September 28-30, 2016

Sep 28 04:45 School Board corruption must end
Sep 28 06:06 Another Democratic myth demolished
Sep 28 07:37 Word salad vs. leadership
Sep 28 14:40 Dan Wolgamott's secret
Sep 28 23:26 Government shutdown averted

Sep 29 03:40 Duluth News Tribune endorses Farnsworth
Sep 29 10:49 Stewart Mills vs. Rick Nolan

Sep 30 03:57 Trump's blueprint for victory

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School Board corruption must end

It's time for the corruption at the ISD742 School Board to end. Recently, Board member Al Dahlgren called into Dan Ochsner's Ox in the Afternoon program and told Ox's listening audience that the School Board had already purchased the land where the proposed new Tech HS would sit . That's interesting since that purchase isn't mentioned in any of the School Board minutes . Considering the fact that the purchase of the land was a large expenditure, why wouldn't that be noted as its own line item?

For instance, the minutes for the June 23 Board meeting mentions "The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $4,903,906.24 (Check Numbers 224405-224995 and ACH Numbers 151602548-151602828)." I don't need to know that they approved the payment of that month's electric bill but I certainly expect them to highlight special purchases, especially if they're 6- or 7-figure purchases.

Why is the board hiding this purchase?

Similarly, the minutes for the May 19, 2016 School Board meeting says "The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $1,158,169.22 (Check Numbers 224117-224404 and ACH Numbers 151602359-151602547)." Again, there's nothing to indicate a major purchase.

Thanks to the minutes, we know that "The Administration recommends approval of the Monthly Treasurer's Report for April, 2016." Unfortunately, the itemized "Monthly Treasurer's Report for April, 2016" is nowhere to be found. This is public information. We have a right to know. If it's posted on a different webpage, the link should be highlighted in the minutes.

The fact that the School Board didn't tell us that they'd purchased the land highlights the fact that they aren't into transparency. The fact that they routinely don't include the details of their Monthly Treasurer's Report re-emphasize the fact that they're a secretive bunch. What other things aren't they telling us about the Tech-Apollo proposed projects?

At this point, I'm not willing to vote to write the District a 9-figure blank check. That's foolishness.

Posted Wednesday, September 28, 2016 9:07 AM

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Another Democratic myth demolished

This CBS report highlights the fact that Keith Lamont-Scott was a violent man. In fact, the report hints that the world is a better place without him. That isn't a statement on whether Scott was carrying a gun when he was shot. It's just a statement that he had a history of being a violent man.

The article opens with a statement that says "The black man killed by Charlotte police had a restraining order filed against him a year ago when he threatened to kill his wife and her son with a gun, according to court documents obtained Tuesday. Keith Scott's wife filed the order on Oct. 5, saying that law enforcement officers who encounter him should be aware that he 'carries a 9mm black' gun."

A man that's threatened to murder his wife and son isn't to be trusted.

Later in the article, it said "In the restraining order last fall, Rakeyia Scott sought to keep her husband away because 'he hit my 8-year-old in the head a total of three times with his fist,' she said in the restraining order document." Still later in the report, it said this:

"He kicked me and threaten to kill us last night with his gun," she said in the order filed in Gaston County, where the couple then lived. "He said he is a 'killer' and we should know that."

Whenever the Democrats talk about African-Americans getting shot, the portray them as innocent victims who wouldn't hurt a fly. Then they portray the officer as being a trigger-happy racist.

Consider this video of Hillary talking about the Lamont Scott shooting:

After unenthusiastically praising the police, Hillary went into the heart of her rant, saying "This much is certain. Too many people have lost their lives who shouldn't have. Sabrina Fulton has become a friend of mine. Her son, Trayvon Martin, was killed not far from where we are today. Sabrina says that this is about saving our children and she's absolutely right. We need to come together, work together, white, black, Latino, Asian, all of us, to turn the tide, stop the violence, build the trust."

Mrs. Clinton just missed her Sister Soldjah moment. Time after time, the outrage over Ferguson, Baltimore and other places was built on fictions like 'Hands up, don't shoot', only to have the myth demolished by verifiable forensic evidence.

This time, it's likely that the black police officer who shot Keith Lamont Scott will be exonerated :

Homicide Unit Detectives interviewed multiple independent civilian witnesses at the scene and at police headquarters. Those witnesses confirmed that officers gave numerous loud verbal commands for Mr. Scott to drop the weapon and also confirmed that at no time did Mr. Scott comply with their commands.

A lab analysis conducted of the gun crime scene investigators recovered at the scene revealed the presence of Mr. Scott's DNA and his fingerprints on the gun. It was also determined that the gun Mr. Scott possessed was loaded at the time of the encounter with the officers. The investigation also revealed that Mr. Scott was wearing an ankle holster at the time of the event.

Then there's this:

It's heartless for Democratic politicians to stoke racial tensions for political gain. What's worse is those same Democratic politicians not speaking out against black-on-black violence.

Posted Wednesday, September 28, 2016 6:06 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 28-Sep-16 08:51 PM
So when are the rioters going to apologize for burning, looting, and the shooting based on the lies told? I'm guessing when the rioters apologize for Ferguson and Baltimore. Glad we had a black president, black attorney general and other black community organizers to keep the peace the last 8 years otherwise I don't know what would have happened. Sarcasm off.

Word salad vs. leadership

Much internet bandwidth has been used on who won Monday night's presidential debate. Two of the best political thinkers think that Trump won. Pat Caddell, Jimmy Carter's pollster, has some interesting statistics that indicate some interesting things that contradict conventional wisdom. In this article , Caddell notes that "48 percent said Clinton did a better job, compared to 43 percent, who said Trump did the better job" before noting "95 percent of the people we contacted told us they were not going to change their vote based on the debate."

Caddell then noted that "Trump won on the most critical factor, on whether Clinton or Trump was more 'plausible' as president, 46 percent to her 42 percent," saying that "that, for him, was what this debate was really about." Dovetailing off of that is the fact that, according to Caddell, "forty-eight percent of respondents said in the debate Trump showed he would be a strong leader, compared with 44 percent for Clinton."

That's the statistical side of things. Newt Gingrich's op-ed provides the analysis:

The Intellectual Yet Idiot class that dominates our news media fell all over themselves critiquing Trump and praising Holt and Clinton. In doing so, they repeated the mistake they have made about every debate since August 2015.

Trump wins strategically because in a blunt, clear style, he is saying things most Americans believe .

With 70% of the country thinking that we're heading in the wrong direction, it's a major victory for a candidate to win the people's trust. That's confirmed by Salena Zito's reporting , which Gingrich cited here:

Salena Zito is one of the country's most perceptive journalists, in part because she is grounded outside of Washington and New York. Her column about the debate, " How Trump Won Over a Bar of Undecideds and Democrats ," should be required reading for everyone who wants to understand why Trump strategically won the debate.

After that, Gingrich mocked the elitists:

Trump has a hard time with media elites because they earn a living by talking. The media values glibness. In their world you can speak nonsense if you do it smoothly and convincingly. Trump is a blunt, let's-make-a-deal, let's-get-the-building-built, let's-sell-our-product businessman. The first debate showcased a blunt, plain spoken businessman and a polished professional politician.

In other words, the fight was word salad vs. leadership. Here's how that worked out:

Time: Trump 55 Clinton 45

Fortune: Trump 53, Clinton 47 (New Jersey): Trump 57.5, Clinton 37.78

CNBC: Trump 68, Clinton 32

WCPO Cincinnati: Trump 57, Clinton 37

Variety: Trump 58.12, Clinton 41.88

Slate: Trump 55.18, Clinton 44.82

WKRN Nashville: Trump 64.58, Clinton 35.42

Las Vegas Sun: Trump 82, Clinton 18

Fox5 San Diego: Trump 61.45, Clinton 33.69

San Diego Tribune: Trump 65, Clinton 35

Posted Wednesday, September 28, 2016 7:37 AM

Comment 1 by Bob J. at 28-Sep-16 02:19 PM
Doesn't matter who 'won'. America is guaranteed to be the loser.

Dan Wolgamott's secret

I've always thought that Dan Wolgamott was overrated as a candidate. A visit to his campaign website, especially Wolgamott's issues page , identifies him as a cookie-cutter DFL candidate. There's nothing about him that makes people think that he's leadership material. A quick perusal of Mr. Wolgamott's About Me page paints the picture of a family guy, active in the community and who is active at church.

Wolgamott said that "Additionally, I am an active member of my church here in St. Cloud where I teach Sunday School!" He also highlighted the fact that he enjoys "working with local youth and helping them learn essential life values including teamwork and leadership."

That's the public/PR spin side of Mr. Wolgamott. To steal a phrase from Paul Harvey, here's "the rest of the story" about Dan Wolgamott. Apparently, Mr. Wolgamott has another side to his personality that he'd rather keep hidden. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this instance, though, these screen captures are devastating politically:

With all due respect to Mr. Wolgamott, Sunday school teachers shouldn't be talking on their Facebook pages about manginas. They shouldn't be saying that their pizza party would "be more pleasurable than a night in the sack with Maas's mom."

That's the type of language that only perverts use.

UPDATE: The night in the sack comment was made in 2010, not 2014. The mistake was unintentional. Nonetheless, it's something that he shouldn't have said. I've deleted the reference to 2014 from the post.

Posted Wednesday, September 28, 2016 3:32 PM

Comment 1 by Jamie Swanson at 28-Sep-16 08:21 PM
I'll preface by saying that I am a somewhat biased party on this matter as I am the sister-in-law of Dan Wolgamott.

These Facebook posts were made in 2010 when Dan was a junior in college for his undergraduate degree. I'd bargain that most of us did a thing or two in college that we weren't proud of, but in all honesty these posts aren't really that terrible. I think it's clear that posts were made through a lense of sarcasm, though that's not always easy to pick up via written correspondence. I actually met Dan in college before he started dating my sister, and I can assure you that these posts reflect his well-known sarcastic and playful humor, something I've always loved about Dan. I think the context of these posts was clearly missed here.

All that being sad, Dan is one of the most respectful, kind, and devoted people that I've ever had the pleasure of both meeting and now knowing more personally. Daniel always greets you with a booming, warm "hello!", and a big hug - or a firm handshake if you're not that acquainted yet. Dan is an avid volunteer and advocate for issues that he cares about. Dan is an involved and genuine father to his two daughters and a supportive and caring husband to his wife. I am proud to call Dan one of my best friends by choice, not by default of our relation by marriage.

If these posts are the only negative thing that writer of this article has to say about Dan, I'd say that's not too bad. Though I'm not a Minnesota resident anymore, I hope that the voters will recognize the true value and commitment that Dan brings to this campaign, his party, and the residents of my home state. Best of luck to you, Dan, and to the Minnesota voters: happy voting! I hope you all make well-informed decisions.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 28-Sep-16 11:24 PM
With all due respect, I don't know how sarcasm enters the picture. Further, I never did anything that disgusting. Those aren't the words that a Christian should ever use. You might give him a pass. I won't. The fact that you'll give him a pass speaks volumes about your lack of character, too.

Comment 2 by Crimson Trace at 29-Sep-16 06:44 PM
Jamie: I have met Dan a couple of times in passing. Yes, he is very friendly and gracious. However, he is ill-prepared for the legislature just like Dorholt. When Dan debated Theis in 2014, the answers he gave were very shallow and he lacked a deep understanding of the issues. What exactly does Dan mean when he said he wants to fully fund education? Will Dan confront SCSU about the millions of dollars of waste on Coborn's apartments? How about all the international travel by administrators? How about spending taxpayer money on a professor to oversee the community garden? Why should student fees go towards breast casting and the vagina monologues? How about the empty $44 million science building and the crashing enrollments? Dorholt was vice chair of higher education and held ZERO oversight hearings. Dan truly wants everyone to like him. This is a great attribute to have as a realtor but will make him ineffective in the legislature. Like Gary, I don't give Dan a free pass for putting lewd comments on Facebook as an undergraduate student. And he taught Sunday School? Will the real Dan come forward please?

Government shutdown averted

Late this afternoon, Congress passed a continuing resolution to fund the government, thereby avoiding a government shutdown .

First, "lawmakers in the Senate passed the bill 72-26." Next, the "House passed the bill 342-85 Wednesday night to keep the government funded through Dec. 9." That allows Congress to get out of town to campaign.

According to the article, the "CR will keep the government funded through Dec. 9 at current funding levels. Besides the regular government funding, it would also provide $1.1 billion in emergency funding to fight the Zika virus, but it's offset by $400 million that would be taken away from programs Democrats view as crucial. In response to floods that ravaged Louisiana and other states recently, the legislation would also provide $500 million in supplemental funding."

Now it's off to the campaign trail for all of the House members and 34 senators. The next deadlines on their schedule are Nov. 8th, aka Election Day, and Dec. 9, which is when the CR expires.

Posted Wednesday, September 28, 2016 11:26 PM

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Duluth News Tribune endorses Farnsworth

It's amazing that the Duluth News Tribune, aka the DNT, endorsed Republican Rob Farnsworth to replace Carly Melin to represent the people of Nashwauk, Keewatin, Chisholm and Buhl in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

DNT's endorsement wasn't tepid, either, stating "he's also the best bet for effective, strong leadership in St. Paul. Far from an ideologue, he's an independent thinker with clear goals and specific priorities who'd work for all, not just a party."

Farnsworth talked about the thing that Ken Martin, Rick Nolan and the DFL don't want to talk about, saying "The DFL that most Iron Rangers are voting for hasn't existed for 20 years. The DFL in the Twin Cities that has taken over the DFL in Minnesota, wants to end mining. At their convention and then again at their executive board meeting in the Twin Cities, they tried to pass an anti-mining resolution that I believe will be passed in November because they just pushed it down (the road). This is not a group that is in favor of mining."

This is the strongest statement by the DNT Editorial Board in the endorsement article:

No matter what political affiliation, Farnsworth rises to the top of this three-way race with a stronger grasp of the issues facing Minnesotans and our Legislature and with his clearly stated and specific goals. They include improving the Iron Range and Minnesota economies by growing jobs; educational plans that make sense for all students; and transportation projects that benefit the greatest number of Minnesotans, meaning more bridge and highway work instead of massive light-rail projects in the Twin Cities that don't even promise to take cars off the congested roads.

Farnsworth made a ton of sense when he said this:

"With the metro DFL attacking mining, attacking our way of life on the Iron Range, I'm not sure that my kids are going to be able to stay here and raise their family here if that's what they want to do," Farnsworth said. "That's why I'm running for this seat."

It's time for the Range to reject the DFL. The metro DFL's priorities aren't the Range's priorities.

Posted Thursday, September 29, 2016 3:40 AM

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Stewart Mills vs. Rick Nolan

The man that wrote this LTE , Brian Marsh, gives idiots a bad reputation. It's stunning to think that Democrats think people are that stupid.

Marsh started his LTE by saying "Stewart Mills III, in talking about the Second Amendment, was quoted in the Dispatch as proclaiming: 'It is an inalienable right given to us by God.'" Marsh then follows that up by saying "Nowhere in the Bible I read is there any mention of God addressing the topic of a right to gun ownership, and, the last time I checked, God did not write our Constitution or its amendments."

First, Mills is right. The right to defend ourselves is as old as the Bible. The Declaration of Independence introduces the concept that our rights come from "Nature's God", not governments. It's stunning that Marsh finds this concept radical. It's been part of our nation's foundation since 1776.

Then Marsh said this:

It's sad to see someone so desperate for power that he will resort to fabricating his own "facts" in order to achieve it.

What's sad is seeing how little Democrats know about the Constitution. Stewart Mills understands the Constitution. He isn't making things up.

It's also apparent that Marsh's goal is to deflect attention away from Rick Nolan. Nolan wants this race to be about 'Mills the One-Percenter'. Nolan doesn't want this election to highlight Nolan's time as a career politician. Nolan doesn't want voters in the Eighth District to notice that he supports Resolution 54, the DFL's anti-mining resolution, which I wrote about here:

Specifically, Resolution 54 says "Oppose sulfide ore mining, which is significantly different from taconite mining, poses unacceptable environmental risks, threatens multiple watersheds (Lake Superior, BWCA/VNP, Mississippi) and should not be allowed in the sulfur-bearing rock of Minnesota."

Rick Nolan is a career politician who will say anything to stay in power. He isn't about solving problems. He'll say anything that will keep him in DC.

Posted Thursday, September 29, 2016 10:49 AM

Comment 1 by Larry Danielson at 23-Oct-16 09:40 PM
Your wrong, Mills is right. We do need free trade. What the hell are we going to do with all our corn and soybeans if we cannot export them thru free trade agreements? Maybe many of these "jobs" you think would be created by another "Smoot-Hawley" would never materialize. Read some history and see what protectionism did to the whole world economy then. If

your not smart enough to figure that out, maybe you shouldn't be in office anymore.

Larry Danielson

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 23-Oct-16 11:43 PM
I'm not opposed to free trade agreements. Nor is Stewart Mills. We both just want better trade deals. Don't mistake negotiating great trade deals with isolationism. They aren't the same thing.

Trump's blueprint for victory

Donald Trump wasted a valuable commodity this week -- time. The week started right, with him winning the first third of the debate. Then he forgot his purpose and started chasing ghosts. The lesson that his advisors need to teach him is that he needs to focus on things that will help him connect with blue collar workers. The other thing that Mr. Trump must highlight is the Clinton Foundation's pay-to-play scandal and the FBI's faux investigation.

By highlighting the FBI's faux investigation, Mr. Trump would connect with Bernie Sanders' voters that think that the system is rigged. The FBI's faux investigation would play well with suburban voters who think Mrs. Clinton isn't trustworthy. It'd be great if he could flip those voters. At this point, Mr. Trump's campaign would probably be satisfied if it drove Mrs. Clinton's turnout with suburban voters down.

The Clintons are disgusting, immoral people who've lived in the mud their entire lives. Spending 5 more weeks there to win the presidency means nothing to them. Trump's path to victory is to highlight the things that matter most to people. When in Ohio and Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump should highlight Mrs. Clinton's statement that she's going to put coal companies out of business. Wherever he goes, he needs to highlight his plan for energy independence, then contrast that with Mrs. Clinton's green energy policies.

Part of Mr. Trump's presentation on green energy should highlight the rigged game that Solyndra tapped into. Mostly, though, Trump should highlight the fact that coal-mining and fracking jobs are just waiting to be filled. Ask people if they want to subsidize Mrs. Clinton's and President Obama's special interest allies or whether they'd like to keep doing what's worked for the last half-century.

If Trump gets back on message, he'll put pressure on Mrs. Clinton because people want change. They don't want Mrs. Clinton's more-of-the-same policies.

Posted Friday, September 30, 2016 3:57 AM

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