July 2017 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb ~ May Jun

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

02-Jul-17 Guthmann gives a hint, Part III
02-Jul-17 Strib's Walz propaganda gets thick

03-Jul-17 Walter Hudson's common sense

05-Jul-17 Guthmann gives a hint, Part IV

06-Jul-17 Chris Cuomo's nastiness & stupidity
06-Jul-17 Is Schumer the new Pelosi?
06-Jul-17 Rebecca Otto's nonstop quest
06-Jul-17 Jim Acosta gets hammered

07-Jul-17 Sen. Durbin, political hypocrite

08-Jul-17 Bill de Blasio, dog excrement
08-Jul-17 Rebecca Otto's phony award

10-Jul-17 Mark Penn: voice of sanity?
10-Jul-17 Gov. Dayton's wrong perspective
10-Jul-17 Paul Marquart's spinelessness

12-Jul-17 Sanders & Warren's rigged economy

13-Jul-17 Anthony Rendon vs. the violent left
13-Jul-17 Rep. McCotter & the Pathfinder
13-Jul-17 Sen. Donnelly's major Mexican mistake
13-Jul-17 Will Mueller rescue Jim Comey?
13-Jul-17 DC Echochamber's euphemisms

14-Jul-17 Fighting Edina's indoctrination
14-Jul-17 Minnesota's political realignment

16-Jul-17 Jesus & the ACA, aka Obamacare

17-Jul-17 A tax by any other name?
17-Jul-17 Dignity in Dying's conflict

18-Jul-17 Charlie Gard vs. Alan Grayson
18-Jul-17 Torpedoing health care reform

19-Jul-17 Kleis's regional airport fiasco

20-Jul-17 Guthmann rejects Dayton's veto
20-Jul-17 The 'moderate' left's bias

21-Jul-17 How dishonest is Gov. Dayton?
21-Jul-17 Eliminate these politicians' cover
21-Jul-17 AFL-CIO's lawlessness
21-Jul-17 Is Tim Walz's seat at risk?
21-Jul-17 Betsy Hodges' public humiliation

23-Jul-17 Is Arradondo the right choice?
23-Jul-17 MSM's artificial constitutional crisis

24-Jul-17 The 2018 midterm elections
24-Jul-17 Same old Democratic con job

25-Jul-17 Nothing's changed with Dems

26-Jul-17 James Freeman vs. Nancy Pelosi
26-Jul-17 Throw the bums out
26-Jul-17 Klobuchar votes against competition

27-Jul-17 DFL wants to kill PolyMet project
27-Jul-17 Another day, another DFL defeat!
27-Jul-17 Are these St. Cloud's village idiots?

28-Jul-17 MNsure still rewarding failure
28-Jul-17 Franken, Klobuchar & the ACA

30-Jul-17 Franken, Klobuchar & the ACA, Part II
30-Jul-17 Throw the bums out, Part II
30-Jul-17 Fund: "Let's get their attention"

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