October 10-16, 2020

Oct 10 11:02 Democrats' Supreme Court agenda

Oct 11 05:19 Donald Trump's victory is in sight; we're not quite yet there, though
Oct 11 12:53 The Democrats' extremist problem

Oct 12 23:12 Joe Biden's intentional word manipulation intended to confuse

Oct 14 05:54 Nancy Pelosi vs. Wolf Blitzer
Oct 14 19:29 Barack Obama to campaign for Joe Biden

Oct 15 09:10 Amy Coney Barrett's 3-day Constitutional Law/civics lesson

Oct 16 12:05 Savannah Guthrie vs. Donald Trump

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Democrats' Supreme Court agenda

It's time to expose the Democrats' Supreme Court agenda and its ramifications. First, it's time to stop calling it "packing the Supreme Court." That's too vague. It's better to call it expanding and politicizing the Supreme Court. Madison, Jefferson and Hamilton established an independent judiciary that was a check on the 2 political (Executive and Legislative) branches that was free of partisanship.

The importance of checks and balances can't be overemphasized. Without checks and balances, the potential for mob rule increases exponentially. The ability to ram through ill-advised, counterproductive legislation becomes relatively easy. Mob rule, supported by a partisan judiciary significantly increases the likelihood of trampling people's civil rights. Democrats have said that they'd confiscate law-abiding citizens' AR-15s and AK-47s. This summer, Democrat city councils in Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and NYC have voted to cut their cities' police department budgets. Minneapolis voted to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department, though that isn't likely to happen anymore.

Gun-grabbing Democrats, from U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kelly to megabillionaire Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, push bills that would gut the Second Amendment. Couple that with installing partisan justices on the SCOTUS and major cuts in police funding and you've got a recipe for chaotic, out-of-control societies.

Another major downside to expanding the Supreme Court with partisan activists is that Democrats wouldn't need to win major legislative victories. Democrats could just pass minor bills. Then Democrats could have one of their activists file a lawsuit and have the Supreme Court make the policy changes it couldn't win through the legislative process.

Joe Biden stepped in it during this Q & A:
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LOCAL REPORTER: But don't the voters deserve to know...interrupted
BIDEN: No, they don't des...I'm not going to play his game.

Let's just be blunt. Vice President Biden doesn't have the temperament to be commander-in-chief. Also, he isn't smart enough. He's actually had an over-sized ego. He's had over-sized positions that he isn't qualified for.

The Democrats' SCOTUS agenda would essentially gut the Constitution by eliminating the non-political branch of government, then replacing it with an unelected activist branch of government. If that sounds like a wise system of government, move to Cuba or Venezuela.

Posted Saturday, October 10, 2020 11:02 AM

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Donald Trump's victory is in sight; we're not quite yet there, though

While President Trump still has a little ways to go to lock down a victory, President Trump's re-election is definitely in sight. Despite what experts are predicting , polling is heading in President Trump's direction. A combination of horserace polls in battleground states and fundamentals show President Trump in a strong position for re-election.

This Gallup poll definitely put a smile on President Trump's face. It said "Gallup, in a survey between Sept. 14-28, found that 56% of registered voters said they were better off than they were four years ago, while just 32 percent said they were worse off. This is in spite of the coronavirus pandemic , which has also led to an economic downturn and a number of pandemic-related restrictions for businesses and schools across the country. But it suggests that voters still have a strong economy that carried through the majority of Trump's term in mind."

Vice President Biden is stuck because he's trying to thread the needle with anti-fracking AOC supporters and with pro-fracking blue collar workers. He's trying to unite 2 Democrat parties . President Trump doesn't have that difficulty. His Republican Party is united behind him like never before. They haven't left him. They're enthusiastically supporting him. That's allowing him to expand the GOP with events like this:
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The Gallup poll is significant for multiple reasons. The most important reason it's important is because it's proof that President Trump has convinced a significant majority of people that his policies are helping. Despite the MSM's best propagandist efforts, only one-third of the people think that they're worse off today than they were 4 years ago.

Vice President Biden's challenge is to convince people that President Trump's policies aren't working. If he hasn't convinced the people of that by now, it isn't likely that he'll experience a breakthrough in the next 23 days.

President Trump's re-election isn't guaranteed at this point but the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't look like the freight train, either. Presidentt Trump's army of volunteers aren't getting complacent. They're still out there each day contacting voters. That's how elections are won.

Posted Sunday, October 11, 2020 5:19 AM

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The Democrats' extremist problem

When a Michigan militia organization was arrested for planning to kidnap Michigan's Democrat governor, she dishonestly spoke out . One thing she said was "Just last week, the president of the United States stood before the American people and refused to condemn white supremacists and hate groups like these two Michigan militia groups. Stand back and stand by, he told them. ... Hate groups heard the president's words not as a rebuke but as a rallying cry, as a call to action."

At the first presidential debate, Democrat shill moderator Chris Wallace asked President Trump "are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence that we saw in a lot of these cities..." President Trump replied "sure" which prompted Vice President Biden to say "Then do it." Apparently, Wallace forgot that he'd asked Trump that question in March, 2016. At that time, Trump condemned racist organizations.
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Gov. Whitmer's diatribe, like Sen. Harris's well-rehearsed "I'm speaking" lines, would sound better if President Trump hadn't vehemently criticized the KKK, various militias, white supremacists and anti-semitic statements.

Further, Democrat co-debaters moderators should stop treating Biden with kid gloves on race. Remember this fiasco?
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Here's VP Biden at his most demeaning:
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Look at how upset Biden got when asked simple questions. His response to the interviewer was to accuse his interviewer of being a drug addict. HONEST QUESTION : Does Biden lack the temperament to be president? I think he's lacking on that. But I digress. Back to the Whitmer kidnapping article:
In one of several videos that conservative music producer Robby Starbuck located on YouTube and posted to Twitter, suspect and alleged militia member Brandon Caserta seems to be speaking negatively about the president.

"Trump is not your friend, dude," Caserta appears to say in the video. "And it amazes me that people actually believe that, when he's shown over and over and over again that he's a tyrant."

Posted Sunday, October 11, 2020 12:53 PM

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Joe Biden's intentional word manipulation intended to confuse

When Joe Biden tells reporters that he'll tell voters after the election where he stands on the issue of packing the Supreme Court, what he's really saying is that he intends to expand the Supreme Court if elected, then nominate legislative-minded justices to the Supreme Court. Democrats don't want jurists on the SCOTUS. They want legislators in black robes.

Democrats, whether they're supposedly moderates (think Christopher Coons) or far left nutjobs (think Kamala Harris), intend on gutting the US Constitution by confirming justices whose highest priority is establishing laws that Democrats couldn't get passed legislatively. With these 'jurists', it isn't about what the legislative language says. With these jurist/legislators, it's about their policy preferences. But I digress.

As for packing the courts, Biden's allies have taken to TV to lie about the definition of court packing:
Also on Fox News Sunday, Delaware Sen. Chris Coons, a close Biden ally, said the rushed way in which Republicans are trying to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court prior to the election "constitutes court-packing."

That isn't the definition of court packing. This is:
Typically, court-packing refers to expanding a court's seats, and then confirming judges for those seats.

The term was created in the 1930s when FDR wanted an obedient court. Congress rejected FDR's initiative. In 1983, then-Sen. Biden understood what court-packing was:
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Democrats are pushing the theme that Mitch McConnell isn't being straight about confirming justices to the Supreme Court. They're both right and irrelevant. Republicans are defending themselves quite nicely by saying that the Constitution gives a) the president the authority to nominate justices right through his last day in office and b) the Senate the authority to confirm judges even on the last day of their term in office. Now that that's been established, the public isn't interested in other arguments.

What people won't put up with is a secretive candidate. Joe Biden isn't being straight with the people. Biden thinks that people don't have the right to know whether he'd pack the court. I don't think that'll play well with voters. Voters prefer public servants over imperial rulers. Right now, Biden is acting like royalty. That isn't a good look for him.

Posted Monday, October 12, 2020 11:12 PM

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Nancy Pelosi vs. Wolf Blitzer

Saying that Nancy Pelosi's diatribe wasn't her finest moment is understatement. Appearing on CNN's The Situation Room, Nancy Pelosi lost her cool when Wolf Blitzer pushed her on the latest stimulus bill. During the interview, Pelosi said "What I say to you is, I don't know why you're always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position." That's rich. Calling CNN's hosts GOP "apologists" is rich.

Pelosi wasn't done, though. Next, she said "Ro Khanna, that's nice. That isn't what we're going to do. And nobody's waiting until February. I want this very much now because people need help now. But it's no use giving them a false thing just because the president wants to put a check with his name on it in the mail." Pelosi isn't interested in compromising. She's interested in saying no until she gets everything.

When she wasn't lashing out at Blitzer, she lashed out at Democrats:
Andrew Yang, he's lovely. Ro Khanna, he's lovely. They are not negotiating this situation. They have no idea of the particulars

Then there's this:
"What makes me amused, if it weren't so sad, is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at that table," Pelosi said.

What's sad is having a rich San Fransisco hardline progressive living in a gated community telling people that they're out of touch with people's suffering. It's really pathetic to see this:
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As pathetic as that was, this diatribe is exponentially worse:
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Seeing Pelosi screaming "We feed them" is kinda frightening. She was angry. Pelosi's facial expressions said everything, though I thought it was interesting for her to say that President Trump's $1.8 trillion package was "nowhere close to the good." This partial paragraph speaks volumes:
In addition to Khanna and Yang, moderate Democrats in the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus have also been vocal in recent weeks about urging leaders to reach a deal to help Americans in need because of circumstances arising from the pandemic.

The Democrats on the Problem Solvers Caucus haven't pushed any solutions. They've been spineless. Problem Solvers Caucus Democrats haven't pushed Pelosi. She's treated them like nuisances. That's what she does with members of her caucus when they speak out against her.

It's painfully obvious that Pelosi isn't interested in negotiating with anyone. She's pushed aside Mnuchin and Meadows, then the Problem Solvers Caucus, then Wolf Blitzer.

Posted Wednesday, October 14, 2020 5:54 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 16-Oct-20 10:51 AM
Pelosi has the gavel because the DCCC picks idiots like her instead of progressives who would change things.

Back a few cycles ago, Angie Craig against the high school civics teacher and coach. He got no traction, Craig got DCCC blessing, and had wealth and business orientatin and connections. That is the problem. Too many Angies. Too few high school teacher/coach "real people" in DC.

Then there is Schumer, Bustos and the consultants. The Dems need to house clean, and instead have embraced traditional Republicans to become the party of traditional Republican Rockefeller politics - the Clinton poisoning of the well developing its full potential for stagnation and service of the wealthy over common people with regular needs and hopes.

Pelosi, not a favorite of progressives, but as likely as not, Kasich loves her style.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 18-Oct-20 11:20 PM
I'll be clear about this. Bernie is a disaster waiting to happen. Pelosi is, too. It's just that Pelosi's wouldn't be as bad as Bernie's. President Trump's economic policies cut deeply into income inequality. That's a statistical fact straight from the BLS so there's no disputing it. Deal with it.

Gas prices are the lowest in 10+ years. Home heating bills are the lowest in 7+ years, too. Incomes are rising, especially for the lowest 2 income quintiles, & we're keeping more from each paycheck. Add to that that 56% of people say that they're better off now than 4 years ago. Go argue with them.

Barack Obama to campaign for Joe Biden

Barack Obama will campaign with Joe Biden in an attempt to salvage what little is left of President Obama's tattered legacy. An aide to the former president told ABC News that "President Obama plans to hit the trail soon, in addition to all the other activities he's undertaken all year in support of electing VP Biden - as he's said, we all have to do everything we can to win on November 3."

It isn't surprising that President Obama will campaign with Joe Biden. It's just that President Obama is past his sell-by date. President Obama got fewer votes in 2012 than he got in 2008. That's the only time in history that a US president got re-elected with fewer votes than for election.
Obama has participated in several fundraisers on behalf of Biden's campaign and gave a primetime speech during the Democratic National Convention in which he excoriated President Donald Trump over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and extolled Biden's leadership.

The former president has yet to travel to any of the traditional battleground states to campaign for Biden, mostly due to the greatly reduced in-person footprint the former vice president's team has stuck to amid the ongoing pandemic.

The only battleground cities where President Obama might be welcome are Detroit, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Frankly, I'm not certain that he'd be welcome in Pittsburgh. Here's why:
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Compare that with this:
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President Trump's message appealed to voters because he preached the gospel of prosperity and restoration. Entire communities are getting rebuilt in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Industries have gotten rebuilt, starting with the energy industry, followed by manufacturing. Remember this?
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I'd nickname President Obama Presidential Trash-Talker. I'd nickname President Trump Presidential Miracle Worker. Joe Biden is hoping that blue collar workers will forget the manufacturing jobs that disappeared during the Obama-Biden administration. I'm betting that won't happen. If Joe Biden isn't the recipient of divine intervention, the people will re-elect President Trump to another 4-year term in office.

Barack Obama might move the needle a little bit but he won't move it in enough states. Democrats need to find a new savior. Right now, they don't have one. They ran 30 (more-or-less) candidates for president. Sleepy Joe was the best of a terrible bunch.

Posted Wednesday, October 14, 2020 7:29 PM

Comment 1 by Rex Newman at 14-Oct-20 08:13 PM
Are the wheels coming off the Biden Bus? Obama has stiff-armed Joe all along (as would I), only now jumping in? Pelosi is biting the heads off fellow Democrats. Joe is risking a Town Hall tomorrow night, after a couple of face-palming lapses earlier this week? Kamala has made a cursory appearance at ACB hearing, otherwise disappeared. And the 'lids' keep happening, with just three weeks left. I thought Biden - Harris was a 14 point lock?

Comment 2 by eric z at 16-Oct-20 10:41 AM
Obama, so what? Two middle of the road politicians who had a partnership in the past. Obama carried on the Bush legacy, the wars, the domestic policy, Guantanamo, drone strikes, Saudi ties.

Bernie campaigning for Biden, that is a different matter. A progressive says there really is no choice, as bad as Joe's policies are - tepid is the best characterization of who he is and where he stands.

Everybody but a few dithering minds has already decided, or like me, decided and voted. Jason Lewis will lose, weighted down by Trump as if in the ocean with a giant anchor chained to his neck. And that is against Tina Smith, another of the Senate millionaires with portfolio. Tina Smith!

Graham? McConnell? Graham could lose. Schumer ran a turkey against McConnell, she took the Dem primary, and Mitch will continue in office, doing bad. But Graham could be ousted if a Blue Wave happens.

Trump and family, back to NYC or Florida, but out of DC for good and in a month, fully forgotten. It will be a Biden landslide, having absolutely nothing to do with any positive qualities Biden has - he has few to none.

Trump has been that bad. Trump will take several Republicans in the two houses of congress with him, and down ticket his disasterous times and ways will really show up.

Tina Smith. Remember that. Stauber is the one I'd like to see ousted, but it will not happen. The Dems will take MN1.

Amy Coney Barrett's 3-day Constitutional Law/civics lesson

This week, Judge Amy Coney Barrett conducted a 3-day Constitutional Law class. The excellent news is that it didn't cost the public a dime. The even better news is that it cost Democrats momentum going into the election. The best news is that it taught America the proper functions of the 3 branches of government. When each Democrat started their questioning of Judge Barrett, it often started with an inquiry into the ACA. Would she be the 5th vote that overturned the ACA? Would she strip 10,000,000 Americans with pre-existing conditions of their health care?

They were met with a force of nature nicknamed ACB. She didn't speak truth to power. She spoke truth to ignoramuses. ACB told Democrats that Madison, Jefferson and Hamilton assigned specific responsibilities to the 3 branches. ACB said that the Legislative Branch writes laws, the Executive Branch enforces laws and that the Judicial Branch interprets laws. Then ACB committed her greatest sin, saying that fixing laws was the Legislative Branch's responsibility, not the Judicial Branch's. Give Sen. Sasse an assist for teaching part of that class:
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One Democrat question after another essentially pleaded with Judge ACB to change from her evil ways. Please Judge ACB, won't you join Justices Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor in rewriting laws that we don't like? As the confirmation hearings wore on, Judge ACB stuck with her principles.

It was a beautiful thing to watch. The best part of the confirmation hearings was knowing that Americans watching the confirmation hearings were getting a world-class civics and Constitutional Law lesson. The more people learn about the Constitution's principles, the more likely it is that they'll revert back to a limited government model.

The other thing that needs to be straightened out is the 'Constitution is a living, breathing document' thing. The Constitution is a limiting document. Madison, Hamilton and Jefferson wanted the Constitution to limit government while empowering people. It's also a framework document. Laws are judged to be constitutional or unconstitutional (enforceable or unenforceable) based on the Constitution.

Laws should change through negotiation, not force. In a Senate with the filibuster removed, laws could be changed without negotiation. That's a disaster waiting to happen. The Constitution shouldn't be changed except in rare instances where a change is obvious to the entire nation.

Posted Thursday, October 15, 2020 9:10 AM

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Savannah Guthrie vs. Donald Trump

I started my political night watching Joe Biden answer softball questions from George Stephanopoulos. After hearing 5 Biden lies in the first 3+ minutes, though, I had to bail. Joe Biden is insufferable. I was DVRing both candidates' townhalls so I switched in the hopes of seeing a more entertaining debate.

Unfortunatel, I was treated to Savannah Guthrie interrogating questioning President Trump for the first 16 minutes of the NBC townhall. The bad news is that Ms. Guthrie had little respect for President Trump. The good news is that President Trump handled Guthrie's hostility with magnanimity ... to a point. One thing that President Trump was asked was to condemn white supremacy to 8,475th time. He condemned it in strong, unambiguous terms, then added that Joe Biden should be asked to condemn Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other Democrat hate organizations.

President Trump didn't raise his voice. He wasn't argumentative but it sent a clear message. Shortly thereafter, Ms. Guthrie started soliciting questions from the audience. Last night's 'townhalls' weren't legitimate townhalls. Biden's event was like a Guthy-Renker infomercial. President Trump's event was more like an interrogation. That's fine. Trump's a big boy. He handled things just fine:
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This is disgusting:
One of the questioners at the ABC-hosted event was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama White House. Osburn specifically worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration.

Here's a softball, Joe. Hit it out of the park. Sheesh. You'd think that these activists/DNC operatives would learn that they don't get away with this. The Democrats' heavyhanded tactics will cost Democrats this election. When the dust settles, the MSM will have helped Republicans strip Pelosi of her speaker's gavel. Republicans will enlarge their Senate majority and give President Trump another 4 years in office.

The people have had enough. The backlash is building. The Democrats' tactics will have failed. Democrats have ignored Main Street. Democrats are now the Party of Silicon Valley and Wall Street, the Party of Antifa and BLM.

Posted Friday, October 16, 2020 12:05 PM

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