January 2015 Posts

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

02-Jan-15 Tuma's dishonesty disheartening
02-Jan-15 SCTimes, Rosenstone & the IFO

06-Jan-15 Understanding SCSU's Enrollment Decline

07-Jan-15 MnSCU analysis failures

08-Jan-15 Silence speaks

09-Jan-15 Bakk, DFL vs. Daudt, small businesses, MNGOP
09-Jan-15 Dayton lectures Chamber, legislature on reality

10-Jan-15 Ken Martin, the DFL and ABM
10-Jan-15 Farmers vs. unhinged environmentalists

11-Jan-15 DFL, lobbyists vs. GOP, roads & bridges

12-Jan-15 SCSU's spring enrollment
12-Jan-15 NY Times almost gets it right

13-Jan-15 Will MnSCU Trustees walk the walk?
13-Jan-15 DFL, Move MN and transportation
13-Jan-15 "Most Partisan President" in history

14-Jan-15 Long-term plan, immediate crises
14-Jan-15 Transportation battle lines drawn

15-Jan-15 Environmentalists, Franken & Klobuchar
15-Jan-15 SCSU's annual audit
15-Jan-15 The environmentalists' catechism
15-Jan-15 Ruy Teixeira and the politics of destiny

16-Jan-15 Faux outrage isn't convincing
16-Jan-15 Hillary and the illusion of winning

17-Jan-15 Factchecking Cyson's hit piece
17-Jan-15 Dayton, DFL and "La-La Land"
17-Jan-15 DFL deserves this headache

18-Jan-15 Mitt: Nice guy, terrible candidate

19-Jan-15 DFL nastiness shows early
19-Jan-15 Progressive Mark Dayton?
19-Jan-15 Juan Williams' disgusting bias

20-Jan-15 Deciphering TWS's unscientific poll
20-Jan-15 MnSCU service awards
20-Jan-15 DFL legislators talk transportation

21-Jan-15 Obama's rose-colored glasses
21-Jan-15 MnSCU's fall enrollment report
21-Jan-15 Joni Ernst vs. Barack Obama

22-Jan-15 Why Deflate-Gate matters
22-Jan-15 Summer School enrollment
22-Jan-15 The ball boys did it?

23-Jan-15 The Patriots' DeflateGate dilemma
23-Jan-15 Marquardt's dishonest diatribe
23-Jan-15 What will NFL, Goodell do?

25-Jan-15 The DFL's transportation spin

26-Jan-15 Move MN's motivation
26-Jan-15 Stealing from the middle class
26-Jan-15 Milwaukee's inevitable outmigration
26-Jan-15 Geraghty's GOP evaluation
26-Jan-15 Erin Murphy's spin

27-Jan-15 SCSU Admission Reports
27-Jan-15 MSNBC and the Freedom Summit
27-Jan-15 GOP presidential brackets
27-Jan-15 Dayton breaks 'Tax the rich' promise
27-Jan-15 #DeflateGate, Super Bowl edition

28-Jan-15 SCSU's sinking ship
28-Jan-15 Dayton/DFL infighting exposed

29-Jan-15 Who is Move MN?
29-Jan-15 President Potter's Inconsistency

30-Jan-15 SCSU admits failure, Part I
30-Jan-15 Mitt isn't running
30-Jan-15 MNsure isn't sustainable
30-Jan-15 Hillary's coronation

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