Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up?

08-Oct-20 Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris, old-fashioned butt-kicking edition
08-Oct-20 Democrat activists as moderators

09-Oct-20 The Swamp, aka Commission on Presidential Debates, strikes back

10-Oct-20 Democrats' Supreme Court agenda

11-Oct-20 Donald Trump's victory is in sight; we're not quite yet there, though
11-Oct-20 The Democrats' extremist problem

12-Oct-20 Joe Biden's intentional word manipulation intended to confuse

14-Oct-20 Nancy Pelosi vs. Wolf Blitzer
14-Oct-20 Barack Obama to campaign for Joe Biden

15-Oct-20 Amy Coney Barrett's 3-day Constitutional Law/civics lesson

16-Oct-20 Savannah Guthrie vs. Donald Trump

17-Oct-20 Joe Biden, Hunter Biden trapped in web of international deceit
17-Oct-20 Rural Minnesota: "Democrats left us"

18-Oct-20 Jason Lewis's Big Tech leadership
18-Oct-20 Mark Kelly's police problem
18-Oct-20 Tina Smith supports court-packing

19-Oct-20 Hunter Biden-Joe Biden Scandal keeps getting worse for Joe
19-Oct-20 Joe Biden is afraid of Hunter Biden scandal
19-Oct-20 Statistics the Biden campaign should be worried about

20-Oct-20 It's the economy, Stupid!

21-Oct-20 Why is Collin Peterson voting with Nancy Pelosi this often?
21-Oct-20 Donald Trump's, RNC's ground game vs. Joe Biden's, DNC's air war
21-Oct-20 The power of President Trump's rallies

22-Oct-20 The Hunter Biden plot thickens
22-Oct-20 Joe Biden's day of reckoning?

24-Oct-20 Joe Biden vs. Joe Biden
24-Oct-20 Marc Thiessen: Donald Trump cleaned Joe Biden's clock on racial issues
24-Oct-20 Today 's GOP Chairwoman rally report

25-Oct-20 Joe Biden's senility struggles continue; Donald Trump's momentum surges
25-Oct-20 Closing in on Amy Coney-Barrett's confirmation vote

26-Oct-20 Donald Trump, Jason Lewis have caught Joe Biden, Tina Smith, the DFL

27-Oct-20 What Joe Biden's campaign stops tell us

28-Oct-20 Obama rallies crowd (?) in Orlando
28-Oct-20 Censorship in River City
28-Oct-20 Nate Silver's prediction problems

29-Oct-20 Cook Political Report's flawed electoral map
29-Oct-20 Donald Trump's monstrous crowds

31-Oct-20 Tim Walz, Keith Ellison vs. Donald Trump

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