June 19-21, 2012

Jun 19 11:32 Waxman, Markey preaching to tiny, tiny choir
Jun 19 01:48 DFL frustration boiling over
Jun 19 10:04 Occupy Wall Street is history...says Dana Milbank
Jun 19 23:18 DFL CD-8 primary sniping starts

Jun 20 09:40 President Obama asserts executive privilege on Fast & Furious documents

Jun 21 00:05 Alida Messinger writes another big check
Jun 21 07:47 Michelle Malkin smacks down another defenseless lib
Jun 21 12:32 Sharpton's moral equivalence game doesn't fit

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Waxman, Markey preaching to tiny, tiny choir

First, let me go on the record as saying that I pray that Democrats keep preaching to their shrinking choir. Yesterday, two of the nuttiest Democrats in Congress, Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Henry Waxman of California, held a shrill-sounding press conference . Here's Waxman's most incendiary comment:

Asked about Democratic support for the bills, Waxman said 'a couple of Democrats who may have voted for these bills does not make it bipartisan legislation. These are Republican partisan proposals advanced by the Republican leadership.'

Continuing his response, Waxman upped the ante, saying Republicans are 'getting away, literally, with murder' because of their record on the environment.

'Some of these pollutants do harm, and they may even lead to fatalities,' Waxman said.

Rep. Waxman is a blithering idiot. Those comments are proof of that.

The more Democrats like Rep. Waxman preach for limiting oil drilling, the more Main Street America will tune them out. People want cheap gas. They're certain that limiting oil supplies leads to higher gas prices.

The Democrats are treating this like a base election. When Democrats advocate for green energy or limit fossil fuels, they lose traction with the average voter.

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Posted Tuesday, June 19, 2012 11:32 AM

Comment 1 by walter hanson at 19-Jun-12 02:13 PM

You might want to play with the quote by Waxman to describe the stimulus bill and the healthcare bill. After all the stimulus bill got three Repbulican votes (and one became a democrat afterwords) and the healthcare bill no Republican votes.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

DFL frustration boiling over

After being obstructionists without an original idea, the DCCC is facing the likelihood that their top targeted race is slipping away. With each passing day, the case for re-electing Chip Cravaack keeps getting stronger. That's why they dispatched hatchetman Eric Pusey to continue their fabrications:

The title for Pusey's video is an outright lie:

Chip Cravaack will not hold town halls in Duluth

That wasn't enough for Pusey, though. He shoved a microphone in Chip's face and asked why Chip hasn't had a townhall in Duluth. That's factually inaccurate. Chip was right in pointing that out. Then Pusey made his mistake. That's when he asked Chip if he planned on having another one, which is fair game.

After Chip replied that he was planning "something special" for Duluth and that they were ironing out the details, Pusey asked if Chip would show up for the event.

That's one of the dumbest things a pretend reporter has ever asked. It's impossible to take Pusey seriously. Why would a congressman announce that he's planning something special, then not attend?

There are really 2 stories working here. The first is that Chip Cravaack will be far more difficult to topple than the DCCC initially thought. The morning after Chip Cravaack defeated Jim Oberstar, the DCCC has salivated over the thought that the seat would return to their column in 2012.

That isn't going to happen because Chip's won over old-fashioned Democrats by fighting for mining. Meanwhile, Democrats in DC have shown that they won't fight for the construction unions.

The other story is that the DFL's pathetic chanting point of Chip being out of touch with his constituents isn't working. That's why they tried shoving a mic in his face in the hopes of getting Chip flustered.

It isn't just that Chip handled it perfectly. It's that Pusey looked like a spoiled brat having a hissy fit.

In the end, this is about Chip getting re-elected. Right now, the DFL and the DCCC aren't happy that they won't retake the seat they thought was their's for the taking.

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Posted Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:48 AM

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Occupy Wall Street is history...says Dana Milbank

Though high profile Democrats like President Obama and former Speaker Pelosi touted Occupy Wall Street as the left's response to the TEA Party movement, it's essentially history. That's long been my opinion. Now, Dana Milbank is confirming it :

In October, when liberal activists gathered in Washington, they had hopes that the nascent Occupy Wall Street movement would become the left's answer to the tea party.

But this time around; the annual Take Back the American Dream Conference was moved up to June this election year; the Occupy encampments are gone, and participants in the conference were pondering what went wrong. Or, as activist Van Jones put it to them, what has become of 'the voice that is missing.'

Jones, an Obama administration official who resigned under pressure because of his far-left positions, is a fixture at the annual gatherings and a fiery orator. But this version of his yearly pep talk was laced with disappointment. 'I'm watching that movement that inspired the world...that stunned the world, in the moment of maximum peril now sit down,' he lamented at the opening session, where half of the 500 seats were filled.

Suffering Americans, he went on, 'need a movement that is willing to stand with them, and yet there is this reluctance. We saw in Wisconsin what happens when we put our minimum against our opponents' maximum...Are we going to let the tea party govern America?'

OWS disappeared because citizen journalists exposed them for the criminals that they are. They also disappeared because Main Street can't relate to them. There's no doubt that OWS excited The Left. If President Obama won 100% of the anarchists' and Marxists' vote, that might get him to 10% of the vote. That leaves him just 40 points short of winning re-election.

The TEA Party's ideals are the embodiment of Main Street values and priorities. While there aren't as many TEA Party rallies, the TEA Party spirit is still vibrant. Most TEA Party activists found limited government candidates to support, then went to work for those types of candidates.

America might not agree with everything that the TEA Party stands for but they aren't repulsed by TEA Party activists like they are with OWS criminals.

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Posted Tuesday, June 19, 2012 10:04 AM

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DFL CD-8 primary sniping starts

True to her colors, Tarryl Clark's ad says that, if she's elected, she'll fight for people:

Tarryl saying that she'll fight for people is a hallmark of her campaigns. That's code for saying she'll fight for the special interests that support her during the campaign. Mostly, it means that she's a shill for the special interests.

This news report highlights the unusual nature of this primary:

This article highlights the fact that the DFL in-party sniping is starting early:

According to Clark, it's a necessary move, after the pro-Cravaack TV ads, paid for by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, began airing weeks ago.

"With the United States Chamber of Commerce running ads for him for weeks, it's important that voters are getting to hear directly from me, so that they know that, indeed, they're going to have someone who's on their side, and fighting for them," said Clark.

"It's no wonder that Tarryl has to be up this early, and spending all this money on Television. She's got to convince people that it was a good idea for her to move here, from St. Cloud, just to run for office," said DFL Candidate, Jeff Anderson.

"Having just moved into the district to run for Congress, and being very behind in the race, she obviously thinks that spending a lot of money on a big media campaign is the way to win the election. And, it's not going to work," said DFL Candidate, Rick Nolan.

Meanwhile, Chip will detach himself from the race to a large extent. Instead, he'll keep tending to the district's needs.

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Posted Tuesday, June 19, 2012 11:18 PM

Comment 1 by J. Ewing at 20-Jun-12 05:59 AM
I get tired of hearing politicians say they will "fight for" me. That's not what I pay them for, and I always wonder who they are fighting against? Most generally, what they mean is that they will fight against all of the people and things that I happen to agree with, like free markets, freedom and prosperity.

President Obama asserts executive privilege on Fast & Furious documents

In a naked political move, President Obama has asserted executive privilege over the Fast & Furious documents that Chairman Darrell Issa's committee has already seen:

WASHINGTON - Justice Dept says president has exerted executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents.

This is a losing fight for this administration. First, Chairman Issa's committee has seen some of these documents. Second, Gen. Holder offered to brief Chairman Issa's committee on the documents. Now he's asking people to believe that these documents are classified. Third, this is a desperate attempt to hide this administration's mistakes as it pertains to Operation Fast & Furious.

Fourth and most importantly, this stinks of coverup on the administration's behalf. Regardless of what's in the documents, people will now think that the information is damaging to this administration.

Check back later for more updates as they become available.

UPDATE: Chairman Issa is proceeding with the Contempt of Congress vote against Holder. This is about to get ugly for the administration.

UPDATE II: Let's remember what this fight is about :

In particular, Issa's committee wants documents that show why the Department of Justice decided to withdraw as inaccurate a February 2011 letter sent to Congress that said top officials had only recently learned about Fast and Furious.

This isn't about information that might be used in criminal prosecutions against the gunrunners. It's about the DoJ's documents on why they lied to Chairman Issa's committee.

UPDATE III: This picture captures it perfectly:


UPDATE IV: The hearing is getting testy:

But Issa's Democratic counterpart, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., fired back that Holder never made such a demand, and said the attorney general had come to the committee in "good faith" to try and work out an agreement.

Cummings said the upcoming contempt vote has "diminished" the prestige of the panel. "For the past year, you've been holding the Attorney General to an impossible standard," he said, addressing Issa. "Mr. Chairman, it did not have to be this way. It really didn't."

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., added that she was "horrified" by the panel's looming vote, calling it a "political witch hunt" and accusing Republicans of "overruling" the president.

Rep. Cummings is wrong. It's imperative that the vote happens. When the administration lies, then tries to ignores a congressional oversight committee's subpoena for the documents, that committee must hold the administration accountable.

UPDATE V: Rep. Trey Gowdy made a great point during his statement. First, Democrats suggested that Chairman Issa was grandstanding and that he should've negotiated a deal. Rep. Gowdy replied that there isn't a U.S. attorney that would subpoena documents from a government agency, then accept a deal where the agency first stonewalls the investigation, then accept a briefing but none of the documents they subpoenaed.

When this makes it to the courts, the administration will lose because they're trying to hide documents, not of internal discussions on policy, pertaining to how they can play things after lying to Congress.

UPDATE VI: Here's the video of Rep. Gowdy's statement:

Incensed and passionate throughout, Rep. Gowdy delivered this shot at Gen. Holder:

Our fellow citizens, the ones we're supposed to work for, when they get a jury summons, do you think they have choice on whether to comply? When they get a subpoena from the law enforcement agency, do you think our fellow citizens get to offer an extraordinary accomodation in lieu of providing the document?

Either Congress has the authority to send a subpoena and require full compliance or what we've been doing for the past 12 months has been a fool's errand and we should never have discussed contempt. Either we have the right to the documents and we should get all of them or we have no business here.

And with respect to executive privilege, Mr. Chairman, I'm going to resist the temptation of Sen. Barack Obama's position on executive privilege with President Obama's position on executive privilege but I would just note that the juxtaposition is stark.
UPDATE VII : This morning, Dom Giordano of WPHT interviewed Brian Terry's mother. Here's what she said 3 minutes into the interview:

"[Brian] was a true American and I think he deserves the truth and I think everybody should know the truth," she said. "And if this was a bad thing they did with Fast and Furious it should be acknowledged so it never happens to anybody else's son."

First, the administration should stop the spin immediately. After that, they should apologize to the Terry family for covering this up. Finally, they should stop this charade that they're interested in justice.

Anyone who listens to Josephine Terry knows that their family deserves the truth. From that perspective, there's no arguing against a grieving mother. There's no spinning that. PERIOD.

Posted Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:16 PM

Comment 1 by eric z. at 20-Jun-12 10:20 AM
Fast and Furious was an ATF operation. You may remember them from killing off Randy Weaver's family in Idaho and burning down the Branch Davidian church/compound in Waco.

I have to admit Bush seems to have kept that pack of bozos in check better than either Clinton or Obama.

But the problem is systemic, to ATF, and not a presidential thing, apart from no president having the courage to propose reining in that pack of cowboys.

Do you, Gary, know of anything those ATF folks have done that turned out well?

And in closing, Gary, to refresh your sense of history this is NOT the very first time executive privilege has been asserted over deliberative matters within the executive branch.

Comment 2 by Leo Pusateri at 20-Jun-12 10:30 AM
Eric-- jeeze--innocent people are dead. Despite Holder's feigned temporary amnesia, documents heretofore PROVE that Holder knew about the operation. Holder has oversight over the ATF. The buck stops with him, and then the President. Memos leaked thus far demonstrate that Holder wanted to utilize the chaos caused by F & F to further his gun control agenda-- again, more than willing to LET PEOPLE DIE to further that agenda.

You look pretty damned pathetic continuing to make excuses for this sorry bunch of ne'erdowells.

Comment 3 by Gary Gross at 20-Jun-12 10:32 AM
Eric, documents that don't have anything to do with ongoing criminal investigations will be produced when the courts step in.

The documents this administration is withholding are documents dealing with this administration's lying to the committee. That can't be tolerated.

Comment 4 by walter hanson at 20-Jun-12 04:07 PM

I remember in 2009 that Holder and others published documents about how we treated the prisoners at Gitmo and investigated people for wrong doing.

Here nobody is officially being investigated (at least not declared publically) and there is nothing to hide compared with Gitmo.

This is more major than attorneys being fired by the US Attorney but democrats wanted to see every document involved with that even though it was something the President could legally do.

You do realize we're talking about illegal conduct by people in the Justice Department?

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 5 by Lady Logician at 20-Jun-12 05:56 PM
Eric - and when the ATF blew up the compound at Waco, Bill Clinton did not hide his AG behind "Executive Privilege" he rightly investigated! The FACT that AG Holder LIED TO CONGRESS REPEATEDLY (where Janet Napalitano did not) shows that he knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it. The FACT that Obama declared Executive Privilege shows, with Nixonian clarity, just how dirty this Chicago politician. I hope you Democrats are proud of your crook.


Comment 6 by Lady Logician at 20-Jun-12 05:57 PM
Oh and Eric - ask Roger Clemens if you can get away with appearing to lie to Congress.........


Comment 7 by Jethro at 20-Jun-12 06:43 PM
Man, I really miss W now. Four more years of a community organizer is unthinkable.

Comment 8 by eric z at 21-Jun-12 07:48 AM
Is Issa looking back at ATF beyond Jan. 2009, and what they did back then? If not, he lacks the legitimacy such investigative activity should have. Not looking at the entire time line is purely playing gotcha politics, in the worse way.

I expect you would find a continuity over time in ATF behavior. I expect if you lift all the rocks you get a real ugly picture of what actual ONGOING federal policy is toward the drug trade, and Mexican involvement in it. Remember the Iran-Contra planes returning with cargo. If that's stopped, where are the signs? And I mean that stuff's been happening from Reagan, through Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and now Obama. Indo-China and Afghanistan wars involved poppy fields, as well as rice in Indo-China and pipeline routes and minerals in Afghanistan. It's not new stuff.

I really think it would be good for the nation if Issa enlarged his perspective as Ron Paul would, were he heading that committee. Really go for the big picture.

Lady Logician - Give me a break. Clinton whitewashed. It was as sound an investigation as the Warren Commission did of the Kennedy assassination.

They burned that compound down in Waco, torched it, and they entrapped Randy Weaver before killing his family at Ruby Ridge.

ATF has big time Big Cowboy problems. Big time.

Comment 9 by Bob J. at 21-Jun-12 12:28 PM
"Third, this is a desperate attempt to hide this administration's mistakes as it pertains to Operation Fast & Furious."

Gary, I don't believe the regime has made any 'mistakes' when it comes to F&F other than getting caught. I believe everything the regime meant to do -- including allowing guns to run to Mexican drug cartels so they would be used for their intended purpose -- was done in the name of advancing a gun control agenda.

This is an absolutely textbook case for impeachment. Technically, the regime has committed an act of war against Mexico without Congressional oversight until ex post facto. Zero's assertion of executive privilege begs an utterly obvious question: what did Zero know and when did he know it?

Comment 10 by walter hanson at 21-Jun-12 07:03 PM

I don't think they have to investigate that since Nancy and her gang (not to mention Eric Holder) would've gone after that already. Besides if you believe Nancy Pelosi we have the power to arrest Eric Holder any minute we want to arrest him.

But while you were going after Lady you ducked my question. So I will ask you again.

You do realize we are talking about illegal conduct in the Justice Department? If you want to get at Bush even though he's gone the materials must be in those files which until recently Holder wasn't officially trying to hide.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 11 by walter hanson at 21-Jun-12 07:05 PM

You need at least 20 democrats in the senate to vote for this. To the best of my knowledge they haven't held one hearing. Too bad Holder didn't fire one person then Amy K, Al, Charles Schummer, and a bunch of other democrats might care since they were horrified about the firing of six or seven us attorneys back in 2007.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 12 by Bob J. at 22-Jun-12 09:52 AM
I realize that, Walter. However, justice delayed is justice denied. Given 0bama's recent diktats on immigration and illegal recess appointments, could it not be more clear that this man believes himself to be above the law?

In any event, with 0bama becoming increasingly toxic to more and more people, getting Democrats, especially those up for re-election in November, on the record concerning this man's conduct is an exercise worth doing. Do you not agree that sanctioning an act of war against a foreign power constitutes a 'high crime and misdemeanor'?

Comment 13 by walter hanson at 24-Jun-12 12:54 PM

I understand the spirit, but how many americans even today understand that this isn't a game to try to get Eric Holder? You got Nancy Pelosi saying we're going after Holder because of voter ID. I think we're getting lots of justice know.

And yes you got some leaders in House not wanting to do it because they thought they had lost the election in 1998 because they went after Clinton. They didn't realize that they did such a bad job protraying what they stood for or what they could pass that was why they lost.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Alida Messinger writes another big check

Alida Messinger, the woman telling the DFL what to do, just wrote a big check to buy a DFL legislature :

Philanthropist Alida Messinger, the ex-wife of Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton, is putting big money into overturning Republican control of the Minnesota Legislature.

Fundraising reports released Wednesday showed that Messinger gave $500,000 to the WIN Minnesota political fund. That group funneled money to the Alliance for a Better Minnesota, a Democratic-supporting independent expenditure group expected to sink significant amounts into key legislative races.

This isn't a 'get all money out of politics' post. Quite the contrary. If Alida wants to write a 500,000 check to the DFL, then write another $500,000 check to WIN Minnesota, then write another $500,000 check to Conservation Minnesota, she should have that right.

Rather, this post will focus on whether the candidates this money supports will be obligated to vote for Alida Rockefeller-Messinger's ultra-leftist agenda or they're free to vote the way their constituents tell them to vote.

When Gov. Dayton was picking his MPCA commissioner nominee, Alida Messinger told him she'd earned the right to pick Paul Aasen, an anti-business envirolitigator with the MCEA, as his commissioner. Her wishes were granted immediately.

When the DFL got whipped in the 2010 midterms, she demanded that then-DFL chairman Brian Melendez's head be delivered to her on a platter or her checks would stop coming in. Shortly thereafter, Melendez announced that he wouldn't run for another term .

The bottom line is this: when Alida writes big checks, she gets what she wants.

That means anyone who benefits from her financial largess will be expected to vote for the DFL's agenda without hesitation. That means voting for Alida Messinger's anti-mining, anti-jobs agenda.

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Posted Thursday, June 21, 2012 12:05 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 21-Jun-12 07:29 AM
And Koch brothers' check writing is no bother?

Comment 2 by eric z at 21-Jun-12 07:35 AM
Isn't Bill Cooper holding back on his cash with the current crop of GOP leadership? Or at least he did with Sutton-Brodkorb when they were in charge of party affairs and fiscal largesse. If that is different in kind, I would enjoy knowing how so. In agenda, clearly different, but it's the same game big money always plays, everywhere. You buy the car you want the driver's seat. It is why Washington is full of lobbyists who lobby. Of all things.

Comment 3 by Gary Gross at 21-Jun-12 07:54 AM
Eric, unlike you, I don't mind lots of money in politics. The First Amendment is messy. I wouldn't want it any other way.

My point isn't that Alida shouldn't write checks to the DFL or WIN Minnesota or Conservation Minnesota. It's that people should know what Alida demands for her largess.

Demanding adherence to a radical agenda that ignores the will of the people is what Alida demands.

Comment 4 by Chad Q at 21-Jun-12 08:39 AM
As usual, Eric Z has missed the whole point of your article. To him big money is OK when it is for a liberal cause but when Target, the Koch brother's or any other person gives large sums of money to conservative causes, it is wrong in his mind and those people should be pointed out, mocked, protested, etc. to make sure they never do that again. Meanwhile the DFL rakes in tons of money from some very wealthy people and no one cares because those wealthy people know what is best for us all. What a crock.

Comment 5 by MplsSteve at 21-Jun-12 03:57 PM
The key here is for us to start writing checks! I've done it ansd there's no good reason why the rest of you can't either - unless, of course, you've written checks already.

But's let be selective about it. Kurt Bills is DOA. It'd be a huge waste to donate to him. Besides, he's a Paultard.

But there are groups that are fighting for the Marriage Amendment as well as Voter ID.

There are also a good crop of GOP freshmen (most of 'em anyways - except for the buttheads who voted for the Vikings stadium bill) who could use our support.

Dave Osmek is Senate District 33 is GOP endorsed and is running against iffy-GOP rep Connie Doepke. Cindy Pugh is running in 33A (or is it 33B?) against iffy-GOP rep Steve Smith.

Comment 6 by walter hanson at 21-Jun-12 07:13 PM

Question are you saying that Aldia can write checks? If yes then you have no business complaining about the Koch brothers or anybody else.

As Gary pointed out the debate is what are the people accepting the money believe they have to do if elected?

The people who accept money from the Koch brothers will do an agenda that is good for you and everyone else in Minnesota.

The people who accept money from Adalia will do good for the environment, higher energy prices, teachers, etc. That agenda isn't good for you Eric.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Michelle Malkin smacks down another defenseless lib

Michelle Malkin is on a roll. If I were a liberal, I'd avoid debating her, especially if it means defending this administration. Here's tonight's video of Michelle smacking down Tamara Holder:

Michelle highlighted specific parts of Eric Holder's testimony. Michelle rightly noted that Eric Holder has a history of not getting his facts right. The truth is that he's gotten most major points wrong while testifying.

When it was Tamara Holder's turn to talk, she didn't want to talk about anything concerning this administration. She tried deflecting to things about the Bush administration. When Hannity tried dragging her back to the topic, she said he wasn't being fair. Then Holder said that it takes time to get the facts straight.

Actually, with the proper leadership, it can happen fairly quickly. It certainly doesn't take 18 months to find out the truth. I'd further argue that, if I'd given testimony that I'd had to correct once, I'd make certain that I had my facts straight the next time I testified.

I'd hound my people until I got every last detail right and verified. Sloppy work wouldn't cut it.

The biggest slapdown came, though, when Michelle said that she didn't think that Tamara Holder knew what she was talking about. Michelle quickly noted that she criticized the Bush administration about Operation Wide Receiver. Then she said that Wide Receiver was nothing like Fast & Furious, which is true.

First, nobody died as a result of Wide Receiver. Second, Michelle is right that the Bush administration got the guns back from Operation Wide Receiver. Third, nobody in the Bush administration went after senate staffers who looked into Operation Wide Receiver.

Thanks to Michelle's detailed recitation of the facts, Tamara Holder was reduced to saying that investigations take time. That's true to an extent but they don't take 18 months, especially when they involve the murder of a US Border Patrol officer.

If that isn't reason enough for an expedited investigation, then there isn't a situation that calls for the DOJ's undivided attention.

Mexican cartels were armed. A US border patrol agent was assassinated with the weapons. That demands an expedited investigation.

Tamara Holder tried defending the indefensible on this administration's behalf. She failed because Michelle wouldn't play the typical Washington parlor games.

Like I said, she's on a roll.

Posted Thursday, June 21, 2012 7:47 AM

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Sharpton's moral equivalence game doesn't fit

Al Sharpton's diatribe shows that his intellectual heft is missing. What he lacks in intellectual heft, he makes up for in spin:
First things first, let's remember that Fast and Furious was created under the Bush Administration. While Republicans are busy denouncing the practice for its flaws, they fail to mention that AG Holder was the one who ended the program. Since the so-called investigation (a.k.a. witch hunt) began, the Justice Department has handed over more than 140,000 documents, 7,600 pages and participated in 8 hearings before Congress. Not only did Issa and his counterparts never go after previous attorneys general or the Bush Administration itself, but they continue to treat AG Holder as if he is indeed guilty of the most egregious crime. It is the same sort of tactic we see utilized against the hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals stopped and searched by police. They have no weapon, haven't committed an offense, yet somehow 'appear' as a culprit.
First, Chairman Issa isn't going after the Bush administration because the guns from Operation Wide Receiver were recovered.

Second, Chairman Issa's committee is investigating Holder's DOJ because they can't seem to get their stories straight about who knew what when.

Third, and most importantly, this investigation is going forward because a US border patrol agent was assassinated on Holder's watch.

Sharpton's bluster that "AG Holder is being profiled, stopped and searched" is racist spin. If Janet Reno had been the AG when this happened, Chairman Issa would've conducted the same type of investigation. When DOJ operations result in the death of a US border patrol agent, the investigation must be tenacious. It must insist on finding out the whole truth, politics be damned.

Posted Thursday, June 21, 2012 12:32 PM

Comment 1 by walter hanson at 21-Jun-12 07:08 PM
Gary did you transcribe that quote right? If Holder truly turned over 140,000 documents shouldn't there be at least 140,000 pages not 7,600 pages? Of course if they only got 7,600 pages those must be very small documents or in very small print.

that kind of shows how crazy Al is.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 2 by Lady Logician at 21-Jun-12 11:21 PM
Hey Al - so it's OK to murder Mexicans? Is that what you are saying you racist.......? Because that is sure what it sounds like to THIS chica.


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