March 2021 Posts

Mar 05 08:33 House Democrats are pleasant-sounding radicals
Mar 05 20:03 Joe Biden's spiteful policymaking

Mar 09 08:01 Joe Biden, COVID-19 'relief' & the economy

Mar 10 07:56 Joe Biden's border catastrophe

Mar 11 09:31 Hiding Joe Biden

Mar 12 07:08 Joe Biden's speech takes credit for Trump's Operation Warp Speed

Mar 14 01:26 Biden speech fact-checked by NYTimes: hell freezes over

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House Democrats are pleasant-sounding radicals

Last week, House Democrats passed the so-called COVID relief bill. It's mostly a bailout of Democrat special interest groups. This LTE provides a list of some of the pork in the bill:

  1. $85 billion for the rescue of about 180 multi-employer pensions plans insured by the Pension/Benefit Guaranty Corp managed by employer sponsors and unions.

  2. $30 billion for public transit agencies.

  3. $350 billion largely to blue state and local governments that imposed strict lockdowns.

  4. $35 billion to subsidies to defray Obamacare premiums.

  5. $40 billion in addition to the already provided $113 billion for schools that is largely unspent.

  6. $50 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

  7. $15 billion to assist states in expanding Medicaid to lower income adults.

  8. $39 billion for child care.

  9. $10 billion for mortgage assistance.

  10. $1.5 billion to Amtrak.

  11. $1.0 billion to world food relief

  12. $3.5 billion for food stamps.

  13. $4 billion to socially disadvantaged farmers.

Bailing out public employee union pension funds (that've been in trouble for years) is money spent on a key Democrat special interest group. Anyone voting for that is a partisan who's been bought by the Democrats' special interests. Their votes have already been compromised. These Democrats don't represent their district. These Democrats represent the Democrats' special interests, starting with Nancy Pelosi.

Kevin McCarthy ripped the bill to shreds in this interview with Maria Bartiromo:
[Video no longer available]
This week, Democrats voted to essentially legalize voter fraud . Former Vice President Pence wrote this op-ed to highlight why election reform at the state level is essential :
Under the Constitution, elections are governed at the state level. And each state is required to appoint presidential electors "in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct."

Many of the most troubling voting irregularities took place in states that set aside laws enacted by state legislatures in favor of sweeping changes ordered by governors, secretaries of state, and courts.

While legislators in many states have begun work on election reform to restore public confidence in state elections, unfortunately, congressional Democrats have chosen to sweep those valid concerns and reforms aside and to push forward a brazen attempt to nationalize elections in blatant disregard of the U.S. Constitution.

When politicians take their oath, they pledge to uphold the Constitution. 220 of these Democrats voted to ignore the Constitution and disregard the legitimate claims of people who think that legislatively-passed laws were ignored this year.

These Democrats literally voted for hundreds of billions of dollars for Democrat special interest allies while ignoring the Constitution. There's nothing moderate about that. It's time to throw them out in 2022.

Posted Friday, March 5, 2021 8:33 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 05-Mar-21 10:22 AM
First, welcome back. Before the time away you wrote of the Teachers Union power in the Dem Party. Now you write of the pubic employee segment. The Dems do have blocs; as do the Republicans.

In linking to Heritage Foundation giving Pence a platform, do you suppose the traditional GOP establishment is showing favoritism? After all, it could have gotten Josh Hawley to write a puff-piece on voter suppression, dressed up. But it gave its hat-tip to Pence. Trump's Jan 6 railing against Pence not joining the "Stop the Steal" crypto-coup notwithstanding, Heritage Foundation goes with Pence.

Where do you see the evangelical bloc's future orientation, and did Heritage Foundation have that consideration in mind in giving Pence a forum?

Comment 2 by Gretchen L Leisen at 05-Mar-21 02:31 PM
Welcome back, Gary. I missed you. Hope you are doing well.

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 06-Mar-21 09:59 AM
I'm back feeling healthy Gretchen. Thanks for checking in.

Joe Biden's spiteful policymaking

There's little question that Joe Biden's initial EOs on immigration were the result of his spitefulness for President Trump. This week, Biden's spitefulness came back to bite him in the butt . Rep. Lance Gooden, (R-TX), wrote a letter to President Biden with several essential suggestions:
[Video no longer available]

GOP letter to Biden on nati... by Fox News

This is what he wrote in the second paragraph of his letter:
There is a crisis at our southern border. It is critical that our leaders recognize the severity of the circumstances and respond accordingly. Your administration's refusal to enforce immigration laws has encouraged countless migrants to make the treacherous journey across our border. We urge you torecognize that an immigration crisis is underway and reinstate a national emergency concerning oursouthern border.

Here's some actual reporting from the TX-Mex border:
[Video no longer available]
Joe Biden stripped out the provisions that President Trump put in place. What's worse is that many of these unaccompanied minors are COVID-infected. This is a disaster-in-the-making. DHS Mayorkas can deny this whenever he wants but anyone who's watching knows he's lying. This isn't a challenge. It's a full-blown crisis.

Biden's immigration policies thus far haven't been wrong. They've been disastrous. If he doesn't reverse course ASAP, he'll be fortunate to make it through this term.

Posted Friday, March 5, 2021 8:03 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 06-Mar-21 09:26 AM
Is it that you just do not like Hispanic people? Probably more that you recognize the policy as one of diluting the labor pool so that capital can continue sub-survival wages in the fields and the packing houses, with Biden on board per his disdain for a livable wage. All that analysis hangs together, but the boomers are a big retirement bloc and somebody has to be laboring to support that. I see it as capital wanting to flood labor into remaining Angst because of the influx of willing hard working people. People who only want a better life, which is what you and I want too, and it is not an unreasonable aim. And on suppressing a living minimal wage Biden and the Republican Senators are on the same page, so the policy seems screw labor on the wage side and on the labor pool size issue - a squeeze from both sides. Capital squeezing. I have recently witnessed a framing crew, very likely non-union, very skilled and hard working, many of whom were immigrant - maybe the entire crew. These are people willing to work hard and to build skills. I cannot fault their ambition or their work ethic. My father was a German immigrant between the wars, knowing no English when he jumped ship in Halifax and ended up in St. Louis. With that truth, I cannot hate people seeking a better life. What is the real beef? Why so virulent? If you are against labor being squeezed, fault those doing the squeezing, not the victims.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 06-Mar-21 09:58 AM
I don't hate Hispanics. I love people obeying the laws. Democrats love writing laws, then not enforcing them. Republicans want clearly written laws that are enforced. This isn't that complicated.

Joe Biden, COVID-19 'relief' & the economy

Bloomberg is reporting that "Joe Biden is on the cusp of his first legislative win with the House ready to give final passage to his $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief plan." I'll respectfully disagree with that statement. While it is a legislative victory, it isn't a victory for the American people.

In this post , I listed many items from the Porkulus bill that are payoffs to the Democrats' special interest allies:

  1. $85 billion for the rescue of about 180 multi-employer pensions plans insured by the Pension/Benefit Guaranty Corp managed by employer sponsors and unions.

  2. $30 billion for public transit agencies.

  3. $350 billion largely to blue state and local governments that imposed strict lockdowns.

  4. $35 billion to subsidies to defray Obamacare premiums.

  5. $40 billion in addition to the already provided $113 billion for schools that is largely unspent.

  6. $50 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

  7. $15 billion to assist states in expanding Medicaid to lower income adults.

  8. $39 billion for child care.

  9. $10 billion for mortgage assistance.

  10. $1.5 billion to Amtrak.

  11. $1.0 billion to world food relief

  12. $3.5 billion for food stamps.

  13. $4 billion to socially disadvantaged farmers.

How will the $350,000,000,000 Pelosi Payoff help jumpstart the US economy? How will sending $50,000,000,000 to FEMA jumpstart the economy? How will $1,000,000,000 to world food relief help the US economy? How will sending $85,000,000,000 to various pension funds help the US economy?

The truth is that getting people vaccinated faster will do much more to help the economy than the Democrats' Porkulus bill will. Larry Kudlow is optimistic in terms of the economy because he's optimistic about quickly achieving herd immunity. He explains why in this video:
[Video no longer available]
If Biden was smart (he isn't), he'd just step out of the way and let the Trump Recovery continue. That can't happen. That's because the Democrats actually running things won't let that happen. These Democrats want to point to this boondoggle as the point when the recovery started. It's difficult to claim this when Q3/2020 had a GDP growth of 33.1%.

The reality is that the recovery that we're now experiencing started when we started reopening the economy. That was back in May, 2020, when 2,500,000 jobs were unexpectedly created . That's when the unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped from 14.7% to 13.3%. Unemployment is now 6.2%.

It'd be a lie to say that this is a Biden recovery. Joe Biden hasn't implemented a single new economic policy. The Pelosi Payoff still hasn't been signed into law. Let's remember that Biden and Obama presided over the weakest recovery in US history. Today's Democrats don't have a history of economic success. The economic growth that Biden points to resulted from quantitative easing, not from Biden's economic policies.

Don't be fooled by Biden's economic lies. He doesn't know what he's doing. He knows less about the economy than he knows about border security.

Posted Tuesday, March 9, 2021 8:01 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 09-Mar-21 11:37 AM
Gary, I would not bet much either way, "Trump Recovery," or Davos "Great Reset." A dollar with dwindling purchasing power seems a sure bet. Wage and salary lagging behind price escalation, ditto.

Infrastructure spending seems smarter than what's been allocated, (especially local slush fund cash), and you left out of the listing the roughly $50 billion giant sop for health insurers, via subsidy, instead of expanding Medicare and Medicaid. You can do a websearch = biden covid bill health insurance subsidy cobra -- and get info. It seems the Senate put more money there than the House had.

Will the pump priming work, independent of who gets how much? Are we due or overdue for a capital markets adjustment which might sink the ship? I expect neither of us can answer that. Time will pass and yield an answer.

Last, it is the Biden - Senate bill. Without minimum wage reform. It is pure short term pump priming. Trillions spun out of thin air. We'll see.

The two big spending bills passed during the end of the Trump - McConnell final year were the same. Then, money routed through big business failed to trickle down. Going into portfolio growth instead. Now it is yet more pump priming money routed out, but this time through state and local government. Less opportunity for co-option by privateers? We'll see. More circulating money rather than going to capital value enhancement is a difference. Less need to wait to see whether a trickle down happens or not. Now it seems Manchin holds the hammer rather than McConnell.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 09-Mar-21 04:00 PM
Pay attention, Eric. Wages grew fastest for the middle class & lower income earners than for white collar workers. In fact, wage growth for the middle class & lower income earners doubled what white collar workers earned.

BTW, when will Commie Harris take over from Biden?

Comment 2 by eric z at 10-Mar-21 01:55 PM
Wondering why you call Harris that.

Admittedly she's not like Rep. Greene, or earlier or current CPAC crowds, but she's a law-and-order, truant chasing, never prosecuted a cop in her life kind of prosecutor -- akin to Klobuchar, those same ways only more so.

And, Gary, if you can sell AKlo as "Commie," then bless you for being a far better huckster than Trump ever even dreamed of being.

Harris' spouse - He is now a law prof in DC, installed in either Georgetown or George Washington, after a decades-long career as a Hollywood IP lawyer, which is about as conservative as they come. Don't pirate this, don't pirate that, never met a torrent site he didn't hate; war against you if you download one single tune from YouTube, that kind of dude. Big, big on intangible property, never mind real estate or investment grade paper, those being too conventional and tangible.

A property rights enforcer nonetheless. When Biden promised Clyburn a woman of color on the VP spot of his ticket, he could have had Barbara Lee, Nina Turner, Briahna Joy Gray, or Stacy Abrams. Instead he picks a Republican-lite AKlo clone. Think it over. Check out her Open Secrets donor history. The same people funding her also contributed to McConnell and Rand Paul. Yeah, she is not Ted Cruz, Rudy G., or Josh Hawley, but if you have any evidence she's Antifa, you should post it.

Joe Biden's border catastrophe

A week ago, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insisted that the situation on the US-Mexican border was a challenge, not a crisis. Much has changed in a week. New reporting from Texas shows that Joe Biden's EOs have created a humanitarian catastrophe .

Guy Benson's tipsheet hurts the Biden administration's gamesmanship:
We've also highlighted Team Biden's foolish abandonment of Trump-era agreements with Mexico and three Central American nations that had successfully mitigated previous unsustainable surges, without any viable alternatives in place. Finally, we've cited reports that border officials have been sounding the alarm about a worsening situation, severely straining resources and capacity already. The ingredients for a self-inflicted crisis were all in place. And that maddeningly inevitable mess is now playing out as anticipated.

WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the Biden administration wouldn't take immigration advice from the Trump administration. That's too bad. If the Biden administration (or other Democrats) was smart, they'd learn from the Trump administration. They wouldn't be getting overrun with illegal aliens 7 weeks into the Biden administration:
Thousands of migrant children are backed up in United States detention facilities along the border with Mexico, part of a surge of immigration from Central Americans fleeing poverty and violence that could overwhelm President Biden's attempt to create a more humane approach to those seeking entry into the country. The number of migrant children in custody along the border has tripled in the past two weeks to more than 3,250, according to federal immigration agency documents obtained by The New York Times, and many of them are being held in jail-like facilities for longer than the three days allowed by law. The problem for the administration is both the number of children crossing the border and what to do with them once they are in custody. Under the law, the children are supposed to be moved to shelters run by the Health and Human Services Department, but because of the pandemic the shelters until last week were limiting how many children they could accommodate. The growing number of unaccompanied children is just one element of an escalating problem at the border. Border agents encountered a migrant at the border about 78,000 times in January - more than double the rate at the same time a year ago and higher than in any January in a decade.

Whether it's called a crisis, challenge or catastrophe, it's obvious that the Biden/Democrat plan isn't working. In the name of humanity, Democrats are letting Mexican cartels make billions of dollars through human trafficking and drug smuggling. On the trip north, the coyotes rape children. Either that or they're sold into sex slavery once they arrive in the US:
A 19-year-old man is in custody after a 12-year-old girl was rescued from being forced into human trafficking in Vallejo on Wednesday, authorities said. According to the Vallejo Police Department, the two were located by officers shortly after noon along Fairgrounds Drive. The child reportedly made a call for help.

"I applaud the juvenile survivor for having the courage and fortitude to call for help," Vallejo Chief of Police Shawny Williams said. "All the credit for stopping this human trafficker belongs to her. Human trafficking is an evil and egregious assault against humanity and the human dignity of its victims. Our community has a moral duty to hold perpetrators of these heinous crimes accountable, defeat human trafficking through advocacy and help survivors rebuild their lives."

The Biden/Democrat plan isn't humane. It's a disaster. It should be dismantled immediately.

Posted Wednesday, March 10, 2021 7:56 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 10-Mar-21 09:56 AM
It is good Gary, that you are again posting.

One way to look at things, Trump-Pence was the first Presidency this century to not go two terms. That is hardly a feather in Trump's MAGA cap.

Also, if Biden-Harris is so bad, Trump-Pence did clearly lose the election to Biden-Harris, suggesting Trump-Pence was viewed to be the greater evil; Biden-Harris the lesser. I know I voted strictly lesser evil, believing the Biden-Harris ticket to be weak and mediocre and beholden to big money corporations and individuals, hatefully so - but that Trump had to go.

Do you figure the loss was Pence's fault?

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 10-Mar-21 11:42 PM
Eric, the loss wasn't Trump's or Pence's fault as much as it was the corporate media's fault & Big Tech's fault. They didn't put their thumb on this election's scale. They put their entire elbow on the scale. That's before talking about the 'voting irregularities' in Philadelphia, Detroit, Madison & Milwaukee.

PS- if you think it isn't a big deal that Hunter Biden is compromised by his illicit dealings, you're kidding yourself. 1 in 6 Biden voters said after the election that they wouldn't have voted for Biden had they known about the scandal. That's 13,500,000 votes, which is enough to lose to Trump by 5,000,000+ votes nationwide.

Hiding Joe Biden

Joe Biden's press secretary has hidden him from a friendly, fawning press for 7 weeks now. The AP is calling it discipline . The rest of America knows that Joe Biden is avoiding Peter Doocy. He's the only person at the daily WH press briefings that asks legitimate, difficult questions.

The reason for Jen Psaki keeping Biden away is because she doesn't want him answering tons of questions about the catastrophe at the Tex-Mex border. That situation is as terrible as it gets. That isn't the worst news for Democrats. That catastrophic situation is rapidly deteriorating daily. Imagine if Joe Biden had to explain why the 'COVID' bill was needed to improve the US economy. That might go from terrible in the first question to catastrophic in the third question. This is why he hasn't held a press conference:
[Video no longer available]
John Kass nails it in this paragraph:
But it is avoidance. And the fact is, he should be having news conferences. And by news conferences, I don't mean questions he can ignore as he's led off the stage by first lady Jill Biden, holding his elbow to direct him if he turns the wrong way.

Joe Biden is the first PINO -- President In Name Only. It's a rare day when he doesn't utterly forget what he's talking about or where he is. Psaki tried spinning things yesterday when she talked about Joe Biden taking questions shouted at him by faux reporters. How many times did President Trump take 40+ questions heading out to Marine One? Dozens of times.

Democrats are praying that they can keep Biden hidden until after the midterms. That's a tough task but Democrats and the media are determined to make it happen. The few times that Biden's handlers let him out, like tonight, will be tightly scripted and well-rehearsed. Even then, there's a risk to Team Biden.

Joe Biden wasn't that smart to begin with. As he's aged, he didn't age gracefully. He looks more like the senile uncle that's best kept away from the fine china.

Posted Thursday, March 11, 2021 9:31 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 11-Mar-21 12:26 PM
Biden could hold press conferences the same way Reagan did. With an ear piece. That first and foremost, and then with empty folksy set responses. He could start with, "That is a matter I am not going to get into at this point." And also, "I will see that the appropriate administration people get back to you with a response in writing." "I will not be getting into Pentagon or National Security activities which may or may not be pending at this time, it being essential that no mission detail leak regarding National Security planning or deliberations."

Then simple,

"Well you are saying that, not me."

Finally the Gipper Special,"You know over my career I have not been an intrusive micromanaging type of leader. People have responsibilities and much leeway and authority. They often are the best to ask, on details. I shall see that staff gets back to you with a name or names of who best can handle detailed responses to the matter you have raised."

The press gave Gip the "not a micromanager" benefit of doubt, and a "not a detail person" free ride. They could do the same for Joe. Two elderly befuddled politicians, more alike than different, except Joe's been cryptic at times over his entire career while Gip always was scripted whether playing a western hero or President.

What is bottom line fact: 2020 voters preferred a semi-senile career politician over a screwed up land deal failure with a narcissistic sociopath personality, mixed in with a kiss of the Barney Stone. It is how folks voted.

And certainly, a Harris move per the 25th Amendment would be viewed by many as quite superior to a Pence move of a similar "diaabled to continue" decision.

Sure, some might argue that personally Pence taking over rings their bell stronger than Harris taking over, but the fact is the Presidency now is Biden-Harris, warts and all, and not Trump-Pence, warts and all.

I know I disliked having to put faith in Biden during his hiding in the basement pre-election, but at least it was not the 2016 worse ever choice, Clinton/Trump, where I went third party.

I could stomach Biden. Not Trump. Not more of the Clintons.

Joe Biden's speech takes credit for Trump's Operation Warp Speed

Last night, Joe Biden delivered his first primetime address to the nation. Unfortunately, the performance wasn't worthy of primetime. Based solely on performance, I'd give it a C-. Based solely on truthfulness, I'd give it a D-.

The first thing that jumped out at me was when Biden said "Vicious hate crimes against Asian Americans who have been attacked, harassed, blamed, and scapegoated. At this very moment, so many of them, our fellow Americans, they're on the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives, and still, still, they are forced to live in fear for their lives, just walking down streets in America. It's wrong, it's un-American, and it must stop." I kept yelling "Where's the proof? Where's the proof?" If there had indeed been vicious hate crimes committed during the pandemic, that would've been the above-the-fold headline in every newspaper in the nation. CNN would've run it, likely accusing Trump supporters of xenophobia.
My fellow Americans, you're owed nothing less than the truth. And for all of you asking when things will get back to normal, here is the truth. The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track, is to beat the virus. You've been hearing me say that for -- while I was running and the last 50 days I've been president. But this is one of the most complex operations we've ever undertaken as a nation in a long time.

Most of the "complex operations were in place before President Trump left office. Starting at the 4:05 mark of this video, Mark Levin exposes the facts on how many doses the Trump administration purchased:
[Video no longer available]
It's true that it's taken the various companies time to manufacture that many doses but the Trump administration had the foresight to purchase them. Remember that when you read this:
Two months ago, the country -- this country didn't have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or anywhere near all of the American public, but soon we will. We've been working with vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, to manufacture and purchase hundreds of millions of doses of these three safe, effective vaccines.

My fellow citizens, "you're owed nothing less than the truth." When Joe Biden said that "this country didn't have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or anywhere near all of the American public", he lied . This isn't speculation. It's public information.
And now, at the direction and with the assistance of my administration, Johnson & Johnson is working together with a competitor, Merck, to speed up and increase the capacity to manufacture new Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is one shot. In fact, just yesterday, I announced, and I met with the CEOs of both companies. I announced our plan to buy an additional 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

That's a great thing. Still, it's nothing compared with what happened while developing the vaccine. During the Trump administration, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and an Israeli pharmaceutical corporation shared information while developing the vaccine. They did this because the Trump administration purchased millions of doses from them. In that setting, they weren't competitors. They were partners .

The man who called for unity couldn't thank the Trump administration for coming up with the plan for developing the vaccine. Joe Biden's campaign was virtually all about criticizing President Trump. When I got the first shot of the Moderna vaccine 2 weeks ago, I called it the 'Trump Vaccine.' This didn't have anything to do with Joe Biden.
Now because all the work we've done, we'll have enough vaccine supply for all adults in America by the end of May. That's months ahead of schedule. And we're mobilizing thousands of vaccinators to put the vaccine in one's arm. Calling active duty military, FEMA, retired doctors and nurses, administrators, and those to administer the shots. And we've been creating more places to get the shots. We've made it possible for you to get a vaccine at nearly one -- any one of 10,000 pharmacies across the country.

Thank Operation Warp Speed for putting these things in place. Thank Larry Kudlow for suggesting that the Trump administration incentivize multiple companies to develop a vaccine.

Just like when he plagiarized Neil Kinnock's speech, Joe Biden is taking credit for another man's work. Biden isn't a bright man. He's a fraud. Last night's speech is just the latest example of that.

Posted Friday, March 12, 2021 7:08 AM

Comment 1 by Gretchen L Leisen at 12-Mar-21 03:45 PM
Thanks, Gary. While I was listening to President Biden last night, I was aghast at the sheer audacity of his lies. He has made these statements before - that during the entire 2021 months of the Covid-19 pandemic, President Trump, did nothing. Even Biden in all of his dementia knows better than that. I cannot imagine in my worst nightmare what would have happened if either Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden were in the White House in March 2021 when the pandemic hit. I think we would have heard a lot of whining and autocratic orders from on high with nothing of substance being done to develop a vaccine, manufacture ventilators, masks, hospital supplies and more bed capacity, etc.

Donald Trump was an immense source of energy every day during his tenure in the WH, while Joe Biden sleeps half of his daylight hours or hides in his room.

Biden speech fact-checked by NYTimes: hell freezes over

I've seen everything. This article , published by the NYTimes, actually highlights some of the whoppers that Joe Biden told during last night's speech.

First, it quoted Joe Biden's line where he said "A year ago we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months." Linda Qiu, who wrote the article then wrote " This is exaggerated. It is true that President Donald Trump downplayed the severity of the coronavirus pandemic for months. But he was not exactly silent and did not fail to respond completely. One year ago, on March 12, 2020, Trump delivered an address from the Oval Office acknowledging the threat and announced new travel restrictions on much of Europe."

I'd just add that Joe Biden disagrees with Joe Biden on this. Back on the campaign trail in Iowa in January, 2020, Biden said "This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science." I don't know how a person can be both hysterical and silent.
WHAT BIDEN SAID: 'Two months ago this country didn't have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or anywhere near all of the American public. But soon we will.'

This is misleading. By the end of last year, the Trump administration had ordered at least 800 million vaccine doses that were expected for delivery by July 31, 2021, the Government Accountability Office reported. That included vaccines undergoing clinical trials as well as those not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration. According to Kaiser Health News, that would have been enough to vaccinate 200 million people with authorized vaccines, and more than enough for 400 million once all the vaccines were cleared for use. The current U.S. population is roughly 330 million. And, contrary to Biden's suggestions, both administrations deserve credit for the current state of the vaccine supply.

To use a Joe Biden dig, he's a lying dog-faced pony soldier. I wouldn't trust that SOB as far as I could throw him with 2 broken arms and a bad back. Joe Biden wants the people to think that he's the one who fixed the COVID crisis. The verifiable truth is that Operation Warp Speed was put together by President Trump.

When I got the first shot of the Moderna vaccine, I told the nurse to give me my "Trump Shot." His administration put in place Operation Warp Speed, then tasked the military with putting together the supply chain.
WHAT BIDEN SAID: 'When I took office 50 days ago, only 8% of Americans after months, only 8% of those over the age of 65 had gotten their first vaccination. Today, that number is 65%.'

This is misleading. When Biden took office on Jan. 20, the vaccination effort had just begun, after the FDA authorized Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in mid-December.

When the NYTimes writes that a Democrat constantly was misleading, that's news.

Posted Sunday, March 14, 2021 1:26 AM

Comment 1 by Gretchen L Leisen at 14-Mar-21 12:31 PM
Thanks, Gary. I love the last statement that the NY Times thinks it is news "that a Democrat constantly was misleading".

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