July 4-7, 2020

Jul 04 09:51 United (?) States of America
Jul 04 13:10 Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance
Jul 04 19:09 Independence Day vs. the Democrats' culture war

Jul 05 01:54 How to re-elect Donald Trump

Jul 06 03:27 Democrats love anarchists
Jul 06 14:53 MSM's disgusting performance
Jul 06 18:01 Media corruption is indisputable

Jul 07 02:36 The Chiefs (for now) sign Patrick Mahomes to contract extension
Jul 07 08:34 The Black Lives Matter Movement

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Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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United (?) States of America

Whose Land? Whose Privilege?
By Ramblin' Rose

Since late May, our nation has witnessed great destruction in the name of 'justice.' But few seem to be able to articulate what really fuels the hatred: yes, hatred of our great country.

Granted, the First Amendment permits free expression and peaceful assembly. But the riots do not seem to fit within the stated parameters. Unless one professes that only black lives matter, what follows is only racism in reverse, filled with obscene epitaphs and frequently more violence.

Many white people have decided to bow before both BLM and Antifa, to apologize for their sins and the perceived sins of previous generations, to defund the police, to condone spikes in crime and utter anarchy. Those who refuse to utter those words and declare that 'all lives matter' are mocked, called names and attacked verbally, physically, emotionally.

The 'mob' maintains that there is 'white privilege.' Many of us ask 'what is white privilege?' since we have not experienced it. Black athletes and Hollywood elites earn mega times more than middle class white people. Black students frequently attend better schools than white learners and often without having to pay for tuition or books. When a minority and a white person apply for the same job, the minority is the one with a paycheck. (Don't forget the career politicians of any ilk.)

A couple of weeks ago, Mayor Ben Rozier of Bloomingdale, Georgia penned this definition of 'privilege,' without even making it white privilege. Immediately, the council demanded his resignation. Read his words and determine for yourself if it is so inflammatory:

What is privilege? Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you've never had a job. Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance. Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan which you receive no bill for. Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don't have a water bill, where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table. Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worry about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such behavior. Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or school you don't pay for. Privilege is sending your kids to school early for the before school programs and breakfast, and then keeping them there for the after school program, all at no cost to you paid for by the people who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! you know, us so called 'PRIVILEGED' the ones who pay while you TAKE TAKE TAKE!

As some attempt to destroy our historical memorials and statues, they do not seem to understand that we must learn from our story in order to avoid repeating it.

White privilege has morphed into 'white supremacy.' That is the term used to reference President Trump's July 4th (actually on July 3rd) celebration in the Black Hills. The Lakota tribe claims that the land belongs to them and not to the United Stated.

Let's check with the impartial (tongue-in-cheek) historical source to authenticate the information. There we read 'The Arikara arrived by AD 1500, followed by the Cheyenne, Crow, Kiowa and Pawnee. The Lakota (also known as Sioux) arrived from Minnesota in the 18th century and drove out the other tribes, who moved west.'

It appears that the Lakota-Sioux were not the original owners and, in fact, drove out other Native Americans who had forced out other tribes. One must also consider if the Arikara were residents there prior to 1500 AD or if they, too, were conquerors.

Wikipedia does not document their history other than to note that they were semi-nomadic people. If they did not displace any other humans, should they not be judged to the changes they caused to the environment? The killing of buffalo? The destruction of vegetation to cultivate their crops? Whose land did they occupy?

Yes, as we go back to determine who has more or longer-lasting rights, the arguments become illogical.

While we gather to celebrate the UNITED States of America , we see only division, angst, and hatred.

Many days I wish that those who hate this country and its history so much would just leave - as they often threaten but never seem to be able to fulfill their own promises.

Many still stand for the flag and OUR national anthem and kneel at the foot of the Cross. God, please heal our land and re-unite our citizens - the ones who love you and this nation.

Posted Saturday, July 4, 2020 9:51 AM

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Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Each year, I dedicate a pair of posts to remind this nation what it's supposed to be. This post focuses on Red Skelton's telling his audience about the Pledge of Allegiance. Here is the transcript of that story:

I remember this one teacher. To me, he was the greatest teacher, a real sage of my time. He had such wisdom. We were all reciting the Pledge of Allegiance one day, and he walked over. Mr. Lasswell was his name. He said, "I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester, and it seems as though it is becoming monotonous to you. If I may, may I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word?"

I: me, an individual, a committee of one.
PLEDGE: dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self-pity.
ALLEGIANCE: my love and my devotion.
TO THE FLAG: our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there is respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job.
OF THE UNITED: that means that we have all come together.
STATES: individual communities that have united into 48 great states.
Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose, all divided with imaginary boundaries yet united to a common purpose, and that's love for country.
AND TO THE REPUBLIC: a state in which sovereign power is vested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
ONE NATION: meaning, so blessed by God.
INDIVISIBLE: incapable of being divided.
WITH LIBERTY: which is freedom, the right of power to live one's own life without threats, fear, or some sort of retaliation.
AND JUSTICE: the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
FOR ALL: which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.
Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance: UNDER GOD
Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said, "That is a prayer," and that would be eliminated from schools, too?

Soak up Mr. Lasswell's words. Indeed, as Red Skelton said, he has "such wisdom." Here is that story in video form:
[Video no longer available]
This nation truly has been blessed by God. Specifically, we've been blessed by the God of the Christian Bible. It's worth noting a few words/phrases:

AND JUSTICE: the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
FOR ALL: which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.

Are we living up to those principles? That's up to each of us to determine individually with guidance from the Torah through the Revelation of Christ.

TO THE FLAG: our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there is respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job.

That's exactly right. It isn't a symbol of white supremacy or white privilege. The men and women who revere Old Glory have liberated white Europeans, yellow Japanese and South Koreans and Muslims from Kuwait, Iraq and east Africa. If we're racists, we're the worst racists in history.

It's time we reminded each other that we've truly been blessed, each one of us. Any nation that's lifted men like Ben Carson, Barack Obama, Collin Powell and women like Condi Rice to cabinet positions and to the highest office in the United States isn't systemically racist.

Posted Saturday, July 4, 2020 1:10 PM

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Independence Day vs. the Democrats' culture war

Anyone that hasn't noticed the Democrats' culture war for the past 3+ years isn't paying attention. It started before Trump was elected, when they started illegally surveilling Trump's campaign. That surveillance continued during the transition, with Jim Comey signing FISA warrant applications that weren't properly predicated. After 'St. Jim of the FBI' was fired, the Deep State hired Robert Mueller to prove that President Trump colluded with Russia. That improper investigation ended with a gigantic thud.

When Devin Nunes reported that the FBI had abused the FISA warrant application process, Democrats insisted that the FBI had done everything by the book. Since then, there's been impeachment based on what wasn't in the Mueller Report, Democrats criticizing President Trump for doing nothing about COVID, which is BS. He bailed out NYC, Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo, built a new testing regime because the existing one was ancient and deficient, opened up new factories that built PPE, N95 masks and ventilators.

Then George Floyd was killed by a white police officer in a city that's been run by Democrats since the 1970s. Democrats blamed President Trump for that, too. Now Democrats are tearing down statues, letting Antifa and Black Lives Matter riot, destroy and loot major cities, then criticizing President Trump for being divisive.

While Democrats aren't excited in the least about Dementia Joe Biden, they're jazzed at the thought of using him as a trojan horse to retake the White House and the Senate. Democrats are excited to tear down everything that the United States stands for. That's because the leading ideological driver for Democrats is BLM, a self-admitted Marxist organization.

The Declaration specifically cites "Nature's God." The Declaration emphatically states that "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Marxists think that people are servants of the government and have no rights.

BLM shouts down people with opposing points of view. The First Amendment insists that people have the right to say what's on their mind without worrying that the government will oppress them for their beliefs. The Declaration emphatically states that "all men are created equal." BLM insists that government is more equal than the people.

The next time you hear that there isn't a major ideological divide between Democrats and the vast majority of people, ask yourself this question: would you rather live in a nation where you're shouted down because people disagree with you? Or would you rather live in a nation that lets you speak your mind without punishment?

That's the difference between BLM Democrats and the rest of this incredible nation. That's literally what's at stake in this election. If you aren't willing to fight, bite, scratch and claw your way to victory, prepare to wake up to President-Elect Joe Biden. It's just that simple.

Posted Saturday, July 4, 2020 7:09 PM

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How to re-elect Donald Trump

Gianno Caldwell's op-ed shines a light on the pathway for President Trump's re-election. In his op-ed, Caldwell, an African-American, states "President Trump and Republicans have delivered for the black community on tangible policies that have had a positive impact - something the Democrats never achieved."

President Trump is fantastic at exciting his base voters. That's the strongest part of his campaign game. Policywise, President Trump is excellent at delivering for African-Americans. Don't trust me. Just ask Alice Marie Johnson. Better yet, listen to Sen. Tim Scott, (R-SC), and HUD Secretary Ben Carson. Sen. Scott and Secretary Carson worked together on the Opportunity Zones provisions in the Trump tax cuts.

The Opportunity Zones provisions transformed inner city hell holes into potential prosperous oases in virtually no time. Minority unemployment rates didn't drop to historic lows accidentally. They happened because President Trump, Sen. Scott and Secretary Carson worked together to make something beautiful happen. Let's remember that Carson grew up in inner-city Detroit. Saying that he was dirt poor is understatement. I don't know where Sen. Scott grew up. I just know that he grew up dirt poor, too. President Trump didn't grow up dirt poor but he was raised as a real estate developer. He understands what it takes to turn a run-down neighborhood into a rising middle-class neighborhood.

Each day, Tim Scott and Ben Carson should hold a press conference and ask the reporters what Joe Biden's specific plans are for fixing minority neighborhoods. They should then cite the accomplishments that President Trump has made already, then report that they plan on working with him to expand opportunity scholarships and school choice.

Each day, Tim Scott and Ben Carson should be sent to Baltimore, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or Detroit. Their day should include meeting with parents and entrepreneurs willing to invest in these neighborhoods. It should include a discussion on how these investors/developers could establish a scholarship fund with a little help from the tax code.

It should also include a conversation with parents on what their 'ideal neighborhood' would include. Getting investors to invest in these neighborhoods builds a trust that's long been missing. Doesn't that suggest that that's what's needed immediately?

Challenge Democrats to talk about what their plans are for revitalizing neighborhoods and building the schools of the future. The dirty little secret is that the Democrats can't deviate from their ancient blueprint of throwing more money at a problem. That's because the unions won't let them change the blueprint.

Tim Scott and Ben Carson are 2 of the calmest-sounding people in government. If they can't break through to apolitical parents, then this nation is lost. I don't believe it's lost. That's why, after watching this video again, I'm more optimistic than ever:
[Video no longer available]
Let's force the Democrats to defend their record on racial policies. Republicans, unfortunately, don't have a great record either. At least Republicans can say that they're willing to change to make minority lives better. Democrats can't say that.

Posted Sunday, July 5, 2020 1:54 AM

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Democrats love anarchists

A trip over to RealClearPolitics reveals a list of articles on Black Lives Matter. The most recent article on the subject is titled Protesters tear down statue of Christopher Columbus in Baltimore . The next article is titled Protesters rally downtown for July Fourth boycott: 'That flag is a lie' . The third item is actually a tweet from Julio Rosas. It's titled DC: Protesters set fire to flag , chant 'America was never great.'

The depths of the Democrats' hatred of the United States is sickening. That's why people from across the political spectrum needs to turn out this fall and vote for Republicans. It isn't because Republicans are perfect. It's because elected Democrats hate the U.S. and because Democrat activists, which includes the MSM, don't have a bit of integrity left. They're disgusting excuses for human beings.

Democrats didn't criticize Seattle's CHOP zone. People were murdered in CHOP but Mayor Durkan didn't take action. The only reason CHOP was finally eliminated was because protesters showed up at Jenny Durkan's home and started protesting. She still hasn't called or visited Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Sr., whose son died there a month ago. President Trump called Mr. Anderson but Durkan still hasn't lifted a finger.

In Minneapolis, anarchists ran things for almost a month. Jacob Frey did his best to appeasing them. In the end, it wasn't enough. They still want him fired. In NYC, anarchists insisted that they wouldn't stop protesting in front of City Hall until the City Council cut $1,000,000,000 from the NYPD $6,000,000,000 budget. After the City Council granted their wishes, the mob announced that they weren't leaving. They wanted more. This is how grateful they were for the budget cuts:
[Video no longer available]
Democrats love anarchists. The question is whether anarchists love Democrats or whether anarchists just play Democrats as fools.

Posted Monday, July 6, 2020 3:27 AM

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MSM's disgusting performance

A little over an hour ago, the Media Wing of the Democratic Party, aka the Agenda Media, laid an egg. These people should be stripped of their credentials and never let back into the building. Their performance was that disgraceful.

This weekend, an 8-year-old little girl was shot and killed in Atlanta. In Chicago, a little 7-year-old girl was shot and killed. This little girl was visiting her grandmother. In Chicago, 87 people were shot, killing 17. Despite the destruction happening in Chicago, Atlanta and NYC, the White House press corps didn't ask a single question about this violence . They asked 12 questions about the Confederate Flag and NASCAR. They badgered Kayleigh McEnany about COVID.

The WH Press Corps is as out-of-touch as Democrats are. This is further proof that black lives only matter to Democrats when they're killed by police officers. This is proof that little African-American children getting murdered by other African-Americans don't rate even a blip on the Agenda Media's radar. That's utterly disgusting.

The opening statement of today's briefing was about this violence. The first question was "Why is the president so supportive of flying the Confederate Flag?" The reporter then asked multiple follow-up questions on that subject. It's clear that this line of questioning was preplanned. It's clear that the goal is to accuse President Trump of being a racist without using the word racist. What a disgusting bunch of partisans these media people are.
[Video no longer available]

UPDATE: This is Kayleigh McEnany's closing:

This is Harris Faulkner's reaction to that closing:

Posted Monday, July 6, 2020 3:08 PM

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Media corruption is indisputable

This afternoon's press briefing is blowing up in the MSM's face on social media. It's about damn time. I wrote this post to highlight the fact that the Elect Joe Biden Media is doing everything within its considerable authority to hide the disgusting crime epidemic in Chicago, Atlanta and NYC just like they're trying to get Joe Biden elected. Democrats are attempting to get Biden elected by pretending the Democrat nominee-in-waiting isn't suffering from dementia.

The MSM isn't paying attention to the shooting spree that's left a dozen children dead because that would focus too much attention on the idiot mayors in Chicago and NYC. The MSM doesn't want to highlight the fact that these appeasers' actions have led to a summer of utter chaos. Let's be exceptionally clear about this. Democrats have turned once-bustling cities into hellholes. People are leaving NYC for the suburbs and farther thanks to Mayor Chowder Head's decisions to tear apart what was once the finest police department in the world. They're leaving Chicago, too.

When told of President Trump's offer to help, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said that she doesn't "need leadership lessons from Donald Trump." That's a pile of BS. Lightfoot, yet another idiot Democrat, needs lessons on tons of things, ranging from leadership to crimefighting to stopping the outmigration from Chicago. She can talk trash all she wants but people are voting with their mortgages. Bug I digress.

The MSM should get excoriated what the didn't do. Kayleigh McEnany lit into them at the end:

This is Harris Faulkner's reaction to that closing:

I'm certain that this was a scripted performance. The first question during the Q & A was "Why is the president so supportive of flying the Confederate Flag?" That reporter asked 3-4 follow-up questions, too. Halfway through, it was clear that the MSM's agenda was to ask questions about the Confederate Flag. That's the MSM's method for accusing Trump of being a racist without calling him a racist.

The MSM won't ask those questions because it highlights the Democrats' utter indifference towards crimefighting. Apparently, Democrats don't care about protecting people. Apparently, Democrats only care about winning elections.

Democrats and the MSM are co-conspirators in inner city gun deaths, then hiding the story. That's what corruption looks like.

Posted Monday, July 6, 2020 6:01 PM

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The Chiefs (for now) sign Patrick Mahomes to contract extension

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed Patrick Mahomes , their Super Bowl-winning QB, to a 10-year contract extension. Now that the NFL has jumped into bed with the Black Lives Matter Movement, I'm officially a former fan of the NFL, including the Minnesota Vikings. Any corporation or organization that sides with Marxists isn't worthy of my patronage.

Last year, I officially stopped watching the NBA because they sided with the Chinese. We were lectured that the NBA was trying to open up China's market. Anyone that supports the manufacture of Nike products in Chinese sweat shops by child labor won't get a penny from me.

When the NFL announced that they'd play "the Black National Anthem" right before the official National Anthem, they made it clear that they were doing this to " recognize the victims of police brutality ." According to this article , "the league is also considering allowing players to wear helmet decals or jersey patches recognizing those who have been impacted by systemic racism and police brutality."

In June, in the wake of nationwide protest over systemic racism, the NFL released a statement in support of Black Lives Matter, writing: "This is a time of self-reflection for all - the NFL is no exception. We stand with the Black community because Black Lives Matter."

What about black children like Secoriea Turner, the innocent 8-year-old who was killed "while riding in a vehicle with her mother and an adult friend, according to police. The driver was attempting to enter a parking lot at 1238 Pryor Road where a group of individuals illegally placed barricades. Someone in the group opened fire on the vehicle, according to police, striking Turner." Doesn't this beautiful child matter?

Here's more from the official NFL statement:

"Through Inspire Change, the NFL, Players and our partners have supported programs and initiatives throughout the country to address systemic racism. We will continue using our platform to challenge the injustice around us," continued the statement.

Like the rest of the nation, the NFL will make symbolic gestures to appease Black Lives Matters. What the NFL won't do is pay attention to the innocent lives lost like Secoriea Turner. What the NFL didn't do is their homework. Does the NFL want to partner with an organization that wants to defund the police? Check this out:

May 30, 2020
Enough is enough. Our pain, our cries, and our need to be seen and heard resonate throughout this entire country. We demand acknowledgment and accountability for the devaluation and dehumanization of Black life at the hands of the police. We call for radical, sustainable solutions that affirm the prosperity of Black lives.

That's right. Defunding the police leaves the poorest minority neighborhoods in the most precarious positions. Apparently, the NFL doesn't care about those black lives. After all, poor blacks aren't likely to attend games and produce revenue for the NFL.

Question for the NFL: isn't it an injustice that poor minority neighborhoods are the neighborhoods where violent crime is most prevalent? What about that injustice? Doesn't that injustice matter to you because they don't have a high-profile mouth-piece to lobby for them?

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2020 2:36 AM

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The Black Lives Matter Movement

Thank God that the Black Lives Matter Movement knows everything. They must be omniscient after emphatically stating that "We know that police don't keep us safe." I always thought that police kept people safe. Didn't police officers run into the World Trade Center towers on 9/11? The police in that instance certainly tried to keep people safe.

According to BLM's website, "We know that police don't keep us safe - and as long as we continue to pump money into our corrupt criminal justice system at the expense of housing, health, and education investments, we will never be truly safe. That's why we are calling to #DefundPolice and #InvestInCommunities..."

Defunding the police is stupid. They're overwhelmed as it is. This article highlights why better funding of the police is required:

Gunfire and carnage are sweeping across America's streets.

At least six children ages 6 to 14 died in a spate of shootings over the past five days, as the level of gun violence and murder surpassed the deadly total at the same time last year. Chicago reported 87 shootings and 17 fatalities from Thursday evening through Sunday night. At least 13 of the shooting victims were under 14 years old. New York suffered 44 shootings and 11 deaths from gun violence from Friday through Sunday. Philadelphia reported 31 shootings and seven deaths from gun violence.

What organization or movement would call for defunding the police when we know what works? This isn't working. BLM is part of the problem. They aren't part of the solution.

The simple truth is that cities need better trained forces. Cities need lots more forces, too:

Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison on Monday said officers held back because "it was tactically unsafe."

"As the Baltimore Police Department was responding to several life and death incidents across the city, a small number of officers were assigned to assist with peaceful protests taking place in the downtown area," he said in a statement. "As the number of protesters grew, it was tactically unsafe for those few officers to position themselves between the protesters and the Christopher Columbus Statue in an attempt to prevent vandalism and destruction."

What's most needed is a change of political leadership that won't throw officers under the bus. Each time a Bill de Blasio, Jenny Durkan or Jacob Frey hesitates or doesn't let their officers do their job, it creates doubt with the officers.
[Video no longer available]
Black Lives Matter isn't behind all of these shootings. They're just the organization that's lobbying for inadequate force funding.

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:34 AM

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