September 15-17, 2020

Sep 15 03:03 The Democrats' depravity dilemma
Sep 15 09:17 Dallas City Council defunds Dallas Police Department

Sep 16 01:04 Trump, Netanyahu sign historic peace deal, Pelosi calls it a distraction
Sep 16 05:22 Jeremiah Ellison vs. police officers
Sep 16 10:08 Joe Biden has totally lost it
Sep 16 10:41 Big Ten football returns

Sep 17 03:21 The Democrats' police department scam
Sep 17 10:49 Refuting the Democrats' tired COVID talking points is easy

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The Democrats' depravity dilemma

By now, the entire civilized world has heard about the depravity unleashed on 2 LA County sheriff deputies . Joe Biden didn't waste time in looking like an idiot with this tweet:

That's stunningly stupid. Joe Biden is criticizing so-called assault weapons though the video, which contains extremely graphic video, shows the would-be assassin using a handgun to ambush the deputies:
[Video no longer available]
Here's some questions for VP Biden:

  1. Should the government (federal, state or municipal) have the right to strip from its citizens the right of citizens to protect themselves or their families? AK-47s and AR-15s aren't often used in gang wars. They're often used to protect families when riots break out.

  2. Have you even thought this through? When you passed the Assault Weapons Ban, it was effective for less than a month. That's because you specified which models were designated as assault weapons. Shortly thereafter, the model numbers got changed. Same gun, different model number = Assault Weapons Ban is worthless.

  3. Have you ever thought that the Second Amendment was written to protect citizens from tyrannical governments and to protect people/families? If you haven't, why haven't you thought about that?

  4. Isn't being lenient towards rioters and looters stoking violence? Wherever lenience is shown, the violence continues, without exception. Where overwhelming force is used, the violence stops. Might there be a lesson in there for Democrats?

  5. When you were supposedly way ahead in the polls, you said nothing about the violence. The minute the polls started tightening fast, you started talking about the violence? Why the change?

This violence wasn't just predictable. It was predicted. Disrespecting authority figures without cause isn't just stupid. It's what a spoiled little brat would do. The Democrats' sense of decency doesn't exist anymore. The Democrats' disrespectful actions have demolished minority neighborhoods and cost those families their life savings.

That's why Republicans are poised to improve their approval ratings with minority communities. President Trump's economic policies have helped but his pro-police policies have helped, too. Monday night on Hannity, Candace Owens predicted that Republicans would get 20% of the African-American vote. While I think that's a little high, I don't have any difficulty believing Trump will hit 15% of the African-American vote.

Democrats have shot their mouths off. Democrats haven't fixed the problems facing minority neighborhoods. President Trump has started fixing some of these problems. Give him 4 more years and life will be significantly improved in minority neighborhoods.

Posted Tuesday, September 15, 2020 3:03 AM

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Dallas City Council defunds Dallas Police Department

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson is upset with the Dallas City Council. He's upset because the Dallas City Council just voted to cut DPD funding by $7,000,000.

Apparently, the Dallas City Council is controlled by the Black Lives Matter organization:
The Dallas City Council voted on Wednesday to cut the money from the police department's fund dedicated to overtime pay. The cut comprised 25% of the department's overtime budget. The decision came after Black Lives Matter protesters called on elected officials to defund the police department.

'The city of Dallas is facing a serious uptick in violent crime , and it's not just a few days or weeks or months in the making. We're talking about a couple of years now of steadily increasing aggravated assaults, steadily increasing homicide and steadily increasing domestic violence,' Johnson said, according to The Dallas Morning News.

'I don't believe, and neither do the people of Dallas : that now is the right time to be defunding the police, or cutting funding to the police to send a message or anything like that,' he continued.

Dallas is one of many U.S. cities that have been rocked by Black Lives Matter riots in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. Floyd died in police custody after an officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes. An autopsy of Floyd's body found a potentially lethal cocktail of fentanyl and methamphetamines in his system.

Check this out:
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It's time to eliminate the idiots on the Dallas City Council who just voted to a) keep the bureaucrats fully funded and b) cut $7,000,000 from the DPD overtime budget. This says everything:
"I think we need to have a very serious conversation about these topics, and I'll say this. When I first heard the phrase to defund the police several months ago, I very genuinely and earnestly asked the question what does that mean, and I was actually met with some ridicule and met with some derision and accused of pretending not to know," Johnson said. "People are all over the place on what it means."

Dallas City Council member Carolyn King Arnold issued a response to Johnson's criticism on Saturday, defending the council's decision and claiming that the council's action should be viewed as a "reinvestment" in disadvantaged communities.

BLM-Dallas is interested in weakening Dallas police by stretching them far too thin. The City Council should be beefing up the police budget, not cutting it.

Posted Tuesday, September 15, 2020 9:17 AM

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Trump, Netanyahu sign historic peace deal, Pelosi calls it a distraction

Tuesday afternoon, President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu joined the foreign ministers of the UAE and Bahrain in signing history-shattering peace agreements . These agreements are now known as the "Abraham Accords."

In his remarks, President Trump said "Thanks to the great courage of the leaders of these three countries, we take a major stride toward a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity." Prime Minister Netanyahu added "This day is a pivot of history, it heralds a new dawn of peace. For thousands of years the Jewish people have prayed for peace, for decades the Jewish state has prayed for peace, and this is why today we are filled with such profound gratitude."

They were joined by UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Bahrain's Foreign Minister. Zayani praised the deal, saying "Mr. President, your statesmanship and tireless efforts have brought us here today and made peace a reality."

Meanwhile, Democrats acted like disgruntled children, with Speaker Pelosi sounding particularly bitter:
[Video no longer available]
The signing of a pair of historic peace agreements is a "distraction" from COVID? What type of warped person is Ms. Pelosi? These agreements are historic because it isn't often that Arab nations recognize Israel's right to exist. That's why Tuesday's agreements are only the third and fourth agreements in Israel's history.

The first agreement was the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. They were signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on Sept. 17, 1978. (Sadat was assassinated 3 years later.) Next was the signing of the Israel-Jordan peace treaty in Oct., 1994. That was the last treaty between Israel and an Arab nation until yesterday.

Pelosi is one of the most tone-deaf politicians in DC history. That's why there's an anti-Democrat backlash building. Pelosi thinks that COVID is the top issue with voters. Just ask yourself this question. What's most likely to get your attention -- the shooting of the LA sheriff deputies or the daily update of COVID statistics? That isn't a fair fight.

Posted Wednesday, September 16, 2020 1:04 AM

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Jeremiah Ellison vs. police officers

At the most recent Minneapolis City Council meeting, Democrat Jeremiah Ellison criticized Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo , saying "You named the strategies and the resources that we're deploying : but does this type of enforcement action, is it able to have any kind of effect? It seems like we pour money into it, but we're not seeing it have an effect."

Councilman Ellison should read the newspapers more often. This article starts by saying "Some South Minneapolis residents are voicing concerns about staffing at the city's Fifth Police Precinct. The commander of the precinct confirms that some nights there are only eight officers on patrol covering 20 neighborhoods."

The article continues, saying "Minneapolis Deputy Chief Erick Fors said the department is short on officers. The reason, he says, ranges from early retirements to hiring freezes to dozens of officers on medical leave, mixed with COVID-19 challenges, like officers having to stay home and quarantine if they're exposed to COVID-19."
'So yes, that's considerably less than an authorized total strength of 888 officers, so that requires us to look at our resources, look at our demands, again focus on our core services and move resources around as needed,' Fors said.

Apparently, Councilman Ellison hasn't pulled his head out of his butt. Thanks to grandstanding politicians who blame police officers whenever possible, officers are leaving for better jobs or they're taking early retirement. Why put up with the politicians' abuse week-after-week? Their job is difficult enough as it is with a full compliment of officers. Check this article out:
Service calls for police response either through 911 or other dispatches noticeably declined since the unrest that rocked Minneapolis ended, in part underscoring the department's staffing and budgetary problems. After Floyd's death, the force lost more than 10 percent of its officers through resignation, termination, retirement or medical leave - and could shed more employees by year's end.

Watch this video from November, 2019:
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It says that the Minneapolis City Council "is set to approve a $772,000 sculpture" but that the police department is understaffed. It's in that context that we have to picture Jeremiah Ellison's statements. He voted for the statue. Then he voted for dismantling the police department. Here's how Chief Arradondo replied:
Arradondo said he'd like to see deeper research into the root causes of community and police violence. " Too often, we as police departments, we are dealing in a reactionary mode . We have oftentimes come to finding crime as opposed to preventing it. If we just stayed status quo, right now, we will end this year with numbers that are absolutely unconscionable about what we should have in terms of community violence, and we don't do a deep dive as a city as to what caused all of those."

Instead of dismantling the MPD, Minneapolis should strengthen training while hiring more officers. Finally, it's time for the people to fire grandstanding politicians like Jeremiah Ellison the next time he's up for re-election.

That means electing Republicans to the City Council. Jeremiah Ellison and his DFL friends have failed miserably at protecting Minneapolis residents.

Posted Wednesday, September 16, 2020 5:22 AM

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Joe Biden has totally lost it

Veteran political observers remember the days when consultants said 'Let Joe be Joe.' Those days are history, if not ancient history. Last night, Joe Biden attended a campaign event his staff probably wishes he hadn't attended.

This article highlights what might go wrong with a candidate who isn't all there.
Joe Biden raised eyebrows on Tuesday evening over his attempt to appeal to Hispanic voters at a campaign event in Kissimmee, Fla. The event was meant to commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month. The Democratic candidate was the last speaker of the event to take the podium following several supporters including Eva Longoria, Ricky Martin and Luis Fonsi.

However, when Biden approached the podium, he paused and reached for his phone in his pocket. "I just have one thing to say," Biden began as he looked down at his phone. "Hang on here."

He then held his phone to the microphone, which began playing the 2017 hit song "Despacito" from Fonsi, who had introduced the candidate. After roughly 15 seconds of bobbing his head and gently dancing behind the podium, he paused the music. "I'll tell you what- if I had the talent of any one of these people, I'd be elected president by acclamation," Biden chuckled.

That cringeworthy moment sparked some interesting reactions. Here's Ed O'Keefe's reaction:

Mercedes Schlapp's reaction was particularly hilarious:

No wonder Biden's staff keeps Biden hidden. At the end of this video, after Biden threw a couple of cheap shots at President Trump, Biden needed directions from staff to get off the stage:
[Video no longer available]
Finally, there's this Trump campaign video:
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Biden is a scatterbrain. How can a scatterbrain who has difficulty putting together a coherent sentence lead us through a crisis? HINT: He can't.

Posted Wednesday, September 16, 2020 10:08 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 17-Sep-20 03:46 PM
If you know, Gary, what percentage of Mar a Lago membership is Hispanic? About as many as are black?

Big Ten football returns

This morning, the Big Ten announced that they'll play an abbreviated schedule :
Big Ten football is back. Just weeks after announcing the postponement of all fall semester sports, the Big Ten Conference and its Council of Presidents and Chancellors voted unanimously Tuesday to resume the football season beginning on Oct. 23.

Kevin Warren, the Big Ten commissioner, isn't a great leader. Nonetheless, here's part of the statement he issued announcing the reversal:
"Our focus with the Task Force over the last six weeks was to ensure the health and safety of our student-athletes," Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren said in a statement Wednesday morning.

"Our goal has always been to return to competition so all student-athletes can realize their dream of competing in the sports they love. We are incredibly grateful for the collaborative work that our Return to Competition Task Force have accomplished to ensure the health, safety and wellness of student-athletes, coaches and administrators."

President Trump pushed the return of Big Ten football while campaigning in Michigan last week. It would be dishonest to say that he's why the Big Ten reversed its initial decision. I suspect, though, that his comments pushed the subject to be discussed.
[Video no longer available]
In the end, I suspect that there was pressure from other conferences, especially the SEC, to compete. If the Big Ten didn't compete this year, they'd lose the TV contract war and the recruiting war.

Posted Wednesday, September 16, 2020 10:41 AM

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The Democrats' police department scam

This morning on Outnumbered, former Obama State Department propagandist Marie Harf said that Joe Biden had spoken out forcefully against anti-police violence. While I'll agree that Biden has said the right thing when he's spoken, I'll mention that he essentially went the entire summer without mentioning the rioting, looting and anti-police violence. Harf has also said that Democrat aren't for defunding the police.

That's interesting since Kamala Harris praised Eric Garcetti for slashing the LAPD budget by $150,000,000:
Vice presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris on Tuesday applauded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's decision to slash police funding by $150 million but stopped short of saying she backed the 'defund the police' movement. "I support investing in communities so that they become more healthy and therefore more safe," Harris said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America." "I applaud Mayor Garcetti for doing what he's done."

Just because she didn't say 'defund the police' doesn't mean she doesn't support the defund the police movement. At this point, it's just semantics. It's essentially irrelevant.

Check this article out :
"Residents are asking, 'Where are the police'?" said Jamal Osman, newly elected council member of Ward 6. He said he's already been inundated with complaints from residents that calls for police aren't being answered. "That is the only public safety option they have at the moment. MPD. They rely on MPD. And they are saying they are nowhere to be seen," Osman said.

The Minneapolis City Council should've thought about that before they voted to dismantle the MPD. Residents are right. They need the police to stay safe. When DFL (DFL is Minnesotan for far-left Democrat) politicians promised to dismantle the police, police started retiring early en masse or seeking jobs with other PDs.

Right now, the MPD is understaffed according to the Minneapolis City Charter:
The city charter, which serves as its constitution, currently says the city must maintain a police department and the council must "fund a police force of at least 0.0017 employees per resident."

The point is simple. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi can spin this whichever way they want to sound moderate but they're essentially irrelevant. City councils determine police department funding. Big city city councils are either mostly or entirely Democrat activists. The city council activists align mostly with AOC and Keith Ellison. In Minneapolis, Keith Ellison's son, Jeremiah, is on the City Council. Jeremiah voted for dismantling the MPD. That didn't prevent him from shooting his mouth off at Tuesday's meeting:
You named the strategies and the resources that we're deploying : but does this type of enforcement action, is it able to have any kind of effect? It seems like we pour money into it, but we're not seeing it have an effect.

When politicians disrespect the police, then cut their budget, crime will increase. That's the predictable outcome.
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This is particularly heartbreaking:
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Rather than dismantling the police, what's required is police reform and adding substantially to the police force. Let's drop the 'reimagining police' propaganda that Democrats use. It isn't legitimate. It's the Democrats' way of getting people to abandon time-tested policing tactics. This video contains a montage of 'reimagining policing':
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Voting for Democrats is a vote for increased violent crime. That debate has been had. The statistics speak for themselves. Res ipsa loquitur.

Posted Thursday, September 17, 2020 3:21 AM

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Refuting the Democrats' tired COVID talking points is easy

The Harris-Biden ticket insists that President Trump didn't take COVID-19 seriously. Further, the Harris-Biden ticket insist that people died unnecessarily because of President Trump's unseriousness. That's BS of the stinkiest order. This White House fact sheet demolishes the Harris-Biden argument:

  1. Took early action to cut off travel from China

  2. Built the world's leading testing system from nothing

  3. Enacted mitigation measures to slow the spread

  4. Mobilized public and private sectors to secure needed supplies

  5. Took action to protect vulnerable Americans

  6. Launched effort to deliver a vaccine and therapeutics in record time

  7. Provided support to workers and businesses

  8. Paved way for reopening to get America working again

  9. Surged resources to hot spots as they arose

  10. Confronted China as origin of the virus while Democrats and media cowered

Let's get serious about something. Can anyone picture President Harris or Co-President Biden calling up pharmaceutical industry CEOs to have them start working on a vaccine in February? If you can picture that, what type of drugs are you using?

Peter Navarro was tasked with rebuilding the national stockpile of ventilators. He contacted GM about standing up a manufacturing facility in Kokomo, IN. From the initial call from Navarro to the manufacture of the first ventilator took 17 days :
"Every time you hear that 'pity party' stuff, remember to look into the future, see where we need to go, and what we need to do, and that's bringing manufacturing and supply chains home, starting with our pharmaceutical supply chains and our medical supplies and equipment like masks," he said. "And that's what we're doing. I've have seen miracles here. I've seen a plant in Kokomo, Indiana, with General Motors stood up in 17 days, and three days later, we had ventilators go into hospitals in Gary, Indiana."

Does anyone seriously think that Harris, Biden or any other Democratic presidential candidate could've accomplished this? I don't. I can't picture any Democrat being able to accomplish anything like that. That isn't the only special assignment Navarro is handling:
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During the Obama-Biden administration, Obama and Biden didn't think it was a problem to have our antibiotics, PPE and other medical supplies manufactured in China. If they thought it posed a national security threat, they didn't act on it. Considering Biden's coziness with China, it's highly unlikely that 'Buy American, Hire American' was a priority.

VP Biden's campaign slogan is just spin. It isn't a commitment like it is with President Trump. Democrats are globalists and corporatists. Whether it's Lebron James or Michael Bloomberg or Mark Cuban, they're each committed to China in different ways. Bloomberg wants Chinese markets open to him even if it hurts the US. Lebron James doesn't flinch when Nike uses child labor to manufacture athletic wear that bears Lebron's name. Cuban won't speak of China's evils because it might hurt the NBA.

Donald Trump didn't flinch in cutting off travel with China when COVID was first discovered. That's because his loyalties lie with the US.

For the first 40+ years of his career, Joe Biden fed his family at the globalist trough. Biden's family got rich feeding at the globalist trough. Why should I think that he's serious about 'Buy American, Hire American'?

Posted Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:49 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 17-Sep-20 03:42 PM
All those preventable dead bodies . . .

If only Woodward had published earlier.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 17-Sep-20 05:42 PM
All those dead bodies from democrat governors putting infected people into long term care facilities killing the most vulnerable.

Oh of course there's all the dead bodies of those who died WITH covid and not of covid.

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