October 24, 2017

Oct 24 00:14 Shame on St. Cloud City Council
Oct 24 07:39 St. Cloud isn't a welcoming city
Oct 24 19:21 Jeff Goerger's ignorant resolution

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Shame on St. Cloud City Council

Tonight, the St. Cloud City Council, with 1 exception, voted to ignore federal statutes by approving Jeff Goerger's resolution . Significant portions of Goerger's 'Welcoming Resolution' were incorrect and possibly intentionally dishonest. For instance, a paragraph in Goerger's Welcoming Resolution said " Whereas the Refugee Act of 1980 does not create a mandate for local, city and county government."

That's entirely incorrect. Councilman Jeff Johnson's resolution, which wasn't officially introduced tonight, highlighted that " WHEREAS , the Refugee Act of 1980 states in 8 U.S.C. 1522(2)(A): 'The Director and the Federal agency administering subsection (b)(1), shall consult regularly (not less often than quarterly) with State and local governments and private nonprofit voluntary agencies concerning the sponsorship process and the intended distribution of refugees among the States and localities before their placement in those States and localities."

Clearly, the Refugee Act of 1980 required the federal government to consult with state and local governments no less than once every 3 months before dumping refugees into a city's laps. If Mr. Goerger doesn't think that that's a mandate, then he needs a dictionary because the definition of mandate is "a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate to its representative" or "an authoritative order or command."

Earlier in the Refugee Act of 1980, it said "the Refugee Act of 1980 states in 8 U.S.C. 1522(1)(A)(iii) 'local voluntary agency activities should be conducted in close cooperation and advance consultation with State and local governments."

UPDATE: A loyal reader of LFR called me after tonight's meeting and told me that the resolution didn't pass. Dave Masters called the question, meaning that the vote that was taken right before adjourning tonight's meeting was a vote on whether to end discussion on the properly seconded motion. Carol Lewis asked for the yeas and nays, with 5 people voting for and Jeff Johnson voting against. Less than 5 seconds after the vote to call the question happened, Ms. Lewis, as the City Council President, adjourned the meeting.

What's more is that Ms. Lewis reopened the meeting that she adjourned after she'd been told that they hadn't voted on approving the resolution. Proper parliamentary procedure requires that a meeting that's been adjourned can't be re-opened.

UPDATE II: Another loyal reader of LFR called and told me that between 5 and 7 Somali men surrounded Councilman Johnson immediately following the meeting. According to this eyewitness, Councilman Johnson didn't have a exit path. I don't know if this is a picture of these Somalis surrounding Councilman Johnson but it's certainly likely:

The caption reads "St. Cloud City Council member Jeff Johnson talks with community leaders following a council meeting Monday, October 23, at city hall."

I'll have more to say about tonight's meeting later today. Hint: The City Council ambushed Jeff Johnson.

Posted Tuesday, October 24, 2017 12:14 AM

Comment 1 by Lisa at 24-Oct-17 08:35 AM
It's scary how much power the refugees have.

Comment 2 by Dave Steckling at 24-Oct-17 09:56 AM
Thanks Gary for bringing this to light. Carol Lewis is a classic incompetent council president who doesn't even know parliamentary procedure. Jeff Johnson sure did get ambushed-- the Somali have a tactic of surrounding an adversary and by doing so instilling fear. I also question the city attorneys opinion that a conflict of interest doesn't exist with Laraway, Masters and Lewis-- try selling that BS in the courtroom in front of a judge.

Comment 3 by Margaret at 24-Oct-17 11:27 AM
The people/businesses of St. Cloud are asking for a decline in their bottom line financially, in my opinion! You all know that Muslims HATE JEWS and curse them. Jehovah says that those who curse Israel, are accursed, and THOSE WHO BLESS ISRAEL ARE BLESSED! Siding with Muslims is siding AGAINST ISRAEL!

Comment 4 by Margaret at 24-Oct-17 11:39 AM
The leaders in St Cloud will likely see a decline in the financial 'bottom line'of their business profits, especially at Christmas time. If you are a true Christian, you won't shop there this year!

Jehovah says 'those who curse Israel are accursed' and THOSE THAT BLESS ISRAEL, ARE BLESSED. MUSLIMS, AS A WHOLE, HATE JEWS AND CURSE THEM REGULARLY. THEY ALSO CURSE AND KILL AMERICANS WHO WON"T BOW TO ALLAH/SATAN. Jehovah says that Satan came to kill, steal, and destroy. (THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT MUSLIMS DO.) Mohammed said he did not know if the entity that gave him the Koran was a demon or an angel. USE YOUR BRAIN! IT WAS a DEMON!

St. Cloud isn't a welcoming city

Last night, City Councilman Jeff Goerger ambushed City Councilman Jeff Johnson by proposing a resolution that nobody had seen before last night's meeting. The resolution was titled "A resolution in support of a just and welcoming community." After I'd written about last night's city council meeting here , I was contacted by Dr. John Palmer, who told me about a situation that happened after the city council meeting had adjourned for a second time. (More on that later.)

The St. Cloud Times article covering last night's meeting showed a picture of Councilman Johnson surrounded by 5-7 Somali men. The caption for the Times' photo read "St. Cloud City Council member Jeff Johnson talks with community leaders following a council meeting Monday, October 23, at city hall." Dr. Palmer, a professor emeritus at St. Cloud State, issued a statement about what he saw happening. Dr. Palmer's statement said "The Times' article has a photo of Jeff surrounded. For the record, I was in the first row of the bleachers, directly behind where the city administrator sits. I was talking with a few people at the end of the council meeting when I noticed that Jeff was surrounded by 5 to 7 Somalian men. It appeared they were badgering Jeff and had him cornered. Fearing for his safety, I walked through the crowd and approached him, saying "Dr. Johnson, I need to talk to you right now." I reached toward him and took his hand, saying let's move near the door to talk. That is when I noticed the police officer and he was urging Jeff to go through the door. Once we were outside the Council Chamber, the officer asked that we move into the conference room located directly behind the chambers. When Jeff and I finished our conversation, the two officers in the conference room offered to escort Jeff and I to our cars. The uniformed officer previously told me that several of the men who surrounded Jeff were of concern. I think the officer was concerned for Jeff's safety."

This incident raises questions that can't be ignored, though I'm certain that Mayor Kleis and the 5 ostriches that voted for Goerger's resolution would rather ignore what happened. First, here's Goerger's resolution:

According to Dr. Palmer, these "community leaders" had trapped Councilman Johnson. It's clear that they weren't about to let him go until they'd scolded Councilman Johnson for his resolution. Abdi Mahad left this comment about what happened last night:

The controversial provision to put a moratorium on refugee resettlement in St. Cloud area was OBLITERATED. WAHOO. A few numbered hate groups don't represent the majority here. Take your bigotry to other places! I know the dude seems like he did this thing as a publicity stunt!!!

Many of the people Mahad called members of hate groups are nothing of the sort. That's an unsubstantiated accusation. Mahad's use of the term hate group is designed to end debate on this issue. Rather than end the debate, Mahad's intolerant statement likely guaranteed that this debate won't end anytime soon.

Further, the 5 ostriches (Goerger, Masters, Libert, Lewis and Laraway) voted to ignore federal law. It's indisputable that the Refugee Act of 1980 requires the federal government to consult with "local governments", which St. Cloud certainly qualifies as, no less than 4 times a year. Specifically, the Refugee Act of 1980 states in 8 U.S.C. 1522(2)(A): "The Director and the Federal agency administering subsection (b)(1), shall consult regularly (not less often than quarterly) with State and local governments and private nonprofit voluntary agencies concerning the sponsorship process and the intended distribution of refugees among the States and localities before their placement in those States and localities."

Goerger's resolution stated that "the Refugee Act of 1980 does not create a mandate for local, city and county government." Is Goerger that stupid? Or is he that dishonest? If Mayor Kleis and the councilmembers want to argue that 8 U.S.C. 1522(2)(A) isn't enforced, that's one thing. If they want to argue that that mandate doesn't exist, that's an entirely different thing.

As for the resolution's status, it hasn't passed officially. I don't doubt that it will eventually pass but it didn't pass last night. When Council President asked for the yeas and nays, that vote was on a motion to call the question. In her haste to end the meeting without additional controversy, Lewis adjourned last night's meeting immediately after the vote to call the question. It wasn't until some time afterwards that they realized their mistake that Lewis called the members back together and 're-opened' the meeting. Once a meeting is adjourned, it can't be re-opened.

About 1:15:00 into this video, President Lewis lost control [video no longer available]. When Councilman Johnson wanted his resolution read into the record as part of the discussion, Lewis ruled that his motion was out of order. Johnson quickly corrected her and said that he wasn't offering it as a motion. After that, Lewis went into a slow-motion meltdown, saying "Against my better wishes, I'm going to let you read it."

Johnson replied "I thought the discussion was continuing here."

Shortly after that, Councilman Masters called the question to end discussion on Goerger's motion. That's when President Lewis ordered the yeas and nays. Laraway, Lewis, Libert, Goerger and Masters voted yea, with Johnson voting nay.

Posted Tuesday, October 24, 2017 7:39 AM

Comment 1 by Corinne at 25-Oct-17 12:50 AM
What is this corrupt Councilperson Lewis's personal agenda that is leading her to manipulate/sabotage fair process in this way?

I suggest we "follow the money"........

Minnesotans have had ENOUGH of this type of corruption to last a lifetime.

Comment 2 by Margaret at 25-Oct-17 08:56 AM

Comment 3 by SPQR at 28-Oct-17 11:03 AM
Can anybody with an ounce of common sense not see that the lefts support of immigration, multiculturalism and of 'diversity' is nothing but a continuation of their desire for an end to our nation as the homeland of the European American people? What other purpose does it serve for them?

Jeff Goerger's ignorant resolution

It's clear from Councilman Jeff Goerger's statements in putting forth his resolution that he isn't willing to see the truth. There's no other conclusion to draw from Goerger's comments. For instance, this article includes a quote that's frighteningly blind. Specifically, Goerger said "This is a response to (Johnson's resolution), directly dealing with parts of his resolution. The main thing is to dispel the impression that St. Cloud isn't welcoming and that St. Cloud is being hurt by the changing demographics."

It's irresponsible for a sitting councilmember to dispute the fact that downtown St. Cloud isn't getting hurt by Somali refugees. Bars and restaurants are hurting financially. That's partially because the middle class is fleeing St. Cloud, partially because Somali don't drink alcoholic beverages, at least at the same rate that Germans and Irish do, and partially because St. Cloud State's 'diversity enrollment' is limiting economic activity.

Further, it's insulting to talk about St. Cloud as not being welcoming to those who want to live the American dream. Those that want to live according to another nation's principles aren't hated but they aren't welcomed the same way as those chasing the American dream.

For that, instigators like CAIR insist that we're bigots, Islamophobes and worse. That's foolishness. Long-time residents of St. Cloud haven't stopped living according to the Great Commandment, which says "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" and that "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Additionally, Councilman Goerger isn't entirely honest when he said that his resolution dealt directly with parts of Councilman Johnson's resolution. Goerger's resolution stated " Whereas the Refugee Act of 1980 does not create a mandate for local, city and county government." I quoted from Councilman Johnson's resolution in this post . Specifically, Councilman Johnson's resolution quoted from specific parts of the Refugee Act of 1980:

" WHEREAS , the Refugee Act of 1980 states in 8 U.S.C. 1522(2)(A): 'The Director and the Federal agency administering subsection (b)(1), shall consult regularly (not less often than quarterly) with State and local governments and private nonprofit voluntary agencies concerning the sponsorship process and the intended distribution of refugees among the States and localities before their placement in those States and localities."

Goerger's resolution didn't deal directly with the bill's language. Instead, it relied exclusively on Goerger's opinion. Meanwhile, Johnson's resolution relied exclusively on the bill's legislative language.

Given the option between trusting people's summarization of a bill or the bill's language, I'll pick the legislative language 100% of the time. FYI- here's a copy of Goerger's resolution:

Goerger isn't in touch with St. Cloud. That's why he isn't likely to win re-election in 2020.

Originally posted Tuesday, October 24, 2017, revised 18-Dec 2:03 PM

Comment 1 by KATE at 27-Oct-17 07:13 PM
The way this Mayor and Council are acting is horrendous...what are they trying to hide?

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 27-Oct-17 07:49 PM
First, they're trying to hide the cost to the community. Kleis's statement that the city doesn't pay anything for settling refugees is BS. Goerger's statement that "the city of St. Cloud has the capacity to provide municipal services to the aforementioned prospective new residents without an impact on the city budget or quality of life" is pure BS.

Next, I'm certain that they're scrambling. I don't think they saw this backlash coming whatsoever. It's blindsided them totally.

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