June 17-18, 2019

Jun 17 02:44 Illegal immigration, the health epidemic & LA
Jun 17 13:25 The Stephanopoulos interview
Jun 17 14:10 The border epidemic, Part II

Jun 18 08:19 Biden's "Green New Deal"
Jun 18 10:37 Reuters hit piece vs. President Trump

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Illegal immigration, the health epidemic & LA

For a couple of months, Democrats have admitted that there's a humanitarian crisis that's related to illegal immigration. I won't dispute that but it's far more than that. During an interview with Brian Kilmeade, Dr. Drew Pinsky highlighted what's happening in California. Specifically, he highlighted what's happening in the homeless districts in LA.

During Kilmeade's program, Dr. Pinsky made this dire prediction:

"I want to give you a prediction here. There will be a major infectious disease epidemic this summer in Los Angeles," he said. "We have tens and tens of thousands of people living in tents. Horrible conditions. Sanitation. Rats have taken over the city," he told Kilmeade. "We're the only city in the country, Los Angeles, without a rodent control program. We have multiple rodent-borne, flea-borne illnesses, plague, typhus. We're gonna have louse-borne illness. If measles breaks into that population, we have tuberculosis exploding."

This is how LA dealt with this potential epidemic:

Despite efforts last October by Los Angeles officials to clean up the trash which had led to several cases of flea-borne typhus, garbage has accumulated again. The trash heaps attract rats and other rodents which can carry the diseased fleas, potentially infecting humans who come in contact with them.

The past 2 weeks, local news stations have reported the increase in reported cases of tuberculosis:

Los Angeles has a growing problem with diseases borne by both flea and feces. An LAPD officer was just diagnosed with typhoid fever along with two more from the same workplace displaying symptoms. Meanwhile, cases of typhus, caused by a different bacterium, have soared in California from 13 in 2008 to 167 in 2018. In addition, there have been outbreaks of hepatitis A, tuberculosis, and staph in L.A. and other West Coast cities.

Why is this happening - and will [it] spread to other cities? The city of Los Angeles itself links the disease outbreaks to the area's growing homelessness problem.

Since this article was written, Dr. Drew Pinsky was interviewed by Laura Ingraham. Here's what Dr. Pinsky said:
[Video no longer available]
Across the nation, previously unscreened people from other parts of the planet are being diagnosed with tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. This isn't just a humanitarian crisis, as Democrats insist. It's a medical crisis and a national security crisis, too. Anyone that thinks that shipping illegal aliens that carry these diseases to other communities is inviting a crisis.

In fact, this nation is on the verge of multiple crises. One crisis that must be fixed , not contained, is the health epidemic that's being triggered by the homeless crisis. As explained earlier, the epidemic is the result of "rodent-borne, flea-borne illnesses" like plague and typhus.

Another crisis is the health crisis that has a higher-than-likely chance of spreading nationwide, thanks in large part to illegal immigration. This article should get everyone's attention. Here's why:

With the southern border being overwhelmed with 100,000 people a month being apprehended attempting to enter illegally, there is no ability to enforce any sort of massive health check. The border patrol does its best to notice who may be showing symptoms of illness, but there's nothing to be done about those who are unaware they're ill with no obvious indications of sickness.

As of May 31, we have 981 cases of measles in 26 states. For a disease we thought eradicated, we are now on track to surpass 1,000 this week, eclipsing the previous record in 1994, which reported 963 for the entire year.

Speaker Pelosi and other House Democrats put us all in danger if they don't start taking illegal immigration seriously. Last fall, House Democrats insisted that this was a "manufactured crisis." Now that that's been discredited, it's time to take action to prevent a major health epidemic.

I'm tired of hearing Democrats ignore crises while they investigate myths about presidential collusion. Instead of investigating hoaxes, Democrats should take action to save people's lives.

Posted Monday, June 17, 2019 2:44 AM

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The Stephanopoulos interview

It's amazing how stupid the media can act when they're defending Democrats. And I'm not talking about how it's ok for the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for unverified dirt on President Trump but it's treason if President Trump contemplates what he'd do if a foreign government offered him dirt on his opponent in 2020. What I'm talking about is missing the real comparison from the interview.

There's Donald Trump being interviewed and he's answering all of Stephanopoulos's questions. I'll stipulate that his supporters probably didn't want him to answer all of those questions but that's President Trump. Let's be honest about this. There's tons of proof that President Trump is the most transparent president in recent history. (I don't think it's that close, in fact.)

President Trump holds multiple press availabilities each week. It's routine that he doesn't make an opening statement but then answers questions for 30-45 minutes. He's let the media videotape lengthy portions of his cabinet meetings. He's let reporters ask questions during those cabinet meetings, too. It's a historical fact that no other president has done this that often since TV was created.

The important lesson to take from this, in my opinion, is that President Trump is the opposite of President Obama in terms of transparency. President Obama used executive privilege to hide what actually happened during Operation Fast and Furious. We might never know what Eric Holder did in getting guns into the hands of the drug cartels. It's doubtful that we'll find out what led to the assassination of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry.

Seemingly each week, Judicial Watch announces that it's won another FOIA lawsuit against the Obama administration. The fact that the Obama administration would try hiding that many things from citizens that they own is instructive in terms of the Obama administration's penchant for secrecy.

That fits with the Obama administration's weaponization of the IRS, the ATF, the FBI and the CIA. After weaponizing the government, it's only logical that Democrats would attempt to hide the Democrats' weaponization of government. Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch and one of the most frightening people to Democrats in the nation, sums the Democrats' strategy perfectly in this video:
[Video no longer available]
It's too late to 'save' the MSM. They're hopeless, utterly hopeless. We need a 21st Century revival of the Pamphleteers. What the Democrats are missing are legitimate patriots. You can't find them in today's Democrat Party. They're certainly missing in the Media Wing of the Democrat Party.

Further, the media insists on running every quote from Democrats saying that Bill Barr is acting like President Trump's defense attorney. Oh please. Why don't they talk about this :

"I'm still enjoying what I'm doing, there's still work to be done. I'm still the President's wing-man, so I'm there with my boy. So we'll see," Holder said in an interview on the Tom Joyner radio show.

Certainly, a strong, strong case can be made that Eric Holder acted like President Obama's defense attorney. In fact, a stronger argument can be made that President Obama acted as Holder's defense attorney by shielding Holder by improperly using executive privilege.

Posted Monday, June 17, 2019 1:25 PM

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The border epidemic, Part II

In this post last night, I wrote about the untold story behind the immigration crisis. It's called the health epidemic crisis. This article highlights what's happening at the border.

What's frightening is that diseases not seen in the US in literally decades are showing up at our southern border. What's more frightening is that it isn't likely that these diseases will be contained at the border.

Thus far, Democrats have insisted that the border crisis was a "manufactured crisis." After it became obvious that this wasn't a manufactured crisis, Democrats switched to saying it was a "humanitarian crisis." Now that contagious diseases are getting detected, will Democrats, led by Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer, continue to put Americans' lives at risk? Will they ignore this crisis, too?

Jon Anfinsen is a National Border Patrol Council vice president and based in Del Rio, which includes Eagle Pass, where most Congolese are arriving. Anfinsen represents approximately 1,000 agents who are based out of 10 regional holding stations. Anfinsen has been an agent 12 years and said the number of people in custody and subsequent illnesses among that population is 'unprecedented.'

'Scabies, chickenpox, we had one case of the mumps here in Uvalde. I wanna say we had measles, plenty of the flu, plenty of colds, body lice, just assorted. And some of these things, they spread like wildfires when you get into a cramped holding cell. It happens,' Anfinsen said.

The continuous breakouts - in part caused by the overcrowded conditions in facilities and difficulty quarantining each sick person - are taking both a physical and mental toll on agents.

This wasn't unforeseen or unpredicted, either:
[Video no longer available]
That interview happened 3 months ago . The CDC said then that they were "playing catch-up" with vaccinations. Since then, it's quite possible that things have gotten worse.

What's particularly upsetting is the fact that Democrats haven't lifted a finger to fix the immigration problem. What's worst is that they don't seem at all interested in fixing the problem because they see it as a partisan political issue. How sad is that?

In 2020, voters have a decision. They can vote for the party that puts partisanship ahead of patriotism and doing what's right. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for this type of malfeasance. It's a vote for the failing status quo.

If you're satisfied with communicable diseases spreading nationwide, then you need to rethink things ASAP.

Posted Monday, June 17, 2019 2:10 PM

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Biden's "Green New Deal"

Saying that Moderate Joe Biden isn't moderate is understatement. Frankly, when AOC said that she wasn't interested in some middle-of-the-road green energy plan that Biden was likely to propose, she certainly didn't do her research. Then again, that's her habit. This article highlights how destructive Biden's plan would be.

What's most frightening is that Joe Biden's plan is relatively moderate amongst Democrat presidential candidates' plans. That being said, it's impossible to see Biden's plan gaining traction in parts of the Rust Belt that he needs to flip back to have a chance to win back the White House.

Let's get started with the meat of this critique, starting with Mr. Driessen writing "[b]efore we destroy our energy and economic system, we need to be presented solid, irrefutable proof that we face an actual climate crisis - and be able to debate and cross examine those who make such claims."

That won't happen anytime soon. The Democrats' idea of debating an issue is hurling invectives at those that disagree with them. There's no sign that Democrats will stop that anytime soon. (When I say soon, I mean in the next 50 years.) Driessen continues:

Third, there's nothing clean, green, renewable or sustainable about wind, solar or battery power. Those technologies require enormous amounts of land, concrete, steel and other raw materials - and many of their most critical materials are extracted and processed using child labor, at near-slave wages for adults, with few or no workplace safety rules, and with horrific effects on land, air and water quality.

I'm reminded of the story from a DFL state convention a few years ago. For the benefit of non-Minnesotans, DFL is Minnesotan for crazy liberals.

Some Iron Range Democrats wanted a plank in the DFL platform that said that the DFL supported mining. Twenty years ago, that wouldn't have been controversial. That year, it was as controversial as saying that the Pope's grandkids were offended. But I digress. The environmentalists started organizing against the motion by communicating with iPads and iPhones.

DFL Sen. Dave Tomassoni noted this in ridiculing environmentalists opposing the platform prank:

Tomassoni held up his cell phone, noting that virtually everyone at the convention, including the most ardent environmentalists, had one. "There are 39 minerals in this little baby," Tomassoni said. "It may surprise some of the people here that these minerals don't just drop out of the sky . They're mined. What, is it okay if the mining is done by some 12-year-old in a third world country, but it's wrong if we [Rangers] do it?"

Biden's strategy is stupid. First, he's essentially telling blue collar workers that he'd implement the same policies as President Obama did that drove blue collar workers into President Trump's arms.

Next, Biden is then attempting to tell those blue collar workers, whose jobs he wants to eliminate, that he'll fight for them. Right. The guy that just sold those hard hats out now wants them to trust him? Seriously? There's a better chance that I'll vote for the Democrat in the general election in 2020 than there is for these hard hats to trust Biden. Here's what Biden said in October of 2015 on the subject of climate change:
[Video no longer available]
Then again, considering what he's said about the Hyde Amendment in the past vs. what he's saying now that he's running for president, it isn't like you can trust him or any other Democrat on the subject.

Posted Tuesday, June 18, 2019 8:19 AM

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Reuters hit piece vs. President Trump

This Reuters hit piece is what I'd expect from the Agenda Media, which isn't much. I don't expect integrity. I don't expect facts. I don't expect insight. In other words, I have lower expectations for this Reuters hit piece than I have for articles I'll read from Hot Air, Powerline, Daily Wire, The Federalist, Shot In the Dark, Legal Insurrection or Townhall.

This Reuters hit piece reads like something from a DNC press release. In other words, it's a bunch of crap. One of the paragraphs in the article states "The Trump of 2020 will most certainly bear a strong resemblance to the Trump of 2016, brash and eager to bash his Democratic opponents and promote tough policies on trade and immigration."

President Trump's policies aren't tough. They're right. President Trump is fond of saying that he's fighting for America, not some other nation. His slogan "Buy American, hire American" is wildly popular in hard hat country because other administrations, most recently the Obama administration, have forgotten these people. When came along and told them that they'd never be forgotten again, Blue Collar America rallied to him in unprecedented numbers.

Here's another staple of President Trump's rallies:

Check out this website for a powerful exhibit of how extensive President Trump's list of accomplishments are. Listening to advisers of losing candidates is foolish. Here's some advice that I'd ignore:

'His support with his base is as strong as it's ever been for any Republican incumbent president. The challenge is adding to that and building the coalition he needs for re-election,' said Republican strategist Ryan Williams, a former adviser to 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

The thing that Williams (and most pundits) misses is that Trump's base is already huge. Anyone that thinks that he doesn't have the best support of any Republican amongst blue collar workers, miners and other hard hats is kidding themselves. They're likely to be his most passionate supporters.

There's no question that President Trump faces a fight for re-election. That being said, as Newt Gingrich points out in this interview, President Trump's supporters are the most passionate supporters I've seen in a generation or more:
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This tweet is far more telling than the Reuters hit piece:

So much for Trump supporters being haters/racists. The proof is in the pictures. These people support Trump wholeheartedly.

Posted Tuesday, June 18, 2019 10:37 AM

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