August 2013 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

01-Aug-13 Unqualified teachers still teaching
01-Aug-13 When will the wheels come off?

02-Aug-13 A tale of 2 jobs reports

03-Aug-13 Almanac Roundtable fatigue factor

05-Aug-13 Demolishing MiningTruth's credibility
05-Aug-13 Is libertarianism dangerous?
05-Aug-13 Franken, PPACA frighten job creators

06-Aug-13 Obama, Dayton chase outdated society

07-Aug-13 Ignore conventional wisdom on PPACA

09-Aug-13 Gov. Dayton, Democrats tax first, think later
09-Aug-13 Daudt, Hann pledge bipartisan support
09-Aug-13 The case for capitalism, conservatism

10-Aug-13 Political pandering 101

11-Aug-13 Juan Williams calls Sharpton a hustler
11-Aug-13 The I-don't-give-a-shit administration

12-Aug-13 Race-baiting Ellison flunks history
12-Aug-13 Judge rules Bloomberg violated Constitution

13-Aug-13 Weak governor opposes tax repeal
13-Aug-13 Cummings, Levin defend the indefensible
13-Aug-13 Delaying Obamacare, not defunding, is GOP's best strategy

14-Aug-13 Dayton's special session ultimatum
14-Aug-13 Just desserts: PPACA hits school districts, cities
14-Aug-13 The DFL's neverending tax hikes

15-Aug-13 MNSCU & the legislature: Where's the accountability?
15-Aug-13 The partial government shutdown fallacy

16-Aug-13 King Obama's reign

17-Aug-13 CNN, NBC and the presidential debate game
17-Aug-13 Democrats oppose warehouse tax repeal

18-Aug-13 Dayton the fool, Vikings stadium edition
18-Aug-13 Durbin, Franken, Schumer use intimidation tactics

19-Aug-13 Dayton pursues dead end jobs, Part I
19-Aug-13 Dayton pursues dead end jobs, Part II

20-Aug-13 President Potter's enrollment nightmare
20-Aug-13 Paul Bunyan, Babe the Blue Ox and the Affordable Care Act
20-Aug-13 St. Cloud can't afford this boondoggle

21-Aug-13 Kelliher: repeal telecommunications tax

22-Aug-13 Cigarette tax hike hurting Minnesota businesses
22-Aug-13 Sarah Anderson speaks out against tax increases

23-Aug-13 Professor exposes grade inflation at SCSU

26-Aug-13 SCSU, MnSCU procedures meaningless at SCSU
26-Aug-13 DFL pundit: We screwed up
26-Aug-13 Higher Ed Excessses
26-Aug-13 SCSU's shoddy documentation

27-Aug-13 Proof that tax rates matter
27-Aug-13 Federal bill imposes sin tax on law-abiding citizens

28-Aug-13 Trusting this administration or your own eyes?
28-Aug-13 President Potter's enrollment nightmare, Part II

29-Aug-13 Gov. Dayton learns lesson from ABM

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