October 19-21, 2018

Oct 19 00:12 Mismatch: Trump vs. Tester
Oct 19 05:10 The patriotism factor
Oct 19 05:55 Get out the butter. Beto's toast
Oct 19 15:40 Democrats' impeachment pickle

Oct 20 12:24 Angie Craig vs. Rep. Jason Lewis, predictable outcome edition
Oct 20 13:13 Stopping the Central American invasion

Oct 21 00:12 I hope Democrats rot in hell
Oct 21 00:18 The Walz-Ellison ticket
Oct 21 09:45 Doug Wardlow's positive agenda

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Mismatch: Trump vs. Tester

When Sen. Tester published unverified allegations against Dr. Ronny Jackson, he must've known that this was a bombshell. Now, with less than 3 weeks left until Election Day, President Trump is pushing the issue .

Washington Times writer David Sands wrote "President Trump on Thursday will be making his third trip to the sparsely populated state, stumping in Missoula for the Republican challenger, State Auditor Matt Rosendale, or, to put it another way, stumping against two-term incumbent Democratic Sen. Jon Tester. While both parties try to gauge the electoral fallout of the recent confirmation battle over Supreme Court Brett M. Kavanaugh, Mr. Trump's focus here is on an earlier battle, Mr. Tester's prominent role in torpedoing the nomination of Adm. Ronny Jackson, Mr. Trump's White House doctor, to run the Department of Veterans Affairs this spring."

Earlier tonight, Sen. Tester tried saying that he hadn't torpedoed Jackson's nomination. He said that despite the fact that he's on tape torpedoing Jackson's nomination:

[Video no longer available]

Shortly after Sen. Tester published these uncorroborated allegations, Trump tweeted "Ever since his vicious and totally false statements about Admiral Ron Jackson, the highly respected White House Doctor for Obama, Bush & me, Senator [Jon] Tester looks to be in big trouble in the Great State of Montana! He behaved worse than the Democrat Mob did with Justice K!"

Apparently, Democrats don't hesitate in publishing uncorroborated allegations.

Posted Friday, October 19, 2018 12:12 AM

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The patriotism factor

It's fair to ask whether or to what extent the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings have had on Senate races. In my estimation, BTW, the confirmation hearings have played a major role in reshaping the red state races.

House races have been flying under the radar this year. I admit that I don't have as good a read on them as I normally have. That being said, I have some insights into the House races. First, I'm confident that the violent episodes shouldn't be underestimated.

While these attacks haven't directly happened against House members, they've happened relatively close to home. One attack happened to Kristin Davison, a female campaign manager for Nevada gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt. Another happened to Rep. Sarah Anderson, the chair of the Minnesota House Government Finance Committee. Still another attack happened against Shane Mekeland, a candidate for Minnesota's House of Representatives. Last night, Mekeland was on Laura Ingraham's show:

When Rep. Maxine Waters, a Democrat, says that people will be harassed in stores, gas stations and restaurants, she's taking things up multiple notches from normal campaign activity. When Sen. Mazie Hirono, Amy Klobuchar, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris and Corey Booker, aka Sen. Spartacus', each a Democrat, says that Republicans are guilty until proven innocent, they're far beyond being anti-American.

In 2008, Michele Bachmann told Chris Matthews that certain members of the Democratic Party were anti-American. The MSM ridiculed her from then until the election. It turns out she was right. Her real sin was that she said something others knew but weren't willing to say.

There are patriots in the Democratic Party. Tammy Duckworth is one of them. It's just that few of them are elected officials. Too many of them, unfortunately, support anarchism or care only about themselves. Hillary fits into that last category.

It's time to get rid of these dregs. It's time to make them pay a price for their anti-American actions.

Posted Friday, October 19, 2018 5:10 AM

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Get out the butter. Beto's toast

Beto O'Rourke can start working on his concession speech. He's going to lose and lose big. That's because, last night, he told the nation that he'd vote to impeach President Trump .

O'Rourke still lobbed some barbs at his opponent at the town hall, but offered another self-criticism following a question from a woman whose 24-year-old son died of a heroin overdose. He noted that the language of a later-vetoed 2009 resolution he helped author while an El Paso City Council member was "inartful at best" for endorsing legalizing narcotics as a way to curb the drug violence across the border in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

When asked if he'd vote to impeach President Trump, he initially dodged the question:

[Video no longer available]

When Dana Bash asked him to address the initial question, he talked about President Trump's Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin, saying that was "collusion in action." That's a frightening glimpse into the mind of a liberal. After that, I don't want another glimpse.

Posted Friday, October 19, 2018 5:55 AM

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Democrats' impeachment pickle

The Democrats have an impeachment problem. Worse for them, it isn't going away before the election. That's because billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer is "growing his impeach-Trump operation."

According to the article, "liberal billionaire Tom Steyer claims to be building a juggernaut political operation in support of impeaching President Trump, rallying the base and creating a 'digital army' for the cause even as Democratic lawmakers remain publicly divided over the issue. 'We're not going away,' Kevin Mack, the lead strategist at Need to Impeach, told Fox News. 'We're going to hold President Trump accountable.'"

The worst part of this is that it's happening in the closing days of the campaign and Nancy Pelosi doing everything she can to tamp down talk of impeachment until after the election. Pelosi's 'Democrat base' problem is that she can't turn this off without hurting turnout.

Further, this is precisely the type of thing that'll be used to create new ads that'll turn independents away from the Democrats. The NRCC will likely use this in ads in virtually every swing district in America. I'm definitely thinking it'll be used in MN-8, where President Trump is especially popular.

Democrats are in God's Little Acre -- east of the rock, west of the hard place. They can't afford not to do what Steyer wants. If they reject him, they lose north of $100,000,000 per cycle in contributions. If they accept, voters reject them. That isn't a great position to be in.

Posted Friday, October 19, 2018 3:40 PM

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Angie Craig vs. Rep. Jason Lewis, predictable outcome edition

Saying that it was predictable that Rep. Jason Lewis was going to thrash Democrat Angie Craig in their Friday night debate on Almanac is understatement. Cathy Wurzer opened by asking Jason Lewis about Congress acting as a check "on the imperial presidency and I'm thinking that you might've been thinking that Hillary Clinton might be president. How's Congress doing in its role as a check on President Trump?"

Jason replied "Well, you know, I think we did 16 CRAs taking back Article I power from the executive branch" before Eric Eskola asked "What are CRAs?" Jason then resumed, saying that CRAs are "the Congressional Review Act." Jason then noted that those CRAs eliminated over $4,000,000,000 worth of regulations. Wurzer then said "It doesn't really sound to some people like they're a true check on President Trump as no one is standing up to him on things he might say."

Jason jumped in and replied "Well, Cathy, I think we get confused between what gets said and substance. Now, if you're talking about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which gives families in the Second District $3,000 back, I'm not going to stand up against that. I led the way in getting that done. If you're talking about style, would I do the things that the President does? Probably not."

[Video no longer available]

That's Jason Lewis' opening shot against Angie Craig. It was crisp, filled with information and in a friendly, conversational tone. It was apparent that Jason felt relaxed and confident in that setting.

Whenever Angie Craig went on the offensive, Jason Lewis had a well-informed reply. When she tried attacking him on health care, Jason nailed her by highlighting the fact that she pushed for an exemption from the medical device tax for her company. While there's no doubt that Democrats will be pleased with her performance, there's equally little doubt as to who was the more informed, most adult candidate on stage.

While I don't doubt that this will be a tight race, I still expect Jason Lewis to defeat Angie Craig. That's because he constantly looked composed while she frequently looked flustered when he had substantive replies to her talking points.

Posted Saturday, October 20, 2018 12:24 PM

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Stopping the Central American invasion

Let's be clear about something. Newt Gingrich is right in calling the Caravan coming up from Central America an invasion . Gingrich also calls it an attack, which it most certainly is. Later in his op-ed, Gingrich warns Republicans what to expect:

The caravan of about 4,000 migrants from Central America seeking to enter Mexico and then the United States illegally is attempting to invade and attack the U.S. This assertion will almost certainly be denounced by the usual sources as being hateful or offensive, but it is long past time we stop letting the left prevent us from using words that clearly communicate reality .

I hate the Left's euphemisms. When Antifa riots on the UCal-Berkeley campus, we're told that they're protesters.

That's BS. When people get injured by mask-wearing haters, that's a riot, not a protest. When ricin gets sent to Susan Collins' home, that's an attack. That isn't a passive action. When Black Lives Matter throws concrete blocks at the police from a bridge in Minnesota, that's a riot, not a protest.

The harsh lesson of 1986 was that liberals took the amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants and then broke their word on controlling the border and creating an effective guest worker program.

That's why Republicans should force Democrats to fully fund the wall once the election is over. Anything short of that is worth shutting the government over. Here's why:

MS-13, the vicious El Salvadoran gang, killed 17 people on Long Island in New York in a 17-month period in 2016. The gang has an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 members in the United States. Fentanyl and opioids also come across the uncontrolled southern border. Last year, more than 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses - more than the number of Americans killed during the eight years of the Vietnam War.

Finally, it's indisputable that walls work :

The construction of Israel's security fence put an immediate and dramatic end to the Palestinian campaign of suicide bombing. By 2009, only 15 Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorism, compared with 452 murdered in 2002, the year before construction began.

Then, let's think of this:

Israel has demonstrated that a security barrier can be close to 100 percent effective in stopping illegal entry by migrants, terrorists, and drug traffickers. She has also shown how to build such barriers quickly and at surprisingly low cost. Soon after his inauguration, President Trump pointed out the effectiveness of Israel's border fence to the President of Mexico, saying: "Israel has a wall and everyone said do not build a wall, walls do not work - 99.9 percent of people trying to come across that wall cannot get across."

It's time to build the wall and stop the flow of human traffickers, lethal drugs like Fentanyl and violent gangs like MS-13 into our country. If Democrats attempt to block that project, then it's time to obliterate them in the next election. Period.

Posted Saturday, October 20, 2018 1:13 PM

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I hope Democrats rot in hell

Donald Trump has united the GOP over the past month, though it's fair to highlight the fact that he's gotten tons of help from Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins and illegal aliens from Honduras.

That isn't the only help President Trump has gotten, though it's impossible to not talk about those factors. The left-wing nasties that've spread violence lately have had a galvanizing effect on the GOP across the nation. Though I haven't seen anything written on this, I've got to think that these left-wing nasties have also convinced independents to vote for Republicans, too.

Saturday night, Jason Lewis tweeted out this link to highlight the violence that's being visited upon Minnesota Republicans. This part of the statement especially caught my attention:

The divisiveness in Minnesota politics has become a safety concern for Republicans over the last two years. Last Summer, Republicans looking to celebrate the accomplishments of President Donald Trump with peaceful rallies at the Capitol were subjected to violent protests that led to dozens of supporters being pepper-sprayed, tased, and physically assaulted.

Unfortunately, Minnesota Democrats refused to comment or condemn the violence by their supporters and yesterday, Minnesotans saw the results of that silence as two candidates for office were assaulted over the weekend for simply being Republican.

One of those Minnesota Republicans who've gotten physically assaulted is Sarah Anderson. This is what she told WCCO's Pat Kessler:

[Video no longer available]

Towards the end of the video, Sarah told Kessler that this incident wouldn't stop her from campaigning, adding that "This is not going to change me. I refuse. I can't. I can't live in fear." Notice how frightened she sounded.

Whatever your political beliefs are, it's time to tell Democrats to stop this crap or else. The best way to send that message is through the ballot box. The DFL's worst nightmare is losing political power. After what they've done, they should lose their power in St. Paul.

The DFL used to be the party of Humphrey, Mondale and Wellstone. That version of the DFL died with Wellstone's plane crash near Hibbing. Since then, the DFL has become the party of Al Franken, Larry Pogemiller and Paul Thissen.

Each time one of these anarchists attacks a Republican, the more voters they chase into the voting booth -- to vote against Democrats! It's one thing to have policy differences. It's another thing to visit violence upon politicians.

Posted Sunday, October 21, 2018 12:12 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 21-Oct-18 07:46 AM
I hope that the blue wave is not even a ripple on the pond. I can't imagine voting for a party that actually promotes violence as a way of getting people to vote for their agenda but I guess when a majority of the population doesn't like what you are selling, you have to revert to violence and scare tactics.

Comment 2 by Gary at 09-Oct-19 09:27 PM
I pray when all of this witch hunt is over that the Americans will stand up and demand that the Crooked Democrats be removed from office. President Trump has been the best President advantage Ronald Reagan he's not a politician that's what makes him great and not liar like I Democrats. Hillary Clinton needs to stop whining that bitch will never be president. Get over it Hillary Donald Trump loves America and he loves the American people And your Democrats the only thing you love is yourself so go to hell

The Walz-Ellison ticket

Traditionally speaking, Tim Walz's running mate is Peggy Flanagan. From an agenda standpoint, though, Tim Walz's running mate is Keith Ellison. If either of them or, God forbid, both are elected, Minnesota will become one of the worst states in terms of crime and illegal immigration.

According to a recent Reality Check by Pat Kessler, Tim Walz proudly states that he'd push for turning Minnesota into a sanctuary state:

[Video no longer available]

Read between the lines of Keith Ellison's issues page and it's clear that Ellison supports sanctuary state status:

Minnesota has a proud immigrant tradition, from those seeking economic opportunity to those fleeing violence abroad. As Attorney General, I will fight efforts by the Trump Administration to remove protections from DREAMers who contribute so much to our economy and society. I will ensure that our immigration detention system is humane, and free from mistreatment, and will prioritize efforts to reunite families who were heartlessly separated at the border. I will stand up to the un-American, discriminatory Muslim Travel Ban. Our country is at its best when we welcome those fleeing horrendous conditions, not when we fan the flames of bigotry and division.

If Tim Walz and Keith Ellison are elected, it's certain that Minnesota's crime rate will head in the wrong direction. Kessler rightly highlights the fact that immigration is a hot issue for the GOP base. That's why I expect Jeff Johnson and Doug Wardlow to highlight this issue as much as possible through Election Day. Follow this link to contribute to Jeff's campaign. If you want a safe Minnesota, follow this link to contribute to Doug Wardlow's campaign so he can protect Minnesota while finishing Keith Ellison's political career.

Originally posted Sunday, October 21, 2018, revised 22-Oct 10:45 PM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 21-Oct-18 07:41 AM
And the rubes on MPR are saying that neither of these two wants open borders/sanctuary city/state and liberal Kessler tells a different story. I hope the only people who vote for these clowns are the hard left progressives and that the middle of the road common sense liberal sees what a terrible choice these two are.

Doug Wardlow's positive agenda

After reading this article by Stephanie Dickrell, there's no doubting whether Doug Wardlow has a positive, pro-Minnesota agenda in mind when he's elected to replace Lori Swanson as Minnesota's Attorney General. (Yes, I'm predicting that he'll defeat Keith Ellison, ending Ellison's political career.)

Whereas Ellison has made it clear his office would essentially be used to sue the Trump administration, Wardlow has a dramatically different vision for the office. Wardlow "said he would focus resources on combating welfare fraud, rebuilding the office's criminal law division and becoming a leader in stopping human trafficking."

Dickrell reports that one "place the two candidates differ greatly is on immigration. Wardlow said he opposes sanctuary cities. 'As attorney general, I'm going to do everything I can to persuade cities to cooperate with federal authorities, and make clear that federal immigration authorities are welcome in Minnesota,' he said."

Last night, I wrote a post titled The Walz-Ellison Ticket . In it, I wrote that Walz is proud to tell voters that he wants to make Minnesota a sanctuary state. Ellison isn't quite as bold but he's definitely interested in promoting illegal immigration. If you want higher crime rates across Minnesota, vote for Ellison and Walz. If you prefer sanity and lower crime rates, you'd better vote for Doug Wardlow and Jeff Johnson. This ad is accurate. I know because I've written about each of the allegations.

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It's time to end Keith Ellison's political career. He's an extremist in the worst way.

Elect Doug Wardlow. He's the only candidate in this race with a positive, pro-law enforcement agenda.

Posted Sunday, October 21, 2018 9:45 AM

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