September 4, 2017

Sep 04 00:51 Leadership: Abbott vs. Dayton edition
Sep 04 07:46 Antifa's spin demolished
Sep 04 08:40 Hitting Comey with both barrels
Sep 04 12:23 David Stras vs. Merrick Garland
Sep 04 13:28 Haley: NoKo is 'begging for war'
Sep 04 15:34 What is Big Labor's play?

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Leadership: Abbott vs. Dayton edition

Before Harvey hit, Democrats, especially the media wing of the Democratic Party, questioned aloud whether President Trump would totally botch things or whether he'd just not pass the test. Except for some partisan Democrats, most people have given President Trump and his administration high praise. For instance, FEMA Director Brock Long got especially high praise.

What's been particularly impressive is that the federal, state and local governments have worked together seamlessly. It's indisputable that Gov. Abbott has worked well with President Trump. This crisis has shown Gov. Abbott to be a true leader.

Those of us here in Minnesota are thankful that such a crisis hasn't hit Minnesota. We're thankful because Gov. Dayton would utterly flunk that leadership test. It's impossible to picture the man who forgot that the Vikings stadium bill had a provision in it for Personal Seat Licenses , aka PSLs, would have competent people in place to handle cleaning up after a major natural disaster. It's impossible to picture that the man who didn't know the Tax Bill he'd negotiated included a farm equipment repair sales tax in it until the day before he attended FarmFest could interact with FEMA to minimize the stress on Minnesotans.

This is what FEMA did before Hurricane Harvey hit:

Harvey dumped around 25 trillion gallons of water on Texas and Louisiana, flooding countless homes and wrecking cities. But the Federal Emergency Management Agency was on site two days before the storm hit. The National Guard and Coast Guard quickly mobilized and have saved thousands of lives.

Minnesotans, can you picture Gov. Dayton dealing with this?

I can't. The thing is that we don't have to imagine Gov. Abbott dealing with it. That's because he's already on top of things. That's partially because Texans are a self-reliant people. Yes, they'll need help from the federal government. That being said, they aren't waiting for the federal government to act. They're already rescuing, then feeding, people whose homes have been demolished by Harvey's floods.

Posted Monday, September 4, 2017 12:51 AM

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Antifa's spin demolished

Antifa's spinners have been trying to convince people that they aren't a domestic terrorist organization, that they're just misunderstood and that they come out to protect people from evil right-wingers and the police . This article demolishes that myth.

The article starts by saying "Well before the deadly Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville and the ongoing violent clashes with white supremacists and other groups, federal authorities warned local officials the actions of left-wing extremists were becoming increasingly confrontational and dangerous." Later in the article, it says "In previously unreported documents dating back to April 2016 and viewed by Fox News, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security wrote that 'anarchist extremists' and Antifa groups were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies. They blamed these groups for attacks on police, government and political institutions, racists, fascists and 'symbols of capitalism.'"

Still later, it quotes "Brian Levin, a former New York City police officer who monitors domestic militants at the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino" as saying "People in this movement allow for confronting, jostling, committing low-level types of offenses, but there has been for some time a core that have tipped the movement to confrontational violence,' he told Fox News on Friday. 'The hardest edge in the Antifa spectrum comes under that category...not all Antifa are busting heads."

That's right. Not all Antifa thugs are into violence. Those that aren't committing acts of violence are enabling acts of violence. This video shows what some Antifa are willing to do:

The main thing to take from the article is that the Obama administration knew about Antifa in April, 2016, then did nothing. (Perhaps, this is proof that strategic patience wasn't just limited to causing crises around the world?)

This isn't surprising in that President Obama didn't hesitate in punishing his enemies. (See Lois Lerner, IRS vs. TEA Party groups.) This isn't surprising. It's just disgusting.

Posted Monday, September 4, 2017 7:46 AM

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Hitting Comey with both barrels

Steve Cortes' article doesn't pull punches. It should be seen for what it is: an in-your-face put-down of former FBI Director Comey and Washington, DC's rigged system.

Cortes lays out the evidence immediately, saying "As evidence of the rigged system, voters sided with Trump during the campaign in often citing Clinton's apparent immunity from consequences regarding her unsavory acts as secretary of state, especially her hidden emails on a private server, as well as corrupt Clinton Foundation dealings."

Cortes cites Comey's letter, written in late April or early May, that essentially said the FBI's investigation was rigged. Cortes highlights the fact that Sen. Grassley and Sen. Graham sent this letter to FBI Director Robert Wray. One of the key parts of that letter is when Grassley and Graham write "According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts."

In fact, after Comey wrote his 'nothing to see here' draft absolving Clinton of wrongdoing, the FBI still interviewed a total of 17 key officials.

It's impossible to find what you refuse to look for. Let's be clear about something. What Comey did in predetermining the outcome of his investigation is every bit as corrupt as Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on a Phoenix tarmac. Then there's this:

How is it possible that Comey had ascertained, at such an early date, that the evidence would not incriminate Hillary Clinton?

There's a simple answer to that question. Comey wasn't interested in finding out the truth. Apparently, he had picked a destination long before his agents had done the heavy lifting.

Finally, what isn't being discussed is the Democratic Party's depravity in nominating a woman who was exceptionally corrupt. What type of political party nominates someone who should've gotten indicted and prosecuted?

Posted Monday, September 4, 2017 8:40 AM

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David Stras vs. Merrick Garland

Scott Johnson's latest post on Sen. Franken and Sen. Klobuchar blocking the confirmation of Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals is informative in that it show how dishonest Franken and Klobuchar are. It also highlights how corrupt the Twin Cities media is.

Speaking to the latter, Scott writes "I have done my best to bring to light the machinations involved in the blocking of the Stras nomination. Wheels are in spin. The story is of interest to many Minnesota citizens of different stripes, yet it has received virtually no coverage in the Star Tribune or the Minnesota media. The story is also of interest to a national audience following the Minnesota senators, each of whom has big plans for the future. From the perspective of their aspirations, Justice Stras is a bit player."

It isn't a secret that both Klobuchar and Franken see themselves as part of a national ticket in the next couple of elections. That they see themselves that way is why the Twin Cities media is doing their best to protect them from being called obstructionists.

To the former, Scott writes "Senator Klobuchar has carved a niche projecting an aura of bipartisan good feelings that conceals pure partisan hackery. As I think our coverage has demonstrated, the Stras nomination presents a powerful case in point, several times over."

This weekend, I saw a liberal pundit address the Stras nomination on At Issue. This pundit tried justifying the Stras nomination obstructionism by saying (I'm paraphrasing this) Republicans blocked a Supreme Court nominee from even getting a hearing. This pundit was talking about Merrick Garland's nomination. I'd just argue that Republicans didn't attempt to hide their strategy.

They announced that they weren't going to give him a hearing and they said why they were employing this strategy. Compare that with the secrecy that St. Amy of Hennepin County and Sen. Stuart Smalley, my nicknames for Sen. Klobuchar and Sen. Franken, have operated under while obstructing Stras's nomination.

Simply put, Franken is a political hatchetman who's part of the Resistance Movement that's done everything to obstruct everything that President Trump has tried doing to fix the mess that the Obama administration dumped into his lap.

Franken hasn't done anything to pretend that he's got Minnesota's or the nation's best interest at heart. Klobuchar is a political hack, too, though she has more political talent than Franken. They, along with Gov. Dayton, have gotten elected because people still think today's DFL is like the party of Humphrey, Mondale and Wellstone.

The truth is that party disappeared years ago. Today's DFL doesn't represent farmers or laborers, the F and L in DFL. Farmers have abandoned the DFL in recent years, as evidenced by the fact that rural Minnesota is what's helped Republicans regain the majority in both houses of the Minnesota legislature. Further, Hillary Clinton got buried in northern Minnesota, losing the Eighth District to President Trump by almost 60,000 votes .

It's time for the Twin Cities media to prove that they're professionals, not DFL activists. Thus far, I've seen little proof that they aren't DFL activists.

Posted Monday, September 4, 2017 12:23 PM

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Haley: NoKo is 'begging for war'

Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., addressed an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, saying that the time for half-measures is over . This morning, Ambassador Haley "asked the body's Security Council to impose the strongest possible sanctions against North Korea in response to the rogue nation's most recent nuclear test", adding that "the time for half measures : is over." Later in her statement, Haley said "We cannot kick this can down the road any longer. There is no more road left."

Ambassador Haley also said "North Korea is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassment to China, which is trying to help but with little success," later adding that "North Korea is begging for war." Others on the Security Council will undoubtedly suggest that the U.S. return to the negotiating table. That's foolish. As Ambassador Haley noted in her statement, we've been negotiating with them for 25 years. That hasn't produced lasting peace. It's given us nuclear proliferation to a rogue nation that's threatening its neighbors and the U.S. with nuclear weapons.

Watching Ambassador Haley's entire statement is enlightening:

Since then-President-Elect Trump picked her to be his ambassador to the U.N., it's been clear that she's an international rock star, stating U.S. positions clearly, powerfully and firmly. There's no mistaking what her positions are. There's no doubting that she isn't into pussyfooting around.

I'd slightly modify Teddy Roosevelt's saying to "Speak softly and carry a big stick" to fit Ambassador Haley's style, which I'd describe as 'Speak confidently and carry a big stick.' I don't like the thought of war. When a dictator starts aiming nuclear weapons at our closest allies and at us, though, it's time to show everyone who the world's only superpower is and that we won't hesitate in defending ourselves. In a match of push-comes-to-shove, the U.S. arsenal is full of shove.

Posted Monday, September 4, 2017 1:28 PM

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What is Big Labor's play?

Jazz Shaw's post about Big Labor's latest fundraising effort raises questions about their integrity and their intentions. Jazz quotes from this article , which talks about the "Texas Organizing Project Education Fund, a labor-affiliated group looking to make inroads in right-to-work Texas, launched the Hurricane Harvey Community Relief Fund in the wake of the flooding that has devastated the Houston area."

What caught Jazz's attention is when the article said the "donation page says the fund will 'move the material aid the most vulnerable hit by Harvey' but that 'material' goes beyond standard humanitarian aid. Donations, the page says, will help the SEIU-funded group organize workers." The article is filled with one weasel word after another. For instance, the union's website says "Your donation is vital to ensuring that we have the resources we need to organize and fight for Texans devastated by Hurricane Harvey." In another place, it says "100 percent of the money raised into this fund will be spent directly on ensuring low income and people of color are not forgotten in the relief, recovery and reconstruction efforts."

Let's go through this step-by-step. The union's website didn't mention was materials they'd be buying and distributing. They didn't elaborate on what percentage of the money raised would go towards union organizing and what percentage of that money would go towards actual relief for victims. Furthermore, what do they mean when they say that "100 percent of the money raised into this fund will be spent directly on ensuring low income and people of color are not forgotten in the relief"? Is the website insinuating that the Salvation Army, the Red Cross and Samaritans Purse won't distribute relief in a just and fair manner?

If that's what they're saying, what's their proof? If that isn't what they mean, then they'd better explain what they meant. The further you read into the article, the more red flags appear. Like this one:

The group has yet to decide on exactly how the fund will be distributed, but said the fund's expenditures "will range from personal hygiene items to legal aid and advocacy." The exact budgetary strategy will not become apparent "until after the floods recede" and pledged the group would be transparent with its expenditures.

There are tons of loopholes in those statements. First, the Hurricane Harvey Community Relief Fund didn't articulate why they'd be providing "legal aid and advocacy" funding. Further, they didn't explain how that fits into the vital mission of providing food and shelter for those displaced by Harvey's flooding. Finally, with so much immediate need, why did they say that they'll wait "until after the floods recede" before distributing this aid? Is this what they mean by advocacy?

If that's what they mean, how is that vital to helping victims of flooding and displacement? At this point, I'd recommend that LFR readers avoid this fund. Getting money into the hands of Samaritans Purse or other reputable organizations is the best way to help.

Posted Monday, September 4, 2017 3:34 PM

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