November 29-30, 2020

Nov 29 03:26 Explaining why today's Democrats hate the Constitution
Nov 29 13:00 Let's stop voter fraud immediately

Nov 30 03:05 Tom Hauser's partisanship is showing
Nov 30 13:29 Collin Peterson, man without a party

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Explaining why today's Democrats hate the Constitution

In the days after Hubert Humphrey died after a painful battle with cancer, the St. Cloud Times published a 20-page special section on Sen. Humphrey's life. The thing that stood out most for me was something he said in a speech on Independence Day in St. Cloud. Sen. Humphrey said that America is great, partially because we're the only nation in the world that states that "happiness is a national goal." It says that in our Declaration of Independence.

Of course, our Declaration is independent of the Constitution in that they weren't written at the same time. They're similar documents, though, because the writers were writing from the same mindset. Both Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration, and James Madison, who wrote the Constitution, suffered through the British royalty's despotism. If they wanted anything above all else, it was to avoid all-powerful, tyrannical government.

The opening paragraph of the Declaration says "The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them , a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Asserting that laws existed before government is a radical idea to AOC, Bernie Sanders, the Squad and Elizabeth Warren. The Constitution wasn't written to limit people. It was written to limit government. The text of the Tenth Amendment states "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people . "

A loyal reader of LFR sent me this article about the Articles of Confederation. Here's the opening paragraph:
The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was the first written constitution of the United States. Written in 1777 and stemming from wartime urgency, its progress was slowed by fears of central authority and extensive land claims by states. It was not ratified until March 1, 1781. Under these articles, the states remained sovereign and independent, with Congress serving as the last resort on appeal of disputes. Significantly, The Articles of Confederation named the new nation "The United States of America." Congress was given the authority to make treaties and alliances, maintain armed forces and coin money. However, the central government lacked the ability to levy taxes and regulate commerce, issues that led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 for the creation of new federal laws under The United States Constitution.

Today's Democrats love one-size-fits-all policies and centralized authority. This is what they're rushing to create. Today's Democrats want Medicare-for-all, cancel culture (where people who don't agree with them 100% get shouted down and where Big Tech silences people that exposes Hunter Biden) and people that won't fight for their constitutional rights.

People fighting for their rights is something that Democrats weren't used to. Now that President Trump entered the fight, things changed rapidly. Pre-Trump, Anthony Kennedy was the swing vote. After President Trump installed Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett, Chief Justice Roberts is the swing vote. He doesn't want to rule on anything, thereby giving Democrat lower courts victories.

That changed with the confirmation of Amy Coney-Barrett. She voted with the conservative majority in ruling that Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) went too far with his executive fiat on religious liberty. That's another God-given right that the Founders addressed in both the Declaration and in the Bill of Rights.

Hardline progressive Democrats teach us that rights come from government. Bernie Sanders insists that health care is a right, not a privilege. Apparently, Sen. Sanders doesn't have a clue about where rights come from.

Posted Sunday, November 29, 2020 3:26 AM

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Let's stop voter fraud immediately

I know that I've been a broken record on the 2020 elections. Still, a bigger discussion needs to be had on the subject. A loyal reader of LFR submitted this series of suggestions for serious consideration and debate. As suggested, leave your suggestions in the comments section at the end of this post. Whether the politicians are serious or not, we can give this topic the consideration it deserves. Here is the letter without editing (except for punctuation):
Let's Start a Conversation on What Needs to Be Done to Reform our
Election Laws.

My relative took the time to express their point of view. If you believe our nation's laws assure a fair and honest election you do not need to take action. But if you believe our election laws are in need of reform please take time to formulate your thoughts and then do as my relative has done and share your views with your elected representatives.

Please use the comment feature of this blog to share your views on election law reform. I will be preparing a proposed set of election law reforms for a future post.

Subject: Election Results and Voting Integrity in Michigan
From: A Michigan Relative

Hello Mike,

Like many concerned citizens in Michigan, and throughout the country, I am very concerned about trust in future elections. Many of us no longer trust how this right and power established when a collection of states created our country will be practiced.

Politicians, political parties, reconstructionists, revolutionaries, election officials, media outlets, Hollywood, and others are suggesting and implementing changes to longstanding, proven, and established procedures that help to ensure voter and election integrity. Much of this is being done with the specific intent of gaining election results that favor each group. Knowing that fraud and manipulation allows unscrupulous and dishonest individuals and groups to take advantage of "loosened" procedures that allow votes to be manipulated and outcomes altered.

Here are my concerns:

a. Too many people "touch" mail-in ballots, and make decisions to count or not count the ballots. This should never occur. Just open the envelope; confirm that it meets the standards for a valid ballot and run it through the machine that records the votes and stores the ballot. When too many people have access to the ballot and can make an unsupervised decision to count the votes, voter rights to a free and fair election are being violated here.
b. Letter "a" becomes possible only when mail-in ballots are allowed by request only, with the voter's signature validated as coming from the voter by contacting the voter at their established address. If not confirmed as coming from the voter at that address, no mail-in ballot should be sent. All mail-in ballots must be tracked by number, referencing the voter. This is critical to fraud. Without these safeguards I am sure my right to a free and fair election will be violated.
c. Once "a" and "b" are established, the voter cannot vote at the precinct location unless their mail-in ballot is destroyed before voting at the precinct. This ballot must match the reference number that was assigned to the voter.
d. No ballot should ever be counted that is not RECEIVED on or before election day. Anyone mailing in a ballot should have plenty of time to get their vote in before election day.
e. Ballots (at least in some states) have been mailed out without the voter's knowledge and without the voter making the request. This allows fraud to occur and should never be allowed. My rights to a free and fair election are being violated when fraud occurs in other states.
f. Does Michigan, and other states, make sure no one is voting in multiple states, or within the same state? How is this done? I believe there is ample opportunity for fraud here and that it takes place regularly. All voters need a specific, national ID number, that can be checked for duplication, to ensure multiple votes can not occur from the same person.
g. Does Michigan, and other states, make sure illegal aliens are not voting? How is this ensured? I understand some states just required a valid drivers license, which illegals can easily obtain. Illegal aliens should never be able to vote.
h. Michigan, and all states, should have their election results tabulated, by midnight on election day. Florida did it with about 10 millions votes. Why is
Michigan counting votes days after the election? And Nevada, Alaska, and many others, with less that a million votes. It reeks of fraud. It does not help build trust in the election results. It is absolutely unacceptable in 2020, as it was in 1920!!!

I am not sure President Trump had enough votes to win the state of Michigan, but I am certain that sizable fraud and error took place. This should not be. I would like to see recount take place that only counts legal votes before results are certified. I believe by taking such action, we can begin to tighten up our policies to establish greater confidence in our elections moving forward.

As Senate Majority Leader, you have the power, duty, and obligation to the citizens of this state to make this happen. We are counting on you and your fellow senators in the senate, democrat and republican, to ensure our trust in the integrity of maintaining free, fair, and honest elections. If not, I fear mob violence, fraud, and coercion will determine who your successors will be. Worse, my children will not enjoy a safe, free, country to live in.

Posted Sunday, November 29, 2020 1:00 PM

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Tom Hauser's partisanship is showing

This morning, Tom Hauser let his partisanship show. During the Political Analysis segment, he led with a video of CAE President John Hinderaker awarding the Golden Turkey Award to Gov. Tim Walz for spending $6,900,000 to buy a refrigerated building to use as an overflow morgue to hold bodies that he expected from COVID. This refrigerated building is currently being used to store supplies. It's never been used to hold a single body, much less a person who died of COVID.

During the Political Analysis segment, Hauser mentioned how Gov. Walz had to make all these decisions without a roadmap to guide him. Not once did he say that President Trump, who didn't have a state to run but an entire nation to make decisions for. Gov. Walz's decisions, starting with his shelter-in-place order to his model predicting "only 50,000 people dying" if Minnesotans shut their economy down entirely, were terrible. President Trump's decisions, starting with shutting down travel with China, then Europe, to getting Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson working immediately on producing a vaccine, were indisputably right.

Despite those facts, Biden was considered the best to fix COVID, not President Trump. That's a joke. But I digress. Back to Hauser. Hauser didn't say anything about how Minnesota's economy has tanked thanks to Gov. Walz's decisions. Hauser didn't blame Gov. Walz for the huge deficit that's certain to be announced this Tuesday. The deficit happened directly as a result of Gov. Walz's terrible decisions. Spending $6,900,000 on a temporary morgue is just a symptom of a bigger problem.

That problem is that Gov. Walz is in over his head. Walz has used 3 different models to predict how many people would die from COVID. Each has been off by tens of thousands of people. A fair-minded journalist would've mentioned that. Hauser didn't ask that question during the MDH hearings. Why didn't he? I think the answer is obvious.

If reporters won't ask that type of question, then they aren't doing their primary job. Informing the people is what they're hired to do. If they fail that, they're failing us.

Why didn't Hauser or other reporters question why Gov. Walz bought this facility instead of renting it? With tons of offices empty, couldn't Gov. Walz have gotten a better deal? A lifelong bureaucrat, which is what Gov. Walz is, apparently isn't smart enough to make that type of decision. A businessman would've negotiated for a better price.

Posted Monday, November 30, 2020 3:05 AM

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Collin Peterson, man without a party

After Collin Peterson lost his race by 50,000 votes to Michelle Fischbach, it's clear that Peterson is a man without a party. When will he join Tom Bakk and David Tomassoni in leaving the DFL? After all, the DFL has already left them.

Beyond Peterson, though, are lots of blue collar Democrats who don't fit into the DFL's socialism-for-everyone blueprint. This past election, AOC's Justice Democrats thrashed moderate Erik Simonson while ousting Deputy Senate Minority Leader Jeffrey Hayden because he wasn't woke enough.

This isn't the pro-mining, pro-natural resources DFL that Peterson and other like-minded DFLers signed up for. It's time to start fresh with a new party that appreciates blue collar workers, small businessmen and women and don't think of socialism as a legitimate economic principle. Right now, Democrats want to keep these voters so they hold onto their majority. They don't want their agenda.
[Video no longer available]
The Justice Democrats are just getting started. The Justice Democrats' agenda is beyond frightening. It includes the Green New Deal, Medicare-for-All, a federal jobs guarantee for all, taxing the rich, cancelling all student loan debt and "free public college and trade school." That's AOC's vision for America, too. That means that dissenting voices will get primaried.

That's the reality in 2022. This won't be a 10-12 seat loss for Pelosi's Democrats. It's looking more like a 40-50 seat wipeout for Pelosi's Democrats. If these Democrats want their agenda heard, they need to join Tom Bakk and David Tomassoni in leaving the Democratic Party. Republicans won't give everything on their agenda a hearing but they'll give most of their things a hearing.

Paul Wellstone's Democratic Party is dead and forgotten. AOC's Democratic Party is ascendant. It's a tragic day for Minnesota. It's a tragic day for the USA, too.

Posted Monday, November 30, 2020 1:29 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 02-Dec-20 12:19 PM
Why do rural district people hate Democrats?

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 03-Dec-20 04:17 AM
Because Democrats hate blue collar workers. Democrats put miners & steel manufacturers out of business over the environment, then do nothing about China's & India's pollution.

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