September 2012 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

01-Sep-12 Mr. Samuelson, let's settle this

03-Sep-12 Obama's problem

04-Sep-12 King Banaian's influential first term

03-Sep-12 Ben LaBolt's bold lies

04-Sep-12 Democrats' platform filled with misinformation

08-Sep-12 Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin in play

04-Sep-12 Cravaack fights EPA regulatory abuse

05-Sep-12 LaBolt lies, Cutter swears to it

06-Sep-12 Virginia newspaper criticizes Franken, Klobuchar, praises Chip
06-Sep-12 Slick Willlie returns
06-Sep-12 Iron Range mayors, city council upset with EPA, PUC

07-Sep-12 Jennifer Granholm's 'Howard Dean moment'
07-Sep-12 96,000

08-Sep-12 Joe Biden: Reporting from Mars?

09-Sep-12 'Real unemployment' is reason why America is hurting

10-Sep-12 DFL spinmeister: 368,000 people quit looking for work is moving forward

11-Sep-12 Keith Downey exposes Photo ID myths
11-Sep-12 Rep. Kiffmeyer criticizes Secretary Ritchie's "scare tactics"

12-Sep-12 Standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel?
12-Sep-12 The teachers' monopoly vs. parents and students

13-Sep-12 Kurt Bills closes gap with Sen. Klobuchar
13-Sep-12 Minnesota DFL delegation vote against Cravaack-Ruckavina school funding legislation
13-Sep-12 Obama's shoot from the hip moment
13-Sep-12 Terrorism then & now, Journalism then & now

14-Sep-12 Is Middle East President Obama's Waterloo?
14-Sep-12 Photo ID opponents tout flawed cost report

15-Sep-12 Kirsten Powers: the only intellectually honest liberal journalist

16-Sep-12 Questioning "The Question" ad
16-Sep-12 McCarter thinks high marginal tax rates are "marketing problem"
16-Sep-12 Susan Rice: Benghazi was spontaneous act

17-Sep-12 Exposing Nolan's mining institute
17-Sep-12 Bachmann rips Obama for Letterman interview

19-Sep-12 WCCO cancels House Majority PAC ad buy
19-Sep-12 Regional airport authority talks
19-Sep-12 Being politically correct vs. getting things right
19-Sep-12 Obama recovery hurting people
19-Sep-12 Mitt's messaging is improving
19-Sep-12 Is Gov. Dayton serving all of Minnesota?

20-Sep-12 Jim Graves plays on Verso workers' frustrations
20-Sep-12 Memo to Romney Campaign
20-Sep-12 Israel's best friend?
20-Sep-12 What Mitt should learn from GWB

21-Sep-12 The LWV turns to censorship at Duluth debate
21-Sep-12 Nolan will fight for mining jobs? Who knew?
21-Sep-12 Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? (Biden edition)

22-Sep-12 America: the paper tiger, Act II
22-Sep-12 DFL mayor, county commissioner, endorse Chip

24-Sep-12 DFL pundits attack Romney's 47% comment, Westover sits idly by

23-Sep-12 Graves' mistake

24-Sep-12 Vikings upset 49ers
24-Sep-12 Will fossilized media report this?
24-Sep-12 Ritchie's lies hit despicable low

25-Sep-12 Polling follies

26-Sep-12 Barney Frank is coming to town (Did Christmas come early for Michele?)

25-Sep-12 The lockout stops here
25-Sep-12 Mined in America highlights need for cheap energy

26-Sep-12 Dayton's hatchetman spreading fear on Photo ID

27-Sep-12 What type of America do we want to live in?

26-Sep-12 Is the NFLRA strike over?
26-Sep-12 Win the blue collar vote, win the election

27-Sep-12 CEOs see gloomy Q3 GDP, rocky future

30-Sep-12 Bloomington City Attorney waging anti-First Amendent fight
30-Sep-12 Chip Cravaack, Tom Rukavina, the strange bedfellows edition

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