July 2012 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

04-Jul-12 Our Lives, our Fortunes, our Sacred Honor

01-Jul-12 Obama's enemies list
01-Jul-12 Americans for real health care reform
01-Jul-12 Propagandist-in-training buys DFL propaganda

02-Jul-12 Minnesota's changing politics?
02-Jul-12 Seeing the big picture on the ACA

03-Jul-12 An open letter to Keith Ellison
03-Jul-12 Riding the storm out

05-Jul-12 King Banaian vs. Paul Thissen
05-Jul-12 NEA gives Gov. Dayton meaningless award

06-Jul-12 Gov. Dayton, Sen. Bakk Rep. Thissen hide from government shutdown truths
06-Jul-12 Another pathetic jobs report
06-Jul-12 Klobuchar, Obama: Economic failures
06-Jul-12 God bless progressive idiots

07-Jul-12 The changing Midwest

08-Jul-12 Bringing in the pros
08-Jul-12 Debunking the SC Times' ACA myths

09-Jul-12 Astroturf ankle-biters annoying Chip
09-Jul-12 Economic fairness vs. lasting prosperity

10-Jul-12 Entenza: DFL "has a great story to tell"

11-Jul-12 Who abducted the 'nonpartisan Mark Ritchie'?
11-Jul-12 Obama approval drops into danger zone
11-Jul-12 Hann to Gov. Dayton: No health exchange vote before election

12-Jul-12 Chip Cravaack conference call notes
12-Jul-12 Cut taxes, then repeal Obama administration regulations

13-Jul-12 Hilary Shelton: The ugly face of NAACP bigotry
13-Jul-12 How slow can they go?
13-Jul-12 Mindeman strikes (out) again
13-Jul-12 Obama campaign and the Chicago Way

15-Jul-12 The DFL no more, Part II

14-Jul-12 Obama's nightmare scenario

15-Jul-12 Obama campaign is all distractions
15-Jul-12 Scott Walker for VP?

16-Jul-12 ABM's "better options"
16-Jul-12 Is President Obama's EPA killing Ohio?

17-Jul-12 Unions carry DFL's water on Photo ID
17-Jul-12 EPA: killing jobs is their specialty

18-Jul-12 Mark Ritchie must go
18-Jul-12 DCCC's jump-the-shark-moment

19-Jul-12 Rick Nolan, loose cannon
19-Jul-12 President Obama plummets in CBS/NYTimes poll
19-Jul-12 Bringing clarity to priorities

20-Jul-12 Mitt's resurgence is President Obama's nightmare
20-Jul-12 Jeff Anderson continues mining offensive against Clark, Nolan
20-Jul-12 No margin for compromise
20-Jul-12 ABL lying to protect Do-Nothing DFL legislators

21-Jul-12 Exposing Brian Ross's hatchet job
21-Jul-12 Examiner update

22-Jul-12 McCarthy, Michele Bachmann vs. McCain, Muslim Brotherhood
22-Jul-12 Censorship only a fascist could appreciate
22-Jul-12 Jim Graves attacks Michele Bachmann
22-Jul-12 Romney Democrats?

24-Jul-12 Thoughtful Minnesotans, Chip Cravaack vs. Environmentalists

23-Jul-12 SurveyUSA poll: Minnesota is battleground state
23-Jul-12 Clinton messaging vs. Obama messaging
23-Jul-12 Obamanomics: truly historic?
23-Jul-12 Is Bill Nelson finished in Florida?

24-Jul-12 These pinheads don't get it
24-Jul-12 Top-10 failures of the DFL legislature
24-Jul-12 Top-10 success stories of GOP legislature
24-Jul-12 That's what recoveries look like?
24-Jul-12 Trouble in Panderdise?
24-Jul-12 More bad news for Team Obama
24-Jul-12 White House amateur hour

25-Jul-12 Zellers endorses Pugh in GOP primary
25-Jul-12 To Rep. Thissen
25-Jul-12 Unlocking Shale: what's truth, what's fiction?
25-Jul-12 Priorities USA ad bombs
25-Jul-12 Team Romney, election integrity and voter registration fraud

26-Jul-12 Is Chip Cravaack's seat safe?
26-Jul-12 Page Gardner's obfuscation
26-Jul-12 July Bleg
26-Jul-12 What is Tarryl Clark fighting for?

27-Jul-12 DHS to Border Patrol: Release violent criminals
27-Jul-12 Potter's puff piece

28-Jul-12 Will MnSCU trustee nominees repesent status quo?

29-Jul-12 Higher Ed: Great value or great rip-off?

30-Jul-12 McGrath vs. McGrath: the bloodbath
30-Jul-12 Bachmann's facts vs. St. Cloud Times' bias
30-Jul-12 What has President Obama done for businesses?

31-Jul-12 Gingrich Defends Bachmann, National Security Five
31-Jul-12 Fighting the Photo ID battle in Minnesota and beyond
31-Jul-12 The indictment against Obamanomics

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