February 2020 Posts

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01-Feb-20 President Trump's impeachment, Jason Lewis vs. Tina Smith edition
01-Feb-20 NBC's stunning admission
01-Feb-20 The upcoming campaigns

02-Feb-20 Time for Republicans to go on offense on Ukraine interference
02-Feb-20 Bloomberg's domestic agenda
02-Feb-20 What's behind the unpublished CNN/Des Moines Register Poll?

03-Feb-20 Disgusting anti-democracy Democrats
03-Feb-20 What to expect from Trump's SOTU

04-Feb-20 Iowa Democrats' disaster
04-Feb-20 Finally, some results from Iowa

05-Feb-20 Despite Pelosi's petulance, Trump commands the chamber
05-Feb-20 Extending Sen. Bakk an invitation
05-Feb-20 Mitt joins Pelosi in hating Trump

06-Feb-20 Gallup Poll highlights Trump's winning economic message
06-Feb-20 Iowa's underreported stories

07-Feb-20 The Democrats' legislative history
07-Feb-20 Great decision, St. Cloud State
07-Feb-20 Too stupid by three-fourths
07-Feb-20 More jobs, excellent wage growth
07-Feb-20 David Axelrod isn't serious

08-Feb-20 This week's winners & losers

09-Feb-20 Is Buttigieg corrupt? Or is he elitist? Or is Buttigieg both?
09-Feb-20 Impeachment & the Declaration of Independence fit together
09-Feb-20 Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats' lightning rod
09-Feb-20 Vindman brothers reassigned

10-Feb-20 Ember's meltdown moment
10-Feb-20 Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff defend Lt. Col. Vindman
10-Feb-20 The Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton & Donald Trump impeachments
10-Feb-20 The Democrats' next conspiracy

11-Feb-20 Firing Nancy Pelosi is essential
11-Feb-20 Democrats don't run things
11-Feb-20 Michael Bloomberg, racist?

12-Feb-20 What is Adam Schiff hiding?
12-Feb-20 The Intercept vs. Mike Bloomberg

13-Feb-20 All investigations, all the time
13-Feb-20 Roger Stone shoe-on-the-other-foot thought exercise
13-Feb-20 Bernie's bad news

14-Feb-20 DNC, Perez untethered by rules
14-Feb-20 Impeachment lessons learned, SC Times edition
14-Feb-20 John Kelly's major mistake
14-Feb-20 Is Collin Peterson retiring?
14-Feb-20 Adam Schiff's latest scandal

15-Feb-20 Amy Klobuchar's economic policies
15-Feb-20 Why won't Adam Schiff's Democrats investigate FISA abuse?
15-Feb-20 Are the dynamics of the 2020 presidential election changing?

16-Feb-20 Obama DOJ's missing integrity
16-Feb-20 Spring is officially here
16-Feb-20 Indicting Juror 1261 (Tomeka Hart)
16-Feb-20 California's democratic tyranny
16-Feb-20 Bloomberg's economic policies would kill Trump's economy
16-Feb-20 Are Democrats taking the fun out of dysfunctional?

17-Feb-20 Democrats' race to the bottom
17-Feb-20 President Trump's race to the top
17-Feb-20 Barr vs. Deep State prosecutors

18-Feb-20 Greetings from the Swamp, aka Protect Democracy
18-Feb-20 SF Giants, Aubrey Huff & Larry Baer
18-Feb-20 Overturning Conventional Wisdom

19-Feb-20 Why Barr frightens Deep State
19-Feb-20 Bernie Sanders, Mijente join forces
19-Feb-20 Agnes Gibboney for Congress

20-Feb-20 Bloomberg's bust, Trump's triumph
20-Feb-20 Bloomberg's evasiveness

21-Feb-20 Sen. Klobuchar writing off Nevada
21-Feb-20 Larry Jacobs' prove it point

22-Feb-20 The Democrats' Trump problem
22-Feb-20 House Democrats' credibility crisis
22-Feb-20 Radically transforming America vs. Making America Great Again
22-Feb-20 Deep State, NY Times vs. Rick Grenell, Devin Nunes
22-Feb-20 Bernie trounces Biden, Klobuchar finishes better than expected

23-Feb-20 Buttigieg's concession speech?
23-Feb-20 Warren, Biden, Buttigieg & Klobuchar
23-Feb-20 Russia Collusion, The Sequel
23-Feb-20 Is Adam Schiff a Russian agent?
23-Feb-20 Klobuchar's presidential campaign

24-Feb-20 Back in the USSA?
24-Feb-20 Adam Schiff, Jane Harman, Democrats, birds of a feather

25-Feb-20 Shelby Pierson's bombshell briefing
25-Feb-20 Bernie pays for his programs by killing economy
25-Feb-20 Are House Democrats working with the Intelligence Community? Yes

26-Feb-20 All the news that's fit to be ignored
26-Feb-20 Food fight night at Bernie's
26-Feb-20 Is Collin Peterson retiring?
26-Feb-20 Donald Trump vs. Democrat candidates, Coronavirus edition

27-Feb-20 Sen. Schumer, Pelosi weaponize Coronavirus for political gain
27-Feb-20 Mitch McConnell vs. Crying Chuckie, Coronavirus edition
27-Feb-20 The moderate Democrats myth

28-Feb-20 Trump shut down flights, borders, Pelosi, Schumer played politics
28-Feb-20 It's Bernie's nomination; What's next?

29-Feb-20 Getting serious about the coronavirus
29-Feb-20 The Bloomberg choke

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