May 27-29, 2020

May 27 02:07 The Democrats' mudslinging starts
May 27 12:27 Biden's leftward march continues
May 27 17:13 Judge blasts J.B. Pritzker

May 28 04:57 Biden vs. Trump, leadership edition
May 28 11:23 James Freeman indicts Tim Walz

May 29 04:31 Is this the end of Amy Klobuchar's vice presidential campaign?
May 29 05:11 Jacob Frey's hesitation vs. President Trump's crisis leadership

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The Democrats' mudslinging starts

If anyone wondered whether Democrats would sink into the mud this presidential election, that question has been answered . Consider this article to be the first proof that Democrats plan on running a scorched earth campaign.

It starts by saying "Tim O'Brien, a former campaign aide for Mike Bloomberg and a Bloomberg opinion writer, is coming under fire for posting side-by-side photos of Joe Biden at a war memorial on Memorial Day and a photo of President Trump golfing on a different day with the caption, 'Different approaches to Memorial Day.'" What a total cheapshot by Mr. O'Brien. That's how you start a scorched earth campaign.

Democrats are starting things off with a flourish of diatribes. If Democrats, starting with O'Brien, think that this will fire up Biden's base, they'd better consider the likelihood that O'Brien's lie will fire up President Trump's supporters more. President Trump's supporters have shown that they're fired up.

The special elections 2 weeks ago in Wisconsin and California were the first signal that Trump's Troops were fired up. The city council meetings in Virginia were the next signal that Trump's Troops are fired up. The Democrats' scorched earth campaign won't help with independent voters. Then again, keeping states locked down won't help Democrats either.

President Trump didn't disrespect our fallen heroes. Democrats did that by suggesting that President Trump didn't attend the traditional Memorial Day ceremonies. In fact, President Trump's time in office is littered with how he's honored the military. He's helped get vets the medical care they've earned. He's rebuilt the military, too. He's negotiated with our enemies to prevent wars.

Democrats seem intent on throwing mud at President Trump because they can't compete with President Trump's accomplishments. Now they're afraid that President Trump's policies will restart the great Trump economy of the first 3 years. This isn't surprising. That's what desperate people do.

Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:07 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 27-May-20 11:17 AM
It is amazing he can golf at all, with disabling bone spurs.

Comment 2 by eric z at 27-May-20 11:48 AM
Gary, isn't it a fact Trump did golf instead of honoring war dead? Yes/no? Or did he do a pro forma thing, a tweet or something, and then golf?

Photos aside, where is truth?

Whenever the lead photo on that item, not Bloomberg's outlet, shows the skill to get into the tall rough. And it shows him obese.

Spin Doctor Gross? Jumping Biden for taking the black vote for granted, that's fair criticism. The inner party Dems do that all the time with progressives too. But this post overreaches.

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 27-May-20 04:20 PM
That answer is NO!!! He went golfing over the weekend, not on Memorial Day. On Memorial Day, he visited Arlington in the morning, then visited Fort Baltimore, which honors the memory of Francis Scott Key, the man who wrote the Star Spangled Banner in the afternoon. I'd consider those activities as honoring the men & women who paid the ultimate sacrifice. I don't know how you'd consider those activities anything except honoring those that paid the ultimate price.

Further, President Trump is overweight, not obese. The definition of obese is "very fat or overweight; corpulent." That doesn't accurately describe President Trump. Trusting Pelosi's language towards President Trump is foolish. She's the personification of a bitch. I'd applaud the person that threw her in a wood-chipper.

Biden's leftward march continues

Midwest Joe Biden and Blue Collar Joe Biden are quickly disappearing. In his latest idiot move, Joe Biden announced that he'll " overturn President Trump's approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline ." While that doesn't end Biden's shot at winning Pennsylvania, it's like to drive down enthusiasm for him in Rust Belt states.

Energy issues are major issues in the Rust Belt. Energy drives manufacturing and manufacturing drives Pennsylvania and Ohio. Salena Zito explains in this article the importance of the phrase Made In America:

On Tuesday, Trump held a Cabinet meeting to discuss measures to cut red tape so that companies could begin either expanding or starting businesses that will begin making more products here a reality and not just a campaign slogan. "The pandemic has shown, once again, the vital importance of economic independence and bringing supply chains back from China and other countries. I probably got elected, one of the primary reasons was that. 'Make America Great Again,' 'America First', call it whatever you want," he said.

Nothing says 'let's rely on foreign oil' like shutting down a major pipeline. That's the equivalent of telling China, Iran and Russia that the Biden administration wants to be held hostage by those tyrant nations. Nothing says negotiating from a position of weakness like cutting manufacturing jobs in your nation.

AOC environmentalism is the pathway to capitulation to the Chinese, Russians and Iran. President Obama once said that "you can't drill your way to cheaper gas prices." The past 3 years, President Trump proved him wrong. During this 2012 speech in New Hampshire, President Obama said that "your bull detector is pretty sharp. You know that we can't just drill our way to cheaper gas prices."
[Video no longer available]
Actually, my BS detector is pretty sharp and I know that what President Obama said is pure BS. Biden comes from the same socialist school that couldn't explain the concept of supply vs. demand if his life depended on it. That's why it isn't surprising that VP Biden appointed 2 socialists to his climate change advisory board.

Democrats insist that Biden is a moderate. That depends on how you define moderation. If moderation is defined by comparing him to loons like Stacey Abrams, Bernie Sanders or AOC, then Biden is a moderate. If moderation is defined by whether he accepts time-tested capitalist principles that've created wealth, then VP Biden isn't a moderate.

I'd argue that Biden hid his immoderation by trafficking in gaffes and plagiarism. Finally, I'd argue that President Trump has done more to improve the lives of the African-American community than Biden. Biden created the mass incarceration mess with the 1994 crime bill. President Trump fixed that mess when he signed the First Step Act into law. Biden criticizes capitalism for income inequality. The Trump economy had closed the gap on income inequality, often through cheaper energy prices.

Frankly, if President Trump opens both barrels on accomplishments against Biden, the American people will have an easy decision. That doesn't mean it won't be a tight race. It just means the decision will be easy for independents.

Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2020 12:27 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 28-May-20 11:08 AM
Biden is Republican-lite. This regular "flaming Marxist" stuff is tiring, even it being used against Dayton, Tina, and Klobuchar. There's the story of crying "wolf" too often..

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 28-May-20 04:18 PM
Biden isn't smart enough to be a Republican. He's a blowhard who shows how intellectually bankrupt today's Democrats are.

As for the Marxism charge, if the fur fits, deal with it. There's nothing about Democrats that suggests that they're capitalists. If you aren't a capitalist, then you're a socialist of one degree or another.

Judge blasts J.B. Pritzker

Judge Michael McHaney criticized Illinois Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker in his ruling . In fact, Judge McHaney's ruling was more of a blistering than a ruling. In his blistering/ruling, Judge McHaney opened by saying "Since the inception of this insanity, the following regulations, rules or consequences have occurred: I won't get COVID if I get an abortion but I will get COVID if I get a colonoscopy."

Judge McHaney's ruling stings Gov. Pritzker after that by saying "Selling pot is essential but selling goods and services at a family- owned business is not. Pot wasn't even legal and pot dispensaries didn't even exist in this state until five months ago and, in that five months, they have become essential but a family-owned business in existence for five generations is not. A family of six can pile in their car and drive to Carlyle Lake without contracting COVID but, if they all get in the same boat, they will."

Later in the ruling, Judge McHaney unleashes his harshest criticism:
The defendant in this case orders you to stay home and pronounces that, if you leave the state, you are putting people in danger, but his family members traveled to Florida and Wisconsin because he deems such travel essential. One initial rationale why the rules don't apply to him is that his family farm had animals that needed fed. Try selling that argument to farmers who have had to slaughter their herds because of disruption in the supply chain.

Then there's this:
Make no mistake, these executive orders are not laws. They are royal decrees. Illinois citizens are not being governed, they are being ruled. The last time I checked Illinois citizens are also Americans and Americans don't get ruled.

Pritzker employed the Democrats' time-tested tactic of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do. His family lived in Florida virtually all winter while Ron DeSantis managed things properly. Pritzker got them out of Illinois while he mismanaged the COVID crisis.

Read Judge McHaney's short ruling. It's well worth the time spent.

Posted Wednesday, May 27, 2020 5:13 PM

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Biden vs. Trump, leadership edition

Joe Biden thinks that wearing a mask " projects leadership ." That's what he told CNN's Dana Bash in an interview right after Memorial Day. Later, Biden said "The truth of the matter is that I think you're supposed to lead by example, and one of the things our governor has said he wants to keep social distancing, stay at home has been the order, until June 1 of this year. And so I think it's important that - look, 100,000 deaths and at least 35,000 to 50,000 were avoidable, but for lack of attention and ego, I think. And just - so - and you know me, I'm usually the last one to leave an event, I like interacting with people. But, I hope to be able to do more, but we're going to do it by the numbers, because I think it's important because this is not over."

Wearing a mask in the situations President Trump found himself in -- outside, in bright sunlight and with family -- are situations that don't require a mask, especially outside in bright sunlight. COVID doesn't last long in that situation. A potent argument can be made that using the right precautions in the right situations is leadership.

Be that as it may, President Trump showed leadership on January 31 when he stopped flights with China. What did Joe do? Check it out:
[Video no longer available]
Later, Biden admitted that stopping those flights were the right thing to do. Leadership comes from getting the big decisions right the first time. Had Biden been president, he would've let untold numbers of COVID-infected people into the United States, spreading the contagion across the nation. That would've created a crisis the likes of which we haven't seen since 1918.

President Trump brought together captains of industry in the Rose Garden to put together a response to testing. CVS, Walmart, Walgreens and other companies brainstormed ideas to make testing super-accessible and free. Joe Biden wouldn't have had a clue who to bring together. President Trump told Peter Navarro to get ventilators built ASAP. Here's what happened:
[Video no longer available]
"In under 11 days, General Motors sourced materials, converted a manufacturing facility and trained a workforce to build lifesaving ventilators in Kokomo, IN." Saving lives by manufacturing ventilators in record time is bigtime leadership that Joe Biden couldn't make happen if Americans' lives depended on it. Wearing a goofy-looking mask when he's already social distanced is preening for the cameras. It isn't leadership.

President Trump has his faults but they're nothing like Biden's. Biden provided 'leadership' on the 1994 crime bill that started mass incarcerations. President Trump provided leadership by fixing Biden's mess:
[Video no longer available]
Tearing families apart isn't leadership. Reuniting families requires leadership.

Posted Thursday, May 28, 2020 4:57 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 28-May-20 11:13 AM
Without the video, both Trump and Biden would be defenders of police conduct involving George Floyd. These cherry picked comparisons authored here can only go so far before tedium sets in. The question is which candidate is the lesser evil, as in 2016, and when the two-party situation reaches that, it is time to reevaluate the two party system.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 28-May-20 04:23 PM
Biden is a blithering idiot who thought he'd get softball questions from Charlamagne Tha God. He made a Biden of himself so he deserves what he's getting. It must suck for you to admit that Trump has listened to African-Americans, then signed important legislation that's made African-Americans' lives better. That's what he's done.

Deal with it. It's the truth.

James Freeman indicts Tim Walz

In this column , WSJ columnist James Freeman essentially indicted Minnesota's DFL Gov. Tim Walz. Gov. Walz is following in Gov. Andrew Cuomo's footsteps in putting nursing home residents at risk. This isn't surprising since Democrats are fairly used to following a script.

It's been known for more than a month that the elderly and those with weak immune systems can't handle the COVID virus. Despite that understanding, "Minnesota has been implementing the disastrous Covid-19 strategy made famous by New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The essence of the plan is to forcefully reduce the income of people at low risk, while simultaneously increasing the chances of virus exposure for those at high risk."

This is how crises get extended. Sending COVID-infected seniors to nursing homes is a potential death sentence. This isn't putting 2 and 2 together and getting 4. It's more like putting 2 and 2 together and getting 9. Freeman cites a Star Tribune article, too:

Early in the pandemic, the Minnesota Department of Health turned to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities to relieve the burden on hospitals that were at risk of being overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients. Minnesota hospitals have since discharged dozens of infected patients to nursing homes, including facilities that have undergone large and deadly outbreaks of the disease, state records show...

One such facility, North Ridge Health and Rehab in New Hope, has accepted 42 patients from hospitals and other long-term care facilities since mid-April even as the coronavirus has raged through its 320-bed nursing home, killing 48 of its patients and infecting scores more.

The first outbreak of COVID deaths happened at a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington. It was above-the-fold-front-page news for a week or more. I can picture someone slow like Gov. Walz not picking up on that clue but there's no reason why his public health people shouldn't have picked up on that. Instead of noticing, Minnesotans got another example of the blind leading the blind.

According to this KARE11 video, the Walz administration didn't figure out a plan to fix the Walz-induced crisis until 2 weeks ago :
[Video no longer available]
The Walz administration's cavalier attitude towards problem-solving is disgraceful. They've created more problems than they've solved. It's fair to say that the Walz administration didn't protect nursing home residents. He's as disgraceful as Gov. Cuomo. Then again, what would you expect from a pair of airheaded Democrats?

Posted Thursday, May 28, 2020 11:23 AM

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Is this the end of Amy Klobuchar's vice presidential campaign?

The minute this news broke, Sen. Amy Klobuchar's vice presidential unofficially ended. It likely ends her chances of becoming a Supreme Court justice. It likely ends her chances of being the U.S. Attorney General. Senator will be her highest rank.

If you're wondering what the news is that brought Sen. Klobuchar down, here it is. "The Floyd case has put the national spotlight back on Klobuchar's days as a prosecutor, particularly as it became clear Derek Chauvin, the officer involved in Floyd's death, was involved in the death of another citizen while Klobuchar was prosecutor. Chauvin was one of six officers who fired on and killed Wayne Reyes in 2006 after Reyes reportedly aimed a shotgun at police after stabbing his friend and girlfriend. While the death happened during Klobuchar's tenure at the helm of the Hennepin County Attorney's Office, the case did not go to a grand jury until after she left the office and became a senator. Klobuchar did not criminally charge other police involved in the more than two dozen officer-involved fatalities that occurred during her time as prosecutor. She left those decisions to a grand jury, a practice that was common at the time."

That didn't appear in the Strib's article until the 10th paragraph. By comparison, the Washington Examiner made that information the lede in their article :

Outrage over the Minneapolis police killing of black man George Floyd is sinking Amy Klobuchar's stock as a potential vice presidential pick for Joe Biden.

Then there's this:

Some of Klobuchar's harshest critics engage in messy criticism by saying that when she was the Hennepin County attorney, she did not prosecute one of the now-fired officers involved in the Floyd killing, Derick Chauvin , when he was involved in an October 2006 police shooting. A Klobuchar spokeswoman noted that the indecent occurred near the end of her term, just before she joined the Senate in 2007. In 2008, a grand jury declined to charge the officers involved with wrongdoing.

Huffington Post put it in the harshest tones :

Kenza Hadj-Moussa, a spokeswoman for the progressive group Take Action Minnesota said Klobuchar's actions as a prosecutor "caused trauma that's been long lasting." "With everything that's happened in Minneapolis and across the country," she said, Klobuchar would put Biden at even more of a "disadvantage" politically.

If this was just up to Biden, he'd probably still consider Sen. Klobuchar. With African-Americans making demands of him, this eliminates Sen. Klobuchar. Then there's this:
[Video no longer available]
It's time to run Sen. Klobuchar out of office. She failed as a prosecutor. She's failing as a senator. Most importantly, Sen. Klobuchar's attitude towards violent police officers is cavalier at best.

Posted Friday, May 29, 2020 4:31 AM

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Jacob Frey's hesitation vs. President Trump's crisis leadership

If this article is right, DFL boy toy Jacob Frey will soon get a lesson in crisis leadership from President Trump. While Minneapolis burns, while Minneapolis gets looted, the DFL mayor of Minneapolis abandons a sinking ship.

According to the article, Frey said "Earlier this evening, after receiving real-time information from [Police Chief Medaria] Arradondo and after having numerous phone calls with him involving the situation at the Third Precinct, it became clear that there were imminent threats to both officers and the public. I made the decision to evacuate the Third Precinct. The symbolism of a building cannot outweigh the importance of life, of our officers or the public. Brick and mortar is not as important as life." That led to this scene:

[Video no longer available]
Frey sounds like an idiot:

Asked about Trump's tweets, which also criticized him, Frey said, "Weakness is refusing to take responsibility for your own actions. Weakness is pointing your fingers at somebody else at a time of crisis. Donald Trump knows nothing about the strength of Minneapolis."

Jake, weakness is doing nothing while rioters burn Minneapolis to the ground. Minneapolis and Minnesota 'leadership' went silent while the crisis escalated. KSTP's Tom Hauser questioned that strategy:

President Trump weighed in on the riots:

Don't expect President Trump to sit idly by while Frey does nothing. What's happening in Minneapolis reminds me of an old Rockford Files episode title. It was titled "Never send a boy king to do a man's job." It's time for real leadership. Minneapolis won't get that from Frey. Here's proof of that:

Posted Friday, May 29, 2020 5:11 AM

Comment 1 by Nick at 29-May-20 12:56 PM
Derek Chauvin HAD 12 police brutality complaints against him and also killed other unarmed minorities in the past.

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