June 2019 Posts
Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Prior Years:
02-Jun-19 Independence principles, impeachment talk
02-Jun-19 Tim Ryan, king of BS?
03-Jun-19 Mueller, political hack?
03-Jun-19 Alarming post-session review
03-Jun-19 What isn't being said
04-Jun-19 Exposing Mueller's fraud
05-Jun-19 Katyal's Mueller spin sickening
06-Jun-19 President Trump's rocky road to 270?
06-Jun-19 Speaker Pelosi's cowardice
06-Jun-19 The Democrats' border crisis
07-Jun-19 The Democrats' border crisis, Part II
08-Jun-19 Agreement reached & signed
09-Jun-19 Democrats' look in the mirror moment
09-Jun-19 Sen. Schumer's tweeting 'history'
09-Jun-19 Ms. Pelosi's hissy fit is unbecoming
10-Jun-19 Apocali Now vs. Democrat elitists
10-Jun-19 America's weakening foundation
11-Jun-19 Do-Nothing Democrats
11-Jun-19 Sam Donaldson & the enemy of the people
12-Jun-19 The Beltway's fiction
12-Jun-19 Schiff's "grotesque spectacle"
13-Jun-19 Is Joe Manchin leaving?
13-Jun-19 John Dean hates Republicans
14-Jun-19 What are Nancy Pelosi's SF values?
14-Jun-19 Eric Swalwell's hit piece
14-Jun-19 The DFL's accountability crisis
15-Jun-19 It's the accomplishments, Stupid
16-Jun-19 The Swamp visits Minnesota
16-Jun-19 Twins win after retiring Joe Mauer's jersey
16-Jun-19 What if you held a rally & people didn't attend?
16-Jun-19 The definition of compassion
17-Jun-19 Illegal immigration, the health epidemic & LA
17-Jun-19 The Stephanopoulos interview
17-Jun-19 The border epidemic, Part II
18-Jun-19 Biden's "Green New Deal"
18-Jun-19 Reuters hit piece vs. President Trump
19-Jun-19 Joe Biden, Jeb! comparison
19-Jun-19 Trump's best speech ever
19-Jun-19 Trump's populist movement
19-Jun-19 Biden latest unforced error
19-Jun-19 Joe Biden's extreme distortions
19-Jun-19 The AP's bias disaster
21-Jun-19 Ilhan Omar's dictionary is missing
21-Jun-19 Bernie, Warren vs. Newt Gingrich
21-Jun-19 Rosenstein's 2nd scope memo
21-Jun-19 Weissman's worries multiply
22-Jun-19 Let's criminalize doxxing
22-Jun-19 Idiots, not cowards, are holding St. Cloud back
22-Jun-19 Tucker's blinding stupidity
22-Jun-19 Democrats' negativity crisis
22-Jun-19 John Palmer vs. the NY Times
23-Jun-19 Buttigieg's #BlackLivesMatter crisis
23-Jun-19 Northstar puff piece
23-Jun-19 Pelosi's do-nothing Democrats
23-Jun-19 Kim Foxx's Chicago Way
24-Jun-19 The #WalkawayCampaign
24-Jun-19 Sanders' insanity?
24-Jun-19 What Trump's allies get wrong
24-Jun-19 We aren't a nation of laws, Mr. Biden
24-Jun-19 #TheHeartlessBastardsClub
25-Jun-19 Rep. Omar's complicated life
25-Jun-19 Pelosi's immigration despotism
25-Jun-19 Democrats protect criminals
26-Jun-19 Mueller agrees to testify
27-Jun-19 When House Republicans save the day
27-Jun-19 Pelosi's hypocrisy runneth over
27-Jun-19 Pelosi's immigration pickle
27-Jun-19 Hawley, Rubio ridicule Democrats
28-Jun-19 Democrat border security then and now
28-Jun-19 Morning Joe's woes grow
28-Jun-19 Progressive illogic's extremism
28-Jun-19 Liberal legal stupidity
29-Jun-19 Ending Sen. Harris's bounce?
30-Jun-19 Higher Education accountability
30-Jun-19 Trouble in Paradise?