January 2012 Posts

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

02-Jan-12 2011: A look back

03-Jan-12 Paranoid progressives criticize things they know nothing about
03-Jan-12 Who indeed?

04-Jan-12 It's Official: Michele drops presidential bid
04-Jan-12 Union-Leader blasts Romney, calls him timid
04-Jan-12 President Obama ignores Constitution, sets up Constitutional Crisis

05-Jan-12 What a difference a day makes
05-Jan-12 What's in a word (conservative)?

08-Jan-12 Debate Wrap-up: Santorum solid, Newt is back, Mitt dodges tax questions
08-Jan-12 Newt is alive & kicking (That's understatement)
08-Jan-12 Thomas Sowell's Perspective
08-Jan-12 Mitt gored by reality

09-Jan-12 McClung demolishes Cathie Hartnett
09-Jan-12 Cravaack criticizes Obama's "draconian" military cuts
09-Jan-12 League of Women Voters, MN to host Photo ID protest
09-Jan-12 Smoking guns, Photo ID, voter fraud and corrupt organizations

10-Jan-12 Democrats' anti-Photo ID campaign is nationwide effort

11-Jan-12 League of Women Voters-MN's Democracy for all? 'documentary' is filled with progressive myths, accusations
11-Jan-12 Overeducated, Underemployed
11-Jan-12 To: the Mitt Walks On Water Brigade

12-Jan-12 Will 'King of Bain' kill Mitt's momentum?

13-Jan-12 Child care providers win another victory
13-Jan-12 League of Women Voters-Minnesota Photo ID forum was propaganda, not education

20-Jan-12 Newt takes Sen. Santorum to proverbial woodshed

16-Jan-12 DCCC's dishonest attacks against Chip Cravaack are predictable

14-Jan-12 Restoring Excellence in Education liveblog

15-Jan-12 Still Waiting for Mitt's answer

16-Jan-12 Restoring Excellence in Education summary, K-12 edition

17-Jan-12 Vin the Lobbyist cautions patriotic TEA Party activists
17-Jan-12 Newt's Night
17-Jan-12 Is the Romney campaign wimping out?

18-Jan-12 Gov. Dayton, Photo ID and the Constitution
18-Jan-12 'Stable Mitt' vs. 'Unreliable Newt'
18-Jan-12 Molinari's, Talent's 10-minute hit job
18-Jan-12 Mitt denies tax policies create jobs

19-Jan-12 Minnesota Majority report an indictment against Minnesota's election integrity
19-Jan-12 Ron Paul's Logic
19-Jan-12 Newt thrives despite Mitt's hatchet job efforts
19-Jan-12 Potential Game-Changer: Perry dropping out this am

20-Jan-12 ABC, CNN, crawl into bed with National Enquirer
20-Jan-12 Child Care small businesses file federal lawsuit
20-Jan-12 Mitt's biggest policy blunder
20-Jan-12 Gingrich, Reagan re-united

21-Jan-12 Hinderaker's puzzling statements
21-Jan-12 Mitt's campaign morphs into Juveniles R Us
21-Jan-12 Predictably, Mitt agrees to Florida debates
21-Jan-12 WOW!!! That was quick

22-Jan-12 South Carolina exposes Mitt's weaknesses
22-Jan-12 Jennifer Rubin: unhinged
22-Jan-12 The domination is apparent
22-Jan-12 Mitt vs. Reality
22-Jan-12 Joe Paterno, RIP
22-Jan-12 The GOP Establishment's Fearmongering
22-Jan-12 TEA Party revivalism vs. Establishmentarian Status Quo

23-Jan-12 Romney smear campaign reappears
23-Jan-12 Perhaps Newt should send Steyn a thank you note?
23-Jan-12 Capitalism is outdated?
23-Jan-12 Newt news

24-Jan-12 MNGOP majorities will press important reforms
24-Jan-12 Mitt's conservatism problem
24-Jan-12 Newt News 1/24/12
24-Jan-12 Newt disgraced? Not according to this

25-Jan-12 DC GOP Establishment bitter at Newt's success
25-Jan-12 Newt News 1.25.12
25-Jan-12 Reaction to President Obama's SOTU Address
25-Jan-12 Michele's back!!!
25-Jan-12 Florida's crowds painting the picture
25-Jan-12 Alinsky/Obama vs. Gingrich: what this campaign is really about
25-Jan-12 If Chris Christie and Ann Coulter are Mitt's best, he's in trouble

26-Jan-12 Pelosi contracts Joe Wilson Disease
26-Jan-12 Newt News 1.26.12
26-Jan-12 Sanitizing a Satanic Savior
26-Jan-12 Romney's chanting points exposed
26-Jan-12 Conservatism's big guns now trained on Mitt
26-Jan-12 Tonight's Debate: No real winner

27-Jan-12 Chip Cravaack: Getting mining going again
27-Jan-12 Newt News 1.27.12
27-Jan-12 Mark Levin exposes Mitt Romney's vile campaign tactics
27-Jan-12 Bob Dole's recitation of Romney Chanting Points nearly perfect
27-Jan-12 We've turned the corner?
27-Jan-12 RNC, Mitt, won't know what hit them

28-Jan-12 John McCain: Military hero, political failure
28-Jan-12 Newt News 1.28.12
28-Jan-12 Is this what we want from our presidential candidate?
28-Jan-12 If this is right, Mitt's in trouble
28-Jan-12 Mitt will lose Florida

29-Jan-12 Cain endorses Newt
29-Jan-12 Newt News 1.29.12
29-Jan-12 Is Jennifer Rubin this year's Hugh Hewitt?
29-Jan-12 Team Romney hack redistricting Alan West out of Congress

30-Jan-12 Mitt exposed: I'll cut defense spending to pay for Obamacare
30-Jan-12 EXCLUSIVE: Bruce Hentges' plagiarism exposed
30-Jan-12 Newt News 1.30.12
30-Jan-12 Intellectual heft, integrity missing from Romney's attacks

31-Jan-12 Why do Hugh Hewitt, Ann Coulter and Jennifer Rubin support an Alinsky progressive?
31-Jan-12 Senate says no to Gov. Dayton's anti-energy PUC Commissioner

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