May 2016 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

01-May-16 Sartell bonding referendum

02-May-16 Progressive dishonesty
02-May-16 MnSCU's spin & dishonesty

03-May-16 SCSU's disgusting sights

04-May-16 Potter's mean-spirited policies
04-May-16 Joe Davis's mythical Minnesota

05-May-16 The same tired excuses
05-May-16 President Potter's listening tour

06-May-16 SCSU Title IX lawsuits begin
06-May-16 Judge drops gun charges

07-May-16 Ken Martin's mythical Minnesota

08-May-16 Prior Lake school bond questions
08-May-16 Jett's Clark Field problem
08-May-16 Evaluating Dorholt's op-ed

09-May-16 Trump's act of war
09-May-16 Sarah Palin vs. Paul Ryan
09-May-16 The DFL's slight of hand trick
09-May-16 Laura Ingraham's dishonesty

10-May-16 Wolgamott's dishonest op-ed
10-May-16 Met Council vs. accountability
10-May-16 Paul Ryan swats Palin like a fly
10-May-16 Pat Buchanan's hubris

12-May-16 Sarah Palin's candidate
12-May-16 St. Cloud School Board is deaf
12-May-16 Wendy's to open ordering kiosks
12-May-16 MnSCU approves Inver Hills' tactics
12-May-16 MnSCU's definition of a crisis

14-May-16 Thissen leads DFL spinmeisters

15-May-16 The DFL's transportation myth

16-May-16 Real Met Council reform, Part I
16-May-16 Real Met Council reform, Part II

18-May-16 Human rights in a Shari'ah world
18-May-16 Supplemental fundraising drive
18-May-16 Shariah as the foundation

19-May-16 The DFL's bonding obstruction

20-May-16 AFSCME's FMLA 'hardship'?
20-May-16 The Times' Whining
20-May-16 Thissen's, Bakk's bonding blunder

22-May-16 Sartell's referendum in perspective

23-May-16 Still in session, spin begins
23-May-16 Campaign double-dipping?

24-May-16 Dayton holding tax cuts hostage

27-May-16 Thissen's abusive behavior

28-May-16 Bonding bill's biggest failure

29-May-16 Twin Cities media: Thissen's protector
29-May-16 What about the will of the people?
29-May-16 That's a first: Dayton reads bills?

30-May-16 School resources, public protests
30-May-16 Trump derangement syndrome?
30-May-16 Introducing Angel Sessions' Urban Gospel

31-May-16 The Times' dishonesty
31-May-16 Here's the DFL's double dipper

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