July 27-30, 2012

Jul 27 07:30 DHS to Border Patrol: Release violent criminals
Jul 27 13:57 Potter's puff piece

Jul 28 05:10 Will MnSCU trustee nominees repesent status quo?

Jul 29 07:30 Higher Ed: Great value or great rip-off?

Jul 30 05:15 McGrath vs. McGrath: the bloodbath
Jul 30 05:37 Bachmann's facts vs. St. Cloud Times' bias
Jul 30 16:04 What has President Obama done for businesses?

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Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

DHS to Border Patrol: Release violent criminals

This video will infuriate law-abiding citizens:

Kerry Picket's article includes the videotaped statements from Border Patrol agent George McCubbin III and ICE agent Chris Crane. McCubbin is the president of the National Border Patrol Council. Crane is president of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council.

This is part of Crane's statement:

As another example, the incident in El Paso released publicly last week, ICE manager were provided with the following details. One, an alien was arrested by local police and placed in jail on two charges. Charge one-assault with bodily injury to a family member and charge two-interfering with that person's attempts to call emergency assistance."

"When ICE arrested the individual for immigration violations, he attempted to escape, another criminal offense, one agent was injured in the incident claiming the injuries were intentionally inflicted by the escapee, another criminal offense, of course assault of a federal agent, so in this case we have four possible criminal charges-two involving violence, one injured family member and one injured officer. Without any questioning - without any investigation, the alien was released as a dreamer. No criminal charges, no immigration charges, no nothing."

"'He's a dreamer. Release him.' Incidents like this happening around the nation lead us to believe that the new policies will be ineffective in terms of providing for public safety."

Secretary Napolitano should resign ASAP. This is a major scandal. According to Picket's article, Napolitano testified at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing. Based on Crane's and McCubbin's statements, it's pretty apparent that she isn't interested in enforcing the border. She's interested in spinning her department's policies:

Napolitano testified earlier in the week before the House Judiciary Committee and defended President Obama's immigration directive saying, "Our nation's immigration laws must be enforced in a strong and sensible manner," She added, "But they are not designed to be blindly enforced without consideration given to the individual circumstances of each case."

It's more accurate to say that this administration doesn't believe in enforcing this nation's immigration laws.

There have been only 4 secretaries of DHS. Ms. Napolitano is the worst by far. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd still be considered the worst a generation from now.

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Posted Friday, July 27, 2012 7:30 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 29-Jul-12 07:19 PM
The video did not infuriate me, nor did I watch it. Yet, Gary, I am law abiding. Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric, indeed.

Potter's puff piece

With the busy news week, writing about President Potter's puff piece just wasn't a high priority. Now that things have settled down, it's time to examine President Potter's op-ed. Though this wasn't the first thing that jumped off the page at me, it's still something that caught my attention:

A college education, an education for life, is still a good value, even with average tuition costs at public four-year universities that are somewhat higher than St. Cloud State's $6,846 per year. (Private four-year not-for-profit colleges average $21,949 per year and four-year private for-profit schools average $15,056 per year).

If the students' tuition was the total cost per student, that $6,846 tuition might represent a great value. President Potter didn't include the state funding from the higher ed budget in the cost-per-student figure. If the money from the state biennial budget were included in President Potter's op-ed, how much would the gap between St. Cloud State's cost-per-student and a typical private, for-profit college close?

Another important thing that isn't shown in this op-ed is a comparison of graduation rates and job placement rates between public universities and private, for-profit colleges. It shouldn't be too difficult to throw in a comparison between private, for-profit colleges earning power over a 30 year career vs. the earning power of a typical SCSU graduate.

There should be two goals for higher ed. First, students should be getting the training they need to be part of a well-trained workforce. Second, students and taxpayers shouldn't be paying for degrees that don't train students for real careers.

This paragraph jumped off the page at me, too:

I can assure you that most of us involved in higher education are listening and responding. The broad reorganization process St. Cloud State University has undergone the past few years has been the result of resolve to offer all our students an education that is cost effective, practical and relevant, yet life-altering and profound.

If St. Cloud State got graded for listening, the best that they could hope for is a C-.

After President Potter announced the closing of the Aviation Department, a wide variety of organizations, including city councils, local political parties and transportation organizations, expressed their concerns in resolutions that SCSU's decision would have a negative effect on St. Cloud's economy.

Local businessmen spoke with President Potter, too, expressing their worries about the impact President Potter's decision would have on getting regional air service. Without exception, President Potter said that his decision was final.

This isn't an attempt to refight that fight. It's just an example of how President Potter isn't a good listener. It's an example of President Potter's stubbornness.

Stubborn people aren't good listeners.

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Posted Friday, July 27, 2012 1:57 PM

Comment 1 by Crimson Tide at 27-Jul-12 08:02 PM
"By listening to Minnesota employers, we can obtain a greater, much more precise understanding of the state's workforce needs," MnSCU Chancellor Steven Rosenstone said. With the impending aviation workforce shortage, it is apparent that Potter is not listening too well. Maybe Potter does not share Rosenstone's agenda. For that matter, how well is the legislature paying attention?

Comment 2 by War Eagle! at 28-Jul-12 02:46 PM
Here in Alabama, Airbus will build plant here in Mobile!! By the way, we have an AABI accredited university here in Auburn, Alabama!! At least Auburn knows the value of Aviation unlike St. Cloud State!!! WAR EAGLE!!

Comment 3 by Crimson Tide at 28-Jul-12 10:29 PM
When it comes to being pro business, Alabama is more progressive than Minnesota.

Will MnSCU trustee nominees repesent status quo?

This week, Gov. Dayton interviewed candidates interested in being MnSCU trustees. Among those interviewed is one pretty recognizable name: Margaret Anderson-Kelliher. Here's the entire list:

The governor is picking six new board members, two at-large members, two students and one each from the 2nd and 6th Congressional Districts. Myres, who is from Clear Lake, lives in the 6th District.

Myres is a 1983 graduate of St. Cloud State University. He has worked at ING almost 11 years. He also serves on the Central Minnesota Community Foundation board.

The other candidates are: Sarah Caruso, John Kaul, Margaret Anderson-Keliher, Ann Anaya, Dawn Erlandson, Readus Fletcher, Dr. Wynn Kearney, Mary Hickerson, Alex Cirillo, Joseph Grafft and Janet Mohr.

The big question for the people confirmed as trustees is simple. Will they see themselves as rubberstamps to Chancellor Rosenstone and the university presidents? Will they see themselves as people holding Chancellor Rosenstone and the university presidents accountable to their students and their communities?

There's no question that students and other taxpayers need the entire MnSCU Board of Trustees to hold administrators, including Chancellor Rosenstone, accountable.

The other key question is whether the people confirmed to represent congressional districts will actually hold townhall meetings within the district. The trustees need to know that they represent the people and the businesses of their districts, not just the university presidents and their administrators.

Minnesota taxpayers and students can't afford for the next group of trustees to see their position to be an honorary position. If that's what they do, then the legislature might as well blow up the entire MnSCU system.

These shouldn't be positions for people waiting for their next political office.

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Posted Saturday, July 28, 2012 5:10 AM

Comment 1 by Crimson Tide at 28-Jul-12 09:10 AM
"The other key question is whether the people confirmed to represent congressional districts will actually hold townhall meetings within the district. The trustees need to know that they represent the people and the businesses of their districts, not just the university presidents and their administrators."

Spot on! Great observations! I have never known the trustees to have town hall meetings with constituents. Millions of dollars are allocated to MnSCU and taxpayers need to be heard. Both the DFL & GOP members of the legislature are pretty good for the most part in having town hall meeting and being accessible to their constituents. Why should the trustees be exempt?

Higher Ed: Great value or great rip-off?

President Potter said that a college education is "still a good value" in his St. Cloud Times op-ed , something people most likely agreed with him on. Generally speaking, that's how I reacted. That doesn't mean there isn't tons of room for improvement.

President Potter said that a year's worth of tuition at SCSU is $6,846. What he didn't say is whether that figure includes all of the fees that students are bombarded with.

An SCSU student that I know told me that his/her fee load was over $400:

Activity Fee $ 103.20

MSUSA $ 6.45

Health Services $ 49.80

Technology Fee $ 73.80

Athletics $ 47.28

Student Union $ 83.52

Facilities Assessment $ 46.20

That's $410.25 of fees per quarter in addition to tuition. That's before factoring in the cost of books, too.

Fees are becoming a major cost for students at a most inopportune time. It'd be one thing for fees to take the place of tuition increases. It'd be easier to rationalize them if that were the case. Alas, that isn't what's happening. Tuition is increasing while fees are rising.

Growth in administration is a huge driver of higher education costs. The Center for College Affordability and Productivity (CCAP) studied the explosion of administrators . Here's what they found:

Exec/Admin/Managerial staff jumped from 151,000 in 1997 to 218,000 in 2007. That's a 44% increase. During that same time, faculty increased from 990,000 in 1997 to 1,371,000 in 2007, a 38% increase.

The trends led CCAP to this conclusion:

The growth of non-instructional staff is so fast that if these job growth trends were to continue, the number of managers and support staff (administration) at 4-year not-for-profit colleges would outnumber instructors by 2014.

These figures don't factor in the staffing for organizations like MnSCU:

Using the IPEDS Fall Staff Surveys data collected for a previously released CCAP report,136 a sample of 2,782 institutions revealed that colleges added 690,373 full-time equivalent (518,489 full-time; 515,651 part-time) jobs between 1987 and 2007, an increase of 39 percent (33% FT; 85% PT).

In other words, this study limited itself to universities and colleges. CCAP's study doesn't factor in other education bureaucracies like MnSCU. Some taxpayers might know about MnSCU's Academic and Student Affairs Division. I'd bet the ranch that less than 1% of Minnesota taxpayers knows this:

There are 5 directors in the Academic and Student Affairs Division. Additionally, there are 2 associate directors of research. Three of the directors are directors of planning, one each for research, planning and collaboration.

That's just one part of the bureaucracy at the MnSCU headquarters. Think of the money wasted throughout the MnSCU system. That must be included in the total cost of a student attending a MnSCU university.

Speaking in generalities, there's no disputing that college diplomas are worthwhile. Speaking specifically, though, there's several things that need fixing before higher education is a great value to students and taxpayers.

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Posted Sunday, July 29, 2012 7:30 AM

Comment 1 by Jethro at 29-Jul-12 09:52 AM
Good article. It is well past time for an audit of higher education. Do we truly need more administrators?

Comment 2 by Rex Newman at 29-Jul-12 06:35 PM
The more I learn about MnSCU, much of that thanks to your extensive reporting, the more I'm convinced that its Legislative funding should be cut in half. If done correctly, by eliminating duplication of both facilities and effort, no student would pay a dime more other than possibly having to drive a little further if commuting.

And the U could be cut some by eliminating its many needless overlaps with MnSCU - and by closing the white elephant St. Paul campus. And I haven't even addressed all those worthless degree programs.

Comment 3 by eric z at 29-Jul-12 07:16 PM
What matters is the post-graduate excellence that the U.Minn. Twin Cities campus must at all costs maintain. That is where innovation and tomorrow's commercial and high tech developments for the state will incubate and prosper. Kill that over low-priority carping about MnSCU or SCSU, and you throw baby away with bath water.

McGrath vs. McGrath: the bloodbath

Friday night, TakeAction Minnesota's Dan McGrath got embarassed by Minnesota Majority's Dan McGrath on Almanac. TAM McGrath brought the DFL's tired chanting points. MinnMaj's McGrath brought verifiable facts. Here's MinnMaj's McGrath, followed by TAM McGrath:

MINNMAJ: This notion that Election Day Registration will be eliminated by this Voter ID amendment is ridiculous on its face. The amendment doesn't say anything about Election Day Registration.

TAM: Let's get something straight...

MINNMAJ: To change that would require a statutory change that would have to be signed by this governor. So unless Gov. Dayton wants to get rid of Election Day Registration, it's just not going to happen.

It's telling that TAM McGrath didn't attempt to refute that information. Here's what he said instead:

TAM: Think about it. You're making it harder, if not impossible for 700,000 people, 700,000 eligible voters to cast a ballot.

What's the basis for TAM McGrath's statement? What empirical evidence exists that proves this wild statement? There are flaws aplenty in TAM McGrath's statement.

First, it assumes that all 700,000 voters that use EDR won't have identification. Has DPS issued a statement saying that they can't process those claims in a timely fashion? If they haven't, then TAM McGrath's statement falls flat on its face. Hint: DPS hasn't issued such a statement.

Second, TAM McGrath's statement assumes that provisional ballots won't be given to people using EDR. That's undeniably false. It's guaranteed by federal law, HAVA to be precise, that they'll get provisional ballots. That isn't opinion. It's what Secretary Ritchie said at a meeting of the Stearns County Commission.

Those things demolish TAM McGrath's scare tactics. It isn't credible to say that these people will be disenfranchised.

CATHY WURZER: Studies have shown that there's zero proof that these laws prevent voter fraud in states that have the laws.

MINNMAJ: Well, I don't see how that makes any sense. Look at Election Day Registration, where you don't have to provide any identification. You can provide any name, any address and they'll check it out later after you've cast the ballot. Now what we've found is that, when we do check it out later, thousands of people turn out to be unverifiable. That would be prevented by Photo ID.

It's been verified through the counties that thousands of PVCs were returned in both the 2008 and 2010 elections. I've had progressives argue that these returned PVCs aren't proof of voter fraud, that it's proof of data entry error or of the registrant entering the wrong address.

It simply isn't credible to think that 1 in 120 voter EDRs weren't correctly inputed. Remember that we're talking exclusively about EDR registrations. We've heard that the error rate on EDRs is high but we haven't heard that the error rate is high on new registrations that were filled out a month or more in advance of Election Day.

Why the inexplicable jump on EDRs but not on new registrations done a month in advance? The data entry people haven't changed. The form didn't change. What's the explanation for EDRs being incorrectly input into the SVRS?

Simply put, TAM's McGrath lost because his arguments were unsubstantiated and flimsy. Couple that with the fact that Minnesota Majority's Dan McGrath came prepared with verifiable, reported facts and impeccable logic.

I'd love seeing this bloodbath repeated a few more times because the vote would be totally lopsided.

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Posted Monday, July 30, 2012 5:15 AM

No comments.

Bachmann's facts vs. St. Cloud Times' bias

Sunday St. Cloud Times includes an Our View editorial that demands Michele Bachmann prove a connection exists between the Muslim Brotherhood and Keith Ellison. The reality is that Michele Bachmann could provide boxes of documentation proving that connection and the Times wouldn't believe it.

It isn't that the evidence doesn't exist. In fact, this Strib article ties Rep. Ellison to the Muslim Brotherhood:

Tax records show the group that paid Ellison's expenses, the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, received nearly $900,000 in taxpayer money in 2006 and 2007 from a rental arrangement for Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA), an Inver Grove Heights charter school.

MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood :

In May 2005, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross reported in The Weekly Standard that MAS is a U.S. front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, a claim supported by a September 19, 2004 Chicago Tribune story that stated: 'In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation's major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.'

It took me less than 5 minutes to find that information. You can't get more convincing than official documents filed with the State of Illinois saying that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood.

Rep. Ellison argued that his trip was paid for by this charter school. He can't hide behind that because they're inextricably linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

What's more is that Rep. Ellison is the subject of an ethics investigation as a direct result of that trip. Isn't it amazing that Mr. Krebs trusts someone who's the subject of an ethics investigation? The only thing more amazing is that Mr. Krebs doesn't trust Rep. Bachmann even after terrorism experts like Andrew McCarthy and Walid Shoebat said Rep. Bachmann was justified in asking tough questions?

That's just the beginning of Rep. Ellison's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Over the Memorial Day weekend of 2007, Keith Ellison delivered the keynote speech at a MAS-Minnesota event. At the time of Ellison's speech, MAS-MN's website was littered with this anti-semitic filth :

  • 'The Holy Prophet (and through him the Muslims) has been reassured that he should not mind the enmity, the evil designs and the machinations of the Jews, but continue exerting his utmost to establish the Right Way in accordance with the Guidance of the Quran.'

  • 'In view of the degenerate moral condition of the Jews and the Christians, the Believers have been warned not to make them their friends and confidants.'

  • 'If you gain victory over the men of Jews, kill them.'

  • 'The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.'

  • 'May Allah destroy the Jews, because they used the graves of their prophets as places of worship.'

It's sickening to think that Rep. Ellison didn't criticize MAS-Minnesota's anti-semitic bigotry. Why does Mr. Krebs ignore this information about Rep. Ellison? Rep. Ellison didn't speak out against this vile bigotry. What does that say about Rep. Ellison's lack of character?

Shouldn't Mr. Krebs and the Times' insist that Rep. Ellison distance himself from this anti-semitic organization? They won't insist on that because it isn't the PC thing to do. Krebs and the Times will ignore Rep. Ellison's questionable connections. We know this because they're ignoring Rep. Ellison's questionable connections.

Instead of questioning Rep. Ellison, they're insisting that Rep. Bachmann is conducting a witch hunt based on conspiracy theories. It's sad that their ideological blinders prevent them from recognizing how biased they are.

This week, I attempted to submit an LTE defending Michele Bachmann. I tried highlighting the fact that the questions Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland and Tom Rooney asked were both legitimate and substantive. I used information from Andrew McCarthy's article to show that Huma Abedin's parents had significant ties to radical Islam, including to the Wahhabist movement that produced 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists.

Despite quoting Mr. McCarthy's impeccable documentation for the LTE, Mr. Krebs told me that they wouldn't publish an LTE based on "unsubstantiated allegations." It's insulting that Mr. Krebs would argue about "unsubstantiated allegations," especially considering this research by Walid Shoebat . Shoebat's research is detailed, on topic and damning. Mr. Shoebat was a " radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad " until his conversion to Christianity. Here's what he said about the Muslim Brotherhood:

We focus on Al-Qaeda, yet the danger is not only from Al-Qaeda but also other Islamic terror groups. Our administration, however, focuses on a narrow tunnel. Let's look at some examples: Abu Mezer, during 2007, intended to blow up a subway system. He was a member of Hamas, not Al-Qaeda. Najibullah Zazi was a member of Al-Qaeda, Shahzad belonged to the Taliban and Abu-Mezer was a member of Hamas; which one is a greater threat? All of these terrorists were influenced in one way or another by the Muslim Brotherhood, the cartel and mother umbrella of all terror organizations.

That isn't the only thing Mr. Shoebat said that people need to hear. Here's the other thing he said that people should know:

It is understandable that many want to get to the bottom of this story regarding Huma herself. Many even demanded that Bachmann offer a public apology to Huma Abedin. Others watch the media and listen to politicians that provide short, nondescript arguments. 

An apology by Bachmann in this case is unnecessary since we have established what is probably the most extensive research done to date on the matter; the readers can decide for themselves by examining the overwhelming evidence to see that, in reality, that it is Bachmann who is owed an apology and has a valid point to demand the vetting of Huma Abedin , the aid to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Bachmann's focus was hardly on Huma Abedin, but the infiltration of extremist Muslims into government. An issue that was completely ignored is the level of importance that should be given to vetting government employees.

Walid Shoebat didn't mince words in saying that Rep. Bachmann asked legitimate questions. Likewise, he didn't mince words in saying that Republicans like Sen. McCain and Speaker Boehner spoke out against Michele and her colleagues because they wanted the media's adoration more than they worried about doing the right thing.

Mr. Krebs admitted that Rep. Bachmann "literally does not accuse her of being a terrorist. But using her as an example has the same effect." That's a first. Mr. Krebs is accusing Rep. Bachmann of speaking in code. That's a joke.

Michele Bachmann says what she means and means what she says. There's no pussyfooting around with Michele. It's what endears her to voters. It's what gets her in trouble from time to time, too.

The St. Cloud Times' credibility has been hurt. It'll take time to regain their credibility. It'll take a change in their practices, too, starting with eliminating Mr. Krebs' bias.

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Posted Monday, July 30, 2012 5:37 AM

Comment 1 by Bob J. at 30-Jul-12 10:29 AM
Excellent post, Gary. Facts are inconvenient truths to liberals, especially when their media bias is showing.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 30-Jul-12 11:42 AM
Right on Bob! Love Ms. Bachmann and everything she stands for. Just wish she would have taken on worthless Sweaty Betty in CD 4.

Comment 3 by Jethro at 30-Jul-12 05:05 PM
Why does the St. Cloud Times continually refuse to vet Sen. Franken & Klobuchar? Are they really working hard by sponsoring and co-sponsoring bills that will benefit Minnesota? Is pool safety the only hallmark of Amy's time in the US Senate?

Comment 4 by Jeff Baumann at 30-Jul-12 07:49 PM
I am very close to the point (and should be far past the point if I am truly being objective) of saying out loud that the opposition to Michele Bachmann on this issue is nothing less than Satanic.

There, I said it. The forces of the Prince of Darkness, Lucifer himself, are guiding and controlling the opposition to what Michele is doing. There is no other explanation.

Keep in mind that Penn State has just been HEAVILY penalized because its leaders didn't do *something* based on sketchy reports about someone they had known, worked with and trusted for over a decade, yet a request (by 5 members of Congress in their official capacity) to investigate an organization that is known to have the destruction of our nation as a primary goal is attacked because - GASP - they named a name!

The hypocrisy is astonishing. I call dog sh!t on McCain, Boehner, Ellison, Krebs, the media, and every other evil clueless useless idiot whose JOB it is to know better - You are advancing the cause of SATAN! STOP IT!

What has President Obama done for businesses?

During yesterday's roundtable on ABC's This Week, Donna Brazile tried spinning her way through a question about what President Obama has done for small business owners. Here's what she said:

What we can do is talk about what the President is doing to help small businesses compete, what the President is doing to help small businesses grow and hire people. That's what we're talking about. We're not anti-small business. We're trying to help small businesses compete.

Let's have that discussion. When a small business files their taxes as an individual, the business's earnings are counted as the individual's income. President Obama wants these S-corps and LLCs to pay a marginal tax rate of almost 40%.

This money typically isn't taken in salary by "the rich." It's frequently invested in their businesses. How will increasing their taxes at this time help small businesses or their employees? It won't.

How has this administration's EPA helped small businesses? It hasn't. This administration's EPA isn't greenlighting the permits needed for switching vehicles from diesel fuel to liquified natural gas. That step alone would cut delivery expenses dramatically.

When President Obama delayed a decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline project, he stopped small businesses from playing an important support role in building the pipeline.

These small businesses have been hurt by some of President Obama's lesser known initiatives. That's before talking about the 8,000 elephant in the room, aka the ACA.

That's before talking about this administration's disastrous energy policy, if it can be seriously considered policy. President Obama put a higher priority on campaign contributions than on strengthening America's energy supply for a generation. The deal that the Chinese are on the verge of signing won't stop global warming like militant environmentalists want. The Chinese deal will officially stop the Keystone XL pipeline, killing thousands of jobs.

If that's this administration's idea of helping small businesses, then I'm betting small businesses wish government got out of the business of helping small businesses.

This administration's economic legacy is a disaster. Job growth is anemic. Economic growth dropped from 4.1% in Q4/2011 to a tiny 1.5% in Q2/2012. FYI- That 4.1% growth was the best of this administration. The Reagan recovery started in earnest in Q2/1983. The GDP that quarter was 10.9%. That quarter was followed by quarters of 6.5%, 7%, 7.4% and 5%.

In President Reagan's third September in office, the economy created 1,100,000 jobs. After a strong start this year, it's questionable whether the economy under this administration will create 1,100,000 jobs this year.

Finally, we know from corporations parking their money on the sidelines that their money will stay on the sidelines until regulations are reformed, the ACA is repealed and Dodd-Frank is just an awful memory. That means this is the best economic performance we can expect in an Obama administration.

That's why we can't afford 4 more years of this economic stagnation.

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Posted Monday, July 30, 2012 4:04 PM

Comment 1 by Terry Stone at 30-Jul-12 05:15 PM
When private sector capital returns to the market, the government beast will be hungry. There is a need to hijack the private sector for money to pay off the oppressive debt Obama accumulated during his short period of unabated feeding at the public trough. Four more years of Obama would be more lost years of American prosperity, growth and world leadership.

Comment 2 by Crimson Tide at 30-Jul-12 11:31 PM
This sounds eerily similar to Gov. Mark Dayton. What has he done for Minnesota business? Attempted to increase taxes and regulations and then demonizes them for leaving Minnesota.

Comment 3 by eric z at 31-Jul-12 08:02 AM
Obama did not start two wars on Uncle Sam's credit card. He inherited such stupidity. With it, he has a House majority that will not let him tax the rich fairly. Guys, if the rich do not pay a fair share, who has to cover? You. Is your tax rate 14%, like Mr. Romney's? No? Why do you figure that is? Do you have a neighbor whose job's been shipped overseas? Just wondering.

Comment 4 by Gary Gross at 31-Jul-12 09:09 AM
Eric, Here's a clue. The 2 wars didn't cause gas prices to spike. They didn't cause unemployment & deficits to skyrocket either. Those wars didn't lead to the EPA shutting down power plants in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia & Indiana with expensive regulations that aren't necessary.

As for the Democrats' fair share BS, let's get something straight. We The People OWN the government. We The People created the government. It's time that government got its oppressive foot off our throats so we can return to having a real economy again.

You didn't hear President Clinton whine about "the rich" paying their fair share. You didn't hear President Reagan whining about it, either. They just made the economy soar.

The most successful job-creating presidents didn't whine about "the rich" paying their fair share. The worst jobs president in history whines about it all the time.

There's a lesson in there if you're willing to open your eyes & learn it. I'm not holding my breath on that.

Comment 5 by Ladylogician at 31-Jul-12 11:05 AM
Shorter Eric Z.

Gary stating facts. Eric Z -and squirrel!

Gary states more facts. Eric - look shiny!

Facts are, Eric, President Obama had the House AND A FILIBUSTER PROOF Senate and STILL couldn't get it done. Stop blaming others for HIS failures.


Comment 6 by Jethro at 31-Jul-12 11:08 PM
Eric Z. - I would love it if you, Gov. Dayton, or any DFLer for that matter quantified "the rich should pay their fair shaire" in terms of an actual number. Perhaps lower income earners who pay nothing in taxes "should pay their fair share" which is some quantifiable number greater than zero. You never hear the media or the DFL talk about this publicly.

Comment 7 by Cornelius at 30-Nov-12 07:39 PM
Ladylogician - Obama only had a filibuster proof senate for about 2 months (technically 2 weeks because Ted Kennedy did not appear to that many senate meetings due to his illness and than dying). Speaking of filibustering the republican senate obliterated the record for most filibusters in U.S. history. Hey that is how the system works you have to pass stuff through congress. But when House Speak Boehner and other republican leaders say our number one priority is to make "the president a one term president" instead of helping the american people get through a recession is baffling.

Gary, those wars cost us a near trillion in our deficit. The Bush tax cuts cost us nearly 2 trillion. We still have not even fully recovered from the housing crisis. Does Obama have some blame most definitely. He is spending too much. But to forget about the previous presidents goof and pretend his policies had no effect on the current president is extremely disingenuous.

Response 7.1 by Gary Gross at 30-Nov-12 08:10 PM
Cornelius, I was thinking of deleting your comment but thought it was better to highlight the fact that you're nothing but a windbag. First, the Ted Kennedy argument is laughable. The House Democrats didn't pass the bills so that the Senate could act on them. Second, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that he wanted to make President Obama a 1-term president. How's that different than Senate Majority Leader Reid accusing GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney of committing tax fraud from the Senate floor? My mistake. Reid accused Mitt of that without a hint of proof.

Third, the total deficit for the entire Bush term was less than Obama's first term deficits. The biggest deficits during the Bush administration came with a Democratic House & Senate. Those 2 deficits, coupled with the deficit caused by the Clinton dot.com recession, only slightly exceed President Obama's biggest deficit. The smallest deficit happened in 2006 when it dropped to $161,000,000,000.

President Obama's policies have crippled our economy. That's right. President Obama's policies are the culprit. President Bush didn't have a thing to do with President Obama's EPA issuing new regulations that crippled the coal industry & hurt the natural gas industry. President Bush didn't have anything to do with this administration's decision to pass the job-killing ACA. Those are the reasons why Obamanomics isn't working.

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