April 2013 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

01-Apr-13 Dayton's stumbles
01-Apr-13 Are background checks for guns legal?

02-Apr-13 Business leaders don't give Dayton pass on taxes
02-Apr-13 Another Dayton mistake that won't disappear
02-Apr-13 Another giant leap for students

04-Apr-13 DFL legislature bails out political allies, throws taxpayers under bus

05-Apr-13 Gov. Dayton, business community at odds on tax increases

06-Apr-13 Will DFL politicians vote against accountability?

07-Apr-13 The DFL's anti-reform, anti-accountability agenda

09-Apr-13 Pension bailout spin

10-Apr-13 Raise taxes first, think things through later

11-Apr-13 DFL Debt Bill riddled with foolish spending
11-Apr-13 Bringing a baseball bat to a gunfight
11-Apr-13 The true Second Amendment test
11-Apr-13 Graves will run against Michele Bachmann
11-Apr-13 Pay raises, tax hikes a nasty DFL cocktail

12-Apr-13 McAuliffe in trouble in Virginia, Mississippi
12-Apr-13 Bill O'Reilly: Constitutionally ignorant

15-Apr-13 Exposed: Rep. Winkler's anti-business agenda

16-Apr-13 The divided gang that couldn't shoot straight
16-Apr-13 Will gay marriage create jobs?

17-Apr-13 Sirota: Let's hope Boston Marathon bomber is a white guy
17-Apr-13 Cullen's return sparks Wild
17-Apr-13 Exposing the DFL's empty tax rhetoric

18-Apr-13 DFL's tax policy: raise everyone's taxes
18-Apr-13 Gabby Giffords NYTimes op-ed: emotional blackmail

19-Apr-13 Strib/DFL hit piece misses real story

21-Apr-13 MSM as OFA's Praetorian Guard
21-Apr-13 Bill Maher: "Let's keep it real"
21-Apr-13 Matt Entenza's foot-in-mouth moment

23-Apr-13 The all-day Pre-K myth
23-Apr-13 As the NFL Draft nears...

24-Apr-13 Sequestration is Obama's Katrina

25-Apr-13 DFL does Dumb and Dumber with taxes
25-Apr-13 NFL Christmas has arrived
25-Apr-13 DFL legislature votes against government accountability
25-Apr-13 The DFL's delusional tax policies, continued

26-Apr-13 Vikings' Spielman swings for the fences

27-Apr-13 Thissen, DFL, propose spending more money foolishly

28-Apr-13 President Potter unhinged

29-Apr-13 MAPE, AFSCME know about deceptive and misleading ads

30-Apr-13 Keystone Cops, Senate de-Bakk-le edition
30-Apr-13 President Potter's misguided vision

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