June 1-3, 2018

Jun 01 16:10 Democrats gift wrap another winning issue for Republicans
Jun 01 23:58 Murphy announces another major endorsement

Jun 02 07:31 The view from Pelosi's Island
Jun 02 12:07 DFL Convention shocker timeline
Jun 02 23:49 DFL endorses Erin Murphy

Jun 03 09:26 Wardlow is man with a plan
Jun 03 17:15 The DFL's Metrocrat ticket disaster
Jun 03 21:24 Erin Maye Quade's identity

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Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Democrats gift wrap another winning issue for Republicans

When it comes to the 2018 midterms, Democrats' hatred of President Trump helps them gift wrap winning issue after winning issue for Republicans. The latest gift was their defense of MS-13 gang members. Marc Thiessen's article illustrates just how stupid Democrats have become when it comes to President Trump.

His article starts by saying "How evil is MS-13? Last year, two gang members in Texas reportedly murdered a teenage girl as an offering to Satan. According to prosecutors, the gang leader (known as "Diabolico") told the young girl that "the Beast" wanted "a soul" before having his partner shoot her in the head and dump her body on a street corner. As charges were read against the two, the Houston Chronicle reported, they "laughed, smiled and waved for the media cameras." MS-13 gang members, police have said, also stabbed a Maryland man more than 100 times before decapitating him and cutting out his heart lured a 34-year-old man to his already dug grave and stoned an 18-year-old boy to death and dumped his body under a bridge."

Remember this?

[Video no longer available]

Compare the things Thiessen said with the things that Nancy Pelosi described. How can you say that these beasts are worthy of defending? Give me a break.

Even after it was clear that Trump was referring to gang members, the California Democrat still claimed the president had called "undocumented immigrants" animals, declaring at a news conference that his remarks were "inhumane" and that "we're all God's children -- Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?" Of course, we are all created in the image and likeness of God. That is true of MS-13 members. It was also true of Usama bin Laden, Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler. But can you imagine Pelosi standing up in outrage to defend their humanity?

That's what's known as the kill shot. Pelosi doesn't have a way to explain her way out of that question, at least in a way that didn't include admitting that she had to defend MS-13 to pander to Hispanics.

BTW, that's the downside of identity politics. If you want to pander to identity groups, that includes pandering to the most despicable subgroups, too.

Through their dishonesty, Democrats such as Pelosi have handed the president a winning issue. A Harvard/Harris poll finds that 56 percent of Americans agree with Trump that it is fair to call MS-13 "animals" (including 47 percent of Hispanics, and 41 percent of Democrats). Millions of Americans can't understand why Democrats seem more hostile toward Trump than a vicious gang that carries out savage killings.

Let's just say that these Democrats aren't the world's smartest people when it comes to messaging. That's what happens when your hatred outdistances your common sense.

Posted Friday, June 1, 2018 4:10 PM

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Murphy announces another major endorsement

The thing that's getting more play at the DFL convention than expected is that Erin Murphy's momentum is real and that she might win the DFL endorsement. Tonight, Murphy announced that she'd been endorsed by OutfrontAction via this tweet:

A quick glimpse at OutFrontAction's about us webpage identifies which identity group OutfrontAction represents:

OutFront Minnesota's mission is to create a state where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment or discrimination. We envision a state where LGBTQ individuals have equal opportunities, protection and rights. We are working toward the day when all Minnesotans have the freedom, power and confidence to make the best choices for their own lives.

There's little question whether this is an important endorsement the night before the DFL endorses a gubernatorial candidate. That isn't the same as saying this is a winning issue in a general election. It isn't. Compare that with the top contenders' issue pages. Check out how substantive Jeff Johnson's issues page is. Then compare the DFL candidates' pages with Tim Pawlenty's issues page .

The difference between the Republicans' issues pages and the DFL candidates' issues pages isn't a fair fight. Murphy doesn't have an issues page. Instead, she calls her page her Vision page. On that page, she talks about single-payer "health care, equity & justice, economic justice, reproductive justice, immigration and mining."

On immigration, Murphy says this:

Minnesota must be a state where all of our neighbors are treated with respect and dignity. It's also critical for our future; we need the hard work and bright ideas of people all over the world to build our economy. That's why, as a state, we must unite against efforts by the federal government to attack immigrants living in Minnesota. Our communities must be strong, safe, and welcoming.

  • I support drivers licenses for all, an initiative that keeps our roads safe while ensuring that people are able to get to work or take their child to the doctor and school.

  • Our state and law enforcement must not serve as an extension of ICE, nor should Minnesota prisons be used as detention centers.

In other words, Murphy supports Minnesota becoming a sanctuary state . In terms of mining, here's part of what Murphy says:

I'll protect our state from corporate interests that seek to weaken our permitting process for their financial gain. We see these efforts both at the state and federal level. I've voted against them repeatedly, and would continue to oppose them if the science is not sound.

Although we often focus on mining, in Minnesota, we are hard on our water - with agriculture, with overdevelopment, with road salt, and with manufacturing. So it's imperative we invest in the research already taking place at the Natural Resources and Research Institute at UMD around advanced filtration, reverse osmosis, and other ways to clean impaired waters. As governor I would ensure that we invest in that research more heavily to protect and repair water, regardless of the project.

In short, Murphy will be a friend of environmental activists. This has long-reaching effects. It affects farmers, miners, construction workers and cities building wastewater treatment plants. It isn't a stretch to say that environmental activists would have too much influence in our lives if Murphy was elected.

Posted Friday, June 1, 2018 11:58 PM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 02-Jun-18 11:22 AM
Keep on fighting for identity politics democrats and it will be 2016 all over again.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 02-Jun-18 10:01 PM
Chad, it won't be that gentle this time. Check back later on why.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 03-Jun-18 06:28 AM
Oh I agree but if the DFL hasn't learned from 2016 that people are tired of politicians who value identity over MN or the US as a whole, the democrats will go down in flames again. Seeing how the DFL endorsed Murphy for governor, they are well on their way to crashing and burning yet again.

The view from Pelosi's Island

Nancy Pelosi's statement after Friday's jobs report sounds like the paranoid rantings of a lunatic stuck too long on an island. Let's call this one 'Pelosi Island'.

Pelosi's statement starts by saying "May's jobs report shows that strong employment numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new costs under the Republicans' watch. Republicans' cruel, cynical health care sabotage campaign is already spiking families' premiums by double digits and pushing millions off their coverage, according to the nonpartisan CBO. Big Pharma continues to hoard the benefits of the GOP tax scam, using their handouts to further enrich executives and shareholders instead of lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and sick kids. At the same time, the President's reckless policies are exploding gas prices, wiping out the few meager gains that some families should have received from the GOP tax scam, as wages remain stagnant."

Wow! Ms. Pelosi is totally bitter. First, if that Pelosi keeps showing up to criticize good news, Democrats might actually lose seats in the House. People don't vote for sourpusses to run Congress. Next, she's just flat wrong about wages remaining stagnant, The official BLS report said "In May, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 8 cents to $26.92. Over the year, average hourly earnings have increased by 71 cents, or 2.7 percent."

The tax cuts, combined with the wage growth, more than offset the increase in gas prices. Factor in the 542 companies that gave their employees bonuses, improved their benefits or who contribute more to their employees' 401(k) plan and American workers are far better off than they were during the Obama administration. It isn't even close, in fact.

This paragraph is unintended humor:

Democrats know that the American people deserve A Better Deal, with Better Jobs, Better Wages and a Better Future. We are committed to creating millions of new good-paying jobs and raising wages, lowering the soaring cost of living for families and giving every American the tools to succeed in the 21st Century economy. Democrats will never stop fighting for the hard-working middle class families who are the backbone of our nation.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. People abandoned the Democratic Party in 2016 because they finally found someone who'd fight for them, not Big Labor or Big Government. They left the Democratic Party in droves because of the Party's focus on identity politics instead of pocketbook issues.

The Democrats still don't have an appealing economic message, instead mumbling their way through a PR campaign about "a Better Deal." That type of gibberish won't appeal to anyone. Just watch this, then tell me what's appealing about it:

[Video no longer available]

Getting shipwrecked on Pelosi Island isn't exactly appealing. In fact, Ms. Pelosi looks rather discombobulated.

Posted Saturday, June 2, 2018 7:31 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 02-Jun-18 11:21 AM
She obviously does not understand that it is her party of environment whack jobs that won't allow access to easily accessible oil or the building of new pipelines or refineries, that has caused oil to go up thus increasing gas prices. I hope this dope keeps flapping her gums because it is only good advertising for the GOP.

DFL Convention shocker timeline

Briana Bierschbach just tweeted the most shocking news from either convention:

Big upset: Matt Pelikan was just endorsed by acclamation at the DFL convention in Rochester

Here's how it started:

That unexpected result was followed by this:

Wow. Close ballot between Lori Swanson and @NickPelican for AG. Not surprised. He gave a great speech and Lori didn't even speak. And I don't see any Swanson signs on the floor. Sounds like she underestimated her opponent. #DFL2018

Then this:

Doug Wardlow, the MNGOP-endorsed candidate for AG, chimed in with this:

There's no doubt that Swanson will run in the August primary. Still, this isn't something she could've planned for. Wardlow has run a smart, strong campaign thus far. Here's something that Wardlow has talked about:

Our frontline prosecutors are not being supported by the current AG - we will change that.

Swanson took her DFL opponent for granted. Wardlow is campaigning on themes that resonate with people on Main Street.

Posted Saturday, June 2, 2018 12:07 PM

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DFL endorses Erin Murphy

Minutes after Tim Walz withdrew from the endorsement fight , the DFL endorsed Erin Murphy to be their gubernatorial candidate.

This was an event-filled, tumultuous, convention. The first shock happened when unknown Matt Pelikan trailed DFL Attorney General Lori Swanson by just 5 points, with Swanson at 52.2% and Pelikan at 47.2% of the vote. Before they started the second ballot, Swanson pulled out, handing the endorsement to Pelikan . When Erin Murphy won the endorsement after Tim Walz withdrew from the endorsement race, rumors started swirling that Swanson might jump into the DFL gubernatorial primary instead of fighting through the DFL AG primary.

Meanwhile, another rumor has it that Ryan Winkler will run in the DFL AG primary if Swanson opts for the DFL gubernatorial primary. If AG Swanson runs in the AG's primary, she'd probably win. If she runs in the gubernatorial primary, her chances of winning drop significantly. In both instances, though, her chances of winning the general election aren't that great, though they'd be better if she ran for AG.

As for Murphy's chances, they aren't good. If she defeats Tim Walz, she'll only do so by running far to Walz's left. Single-payer health care isn't popular in Minnesota. People didn't trust MNsure. They definitely won't trust single-payer. Further, it's quite possible that she'll lose to Tim Walz while pushing him farther left than Walz can afford to go to win the general election.

Murphy's victory makes life difficult for Chairman Martin because it's dragging the supposed frontrunner farther left than Martin wanted. Next, whoever wins will have gotten dragged so far left that it'll be virtually impossible to win in November, mostly because Murphy is a hostile environmental activist. To win, she'll have to alienate miners and union construction workers like pipefitters. Think heavy equipment operators, too.

This isn't the script the DFL wanted written at convention-end. Most likely, they'll have primaries in Tina Smith's seat, the open Nolan seat, the possibly open State AG seat and the governor's race. It's the exact opposite of what Chairman Martin hoped for.

Finally, this situation virtually guarantees a Republican governor in November. Add to that the likelihood of Republicans winning the auditor's race and the definite possibility of Republicans winning the AG race, coupled with the strong likelihood of maintaining their majorities in the Minnesota House and Senate and you're looking at a pretty difficult year if you're Chairman Martin. That's before mentioning the likelihood of winning the First and Eighth U.S. Congressional districts.

This year, Minnesota has none of the makings of a blue wave.

Posted Saturday, June 2, 2018 11:49 PM

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Wardlow is man with a plan

Since the start of the campaign, Doug Wardlow has had a plan for what he'd like to accomplish if elected. After winning the GOP endorsement to be their candidate for Attorney General, Wardlow issued a statement, saying "I am humbled and honored to receive the Minnesota Republican Party endorsement. I promise that as Minnesota's Attorney General I will restore law and order and work with President Trump to stop illegal immigration and voter fraud."

What isn't known is who Wardlow's DFL opponent will be. It might be Matt Pelikan, the DFL-endorsed candidate. Rumors started spreading late Saturday that Lori Swanson might run for governor in the DFL Primary. If that happens, it's rumored that Ryan Winkler might jump into the AG primary against Pelikan. Finally, it's still possible that Mr. Wardlow will face Lori Swanson.

After yesterday, though, the DFL is a fractured political party. Their gubernatorial endorsement went long before getting the delegates upset. Friday night, a rumor started that Rebecca Otto might team with Erin Murphy if Otto didn't do well on the first ballot. Late Saturday afternoon, Otto chose to team with Tim Walz. Saying that the delegates felt betrayed is understatement. Saying that the DFL is deeply fractured is understatement, too. While it's still possible for the DFL to unite, that isn't the DFL's only problem. In fact, it isn't their biggest problem.

The DFL's biggest problem is that they aren't a serious political party that's serious about solving Minnesota's problems. They're mostly interested in identity politics. That's why some delegates touted the fact that Matt Pelikan, if elected, would be the first openly gay state attorney general. They didn't say anything about how qualified he was, though Mike Hatch criticized him as being inexperienced.

Here is Wardlow's letter accepting the Republicans' endorsement:

Wardlow will be a handful for whoever the DFL runs against him. He's sharp, principled and a strong campaigner. Lori Swanson, Matt Pelikan and Ryan Winkler aren't any of those things. Swanson is obviously the toughest opponent he'd face but she isn't invincible.

The DFL emerged from their convention upset with themselves and facing a bunch of primaries. Republicans emerged from their convention united and facing just 1 primary. Most importantly, Republicans emerged with a message, great candidates and a lengthy list of legislative accomplishments.

Posted Sunday, June 3, 2018 9:26 AM

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The DFL's Metrocrat ticket disaster

I just got off the phone with Mitch Berg , who told me that Erin Murphy has picked Erin Maye Quade to be the Lt. Gov. candidate on her ticket. I told Mitch that nothing says geographical and ideological balance like a pair of gun-grabbing Metrocrats that hate mining. BTW, you'll want to read Mitch's upcoming post to hear his perspective on this. Trust me when I tell you that he's got a perspective that you won't hear from the Twin Cities media.

Here's a little background on EMQ: "Quade first rose to prominence in speaking out on sexual harassment at the State Capitol - a #MeToo movement that ultimately led to the resignation of two prominent state legislators. Quade also led a 24-hour sit-in on the floor of the State Capitol in April, calling for a vote on several gun control bills before the session's end. Quade is the first openly LGBT candidate for statewide office on a ticket endorsed by a major party. At 32, she would also be one of the youngest people to serve in the office."

In her first gubernatorial-level decision, Murphy failed miserably. The Lt. Gov. must be able to step in as governor if, God forbid, something happens to the governor. Erin Maye Quade fails that test:

Maye Quade is serving her first term in the House and previously worked for U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison doing constituent services and organizing for DFL campaigns. She is a lifelong resident of Apple Valley, where she lives with her wife, Alyse, who also organizes for the DFL Party.

Basically, she's a high profile activist. What's funny is that Murphy doesn't admit that this ticket won't be well-received outside the Twin Cities metro:

Here's the thing: Erin Murphy hates farmers almost as much as she hates miners, loggers and gun owners. The thought that Murphy and Quade will appeal to more than 12% of rural voters statewide is ridiculous. I've got to think that the NRA is chomping at the bit to go after this ticket. In the Eighth, I'm betting that there are tons of DFLers that can't wait to vote against this ticket. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they vote for one of the GOP tickets.

Ken Martin won't admit it but he's got to be afraid of what this ticket would do to the DFL this November.

Posted Sunday, June 3, 2018 5:15 PM

Comment 1 by Duke Powell at 03-Jun-18 05:35 PM
Murphy has made a major blunder. Tim Walz must be smiling. Looks as if his strategy at the convention was correct. A primary defeat in Aug will effect DFL turnout in Nov.

Comment 2 by eric z at 03-Jun-18 06:25 PM
My party's primary will be bigger than your party's.

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 03-Jun-18 07:50 PM
After Walz or Murphy wins, two-thirds of the people who voted for the losers will stay home. Winning the primary is what's known as a moral victory. People winning moral victories don't take the oath of office in January.

Comment 3 by eric z at 04-Jun-18 09:10 AM
Pawlenty supporters will quietly and obediently shift to Johnson once Johnson wins the GOP primary, They will not stay home. But will that solidarity be enough to push unpopularity over the top? We have to wait to see.

Pawlenty people are driven by expediency so that when Johnson becomes expedient, droves will shift their money piles Johnson-ward, ya betcha. Walz and Murphy are different. Their supporters are policy oriented, not a DC guy's fan club, so it will be harder for the DFL after the primary. Pawlenty people are all DC or Wall Street mavens, and cannot vote in Minnesota. Johnson's got your party's base behind him. If Pawlenty were to win the GOP primary, that's where the stay-home-don't-bother factor might play, your side.

Response 3.1 by Gary Gross at 04-Jun-18 12:57 PM
Eric, Murphy's supporters are ideology-driven. They haven't listened in years nor have they thought things through to figure out if their 'remedies' actually work. Here's a hint: Single-payer fails wherever it's tried, every time it's tried. In case you haven't noticed, & you haven't, not listening is what created Trump.

From what I 'saw' from the DFL Convention floor, those are people that think that moderates are evil. They aren't just wrong. They're thought to be evil.

Erin Maye Quade's identity

Saying that picking Erin Maye Quade is Erin Murphy's first unforced mistake isn't controversial outside the DFL. Since I'm not in the DFL, I'm not that worried what the DFL thinks. Frankly, I'm confident that I've got lots of company in thinking that.

Filling out Erin Maye Quade's identity isn't difficult. She's admitted to organizing with Barack Obama in 2007-08. She's led this year's anti-gun protest at the Capitol. She's from Apple Valley. Combining with Erin Murphy is natural since the DFL is the Metrocrat Party. Increasingly, to the DFL, life outside the Twin Cities Metro doesn't exist. Increasingly, to the Metro DFL, people who want to protect their families are considered weird. If you don't believe me, ask Lori Swanson how welcoming the DFL is to NRA members. Swanson led Matt Pelikan by 5 points after the first ballot. Shortly thereafter, the DFL endorsed Pelikan. After the first ballot, Pelikan dropped a neutron bomb in the convention center, telling everyone that -- gasp! -- the NRA had given Swanson an A rating. Within 15 minutes, Swanson withdrew.

Why would we think that an anti-mining, gun-grabbing, pro-single-payer health care ticket from the Twin Cities would attempt to represent rural Minnesota? That being said, I'm praying that this is the DFL ticket this November. Check out the last half of this video:

[Video no longer available]

Quade first admits that she's a first-term legislator. Next, she virtually admits that parents can't afford child care. Perhaps, she should've told Gov. Dayton not to let several hundred million dollars leave the program as a result of fraud .

Nothing in Ms. Quade's legislative history suggests that she's prepared to be governor if, God forbid, Murphy is incapacitated. Then again, I question whether either of these women are interested in representing the people of rural Minnesota. I'm betting they won't.

This ticket screams identity politics. This ticket doesn't seem interested in representing all of Minnesota's 87 counties. In the end, that's why I think Murphy-Quade will get beat by Walz-Flanagan.

Posted Sunday, June 3, 2018 9:24 PM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 04-Jun-18 05:32 PM
But she'd be the first openly gay woman elected in MN. At least that's what other are touting. Just more identity politics from the left.

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