May 2012 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

01-May-12 Tarryl's spin, Chip's solutions
01-May-12 Anti-Walker activists facing Everest-sized hill
01-May-12 Daily Kos polling brings ominous recall news for Dems
01-May-12 Storm-blogging
01-May-12 Deconstructing Kathleen Sebelius' testimony

02-May-12 Christie, Walker together at last
02-May-12 Where will the pilots come from?
02-May-12 NFLPA, Woodley react to Vilma's suspension

03-May-12 Are Wisconsin Democrats kidding themselves?
03-May-12 More on the Saints Cripple-For-Pay Scandal

04-May-12 Michele endorses Mitt in Virginia speech
04-May-12 Gov. Dayton sides with unions...again
04-May-12 Economy adds 115,000 jobs, 522,000 leave workforce

05-May-12 Spoken like a socialist
05-May-12 Why?
05-May-12 Spoken like a true socialist, Part II

06-May-12 Buy this guy a dictionary
06-May-12 Supply & Demand matters
06-May-12 President Obama's failure by the numbers
06-May-12 Introducing the Spinmeister-in-Chief

08-May-12 Is Pat Anderson that indespensible?

07-May-12 Trumka supports building Keystone XL Pipeline

08-May-12 Three blind mice (Bakk, Thissen & Winkler) won't find jobs in tax bill
08-May-12 House passes Vikings stadium bill

09-May-12 Paul Thissen, House Minority Spin Leader
09-May-12 Interesting turnout figures from Wisconsin

11-May-12 Session highs and lows
11-May-12 A Romney landslide?
11-May-12 A Better Legislature: Already misleading Minnesota

12-May-12 Walker's divide & conquer strategy?
12-May-12 More bad news for Sherrod Brown, President Obama
12-May-12 Another bad polling day for President Obama

13-May-12 Will California ever see a surplus again?
13-May-12 This year's swing voter

14-May-12 Who's the extremist: Paul Begala or the TEA Party?
14-May-12 Militant environmentalists use EAJA to undermine private property rights
14-May-12 Will Dayton child care EO end unionization of child care small businesses?
14-May-12 Do-Nothing Legislature? Pi-Press doesn't think so
14-May-12 RP announces he won't contest Romney nomination

15-May-12 Gov. Dayton vetoes another jobs bill
15-May-12 Another poll with Romney leading President Obama
15-May-12 Highlighting President Obama's crisis

16-May-12 LFR EXCLUSIVE: Mark Ritchie in his own words on Photo ID
16-May-12 Protestors storm Obama campaign HQ
16-May-12 Rosenstone statement vs. SCSU reality

17-May-12 Which Minnesota do the people want?
17-May-12 Thugs strike again in Wisconsin
17-May-12 Gov. Dayton, what about the miners?
17-May-12 Obama-Mitt fundraising match sounds like a referendum to me
17-May-12 Paulers for Pat Anderson

18-May-12 MEDIA ALERT: Live coverage of the Republicans' State Convention
18-May-12 Liveblogging the RPM State Convention
18-May-12 Ron Paul delegates defeated
18-May-12 Obama: we've turned the corner; American People: no we haven't
18-May-12 Bills wins MNGOP endorsement, will challenge Sen. Klobuchar

19-May-12 Reporting from the scene of the crime, Day II
19-May-12 Chip Cravaack interview
19-May-12 Minnesota State Central Committee Liveblogging

21-May-12 Is Ohio trouble for President Obama?

20-May-12 DFL appeals to the Stupid Vote

21-May-12 Chip clobbers DFL with hard truths at MNGOP Convention

22-May-12 LFR Exclusive: ISD742 education meeting turns into DFL campaign rally
22-May-12 'Education event' was a DFL ambush

23-May-12 OurFutureMN latest in DFL propaganda organizations
23-May-12 You can't beat something with nothing...but you can give him a helluva scare

24-May-12 Dayton, Ritchie, will pretend they like Iron Rangers, miners
24-May-12 Voters expressing their frustration with President Obama
24-May-12 Protests, Polling & Primaries: Obama's worst nightmare

25-May-12 Let's work something out, K-12 education edition
25-May-12 Cravaack legislation aimed at preventing job-killing regulations
25-May-12 Brownstein nails it
25-May-12 Dayton complains about slush fund he signed into law

26-May-12 Unity, DFL style

27-May-12 Gov. Dayton, ex-wife, DFL conspiring against miners

28-May-12 AFSCME, WEA, fights for right to rip off taxpayers

29-May-12 Newt torches Obama on MTP
29-May-12 Obama's North Carolina advantage?
29-May-12 Verso press conference update
29-May-12 Are you better off than before the stimulus?

30-May-12 Obama campaign hits back on Solyndra
30-May-12 Tarryl Trapped in Blue Green Alliance Scandal
30-May-12 Obama chases Democrats into the GOP, Part I
30-May-12 President Obama chasing Democrats into the GOP, Part II

31-May-12 Marquette Poll shows Walker lead holding steady
31-May-12 ACLU opposes election integrity, Photo ID

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