June 10-13, 2019

Jun 10 05:26 Apocali Now vs. Democrat elitists
Jun 10 13:11 America's weakening foundation

Jun 11 01:52 Do-Nothing Democrats
Jun 11 19:37 Sam Donaldson & the enemy of the people

Jun 12 04:31 The Beltway's fiction
Jun 12 19:54 Schiff's "grotesque spectacle"

Jun 13 08:18 Is Joe Manchin leaving?
Jun 13 09:59 John Dean hates Republicans

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Apocali Now vs. Democrat elitists

Anyone that thinks that Democrats talking about climate change aren't elitists needs to read Thad McCotter's article on the subject of climate change.

In the article, Rep. McCotter extols the virtues of comedian Evan Sayet and cartoonist A.F. Branco for the work they did in producing a book titled "Apocali Now." Rep. McCotter writes "Apocali Now! walks readers and listeners through the cynical history of the Left's false alarms of environmental end-times: global cooling, the ozone layer, acid rain, swine flu, mad cow disease, killer bees, missing bees, etc. Moreover, this fun, provocative book continues to punch above its weight by explaining the motive behind the Left's bogus doomsaying - and why acquiescing won't save the world, but will ensure the end of freedom - free thought, free speech, and free markets."

The article highlights the Left's penchant for predicting doom and impending gloom. Here's one example:

At the time of this particular leftist false alarm, I was a young lad in Michigan who wasn't particularly fond of winter. To this day, I'd still love to know the whereabouts of the clowns who spread this scam, so I can send them an invoice for the boxes of long underwear, ski masks, mittens, scarves, snowmobile boots, skates and Chapstick we bought back in the day to survive their 'inevitable' Ice Age.

Mr. Michael Crichton, the late author of many brilliant novels, once testified in front of a Senate panel on climate change. Here's part of his testimony :

Drawing on what he said was experience from his medical background, he told the assembled senators that any study where a single team plans the research, carries it out, supervises the analysis, and writes their own final report carries a "very high risk " of undetected bias.

He then said this:

"In closing, I want to state emphatically that nothing in my remarks should be taken to imply that we can ignore our environment, or that we should not take climate change seriously. On the contrary, we must dramatically improve our record on environmental management. That's why a focused effort on climate science, aimed at securing sound, independently verified answers to policy questions, is so important now."

This is the type of idiot we shouldn't listen to, according to Dr. Crichton:
[Video no longer available]
If hyperbole was money, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez would be the richest person on the planet.

Posted Monday, June 10, 2019 5:26 AM

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America's weakening foundation

Weakened Foundation
by Ramblin' Rose

Are we still 'One nation, under God?' Could we become one again?

Abraham Lincoln showed great foresight when he stated "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will because we destroyed ourselves."

I fear that many people stop at the end of the first sentence and breathe a sigh of relief and ignore his dire warning.

God will not be mocked: regardless of what the secularists decree and the leftists scream.

Ten years before the infamous decision of Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Supreme Court established an official government-run religion in this country by a vote of 8-1. Justice Potter Stewart was the lone dissenter. The Supreme Court took the Bible out of the public schools and out of the hands of our children. So began the State-run religion of secularism: and the fall of this great nation.

Yet, even today, the cry is to keep Church and State at their proper distance. However, it is only moral-based faith that is forbidden. By removing God from the classroom, our society effectively rewrote our USA history. In 1620, the first settlers called upon God multiple times in the Mayflower Compact before settling in Plymouth. Our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence in 1776 referred to the Creator who bestowed 'unalienable rights.' Our currency declares that 'In God We Trust.' There are numerous and frequent attempts to remove that 'offensive' line from our money. Others strive to remove 'one nation, under God' from our Pledge of Allegiance while millions of others have just removed it from our children's classrooms while instituting Muslim prayers in the name of 'diversity.'

It certainly appears that since 1963, we have moved much closer to becoming a pagan nation. Progressives prefer to use 'equality' to label what God labeled 'abominations' (same-sex marriage). Since 1973, they call murder 'reproductive choice' (abortion). Leftists call theft from the working members of society 'fairness' to the underprivileged as they redistribute economic resources (socialism). They call ' evil good and good evil,' as warned by God. [Editor's note: Pelosi once said that unemployment checks "creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name."]

Sadly, yes, ours is a divided nation. Millions have embraced the rebellious principles of Roman 1. Hopefully, millions more are ready to fight for Right and remain faithful to the message of Romans 8. While we cannot predict the future of our country, it behooves us to continue in fervent prayer for it and all its citizens. We must fall to our knees in fear (respect and honor) of God. For at the end, each will be held to an accounting and face eternal judgment.

In the meantime, we must cling to God's promise: 'If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked way, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their lang.' (2 Chronicles 7:14)

God bless America, I pray.

Posted Monday, June 10, 2019 1:11 PM

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Do-Nothing Democrats

It isn't a stretch to think that President Trump is the early winner in the fight over border security and illegal immigration. President Trump is totally tweaking Democrats for doing nothing about the border security crisis. This will shock people but here goes. President Trump is using Twitter to criticize Democrats. (Frankly, I couldn't have seen that coming in a million years. Not! ) But I digress.

After Mexico signed the agreement Friday night, President Trump rightly contended that Mexico had done more to fix the border crisis than Democrats :

The Democrats haven't lifted a finger to fix the crisis. They passed a mass amnesty bill that makes border security worse. They haven't written any legislation that would fix asylum laws or that would fix the problems caused by the Flores decision. Further, of the 48 members of the Problem Solvers Caucus , 33 are Democrats. None of them has written a piece of legislation that has solved a single problem.

That's a problem. When you've campaigned on being a problem solver, it's difficult to get re-elected when you've caved to Ms. Pelosi on every major issue. If Democrats think that they can win by just opposing everything Trump, they're stupid. The Problem Solvers Caucus members are certain to get highlighted as part of the do-nothing Democrats during the 2020 post-Conventions campaign. And let's be honest about something. When President Trump paints a bullseye in the middle of your chest, this is the likely outcome:

It isn't too early for House freshmen Democrats to start working on their concession speeches. Lots of them will be giving that type of speech come November, 2020. When you care more about partisanship than about doing what's right for the nation, you should expect to lose.

Posted Tuesday, June 11, 2019 1:52 AM

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Sam Donaldson & the enemy of the people

When he was ABC's White House correspondent, Sam Donaldson was frequently ridiculed as a shit-for-brains idiot. Thankfully, he left the scene of the crime for a few years. The bad news is that he's back, this time supporting this generation's shit-for-brains idiot , CNN's Jim Acosta.

Donaldson's writing today is as worthless as his reporting was a decade ago. His spin-piece starts by saying "Reading Jim Acosta's new book 'Enemy of the People' is like watching a train wreck in progress, with passengers bracing for the inevitable crash." It continues with a laughable statement:

Acosta cites instance after instance when this President and many of his staff show that they are bent on interfering with the ability of reporters to bring the public an accurate account of the administration's stewardship.

I'm betting that 75% of Americans think of today's White House correspondents as glory-seeking elitists. Further, I'm betting that Americans think of these egomaniacs as only marginally interested in writing the truth. To hint that these White House glory-seekers are actual journalists is an insult to actual journalists like Catherine Herridge, Sharyl Attkisson and Sara Carter.

Then there's this:

Whether now he truly believes that the mainstream press, as he says, reports "fake" news and is the "enemy of the American people," or that such language is simply part of a tactic meant to stoke the anger of his "base" while escaping an objective accounting of his actions doesn't matter. The effect is to undermine the credibility of the media, leaving him free to pursue policies that harm us at home and abroad.

The truth is that much of today's 'reporting' is sloppy. A significant portion of the stuff that's in the Washington Post, CNN and the New York Times is intended to drive a Far Left agenda. The truth isn't a major consideration. It simply isn't a big consideration.

It's a rare day that the MSM gets the details right on a complex story. In Acosta's case, he isn't interested in reporting the story. He'd rather be the story. Remember this incident?
[Video no longer available]
How Sam Donaldson can watch that and think that that's legitimate reporting is mind-boggling. How on God's green earth that's considered reporting is beyond me. That's why the media is no more popular than ants at picnics.

Posted Tuesday, June 11, 2019 7:37 PM

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The Beltway's fiction

A month after Nancy Pelosi got the Speaker's Gavel back, so-called moderate Democrats have been peddling the fiction that impeachment might cost Pelosi the Speaker's Gavel again. While I certainly agree that wouldn't be a net positive for Pelosi, it's fiction to think that's the Democrats' only re-election problem.

That being said, this article does a fine job of painting Ms. Pelosi into a corner:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she doesn't want to impeach President Trump. But those words fail to convince. How can you not move to impeach a president who has engaged in a cover-up? How can you say that the man you refuse to remove from office belongs in prison?

Simply put, Pelosi's Democrats have a problem. Their problem is that they're trying to please multiple masters, something that the Bible explicitly cautions against. The MSM will attempt to hide this dilemma but it's obvious they won't be successful. Anyone with half a brain knows that Democrats are betwixt and between.

Still, impeachment is just one of the Democrats' worries. There's a crisis on the US-Mexico border that's months beyond crisis stage. Democrats didn't promise to fix that crisis. Still, Democrats formed the Problem Solvers Caucus to give people the impression that they wanted to fix things. Thus far, they haven't done anything to fix the illegal immigration and national security crises.

The DC media, aka the Agenda Media, only keep track of who's up or who's down each week. Throughout the rest of the country, they pay attention to whether their lives improved or not. That's beyond the DC Media's comprehension.
[Video no longer available]
Simply put, Democrats are angry, hate-filled people. They don't fix crises. Finally, they're unhinged because their Russia fiction witch hunt came up empty. If they want to go on a fishing expedition, they should do it on their own time. They've wasted enough of the taxpayers' dimes on the official fishing expeditions.

Posted Wednesday, June 12, 2019 4:31 AM

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Schiff's "grotesque spectacle"

Let's just be blunt about something. Adam Schiff is the Democrats' political hack if choice. He's been exposed as this generation's Lanny Davis. (That isn't a compliment.) This morning, Schiff called to order a hearing of the House Intelligence Committee. I'd call that hearing room a virtually intelligence-free zone but that's obvious of any room with Schiff in it.

This article highlights how Devin Nunes blew Schiff's smears to smithereens. This isn't that difficult since Schiff's premise was discredited months ago. Schiff is the partisan who just : can't : let : go : of Russian collusion. They'll have to pry Russiagate from his cold, dead fingers. He's that desperate for a place in history. (The only thing that history books will remember about Schiff is that he's the Democrats' favorite partisan hack.)

Meanwhile, Nunes took Schiff apart . Here's what Nunes said:

One would think the Democrats would simply apologize and get back to lawmaking and oversight but it's clear they couldn't stop this grotesque spectacle even if they wanted to. After years of false accusations and McCarthyite smears, the collusion hoax now defines the Democratic Party. The hoax is what they have in place of a governing philosophy or a constructive vision for our country.

Right after Democrats launched their first laughable investigation, Democrats insisted that they were perfectly capable of "walking and chewing gum at the same time." That isn't relevant. That question should be whether Democrats are interested in walking and chewing gum at the same time. HINT : They aren't interested in "walking and chewing gum at the same time."

This video contains Schiff's intentionally misleading statements:

Here's what Sara Carter quoted from the Mueller report debunking Schiff's intentional lies:

Nunes Lists Democrats Favorite Debunked Conspiracy Theories (Below Is An Excerpt From Nunes Statement)

Unfortunately for Democrats, the Mueller dossier, as I call it, either debunked many of their favorite conspiracy theories or did not even find them worth discussing. These include:

  1. Mueller's finding that Michael Cohen did not travel to Prague to conspire with Russians. No evidence that Carter Page conspired with Russians.

  2. No mention of Paul Manafort visiting Julian Assange in London.

  3. No mention of secret communications between a Trump Tower computer server and Russia's Alfa Bank.

  4. And no mention of former NRA lawyer Cleta Mitchell or her supposed knowledge of a scheme to launder Russian money through the NRA for the Trump campaign. Insinuations against Mitchell originated with Fusion GPS chief Glenn Simpson and were first made public in a document published by Democrats on this committee.

Other than those major omissions, I'd treat Chairman Schiff's statements as though they were Gospel truths.


That's proof positive that Schiff is a partisan Democrat hack. Schiff couldn't get President Trump so the vindictive wimp trashes innocent victims. What a patriot. Not .

Posted Wednesday, June 12, 2019 7:54 PM

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Is Joe Manchin leaving?

This article should frighten Chuck Schumer to the core. According to The Hill, Sen. Manchin is considering leaving the Senate before the end of his term.

The article starts by saying "Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is eyeing a possible exit from the Senate, and his decision could be a significant factor in which party controls the majority in 2021. In moments of frustration, the centrist senator has gone so far as to tell colleagues he may leave the upper chamber before the end of this Congress, or after the 2020 elections."

If Sen. Manchin leaves, it would make it virtually impossible for Democrats to retake control of the Senate in 2021. Sen. Manchin is likely frustrated by the Democrats' policies on climate change. In this interview, Sen. Manchin expresses his frustration with Mayor Bloomberg's commitment to eliminating coal-fired power plants nationwide:
[Video no longer available]
That isn't to say that Sen. Manchin is fond of Republicans. He isn't. Still, he's willing to work with Republicans. I suspect that he'd get along just fine with Lindsey Graham on some issues. I further suspect that Sen. Manchin is getting tired of some of the bomb throwing Democrats that are more about shouting than about fixing things.

"I think he's been fed up for a long time," said a senator who traveled with Manchin. "He said, 'I have so many people talking to me about whether I should or I shouldn't [run for governor].'"

"One of the things you get as a lawmaker is you get lots of free advice from lots of people. He expressed frustration, and it's the same that a lot of people share," said the lawmaker, who spoke on background. A third Senate colleague who has spoken to Manchin about his future in the Senate said, 'All he says is, 'I'll be here until 2020.'"

Don't think for a minute that Sen. Manchin isn't frustrated. He clearly is. What's up in the air is whether he'll double down or whether he'll run for governor.

Posted Thursday, June 13, 2019 8:18 AM

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John Dean hates Republicans

At this point, it's impossible to conclude that former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean likes Republicans. He's made a living since a) getting disbarred for obstructing justice and b) pleading guilty for obstructing justice by writing books insisting that one scandal or another was "worse than Watergate." This week, he was back on Capitol Hill with his dog and pony show (my apologies to dogs and ponies) to verify for Democrats that Russiagate (wait for it) is "worse than Watergate."

I don't have a problem with Dean making a living by serving up this BS. It's his right, thanks to the First Amendment. What I have a problem with is Democrats pretending that he's got any credibility left. Dean's credibility died when he pled guilty of obstructing justice. If it didn't die then, it likely died when he insisted that Iran-Contra (sorry to younger readers; if you don't know what that is, google it) was -- wait for it -- worse than Watergate.

Rep. John Ratcliffe did a masterful job utterly demolishing Monday's hearing:
[Video no longer available]
Ouch! If that didn't utterly demolish Dean's credibility and Nadler's credentials, then perhaps Brit Hume's comments will :

On Fox News Monday night, Brit Hume said it was "amazing" that House Democrats had Dean testify, adding, "Who is going to be next for the House impeachment horde? [Deceased mobster] Whitey Bulger, perhaps?"

Actually, to add context to Brit's commentary, he said that the first star witness the House Judiciary Committee Democrats called was Michael Cohen and that the next star witness the House Judiciary Committee Democrats called was John Dean. It should be noted that Dean pled guilty for obstructing justice during the Watergate cover-up, which he masterminded. Furthermore, Cohen is in prison after pleading guilty to the charge of lying to Congress.

That's when Brit Hume said "Who is going to be next for the House impeachment horde? [Deceased mobster] Whitey Bulger, perhaps?" Either that or Democrats might host a seance to call on the ghost of Richard Nixon to testify that Russiagate is "worse than Watergate."

To get serious, though, what's happening in the Democrat majority in the House is a clown show. (Again, my apologies to clown shows.) It's a spectacle. The Democrats start the week with the Dean clown show. Over the weekend, the Democrat Speaker of the House said she didn't want Trump impeached. She wanted him thrown in prison. She said that without mentioning if President Trump had committed a crime. Then yesterday, Adam Schiff insisted that the discredited Steele gossip column otherwise referred to as the Steele Dossier was Gospel truth.

Democrats running these 'investigations' are making fools of themselves. Democrats passing bills in the House are passing things that aren't popular with the American people and that don't fix important problems. To summarize, Democrats are too focused on dead-end investigations and they've passed legislation that would take us back to the pathetic Obama-Biden economy.

Frankly, Democrats deserve to get stuck with John Dean. CNN does, too. May they rot in hell together.

Posted Thursday, June 13, 2019 9:59 AM

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