August 17-21, 2020

Aug 17 04:49 Keeping it classy, #WrongTrump edition
Aug 17 09:38 Democrats' misaligned priorities
Aug 17 17:30 The Democrats' soft-on-crime spin

Aug 18 10:19 Michelle Obama, professional spinmeister

Aug 19 14:14 Fact-checking John Kerry's speech

Aug 20 00:33 The Democrats' old vs. young divide
Aug 20 05:21 Barack Obama's thin skin exposed

Aug 21 03:28 Joe Biden's mediocre acceptance speech
Aug 21 10:54 The Dems' disastrous convention

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Keeping it classy, #WrongTrump edition

Democrats aren't the classiest people. We know that because they contributed mightily to the #wrongtrump hashtag . "Following the death of President Trump's brother Robert Trump, critics of the president have been tweeting the hashtag #wrongtrump, as if to say that it should have been the president to die instead. As of Sunday morning, the hashtag was the second highest trending on Twitter, with more than 77,600 tweets, including a journalist and an NAACP leader."

Bishop Talbert Swan is the NAACP leader referenced above. Here's his tweet:

Swan is the pastor of the Hope Church of God in Christ . This isn't Swan's first brush with fire:

Bishop Talbert Swan, the president of the Springfield chapter of the NAACP and the head of Spring of Hope Church of God in Christ on Alden Street, has been permanently banned from Twitter.

He wasn't banned for life for the above tweet. He was banned for life in 2018. It isn't a stretch to say that Swan isn't a Godly man of integrity. Here's one of his latest tweets:

Here's another:

If the pastor of a church said these things about President Obama, the MSM would thrash that pastor until that pastor resigned. This pastor won't get punished by his parishioners. What's disgusting is that these parishioners aren't upset with this pastor's fits of anger. How can he serve in such a position when he's this consumed with hate?

To President Trump: I pray that the Holy Spirit guides you to complete emotional healing after the loss of your brother Robert.

Posted Monday, August 17, 2020 4:49 AM

Comment 1 by Gretchen L Leisen at 17-Aug-20 12:06 PM
It is unfortunate that whenever leftists/aka Democrats express their views these days, they implicate themselves in a sewer of hatred. This is literally a case of the pot calling the kettle black, a trite & overusesd phrase, but it fits the mood exactly.

Comment 2 by eric z at 17-Aug-20 12:52 PM
It is distasteful. Sophomoric. Quintessential Twitter. It is gladdening to see you, Gary, NOT tweeting. It seems a platform inviting and embracing shallow nastiness.

Democrats' misaligned priorities

This weekend, Nancy Pelosi announced that she was calling Congress back into session . Hearings will be held. Every DC stone will be overturned. When Ms. Pelosi wants to know something, she gets her way. This time, Pelosi said "that she would call the House back from its annual summer recess for a vote this week on legislation to block changes at the Postal Service that voting advocates warn could disenfranchise Americans casting ballots by mail during the pandemic."

This is child's play. Those who are healthy should vote in person or absentee. With virtually every state having some form of early voting, states should be able to figure out how to cast votes without risking people's health. At-risk individuals should be allowed to cast votes by mail, provided that the ballots are received the Friday before Election Day. Giving people half the month of October to vote early is more than sufficient. People arguing otherwise aren't serious people. They shouldn't be taken seriously.

Be that as it may, that isn't the issue that deserves serious congressional investigations. The escalating Portland riots deserve the most attention. That isn't getting the attention required to fix the situation. Here's shocking news that people couldn't have predicted:;

Violence erupted in Portland late Sunday just blocks from the federal courthouse after the driver of a pickup truck crashed, was reportedly pulled from the vehicle and then brutally beaten by a mob after a confrontation with protesters.

Videos that emerged from the scene were chilling. The man identified as the driver could be seen getting punched, kicked and ordered not to leave in the middle of a city street. The man in the video, at one point, appeared dazed after the initial assault, but suffered the worst blow when he absorbed a roundhouse kick to the side of the head.

Ms. Pelosi isn't interested in restoring order to Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis or NYC. Apparently, Ms. Pelosi thinks that she can harness the energy of these rioters to hold onto her Speaker's gavel. That's foolish thinking. Then there's this:

Democrats haven't shown interest in stopping this type of violence. If they're elected, why should I think that Democrats would fix this situation?

Sgt. Kevin Allen, a police spokesman, said reports indicate that protesters "were chasing the truck before it crashed, and they assaulted the driver after the crash." He said responding officers "encountered a hostile crowd and a squad from the Rapid Response Team responded to help secure the scene while the investigation was underway."

One of the videos posted to social media begins with the man on his knees in the city street surrounded by a group of people. The man tries to get up and someone yells, 'You're not leaving, bro,' and he gets pushed back to the ground.

It isn't that voting isn't important. It's that maintaining public safety is the government's highest priority.

Posted Monday, August 17, 2020 9:38 AM

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The Democrats' soft-on-crime spin

For at least 2 weeks, the Democrats' spin has been that the crime spree isn't that widespread. This is definitely a misdirection play. It's utterly irrelevant to fixing broken Democrat-run cities.

The problem isn't how many major Democrat cities are getting torched. The problem is that virtually every major Democrat-run city is being run into the ground. That leads to this simple question: what's the common denominator between Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Boston and NYC? Part of the answer is that each of these cities has a wimpy Democrat mayor. Another part of the answer is that many of these cities (St. Louis, Portland, New York and Chicago) have wimpy prosecutors' offices. In St. Louis, the prosecutor's office is run by a Democrat who got tons of financing from George Soros.

Another part of the answer to the elevated violence is that these Democrat mayors engage in Democrat groupthink. Generally speaking, Democrats think alike if you stipulate that what Democrats do is think. Calling it thinking might be a bit generous.
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The dipstick in Portland is only one of the 'prosecutors' that needs to be politically terminated. Kim Gardner in St. Louis is a Soros-funded candidate. Here's what she's famous for:
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Democrats haven't taken the rioting seriously. These Democrats' first tendency has been to be lenient. One thing that's been proven this summer is that leniency begets violence. This isn't surprising. When it comes to criminal activity, nothing turns on a green light faster than leniency.

The Democrats' soft-on-crime policies are at the root of the problem. If Democrats weren't playing politics with public safety, this problem would disappear almost immediately. Since the Democrats' aren't serious, it's foolish to think things will change.

Posted Monday, August 17, 2020 5:30 PM

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Michelle Obama, professional spinmeister

Michelle Obama's speech at the Democrat National Convention was both bizarre and disgusting. She started by saying that she loves this country with all her heart and that it pains her to "see so many people hurting. I've met so many of you. I've heard your stories and, through you, I have seen this country's promise." So much BS, so little time to go through all of it.
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First, there's 18 minutes of my life that I won't get back. Next, here's a golden oldie that suggests Mrs. Obama isn't being honest with us:
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Twelve years ago, Mrs. Obama said "For the first time in my life, I am proud of America." It's impossible to love America with all of one's heart when you weren't proud of it the first 40 years of one's life. I don't doubt that Democrats bought that BS hook, line and sinker. I'm confident that most thinking people detected a bunch of BS in that part of Mrs. Obama's speech.

Later in her speech, Mrs. Obama said that a president's words "have the power to move markets. They can start wars or broker peace." President Obama's decisions brought an unstable region to the brink of war. President Trump's diplomatic team have worked tirelessly to walk us back from that precipice. Then they went to work to undo the JCPOA that threatened the Middle East. Next, President Trump's diplomats built a bridge between Israel and the UAE.

President Obama's 'experts' said getting out of the JCPOA would destabilize the region. We were told that establishing relations with Iran would start building a framework for peace. By throwing Israel under his bus, President Obama destabilized the Middle East while unintentionally driving Israel and the Saudis into a partnership.

This morning, President Trump critiqued Mrs. Obama's speech :

Trump responded Tuesday morning to the first keynote speaker, former first lady Michelle Obama, by launching more Twitter broadsides against former President Barack Obama. "Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren't for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama," Trump wrote.

In her speech, Mrs. Obama said this:

"Whenever we look to this White House for some leadership, or consolation, or any semblance of steadiness, what we get instead is chaos, division, and a total and utter lack of empathy."

Let's clarify something, Mrs. Obama. President Obama exceled at creating divisions. The first act of dividing the country came when he rejected all of their ideas for his stimulus plan. Another act of division was when he was asked about a police arrest of a college professor. President Obama said "I don't know what happened. I just know that the police acted stupidly." Mrs. Obama, does that sound like a man of empathy to you? It doesn't sound like it to me. It sounds like a man stoking the fires of racial tension.

When it comes to increasing racial tensions, President Obama was skilled at throwing gas on raging racial fires. That's what he did in Ferguson. He bought the "Hands up, don't shoot" BS hook, line and sinker. Racial tensions didn't start during the Trump administration. They started with Cambridge, then got stoked with Ferguson, then Baltimore.

Mrs. Obama said that President Trump is in over his head. That's an outright lie. Here's President Trump's Twitter reply to that statement:

Posted Tuesday, August 18, 2020 10:19 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 19-Aug-20 10:34 AM
The Obamas are a pair of prosperous lawyers. Politically savvy. Now with waterfront on Martha's Vineyard. Big speaking fees.

Trump was adept at bankrupting casino businesses where the house always wins, except and unless . . . Then he stiffed the lenders. Great job.

Pence was a deadended former talk show host trailing in polls of his reelectability in Indiana until Trump did a Lazarus bit by naming him as Trump's anti-ouster insurance.

We live in interesting times. Two-party times.

Fact-checking John Kerry's speech

John Kerry, who once fought in Vietnam, is the worst Secretary of State in US history, in my opinion. His massive ego, though, forces him to think of himself in a positive historic light. Last night, he spoke at the Democrats' National Convention to paint a distorted picture of the world.

For instance, Kerry said "When this president goes overseas, it isn't a goodwill mission. It's a blooper reel. He breaks up with our allies and writes love letters to dictators. America deserves a president who is looked up to, not laughed at." That's revisionist history on steroids. Here's a snippet from President Trump's speech "to the Arab Islamic American Summit":

Our vision is one of peace, security, and prosperity - in this region, and in the world. Our goal is a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism and providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to God.

And so this historic and unprecedented gathering of leaders - unique in the history of nations - is a symbol to the world of our shared resolve and our mutual respect. To the leaders and citizens of every country assembled here today, I want you to know that the United States is eager to form closer bonds of friendship, security, culture and commerce.

Those "closer bonds" are paying off. Last week, the Trump administration helped negotiate a deal between Israel and the UAE. That didn't happen during the Obama administration. That wasn't possible during the Obama administration because they preferred cozying up to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism.
[Video no longer available]
Kerry also said this:

Donald Trump pretends Russia didn't attack our elections. And now, he does nothing about Russia putting a bounty on our troops. He won't defend our country: The only person he's interested in defending is himself.

President Trump has said that Russia tried to interfere with our elections. He's also said that he doesn't think it was only Russia. In fact, President Trump said that the previous Ukrainian administration interfered with our elections. What's more is that there's proof to support President Trump's statements.

When President Trump left the JCPOA, he took tons of grief for that decision. When President Trump ordered the strike on al-Baghdadi, the Obama administration 'experts' predicted chaos throughout the region. When the US took out Qassim Soleimani, the Obama administration experts predicted a region-wide destabilization. Both predictions have been wildly inaccurate.

After Russia invaded Crimea, President Obama sent blankets and MREs to Ukraine. When he took office, President Trump sent Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia. It's particularly noteworthy, too, that President Trump has increased fossil fuel production, which cripples Russia's economy. Biden and Kerry favor getting rid of fossil fuels, which strengthens Putin's Russia. While President Trump talks nice to Putin, his actions are anything except nice.

Since Secretary Kerry 'negotiated' the JCPOA, he's been a laughingstock on the international stage. His credibility on what is or isn't a blooper reel is questionable.

Posted Wednesday, August 19, 2020 2:14 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 20-Aug-20 12:46 PM
John Kerry lost an election. That makes him ideal to be highlighted by Biden and Tom Perez? Why watch that stuff? If you did watch it, is it true they used Colin Powell? I saw no reporting of that other than RT. Did they really trot out Powell, who lied about yellow cake?

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 21-Aug-20 09:37 PM
Colin Powell is a has-been. He spoke at the 1996 RNC but that's the closest he's been to being a Republican. Yes, Biden trotted him out there the same night as Kerry.

The Democrats' old vs. young divide

Last night, Democrats trotted out old fogies like John Kerry, Bill Clinton and Chuck Schumer to remind AOC that the old farts still control the Democrat Party. While AOC got 60 seconds to second the nomination of Bernie Sanders, John Kerry got 3+ minutes to lie about President Trump's foreign policy accomplishments. While Kerry is the less charismatic, older version of AOC, they're both relatively stupid and unfit to hold high office.

The divide within the Democrat Party isn't as much about moderate vs. wild-eyed rebel as it is about young socialists and fascists vs. old far left leftists. It isn't like John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi are moderates. It's that they aren't sufficiently leftist enough for younger Antifa/BLM activists.

John Thompson is sufficiently leftist enough for AOC:
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What a total hater. That didn't stop DFL Gov. Tim Walz from endorsing Thompson :

"I've known John for years. His fierce advocacy and commitment to his community is exactly what's needed in the state legislature right now. I look forward to working with him as the next State Representative for 67A."

Ripping into the nastiest anti-police union diatribe isn't a commitment to his community. That's what an unhinged DFL leftist sounds like. You can't bring a community together while criticizing the police who protect neighborhoods from out--of-control lunatics like Mr. Thompson.

Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-TX), put it perfectly in this interview with Laura Ingraham:
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During the interview, Sen. Cruz emphatically stated an indisputable truth. He said that Democrats don't have a message for Teamsters and other blue collar voters. The dirty little secret that Democrats haven't mentioned during their convention is that they aren't interested in blue collar voters. Thus far, Democrats haven't lifted a finger to win back what used to be the heart of the Democrats' coalition.

That's why they'll lose this election, including the House of Representatives. This week's convention has been a doom-and-gloom-fest. It hasn't been uplifting or visionary whatsoever. The main message has been 'Democrats hate Trump, aka the root of all evil.' Simply put, this won't inspire people.

Posted Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:33 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 20-Aug-20 12:39 PM
Gotta ask - you guys are on top of it more than I am - is Cruz a part of the Lincoln Project? Has he any known but unofficial ties that way? Or has nobody in the Trump-Pence camp bothered to ask? To me it is a reasonable speculation, to be proven, or be put to rest.

Barack Obama's thin skin exposed

The thing that came through the most from President Obama's speech to the DNC was that his thin skin still is his dominant insecurity. A quick perusal of his speech exposes his thin skin. For instance, it's painfully obvious when he said "The one Constitutional office elected by all of the people is the presidency. So at minimum, we should expect a president to feel a sense of responsibility for the safety and welfare of all 330 million of us -- regardless of what we look like, how we worship, who we love, how much money we have -- or who we voted for."

President Obama should read a newspaper once in awhile. When Andrew Cuomo failed his state in preparing for the next epidemic by not stocking up on ventilators and PPE, President Trump got him those supplies. When Cuomo panicked about his hospital capacity, President Trump built a 2,900 bed hospital inside the Javits Center. Then he sent the USNS Mercy into New York Harbor to supplement the existing supply of hospital space, including ICU units. It should be noticed that New York didn't vote for President Trump. Nonetheless, he got things under control without hesitation.

I have sat in the Oval Office with both of the men who are running for president. I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.

But he never did. For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.

First, it's rich to hear that the man who famously talked about using his pen and phone to get things done:
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Further, it was his fierce desire for his successor to continue his policies. When President Trump won, President Obama used holdovers from his administration to sabotage President Trump's administration. Instead, President Trump ripped up President Obama's regulations meant to cripple the energy industry by using the Congressional Review Act 16 times.

Then Trump removed the US from TPP, renegotiated NAFTA, slapped tariffs on China, authorized the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline and cut taxes to bring jobs homes from overseas. Included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was something Tim Scott figured prominently in -- Opportunity Zones -- which led to the lowest minority unemployment rates in our nation's history.

That wasn't all. After that, the man that Democrats call Orange Man Bad dramatically increased funding for HBCUs. He did that after signing into law the First Step Act, which the first black president didn't have time for in 8 years. The First Step Act is undoing the damage done to black families by the 1994 Crime Bill that then-Sen. Joe Biden inflicted upon black families.

Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't. And the consequences of that failure are severe. 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever. Our worst impulses unleashed, our proud reputation around the world badly diminished, and our democratic institutions threatened like never before.

This is typical Obama. He intentionally omits the fact that the jobs are returning at a record pace. with 9,300,000 jobs created in the last 3 months. It's also typical Obama for him to say "while those at the top take in more than ever." Under the Trump administration, blue collar workers' wages increased at a significantly higher rate than white collar wages increased, thereby shrinking the gap of income inequality that exploded during the Obama administration.

As for the US's "proud reputation around the world badly diminished," the truth is that Obama's international reputation is diminished, not Trump's. Finally, our "worst impulses unleashed" is accurate, just not in the way Obama means. BLM rioted in Portland earlier this week, putting a white man into the hospital after he crashed his truck . Looters invaded Chicago's Miracle Mile, justifying it as reparations . Those riots are on Ted Wheeler and Lori Lightfoot, the Democrat mayors in charge of Portland and Chicago, respectively.

President Obama can't stand the thought that his successor has a lengthy list of accomplishments. Obama hates it because it puts his microscopic list of accomplishments to shame. If only he'd taken his job seriously.

Posted Thursday, August 20, 2020 5:21 AM

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Joe Biden's mediocre acceptance speech

After reading the transcript of Joe Biden's acceptance speech to the Democrats' presidential nominee, I think less of the speech than I thought of it while I watched it. The people that thought it was a good speech must've a) ignored the choppy sentences, b) thought that the excessive use of platitudes was calming and c) had exceptionally low expectations. Having low expectations when Joe Biden speaks is understandable. VP Biden isn't capable of delivering a great speech.

Early in the speech, Biden said "It's time for us, for We the People, to come together. For make no mistake. United we can, and will, overcome this season of darkness in America. We will choose hope over fear, facts over fiction, fairness over privilege." This is classic Democrat word salad. Words come out but they mean nothing . That wasn't the end of Biden's word salad. Here's more:
This campaign isn't just about winning votes. It's about winning the heart, and yes, the soul of America. Winning it for the generous among us, not the selfish. Winning it for the workers who keep this country going, not just the privileged few at the top. Winning it for those communities who have known the injustice of the "knee on the neck". For all the young people who have known only an America of rising inequity and shrinking opportunity. They deserve to experience America's promise in full.

Does Joe Biden think that blue collar workers' wages rising faster than white collar wages was unjust? That's what was happening prior to COVID. Back then, Biden didn't choose fact over fiction. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, aka BLS, issued monthly reports showing this to be happening.

Back then, Biden insisted that the economy helped the 1% while excluding working families. That isn't choosing fact over fiction. That's choosing the Democrats' talking points over truth.
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Is this choosing fact over fiction?
And now history has delivered us to one of the most difficult moments America has ever faced. Four historic crises. All at the same time. A perfect storm. The worst pandemic in over 100 years. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The most compelling call for racial justice since the 60's. And the undeniable realities and accelerating threats of climate change.

Seriously? Biden puts climate change on a par with COVID and the COVID-induced recession. That's ridiculous.

Then there's this:
America is at an inflection point. A time of real peril, but of extraordinary possibilities. We can choose the path of becoming angrier, less hopeful, and more divided. A path of shadow and suspicion. Or we can choose a different path, and together, take this chance to heal, to be reborn, to unite. A path of hope and light.

Notice the choppy sentences. They're found throughout Biden's speech. The other thing that's obvious is that this speech is long on rah-rah and totally devoid of substance. If Biden wants to lead, he has to tell us where he wants to take us to. There's nothing substantive in this speech that says 'this is where we need to go. Follow me.'

Then-Sen. Biden once told President Bush that a leader without followers is just a man out for a walk. Without direction, it's impossible to reach our destination. Right now, we don't know where Biden wants to lead us to.

Posted Friday, August 21, 2020 3:28 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 21-Aug-20 10:17 AM
Gary, per your final two closing paragraphs: Budget hawk John Kasich and the discredited war monger Colin Powell having more speaking time than AOC at the dog/pony show augers ill for those who might hope Biden is less a Republican tool than he deliberately poses to be. That is how Biden crystal clearly defined his agenda, not by words but by deeds. "Don't need progressives, already got GOP not-again-Trumpists and deep pocket donor love." Austerity, Gingrich/Clinton style, is likely; working people without health insurance or losing jobs during a pandemic be damned. The tax cut has to be met with spending cuts, donors tell Joe that, and Joe is poised to deliver, out of love of donor money. Bernie endorses him. Lincoln Project endorses him. Strange times. If Warren was offered a dog/pony spot she likely declined. Many progressives may sit this one out; letting greedhead donors hold sway. They own both tickets. So, let 'em decide.

Comment 2 by J. Ewing at 22-Aug-20 09:04 AM
But we CAN look at the Democrat platform. It is the most outrageous and frightening denial of reality I have ever seen. For example, it calls for Biden to "eliminate poverty." He and his party have been trying that for 50 years, now, and haven't made a dent.

The Dems' disastrous convention

Despite their protestations otherwise, the Democrat National Convention was a flop. The ratings were terrible. Barack and Michelle Obama told voters that they were upset with voters for not voting in 2016. Bill Clinton lectured the nation about conduct in the Oval Office. Hillary Clinton insisted that President Trump had stolen the election, once again refusing to admit that she was a terrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign.

Last night, Joe Biden used his acceptance speech to inform us that "Character is on the ballot. Compassion is on the ballot. Decency, science, democracy. They are all on the ballot."

This morning on Fox & Friends, Vice President Pence said that "The economy is on the ballot. Law and order is on the ballot." Pence added that the Democratic nominee's policies, which he said were "overtaken by the radical left" would "simply invite more violence and more mayhem in our streets." Then Pence "added that 'there was so much negativity, nothing but ad hominem attacks' and 'a very negative view of America' at the DNC."
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As a result of the Democrats' boring, mean-spirited convention, something unusual has happened:

President Trump got a post-DNC bounce. In 2004, John Kerry didn't get a bounce from the Democrats' Convention. It's one thing, though, to not get a bounce. It's quite another to have the incumbent get a bounce coming out of his challenger's Convention. I don't recall this ever happening before since I started votingin 1976.

I'm certain that President Trump will get a bounce from his Convention. That's because a) President Trump has a positive message to offer the American people, b)the RNC learned from the DNC's mistakes this week and c) President Trump is a charismatic figure, something that can't be said about Joe Biden. Also playing into the uplifting message from the RNC is the theme for the week. That theme is "Honoring the Great American Story." Each night will have its own theme, too:
On Monday, the convention theme will be the 'Land of Promise,' Tuesday's will be the 'Land of Opportunity,' Wednesday will focus on the 'Land of Heroes' and events culminate in the 'Land of Greatness' on Thursday.

It's been reported that each of the primetime speeches will be live and that President Trump's acceptance speech will have a live, socially-distanced audience from the White House South Lawn.

Posted Friday, August 21, 2020 10:54 AM

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