March 2014 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

01-Mar-14 Who owns who?
01-Mar-14 Patriotism personified

03-Mar-14 SCSU's 30th day enrollment

04-Mar-14 MnSCU Spring enrollment, Part II

02-Mar-14 Potter's PR initiative failing, Part I
02-Mar-14 President Potter's PR initiative failing, Part II
02-Mar-14 The death of the SC Times

04-Mar-14 Sen. Ortman sounds like Franken
04-Mar-14 Will Dorholt's tax increase vote hurt him?
04-Mar-14 St. Cloud Times, veiled threats edition
04-Mar-14 The UAW, silencing the opposition edition
04-Mar-14 Obama was wrong, Putin edition

06-Mar-14 To: The Times Editorial Board

05-Mar-14 Jim Knoblach enters HD-14B race

06-Mar-14 Yield rates
06-Mar-14 Dahlberg weighs in on Ortman
06-Mar-14 Julianne Ortman sets record straight

07-Mar-14 Fournier's political circus

10-Mar-14 Gingrich rallies CPAC faithful with optimism
10-Mar-14 SC Times: a portrait in selective journalism
10-Mar-14 Dayton's MnSCU bailout

11-Mar-14 Rand Paul, appeaser
11-Mar-14 Bill de Blasio: New York's racist mayor
11-Mar-14 Al Franken: hot air specialist
11-Mar-14 Highlighting Sen. Ortman's 'flexibility'

12-Mar-14 Exposing Nancy Pelosi's latest whopper

13-Mar-14 de Blasio's disgusting anti-charter school policy
13-Mar-14 Bakk playing hardball on Senate Office Building
13-Mar-14 Julianne Ortman on Raising Taxes: "I'm Back in my Comfort Zone"

14-Mar-14 Will Erin Murphy call Tom Bakk's bluff?
14-Mar-14 Going backwards with Obamacare
14-Mar-14 The Expensive Train That Couldn't

15-Mar-14 Repealing the "law of the land"

16-Mar-14 DFL only cares about their politicians
16-Mar-14 Begala to Democrats: Go on offense

17-Mar-14 Great Place to Work Institute survey results

18-Mar-14 Potter gets devastating news in survey

17-Mar-14 Nolan vs. Nolan vs. Nolan?
17-Mar-14 Hillary distancing herself from her disaster

18-Mar-14 How did the Times miss this?
18-Mar-14 Julianne Ortman, taxaholic?

19-Mar-14 SCSU's questionable budget cuts

18-Mar-14 Bobby Jindal's school choice mission

19-Mar-14 Gov. Dayton criticizes Senate

20-Mar-14 Defining a great place to work

19-Mar-14 EPA: The face of weaponized government

20-Mar-14 What's Franken's fix for this?
20-Mar-14 Bakk caves on Tax Repair Bill
20-Mar-14 NAACP & de Blasio: modern day bullies
20-Mar-14 Taxes and the looming DFL civil war

21-Mar-14 Al Franken's biggest problem
21-Mar-14 Bakk criticizes Republicans for doing right thing

22-Mar-14 The DFL's apologists
22-Mar-14 The DFL's deceitful, dishonest tax cut rhetoric

23-Mar-14 Dayton, DFL now bragging about shrinking tax increase
23-Mar-14 Bakk's rebuttal?

24-Mar-14 President Potter's fictional world
24-Mar-14 The DFL's Rainy Day rip-off
24-Mar-14 Strib's misleading headline
24-Mar-14 News article reads like DFL press release
24-Mar-14 Walz's, Smith's spin dizzying
24-Mar-14 Chamberlain-Dean bill getting attention

25-Mar-14 Ortman supported Cap & Trade
25-Mar-14 SC Times gives Potter kid glove treatment, Part I
25-Mar-14 SC Times gives Potter kid glove treatment, Part II
25-Mar-14 MNsure success: Then vs. Now

26-Mar-14 MNsure crisis by the numbers

27-Mar-14 GPTW Trust Index Survey questions

28-Mar-14 DFL vs. the First Amendment
28-Mar-14 Questioning Palin's ill-advised endorsement

30-Mar-14 Dorholt parrots DFL's spin
30-Mar-14 Mike Hatch: Gov. Dayton's defense attorney?

31-Mar-14 Mission Accomplished failed

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