January 2021 Posts

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05-Jan-21 Democrat fascists terrorize Republican senator's DC home

09-Jan-21 MLK's speech is prophetic

11-Jan-21 Tina Smith excuses Obama, Reid & Pelosi

12-Jan-21 The divisive Democrats

14-Jan-21 Nancy Pelosi's faux impeachment 2.0 is just the beginning
14-Jan-21 Is Impeachment 2.0 Benghazi 2.0?

15-Jan-21 Susan Page's sloppy impeachment reporting

16-Jan-21 Mike Pompeo's foreign policy accomplishments

19-Jan-21 Proof Angie Craig isn't a moderate

20-Jan-21 Donald Trump's big shoes to fill

21-Jan-21 Helping during the COVID crisis

22-Jan-21 Joe Biden didn't waste time in destroying energy industry

24-Jan-21 Forgotten again

25-Jan-21 The imminent Biden/Pelosi recession
25-Jan-21 The Democrats' poison runs deep

26-Jan-21 The nose-counters' guide on nuking the legislative filibuster
26-Jan-21 Let's cancel cancel culture

27-Jan-21 The Democrats' waste of time

29-Jan-21 Brandon Michon vs. the teachers union
29-Jan-21 Andrew Cuomo vs. Janice Dean

31-Jan-21 Kamala Harris a flop in WVA
31-Jan-21 Kate Smith's enduring prayer

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