October 1-5, 2020

Oct 01 05:45 Exposing Joe Biden's court-packing scheme
Oct 01 16:51 Dianne Feinstein, Democrats attempt to stop Amy Coney Barrett confirmation

Oct 02 06:13 President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump test positive for COVID

Oct 03 03:52 White supremacists, Antifa/BLM and shoddy journalism
Oct 03 08:26 Cal Cunningham's political demise?

Oct 04 05:30 Early voting done right
Oct 04 10:35 Operation MAGA is unveiled

Oct 05 02:38 Amy Klobuchar is Chuck Schumer's shill
Oct 05 14:12 NBA fans voting with their TV remotes

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Exposing Joe Biden's court-packing scheme

Now that we've distanced ourselves a little from Tuesday night's food fight, it's easy to detect Joe Biden's radical agenda. To do this, think of what Biden didn't talk about. Atop Joe Biden's radical agenda is his priority to pack the Supreme Court . This isn't speculation anymore. Both Biden and running mate Kamala Harris refuse to talk about whether they'd abolish the legislative filibuster or whether they'd sign legislation expanding the court.

Tuesday night, Biden unintentionally admitted that he's planning on expanding the US Supreme Court, saying "Whatever position I take, that'll become the issue. The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote."
[Video no longer available]
Biden knows that debates were designed to help inform voters about the candidates' policy positions. By intentionally not telling people what his position is on this super-important issue, Joe Biden told the American people to drop dead, that they don't have a right to know what he'd do if elected. What's disturbing is that Kamala Harris stuck to essentially the same script:
[Video no longer available]
Biden-Harris want our votes for the highest office in the nation but they don't want to tell us whether they'd fundamentally and permanently transform the US into a European oligarchy. If you think that's hyperbole, it isn't. With unified Democrat government, the Biden-Harris administration would sign into law the dismantling of the legislative filibuster. After passing that, they'd quickly grant statehood to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. That would give Democrats 4 additional senators and 6 additional electoral votes.

America-loving voters of all political parties must vote Republican if they want to stop this tyrannical agenda. Bill Clinton's Democrat Party is gone. The leaders of this Democrat Party hate America. That's why President Trump got rid of the critical race theory training.

Posted Thursday, October 1, 2020 5:45 AM

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Dianne Feinstein, Democrats attempt to stop Amy Coney Barrett confirmation

Legal scholars from across the political spectrum have said publicly that Judge Amy Coney-Barrett is qualified to replace late Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Her qualifications aren't in question. This post on Jonathan Turley's blog goes into the Democrats' special interest groups attacks on Judge Barrett.

Apparently, Democrat senators will refrain from questioning Judge Barrett's faith, leaving that responsibility to outside special interest organizations. Professor Turley wrote, "The image was striking and unsettling with a line of women in red hoods under a Newsweek headline that read, 'How Charismatic Catholic Groups Like Amy Coney Barrett's People of Praise Inspired The Handmaid's Tale.' Writer Lauren Hough responded immediately by declaring that Barrett, a potential Supreme Court nominee, belongs to a [cult] and others labeled Barrett as some type of judicial Serena Joy, a character on the show who imposes virtual slavery on fellow women."

Democrats are pretending to take the high road by sending this letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham:

That's hogwash. The first bullet point says "The FBI's ability to thoroughly vet the nominee and her background as part of the background investigation (BI) process." They just did an FBI background check 3 years ago, meaning that the FBI wouldn't have to look at Judge Barrett's entire record. The letter to Chairman Graham says "The timeline for consideration of Judge Barrett's nomination is incompatible with the Senate's constitutional role. We again urge you to delay consideration of this nomination until after the presidential inauguration . "

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats intend to unanimously vote against Judge Barrett, meaning this is just a stalling tactic. This should be rejected forthwith.

Posted Thursday, October 1, 2020 4:51 PM

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President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump test positive for COVID

A little after midnight, President Trump took to Twitter to tell the world that he and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19:

President Trump and the First Lady will start their quarantine together immediately :

President Donald Trump has tested positive for the coronavirus, a stunning development that came hours after he confirmed one of his longest-serving aides with whom he had recently traveled also received a positive test result.

The revelation had implications for the president's health, the administration's response to the pandemic and also the Nov. 3 election, during which Trump has leaned on states to reopen and has claimed that the nation is "turning the corner" on the virus.

This will undoubtedly throw shock waves into the markets worldwide. Also, it will create confusion in Washington, DC, the various financial markets and in the presidential race. That's the negative side.

On the positive side, the White House medical staff is the best medical team in the world. He and FLOTUS couldn't find better care anywhere.

Regardless of a person's political affiliation, the right thing to do is to start praying for the First Family and the White House staff immediately. I've already started. I hope you do, too.

Posted Friday, October 2, 2020 6:13 AM

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White supremacists, Antifa/BLM and shoddy journalism

It's time the MSM got hammered for their disinterest with Antifa/BLM while insisting that white supremacists have supposedly started the riots. This Federalist article exposes the MSM's dishonesty:
Kenosha was up in flames, reduced to the same lawlessness that swept Minneapolis, Portland, Atlanta, and now this small Midwest town. Monday night in Kenosha, a day after law enforcement shot Jacob Blake, men and women stood with baseball bats and guns in front of their businesses and homes, trying to defend themselves against the extremist violence of the Black Lives Matter left. Since there weren't enough police to control the situation, officers focused on defending public buildings, such as the courthouse, while leaving citizens to fend for themselves. A woman, who said she had lived in Kenosha for more than 40 years, broke down in tears, saying her city felt like a "war zone" and she was "terrified."

The MSM has dishonestly insisted that both sides have contributed to the urban riots. That's BS. Night-after-night, Antifa waged war in Portland. Just up the coast in Seattle, BLM ran the CHOP Zone. BLM also orchestrated the Kenosha and Minneapolis riots.
According to locals and reporting, the violence was caused by out-of-state agitators. On Thursday, local and federal law enforcement officials stopped an out-of-state caravan of vehicles filled with fuel cans and illegal fireworks. 'The vehicles contained various items, including helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances,' according to police, who arrested nine people for disorderly conduct.

Democrats hate President Trump. They'll do anything to destabilize the nation. And I do mean anything . This video involves a different topic but it perfectly displays the Democrats' lack of integrity:
[Video no longer available]
Simply put, Democrats specialize in ghoulishness. They're utterly devoid of character.

Posted Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:52 AM

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Cal Cunningham's political demise?

I used to blog with Sistah Toldjah several light years ago on a blog titled California Conservative, which no longer exists. These days, ST is a full-fledged journalist writing for RedState.com and as a syndicated columnist.

ST's latest post sounds the death knell for North Carolina Democrat Senate candidate Cal Cunningham:
Late Friday evening, Cunningham admitted to sexting with a California woman while in the middle of his campaign for the U.S. Senate. While there's nothing necessarily wrong with sexting in and of itself, it's a very big problem when you're a married man with two teenage kids:
The report included pictures of the text messages, in which Cunningham and [Arlene Guzman Todd], who is also married according to the report, talked about kissing each other and more. "Would make my day to roll over and kiss you about now," said one text message from Cunningham. In one text from Guzman, she says: "I have flexibility this month - done with school, training, big RFPs, etc. So the only thing I want on my to do list is you."

The Cunningham campaign confirmed the authenticity of the text messages.

After confirming the authenticity of the text messages, Cunningham issued a statement:

This isn't helpful:

Here's hoping that this puts Thom Tillis over the top.

Posted Saturday, October 3, 2020 8:26 AM

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Early voting done right

If we're going to have early voting, which seems inevitable, we need to implement major structural changes to guarantee election integrity. Here's my list of features to this election system:

  1. Early voting can't start before the first debate.

  2. To guarantee no confusion, all mail-in ballots must be post-marked before the final Friday before the election.

  3. Limit early voting to 3 weeks total.

  4. Eliminate ballot-harvesting.

  5. Eliminate unsolicited ballot mail-out.

  6. Highlight the risks of mail ballots.

Bullet point 1 is essential to informed voting. This weekend, we learned that Democrat Senate candidate Cal Cunningham "conducted a covert sexting relationship with the wife of an Army combat veteran." How many of those voters wish that they could scrap their ballot and start over?

The next bullet point is essential, too. Society has a legitimate interest in election integrity. That's actually part of Justice John Paul Stevens majority opinion in the Crawford v. Marion County opinion, which I quoted here :
While petitioners argue that the statute was actually motivated by partisan concerns and dispute both the significance of the State's interests and the magnitude of any real threat to those interests, they do not question the legitimacy of the interests the State has identified. Each is unquestionably relevant to the State's interest in protecting the integrity and reliability of the electoral process.

Next, eliminating ballot harvesting is essential to election integrity. BTW, I expect Democrats to object to eliminating ballot harvesting. That should indicate waht their intentions are. If Democrats oppose the elimination of ballot harvesting the next time they run for election. Tulsi Gabbards explains why eliminating ballot harvesting is essential:
[Video no longer available]
This statement beautifully explains why eliminating ballot harvesting is essential.
Eliminating the unsolicited ballots mail-out will eliminate the mailing out of illegitimate ballots. I'm betting that the states have done a terrible job of keeping their states' SVRS (Statewide Voter Registration System) updated. States that fight maintaining their SVRS should have their top election official arrested. Standing in the way of election integrity isn't acceptable.

States should be required to explain the risks of mail-in ballots. Chief among them is the rejection rate due to forgetting to sign the ballot application, the application signature not matching voter registration signature or other defects.

If it's safe to go grocery shopping, then it's safe to vote in person. For those who have co-mobidities, they should have a fool-proof system that protects election integrity. Our citizens deserve nothing less. Finally, it isn't essential to have early voting last from mid-September to Election Day. If voters can't vote within a 3-week window, then it's safe to say that voting isn't a priority to them. If it isn't a priority to them, it shouldn't be a priority to society. Period. Full stop.

Posted Sunday, October 4, 2020 5:30 AM

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Operation MAGA is unveiled

This statement announces the strength of the Trump-Pence campaign. Operation MAGA shows why this year's enthusiasm gap matters. In the letter, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said "Operation MAGA will fire up the entire MAGA universe to keep President Trump's campaign at full speed until our Commander-in-Chief returns to the campaign trail. Vice President Mike Pence, the First Family, our coalitions, and our grassroots supporters will be out in full force to show the real enthusiasm behind the President's re-election and to show we're working as hard as he always does. We also encourage all of the President's supporters to pick up the banner themselves by volunteering in our grassroots Army for Trump, flying their Trump flags, putting out more yard signs, and wearing their MAGA gear proudly."

Charlie Kirk, Judge Jeanine and Leo Terrell personify the MAGA spirit perfectly in this video:

Students for Trump are knocking on doors in battleground Georgia. Leo Terrell told President Trump to call him and tell him which battleground states Mr. Terrell should campaign in. Charlie Kirk said "we are seeing unbelievable enthusiasm and crowds despite the shutdowns. Just coming up this Tuesday, we'll be right there on the heels of the vice presidential debate with another campus event. We are doing events basically every other day with Turning Point Action, our political vehicle, and I can tell you this, Judge -- Joe Biden is really struggling with younger voters. His socialist-lite, big government message is not resonating with young families that are struggling to pay their bills, with mounting health care costs, with business shutdowns. We are an entrepreneurial generation . We don't want another lockdown."

RedState's Mike Miller summarizes things perfectly , saying "Trump being Trump. Loved by supporters and loathed by Pelosi and the Left. Meanwhile, 'Operation MAGA' will do its best to continue to fill in for the boss."

He didn't forget us. That's why we've got his back while he deals with this illness. He built a great economy. Now it's time to rebuild it after China tried to destroy it.

Donald Trump is the spiritual leader of this movement but make no mistake about this -- this is a populist movement. When people realize the numbers behind this, they'll get behind the movement.

Posted Sunday, October 4, 2020 10:35 AM

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Amy Klobuchar is Chuck Schumer's shill

When Amy Klobuchar submitted to an interview with Chris Wallace, she apparently thought that Wallace would treat her like he treated Joe Biden -- with kid gloves. That assumption went down the drain quickly. Klobuchar got caught during the interview when Wallace started asking about ACB's confirmation hearings.

The key paragraph says "During the Sunday interview, Fox News host Chris Wallace noted that the Barrett hearings could be held virtually, a safety precaution Klobuchar praised Republicans for taking earlier this year." In other words, Klobuchar knows that virtual hearings are perfectly safe because she's participated in virtual committee hearings. Consider this proof positive that Sen. Klobuchar just got caught trying to delay the confirmation hearing. This didn't help Sen. Klobuchar:
"This is for the highest court in the land. Yes, we have had virtual hearings. I helped to put them together. It's important to give senators that option, but you want to be able to go back and forth with this nominee given her views on the Affordable Care Act, given that she has clearly criticized Justice Roberts : for upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, which allows people to keep their insurance when they've got preexisting conditions," Klobuchar replied. Wallace then pointed out that he and Klobuchar were conducting their interview virtually.

This interview with Klobuchar won't redeem Wallace's reputation after Wallace's debate 'performance' last Tuesday night. Elephants have long memories. Here's the entire interview:
[Video no longer available]
Amy Klobuchar is politically talented but she isn't that quick on her feet. In that respect, she's still Schumer's Shill .

Posted Monday, October 5, 2020 2:38 AM

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NBA fans voting with their TV remotes

After reading Outkick's article on the NBA Finals ratings, the only conclusion you can draw is that sports fans are voting with their TV remotes against the NBA. In fact, it might be harsh to say but it might be appropriate to rename the NBA. Let's think about renaming the league the CCPBA.

It's apparent that that's where their sympathies lie. LeBron James' loyalty lies with the Chinese Communist Party. Ditto with Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr. Ditto with San Antonio's Gregg Popovich. They don't care about the United States. But I digress. Let's return to the story at hand.

It says "The NBA took another L Friday. Game 2 of the NBA Finals between the Lakers and Heat utterly collapsed with just 4.5 million viewers. The embarrassing average is down - wait for it - 68% from last year's Game 2, which featured a team in Canada." Unfortunately for the CCPBA, it didn't stop there:
How bad is the number? It's the least-watched NBA Finals game on record. Dropping even below Game 1's 7.41, the lowest-viewed Finals opener in history.

This isn't surprising. This Lakers team features LeBron James. Miami's team doesn't really feature anyone. The CCPBA features Black Lives Matter, the pro-Marxist, anti-family organization. LeBron James should have his statements from this interview thrown back in his face:
[Video no longer available]
During that postgame interview, LeBron said "I think our game is in a beautiful position and we have fans all over the world." With ratings collapsing, it's difficult to take James' statements seriously. Then there's this:
After nearly two decades of reinventing the NBA discussion, LeBron is now a detriment to the league's brand. With misleading social statements, lying about putting human rights before his brand, bowing to China, refusing to comment on the shooting of two police officers, paying for fines so felons can vote (for Joe Biden), and craving celebrity worship - LeBron now alienates more viewers than he attracts.

King James is the angry face of the CCPBA. The CCPBA insists that they're about improving the lives for the black community. That's a total joke. Here Are The Five NBA Players Whose 2019-2020 Salaries Top LeBron James:

  1. Stephen Curry, Warriors, $40.2 million

  2. Chris Paul, Thunder, $38.5 million

  3. Russell Westbrook, Rockets, $38.1 million

  4. John Wall, Wizards, $37.8 million

  5. James Harden, Rockets, $37.8 million

  6. LeBron James, Lakers, $37.4 million.

According to this article , there are 40 players making more than $26,000,000 per year. Why aren't these millionaire players investing in African-American communities? Why aren't they establishing scholarships for HBCUs and opportunity scholarships so minority students aren't trapped in failing government schools?

Kim Klacik highlighted the fact that one-third of Baltimore's 39 public high schools contained zero students grade proficient in math. That's where the focus should be. Yes, we need police reform. That doesn't mean it's an either-or situation. Both things must be fixed ASAP. Period. Full stop.

As long as LeBron James keeps paying attention to China's Communist Party, the NBA ratings (and revenues) will continue dropping. It's their choice what to do next.

Posted Monday, October 5, 2020 2:12 PM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 06-Oct-20 06:32 PM
May the NBA go the way of the dodo bird.

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