April 2018 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

01-Apr-18 The Garden Tomb is empty
01-Apr-18 The DFL's condescension

02-Apr-18 Jacobs' bias is showing
02-Apr-18 Listening to uninformed juveniles

03-Apr-18 Applying David Hogg's principles
03-Apr-18 Introducing Mary Ann Mendoza
03-Apr-18 Building President Trump's Wall

04-Apr-18 Introducing Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney

05-Apr-18 Listening to children?
05-Apr-18 The history of bullying
05-Apr-18 Taking Parkland students seriously? I can't.
05-Apr-18 Ideologues just don't get it
05-Apr-18 Pawlenty announces candidacy
05-Apr-18 Pawlenty immediately puts DFL on defensive

06-Apr-18 California's crumbling kingdom
06-Apr-18 The progressives' blind spot

07-Apr-18 Another Parkland shooting bombshell?
07-Apr-18 Liberal stupidity on parade
07-Apr-18 Rick Scott vs. Bill Nelson
07-Apr-18 That's the Democrats' security plan?

08-Apr-18 Government getting arrogant
08-Apr-18 Parkland's inspirational hero
08-Apr-18 Rep. Walz's border security indifference

09-Apr-18 Obama-era discipline still lingers
09-Apr-18 Strategic Planning at MSU, Mankato and SCSU
09-Apr-18 Where is St. Cloud State's CFO?

10-Apr-18 Let's ditch Common Core
10-Apr-18 Good benefits, no accountability
10-Apr-18 A progressive vs. Alan Dershowitz

11-Apr-18 Military fat cats' fear-mongering
11-Apr-18 Johanna Clyborne's incompetence exposed
11-Apr-18 Gubernatorial Debate Alert!
11-Apr-18 The DFL's dishonest propaganda

12-Apr-18 Brown will deploy National Guard
12-Apr-18 ISD 742 vs. MDHR

13-Apr-18 Exposing the DFL's pattern
13-Apr-18 Berrios pitches gem, Mauer gets 2,000th hit
13-Apr-18 California Dreamin'?
13-Apr-18 Top-tier candidate isn't too bright

14-Apr-18 US, allies bomb Syrian WMD infrastructure
14-Apr-18 Russia retaliates for air strikes

15-Apr-18 Gov. Dayton vs. Gov. Pawlenty
15-Apr-18 DFL divided as CD-8 convention ends
15-Apr-18 DFL endorses Angie Craig in CD-2
15-Apr-18 Why Democrats lose the Midwest
15-Apr-18 DFL food fight taking shape

16-Apr-18 Emmer, Fitzsimmons vs. Kern & Kern
16-Apr-18 Rating Minnesota State's Universities

17-Apr-18 Liberal illogic personified
17-Apr-18 Another immigration chanting point shattered?
17-Apr-18 California's immigration backlash

18-Apr-18 California's immigration revolt
18-Apr-18 Polls trending in GOP's direction
18-Apr-18 Otto lawsuit fails in Minnesota Supreme Court, too
18-Apr-18 A closer look at 2018: What wave?

19-Apr-18 More on Otto lawsuit fallout
19-Apr-18 Parkland, restorative justice and increasing violence
19-Apr-18 Who silenced Leah Phifer?

20-Apr-18 Sexual assault outrage!
20-Apr-18 Heitkamp the hypocrite?
20-Apr-18 The Democrats' disqualifications

21-Apr-18 Proof that Democrats hate Trump

22-Apr-18 Scarborough's hatred overflows
22-Apr-18 Democrats' fight: Big Labor vs. Big Environment

23-Apr-18 The DFL's transportation misdirection
23-Apr-18 What about ACT scores?
23-Apr-18 St. Cloud's low-income housing
23-Apr-18 Rand Paul voting yes on Pompeo

24-Apr-18 Pawlenty's primary advantage
24-Apr-18 Wolgamott's platitudes

25-Apr-18 Protecting us from the ESA
25-Apr-18 Censorship, Elizabeth Warren edition

26-Apr-18 The Democrats' map problem
26-Apr-18 Whose Values? What Values?
26-Apr-18 What Husky pride?

27-Apr-18 Democrats' Ronny Jackson problem
27-Apr-18 Another Slap in the Face

28-Apr-18 Jon Tester's impending demise

29-Apr-18 Restorative justice, implicit bias are destroying education

30-Apr-18 Follow the money—again (Written by Rambling Rose)
30-Apr-18 Cautious optimism spreading
30-Apr-18 Turnabout is fair play
30-Apr-18 Elizabeth Warren helps Jon Tester

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