May 2014 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

01-May-14 Victory lap inflation
01-May-14 Bret Baier vs. Tommy Vietor: new information, new questions

02-May-14 Questioning Chancellor Rosenstone
02-May-14 FEC corruption exposed

03-May-14 Where's Gov. Dayton?
03-May-14 Where's Gov. Dayton, Part II?

04-May-14 Liberal fascism, St. Cloud edition
04-May-14 That pesky thing
04-May-14 SCSU's rightsizing strategy exposed

05-May-14 Fisking Unze's article, Potter's spin

04-May-14 Benghazi talking points, Brit Hume vs. Jane Harman edition

05-May-14 Ken Martin's accusations refuted
05-May-14 National Popular Vote and Rhonda Sivarajah
05-May-14 Stitches
05-May-14 The DFL's ill-advised priorities

06-May-14 ISELF Before & After
06-May-14 DFL ties St. Paul potholes to state spending

07-May-14 Kirsten Powers demolishes Obama administration
07-May-14 Voting no on bonding bill
07-May-14 Media whitewashing Benghazi

08-May-14 Benghazi: Trey Gowdy vs. Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff & Chuck Todd

09-May-14 Silence speaks, GPTWI edition

11-May-14 Will 'Seifert Fishing Opener' backfire?
11-May-14 Vikings earn praise for draft

12-May-14 Al Franken through the years: coke addict to Koch addict
12-May-14 Chris Wallace trips up Xavier Becerra
12-May-14 Hillary's testimony raises new questions

13-May-14 GPTW figures tell the story
13-May-14 Kasich cruising to re-election?
13-May-14 DFL facing tough campaign battlefield

14-May-14 GPTW post-mortem
14-May-14 Which lie will Franken stick with?
14-May-14 DFL ignores pothole crisis
14-May-14 Indicting the DFL's priorities

15-May-14 President Potter's puzzling metaphors
15-May-14 Rep. Loon's compelling case against Met Council
15-May-14 Will the DFL cave on bonding bill?
15-May-14 Progressive fascists at the door

16-May-14 Progressive fascists at the door, Part II

21-May-14 Franken, Klobuchar, flip Iron Range DFL the bird

17-May-14 Tom Bakk's end of session spin

18-May-14 Tom Bakk's end of session spin, Part II

19-May-14 Iron Range DFL vs. the Metrocrats
19-May-14 Mr. McDonough, talk is cheap
19-May-14 Juan Williams' education reform fight
19-May-14 Does SCSU = UMD?

20-May-14 Republicans' justifiable skepticism
20-May-14 Are Georgia and Kentucky GOP holds?

21-May-14 McConnell defeats Bevin; death of the TEA Party?
21-May-14 Will the DC media criticize Harry Reid?

23-May-14 Wedum Foundation gets bonding approval
23-May-14 Taranto skewers Obama & Krugman

26-May-14 Environmental activist caught lying

27-May-14 Environmental activist caught lying, Part II

28-May-14 Environmental activist caught lying, Part III

25-May-14 Democrats' Benghazi chanting points tired, pathetic

28-May-14 Environmental activist caught lying, Part IV

26-May-14 The high price of voting DFL

27-May-14 Back when government worked

28-May-14 Mesabi Daily News LTE is posted
28-May-14 Franken: VA scandal a disgrace, sorta
28-May-14 Higher ed that works

29-May-14 The solution to the miners' blues
29-May-14 The tale of the tape, Secretary of State edition
29-May-14 Pelosi's intentional misdirection
29-May-14 Democrats demand Shinseki's termination

30-May-14 Shinseki Watch in final minutes? UPDATE: Shinseki resigns
30-May-14 Ortman gets unflattering press
30-May-14 How long will Ortman last?

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