August 1-4, 2019

Aug 01 01:41 Biden's confidence isn't showing
Aug 01 10:16 Angel Moms Durden, Mendoza unload on Alyssa Milano
Aug 01 11:17 Zerwas unloads on Walz, DFL
Aug 01 22:48 President Trump's winning message

Aug 02 09:48 The fight for the soul of the Democratic Party is over
Aug 02 15:10 Repeating Ronald Reagan

Aug 03 06:57 I'm suspended from Youtube

Aug 04 10:31 Democrats' doom & gloom vs President Trump's optimism

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Biden's confidence isn't showing

It's more than a little strange to read that Joe Biden won the debate , then find out that, for the second debate in a row, Biden didn't make himself available to the press in Spin Alley. That isn't what winners do. Confident people want another round of publicity to get their message out to another potential group of voters.

The question that can't be ignored is the one I'll ask here. Mr. Vice President, if you're the winner of tonight's debate, why aren't you acting like the winner of tonight's debate? Why are you employing the strategy that Hillary used in 2016? If you didn't notice, she lost. Mr. Vice President, did you skip Spin Alley because you won only because the others on stage were more mediocre than you were?

Certainly, Kamala Harris had a difficult night after Tulsi Gabbard dismantled her:
[Video no longer available]
Sen. Harris' statement might've been fine as part of a stump speech. It's foolish to think that a candidate who just attacked you will let you get away with an evasive answer like that.

Whoever wins the Democrats' nomination won't face John McCain or Mitt Romney on the debate stage. They'll face a guy who smells blood in the water like a great white who hasn't eaten in awhile. Any sense of weakness will be seized upon immediately.

Tuesday night's debate stage didn't have anyone on it that has a realistic shot at the nomination. Crazy Bernie and Pocahontas have no chance at the Democrats' nomination. Tonight's candidates had a bunch of wannabes that don't have a chance. Watch the idiotic reply Julian Castro gave on immigration:
[Video no longer available]
If Castro thinks that he's auditioning to be someone's running mate, he's foolish. Anyone pushing an open borders policy is kidding himself.

At the end of the day, though, Joe Biden's hiding strategy is foolish. He might or might not win the Democrat nomination. If he wins the Democrats' nomination, he'll get eaten alive by the human shark known as President Trump.

Posted Thursday, August 1, 2019 1:41 AM

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Angel Moms Durden, Mendoza unload on Alyssa Milano

I can't feel anything except satisfaction knowing that Alyssa Milano was taken down a bunch of notches . Milano got taken down those notches by Angel Moms Mary Ann Mendoza and Sabine Durden. If you've never seen Mary Ann Mendoza in action, you're living a deprived life. I was going to try and say something snappy that captured everyone's attention but I realized that a video is worth a million words. This video, to be precise:
[Video no longer available]
Then again, this video would work, too:
[Video no longer available]
But I digress. A progressive, whether they're an actress or a politician, can't think for themselves. Also, they're the ones telling us "This isn't who we are as a nation." (Like they'd know? Yeah right.)

Mrs. Durden blistered Milano:

"You do know that we have many children in America that have been separated from their parents because one or both broke the law?" she asked the actress. "Yes, imagine that: Someone paying the consequences of their actions and their families suffer because of it."
"Thousands of American children have been forever taken from their families and will never be able to be reunited, hugged or kissed by their parents," Durden continued. "So you just keep ignoring our tragedies and pain and try to persuade people that you actually care or have a real heart. No Oscar award for your poor performance."

Mrs. Mendoza blasted Milano, too:

'The amount of children who are being trafficked is of no concern of hers,' Mendoza told Breitbart. 'The percentage of trafficked children is so much higher than those separated. Thank goodness our Border Patrol men and women are aware of this and are helping those children whom Alyssa has never mentioned,' she added.

Then Mrs. Mendoza gave Milano a lesson in real activism :

Mendoza then issued a challenge to the actress in name only. "If she is truly concerned about the children, fight for the American children being raped by illegal aliens in our country," she said. "Put your boots on and leave your home and go work at the borders with our Border Patrol agents for a week."

Many thanks to Rusty Weiss And Jeff Dunetz at the LidBlog for finding the quotes.

Posted Thursday, August 1, 2019 10:16 AM

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Zerwas unloads on Walz, DFL

Rep. Nick Zerwas has had it with the DFL's unseriousness about rampant fraud at the Department of Human Services.

Rep. Zerwas issued this statement to highlight yet another case of uncaught fraud:

Rep. Nick Zerwas, R-Elk River, who serves on the House HHS Finance Division and has been outspoken on the issue of waste, fraud, and abuse at the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), issued the following statement regarding this morning's Pioneer Press report that DHS overpaid the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and the White Earth Nation by $25 million for Medicaid services. Legislative Auditor Jim Nobles will be soon opening an investigation into the overpayments. According to a statement from Governor Walz, the overpayment issue had been occurring for five years.

"Republicans have been sounding the alarm about waste, fraud, and abuse across DHS for years - this is an agency that seems to have a blatant disregard for taxpayer dollars, and is simply not doing enough to stop activity that is costing taxpayers tens of millions each year," Zerwas said. "It's time for House Democrats to stop ignoring the turmoil at DHS, hold hearings, and get answers to the questions we all have about Minnesota's largest state agency."

All 55 members of the House Republican Caucus sent a letter earlier this week to House Speaker Melissa Hortman, DFL-Brooklyn Park, requesting hearings on the leadership shakeup at DHS.

It's apparent that Gov. Walz and Speaker Hortman haven't taken this expanding scandal seriously. Jim Nobles has already issued a report that highlights rampant fraud within DHS. Apparently, he'll soon be starting another investigation into this scandal.

At what point will the DFL, Gov. Walz and Speaker Hortman put a higher priority on fixing this mess than they're putting on playing CYA? Gov. Walz ran on the slogan of One Minnesota. Apparently, if you're part of the government, he'll fight for you and protect you. If you're a taxpayer, Gov. Walz will let your hard-earned taxes get stolen by government grifters. Doesn't it feel great to know that this administration protects cronies while shafting taxpayers?

This is just the latest incident where cheating was exposed. Nobles' report is filled with other examples of fraud that weren't detected until well after the fraud was committed.

This is just proof that the Party of Big Government, aka the DFL, is also the Party of Unlimited Slush Funds to their special interest allies. The DFL has proven that they just can't be bothered with governing with integrity.

Posted Thursday, August 1, 2019 11:17 AM

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President Trump's winning message

This op-ed should be trumpeted across the nation from sunrise to sunset from now until Election Day. Democrat presidential candidates at this week's debates tried making the Trump economy sound like Soupline America. Each Democrat presidential candidate insisted that President Trump's economy only benefited the rich while giving the working class the cold shoulder.

What's needed is a dose of reality. Something like this:

Members of the campaign's Women For Trump coalition participated in an Economic Empowerment round table this week in downtown Detroit. Over a dozen women business owners like myself participated in the discussion focused on how the president's policies have not only empowered but advanced women in today's modern economy.

As a result of historic tax cuts and deregulation, more than 5.5 million jobs have been created. In my own business, I have experienced growth and success thanks to deregulation and tax cuts. Just as important, my employees have felt the economic growth too .

Then there's this:

The growth and success of my enterprise is one of many, thanks to Trump's policies. Americans across the country, and from all walks of life, are experiencing this strong economic headwind. A boom in hiring and increased wages has created a unique problem in today's labor force - we need MORE workers! Now, businesses of all sizes are competing for American workers by reinvesting in their employees, boosting benefits and offering competitive salaries.

When businesses compete for workers, workers win. That's an indisputable fact.

Mark Penn's op-ed highlights just how the Democrats' presidential candidates from the second night's debate view President Trump's America:

While these same candidates earlier this week expressed outrage at President Trump for tweeting that Baltimore was a rat-infested mess, they all seemed to portray our entire country as in far worse shape than that Maryland oasis. America, it seems, is not the land of full employment, rising wages and decreased poverty . It's not a country in which 90 percent have health insurance, almost everyone has a smartphone, and 64 percent own their home. It's at heart a racist, misogynistic country dominated by fat cats and big corporations sucking the life out of us all. According to these candidates it's a dark, dark place and, unless we usher them into office and save it through these programs and policies that start at a mere $30 trillion, America will continue to be a lost country.

It's fantastic that women like Amy Azzo are speaking out about how President Trump's policies are working. That being said, just letting these Democrats spew their idiotic crap will be enough, in my opinion, to deliver a major victory to President Trump and House and Senate Republicans.

Let's be clear about this. We'll still have to work hard. We'll still need to man the phone banks, drop lit and register new voters. That's still essential. That being said, the things that the Democrats' presidential candidates have said are the things that lunatics have said. The questions that I have at this point are simple. How many seats will Republicans win in the House? To me, the question of whether Ms. Pelosi returns as Speaker has been determined. She'll hold the Speaker's Gavel one time in 2021 and that's when she hands it to Speaker McCarthy. Another question I have is whether Republicans will have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate? I'm thinking they won't but that they might have as many as 57-58 Republicans in the Upper Chamber.

Check back later for more on the deterioration of today's Democratic Party.

Posted Thursday, August 1, 2019 10:48 PM

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The fight for the soul of the Democratic Party is over

Frank Luntz was in the debate hall for both nights of the Democrats' presidential debates. To be honest, I thought that the supposed frontrunners sounded like idiot bomb-throwers while the lower tier candidates sounded reasonable in some instances. In this situation, reasonable is a relative term. Think John Hickenlooper, John Delaney, Michael Bennet.

I wouldn't put Joe Biden in that category. At one point, Biden said "I am the only candidate whose plan limits the insurance companies from charging unreasonable prices. We should put some of these insurance executives who oppose my plan in jail for the 9,000,000,000 opioids they sell out there."

Notice how Biden started by saying that "insurance executives who oppose [his] plan" should get thrown in prison before catching himself and mentioning opioids. Before that, Biden said that his plan "limits the insurance companies from charging unreasonable prices." Who determines what's unreasonable? The government? Once the government is the arbiter of what's too expensive, what effects will that have on insurance companies? Has Biden thought about that? I'm betting he hasn't.

So we supposedly have a fight for the soul of the Democratic Party. Frank Luntz thinks that that fight is over:
[Video no longer available]
Luntz is right. This fight is over. At the first Democrat debate, every Democrat presidential candidate raised their hands when asked if they'd decriminalize illegally entering the United States. Listen to the ferocious reaction of the audience when attacking CEOs and corporations. Notice how far left Democrats have gone with illegal immigration. Changing it from a criminal charge to a civil fine is like sending out a notice that a small fine will be imposed for illegally entering the United States. That would open the floodgates and then some. People wouldn't need to game the asylum system. They could just pay a fine, then become a legal resident of the US. Tell me the difference between that and open borders.

The Democratic Party of Bill Clinton is dead . Based on the criticism against President Obama, I could make a strong argument that the Democratic Party of President Obama is in hospice and fading fast. I'm not certain that the Democratic Party as it exists today will exist in 15 years.

Posted Friday, August 2, 2019 9:48 AM

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Repeating Ronald Reagan

Back in the late 1970s, it was fashionable for supposed intellectuals to talk about how the presidency was just too big for one man. The political science professoriate talked about the need for a co-presidency. That professoriate even talked about changing the Constitution so that the president would serve a single 6-year term. That was during Jimmy Carter's single 4-year term in office.

That fashionable talk disappeared the minute President Reagan took over and got the economy hitting on all cylinders. In October, 1983, the US economy created 1,100,000 jobs. I've got to think that's the single-month record and that it'll never be eclipsed. It wasn't that the presidency was too big for one man. It's that it was too big for that man, aka Jimmy Carter.

During his final months in office, President Obama ridiculed then-candidate Trump, saying that you'd need a magic wand to bring back manufacturing jobs during this townhall:
[Video no longer available]
Twitchy has noticed Republicans, especially Donald Trump Jr., ridiculing President Obama and his "magic wand" statement:

Just like with Reagan replacing Carter, we're seeing the same robust economic growth increase from the turnover from Obama to President Trump. The comparison is striking. President Reagan cut taxes dramatically, especially capital gains, while pursuing deregulation, especially in the energy sector. President Trump is following the same path to success, virtually to a T.

At this week's Democrat presidential debates, Democrat presidential candidates criticized President Obama for not being sufficiently socialist enough. By the time Democrats pick their nominee, which might not be determined until their convention, President Trump will join in the criticism of President Obama. It's just that President Trump will criticize President Obama for not being sufficiently capitalist enough.

It's entirely possible that President Trump will win a decisive victory, though I can't predict him winning the 525 electoral votes that President Reagan achieved in 1984. Talk about deja vu all over again.

Posted Friday, August 2, 2019 3:10 PM

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I'm suspended from Youtube

Yesterday morning, I got notified that I'd been suspended from Youtube:

The first paragraph says "We'd like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines ( your YouTube account Gary Gross has been suspended."

What a bunch of BS. Here's reality:

  1. I've never created a Youtube video.

  2. Like everyone, I've viewed hundreds, if not thousands, of videos.

  3. I've left perhaps a half dozen comments on various political videos, none of which were anything close to controversial statements. (The last time I left a comment was more than 3 months ago.)

  4. Of course, as a blogger, I embed lots of videos that others create.

  5. When I appealed the suspension, they rejected it within 15 minutes.

  6. Further, they didn't offer an explanation of why they rejected my appeal.

  7. They didn't tell me when the alleged violations happened.

  8. Youtube didn't give me a first warning telling me that I'd done something wrong. Without that warning, how can I correct my allegedly improper actions?

  9. They just suspended me.

Nothing in my actions suggests that I've committed "repeated or severe violations of [Youtube's] Community Guidelines."

This is upsetting to me. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a person that works hard to play by the rules. I'm anything but disrespectful. Now Youtube drops this on me? What prevents them from doing this to anyone? Yes, I'm aware that it's their platform but that doesn't mean they can apply their rules unevenly. If they do this to me, they'd better do this to everyone. Better yet, they should just stop suspending people who haven't done anything wrong.

Posted Saturday, August 3, 2019 6:57 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 03-Aug-19 10:09 AM
It's funny (not ha ha funny) that all the lefties think that Trump and the GOP are trying to squelch the MSM by calling them the enemy of the people when it's really the MSM and the various online "platforms" that are trying to squelch the conservative message and ideas by banning people who think differently than the lefties think.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 03-Aug-19 04:41 PM
Great point, Chad. I'd love to see a conservative billionaire step forward & create a fair alternative to these tech giants, whether it's to introduce competition to Facebook, Instagram or other social media platforms.

Democrats' doom & gloom vs President Trump's optimism

If you want to know the biggest difference between the Democrats' presidential candidates and President Trump, it isn't difficult to identify. The Democrats' presidential candidates aren't peddling the truth. They're peddling doom and gloom. Whether it's Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg or Bill de Blasio, they're peddling a message that the world will end in 12 years if we don't solve climate change or they're peddling a message that blue collar families are getting screwed because 'the rich' are ripping everyone off.

Voters won't flock to a political party that insists the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Meanwhile, President Trump's message is simple and two-fold. One part of President Trump's message is Promises Made, Promises Kept. The other part of President Trump's message is Keep America Great. They work hand-in-hand. President Trump's speeches often start with him talking about how strong the economy is, especially for minorities and women, then talking about all the great judges that've gotten confirmed by the Senate, followed by talking about criminal justice reform.
[Video no longer available]
Just like you can't beat something with nothing, it's true that you can't doom and gloom yourself to the White House. You have to uplift people. Right now, Democrats don't have a Reaganesque Happy Warrior. The Democrats' candidates are angry and pessimistic. Think Bernie, de Blasio, Elizabeth Warren and Gillibrand. These are candidates that specialize in anger and pessimism.

Posted Sunday, August 4, 2019 10:32 AM

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