April 19-20, 2020

Apr 19 04:10 President Trump's tweet puzzles Walz
Apr 19 15:15 When will Pelosi end the Democrats' Hostage Taking?
Apr 19 15:41 Pelosi isn't honest. Here's proof
Apr 19 17:34 Are these the Last Days?
Apr 19 19:29 Walz doesnt trust people; he should

Apr 20 00:58 The Pelosi Recession
Apr 20 08:34 Walz's COVID-19 defensive posture
Apr 20 09:57 Trump War Room on offensive
Apr 20 21:30 Jay Inslee vs. the Constitution

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President Trump's tweet puzzles Walz

According to this article , Tim Walz, our not-that-loved DFL governor, is puzzled about why President Trump tweeted this on Friday:

Jason Lewis, the Republicans' candidate for US Senate in Minnesota, tweeted this reply:

The last report that I'd heard was that Minnesota had 2,213 confirmed COVID-19 infections, with 121 fatalities; 222 people were hospitalized, with 105 in ICUs. This search says that 76 of Minnesota's 87 counties have had confirmed infections. Of those counties with infections, 24 counties have a dozen or more confirmed infections. The three counties that St. Cloud sits in (Benton, Sherburne and Stearns) have a combined 32 confirmed infections and no fatalities. It's worth noticing that I didn't say that St. Cloud had 32 confirmed infections.

A paltry 14 Minnesota counties have 25 or more confirmed infections. Can Gov. Walz explain why the other 73 counties aren't open? Here's a map showing Minnesota's population by county:

In terms of confirmed infections, Scott County, Wright County and Stearns County have 23, 23 and 16. That ranks them T-15, T-15 and 22, respectively. Population-wise, Stearns ranks 7th in population, Scott County ranks 9th and Wright ranks 10th, respectively. Why aren't those counties open?

Opening those counties doesn't mean you relax social distancing guidelines. It means that you open them with warnings of great caution still intact. Gov. Walz said he doesn't understand why Minnesota was criticized by President Trump. That's easy to explain. I'd point him to Jim Abeler's speech . Specifically, I'd point Gov. Walz to this part of the speech:

Minnesota families are interested in the safety of their neighbors and their town. They are deeply frightened about Covid-19 for their elders, their families, and themselves. And it shows. They are good people. They care about Minnesota as much as you do. These are the locals who contribute to the middle school girls' softball team. The ones who always give a door prize for the church bazaar. The Rotarians who always seek to help others. The people who make me proud to know them.

That's the most important thing for Gov. Walz to understand. Trusting in the people, now , is the right thing to do. Then I'd point him to this part of Sen. Abeler's speech:

Main Street is dying. It's little mom and pop stores aren't powerful corporations. They can't pay their bills. My Anoka Chamber President tells me that time is running out for these businesses to survive. In these executive orders, they are being cast off like chaff. Reopening Anoka's automated car wash will add no deaths. Reopening Anoka's Greenhaven unmanned golf course will endanger nobody. Allowing the local shoe and clothing stores to reopen is at least as safe as Walmart.

That's why President Trump criticized you, Gov. Walz. Stop flattening the curve. The goal of flattening the curve was to make sure hospitals weren't overwhelmed. They aren't. The latest report from Mayo Clinic was that they were operating at 35% of capacity. They just announced, along with the U of M, that they could do 20,000 tests per day soon.

Why is the DFL killing Minnesota's small businesses while waiting for a surge that might not come? Why is the DFL killing Minnesota's economy?

Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 4:10 AM

Comment 1 by Paul A Brandmire at 19-Apr-20 10:21 AM
Absolutely spot-on, Gary.

Comment 2 by J. Ewing at 19-Apr-20 11:37 AM
the fear mongers are counting on the vast public never becoming aware of the difference between coronavirus infections and coronavirus deaths. They keep scaring us with the notion that contacting the virus is fatal, when statistics show that 99.97% of those infected actually recover. Reasonable precautions, sure, especially around those who constitute 99% of all coronavirus fatalities, namely those over 65. Let the rest of us keep living!

Comment 3 by Chad Q at 19-Apr-20 08:28 PM
Just wait until all the testing has been completed in 6 months and we see people's heads explode realizing that the state and federal governments shut down the most powerful economy in the world over a virus that infected more and killed less than the flu does.

When will Pelosi end the Democrats' Hostage Taking?

Apparently, Nancy Pelosi isn't interested in doing the right thing for Blue Collar America. Apparently, Pelosi is just interested in telling whoppers and criticizing President Trump with those whoppers. Her appearance on Fox News Sunday turned into a full-fledged negative campaign ad against President Trump.

The first question she was asked was about how long she was prepared to hold out on funding PPP. Pelosi replied "Well, I think we're on a very good path. First of all, I support the CARES Act. We're very pleased to be able to turn it from a corporate, trickle down bill to a worker's first bubble up and support the PPP, the Paycheck Protection Program in there." What type of BS is she spinning? President Trump, from Day One, wanted all workers to be protected. Now she's insisting that Democrats who dragged Republicans kicking and screaming to the table? Pelosi is a liar. She's holding Blue Collar America hostage while the PPP sits empty. You can't be Blue Collar America's hero while you deprive them of paychecks.

Further, when the PPP was first created, Pelosi wasn't even in DC. She was in her San Francisco mansion eating her $12-per-half-pint ice cream. Nothing says 'I love Blue Collar America' like eating expensive ice cream while workers go without paychecks.

And so as they have committed the money that is there, we want to add more money there. It is very urgent though that we support our -- our police and fire, our healthcare workers, our nurses, our teachers and that's what the state and local government is about is meeting the needs of the coronavirus. And everything that we're doing is about the corona virus, understand that. We're not going afield on any other thing.

Still, no mention of funding the PPP during the interview. Does Pelosi really think that President Trump will say no to helping out firefighters, the police, etc.? If Pelosi's Democrats think that, then they're too stupid to run committees. If legitimate sensible Democrats still exist, they need to challenge Pelosi. We've been told that Tim Ryan is a centrist Democrat. Where's he in this fight? We're told that Seth Moulton is a centrist Democrat. Where is he in all this? Ryan and Moulton both ran for president so they've got supporters. Ryan is said to be a blue collar guy. Prove it. Pelosi isn't helping Blue Collar America.

If Democrats won't stand up to Pelosi, then centrist Democrats don't exist anymore. If that's the case, then it's time to throw the socialists out in November.
[Video no longer available]

Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 3:15 PM

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Pelosi isn't honest. Here's proof

During her interview with Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace, Nancy Pelosi said something thoroughly dishonest or stupid. Check this out:

CHRIS WALLACE: As you know, protests against the stay-at-home orders are growing across the country. People are taking to the streets, pushing back against some of the more stringent restrictions in some states. Can you understand why they're doing that?

HOUSE SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI: No, not really. Because what we have to do is -- is -- is shelter-in- place. That is really the answer. Testing, tracing, treatment, shelter-in-place. And I do think that it's unfortunate -- but you know, people will do what they do.

But the fact is we're all impatient. We all want out. But what they're doing is really unfortunate because what is great, though is -- are the American people. The American people know that the good health of themselves and their families and their loved ones is what is important. And that's why you have seen such an overwhelming commitment to shelter-in-place and distancing -- people distancing.

Because really it is the key to how we will open up our economy. The health issue is the key to opening up the economy. Unfortunately, this -- what you see there is, you know, and I'm respectful whatever people think they should say but the fact is this has to be science-based, evidence-based, data-based.

That's breathtakingly stupid or breathtakingly dishonest. Pelosi just said that the key to opening the economy is to shelter-in-place. How can you jumpstart the economy if everyone's hiding in their homes? Is Pelosi just a step behind Biden on the dementia trail. It's entirely possible that Pelosi honestly believes that. She's 2 heartbeats away from the presidency but she thinks that the economy is just fine?

That would explain her attitude in refilling the PPP account. It isn't a big deal to Pelosi and the Democrats because this just isn't a priority to them. Either that or Democrats won't challenge Pelosi. If Democrats are too chicken to challenge Pelosi, then they're worthless. They've gotta go, too. This is a perfect example of Pelosi's doubletalk:
[Video no longer available]

Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 3:41 PM

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Are these the Last Days?

Last Days
By Ramblin' Rose

In the last days/months, we experienced and continue to experience fear. It's horrible. What are the real facts? Whom should we believe? Will this lead to the 'last days' as predicted in the Bible? And it's the fear that disrupts everything in life; it is not the 'fear' (respect for) of God.

The good news is that since the minute that we were born, we have been dying. The good news is that since Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven after His miraculous resurrection, we have been in the Last Days awaiting His return. So why are we afraid? Because we don't know what will happen next. We are not in control: not even of our own daily life, a fantasy always but particularly now.

A few weeks ago, a friend reminded me to keep my eyes on Jesus. He added that Peter could walk on water when he focused on Christ but sank when he looked at the waves. With a single cry for help, Jesus rescued him. This is sound advice.

Many have prayed for a revival in this country. Those people look back to the removal of God from the public arena, the proliferation of alternative lifestyles, the taxpayer funded murders of babies through legalized abortions, even to and beyond the moment of birth, and the drop in the number of persons claiming a faith in God, etc.

Is this the beginning of a revival? Sales of Bibles are record high; people write about God on social media. Is this real? Or is this the same reaction of many when they face adversity? God is not Santa Claus to whom we, like children, submit a long list of desire items (outcomes) to be magically placed into a stocking. But many do. Many truly look for hope; some still want it 'my way.'

In Matthew 24:6-8, Jesus said: ' 6And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. 7For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.' (ESV)

It is doubtful that civilization has ever been without war and conflict; they are a natural result of human's sinful state. The same could be said for the other calamities from the list. But, now, it is a crisis with medical, social and economic ramifications that is impacting nearly the entire world, and our daily activities have been greatly restricted by government: even to the point of infringing on our constitutional rights. We have lost control due to the virus and to the government, claiming to protect us. But we are not certain because that 'concern' has produced even additional devastating consequences.

While we would hope for honest and accurate news from professional journalists, we find instead bias, inaccuracies and conspiracy theories. To some extent, our hope diminishes, and our anxieties increase. Some partisan politicians are unable (unwilling) to uphold the oath of office to protect the Constitution and the citizens of this country. Astronomical amounts of debt are created in efforts to stimulate/save the economy: and debts must be paid by someone.

Researchers work for find treatments and a vaccine. But some speculate that this is the time of the antichrist from the Book of Revelation. Some fear that the vaccine to be forthcoming to protect us from future outbursts of covid-19 will contain the 'mark of the beast.'

As fake news and conspiracy theories proliferate, tension increases. Abuses of many forms multiply in the persons confined to their homes.

I do not have the answers - I wish I did. Nor do I find the answers easily in the book of Revelation. The writings are apocalyptic (visionary prediction of world events). Does one take this eschatology literally or figuratively? Not all Christian denominations concur on the literal meaning of the last book of the Bible. Nevertheless, we keep our focus on Christ.

Does the antichrist have a name, or is it an ideology that aligns with Satan? Is there a 'mark of the beast' to be on the right hand or the forehead, or is it the act of rejecting the Lamb (Christ) and following tyrannical leaders to achieve their stamp of approval for personal gain? Is it to give to Caesar that which is the Lord's? Do we compromise our convictions for convenience?

Our comfort is knowing that Christ is with us in the crisis. He alone is our solid rock and foundation.

Fox News quoted Fr. Frank Pavone on Sunday, April 19, 2020. His words provide comfort and remind us of the essence of America and true Americans. 'Our nation is based on spirituality. Our founding fathers were men of faith. And they said so. And we have a president who echoes that very effectively. Pulling through a crisis like this, as Americans -- helping one another in our own country and also helping the world -- can really bring about a revitalization of the faith that is at the core of our patriotism. And that's something that's going to be very good for America.'

So I walk forward with the Bible in hand and a poem on my heart. The poem, 'Footprints,' (at least three people claim to be the author) is an inspiring reminder that Christ is with us in the crisis - our last days.
One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."

He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings,
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."

God bless America!!!

Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 5:34 PM

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Walz doesnt trust people; he should

This article should highlight the path forward for Minnesota, Gov. Walz and the DFL. Unfortunately, Gov. Walz and the DFL don't trust the people, except if they're contributors to the DFL.

According to the article, "Pressure grew all last week for government leaders to chart an end to their stay-home orders and nonessential business designations - and to allow businesses and consumers to adapt to the new reality.' It continued, saying 'In New Ulm, a co-owner of the Penazz Aveda hair salon, Melissa Lawson, said her stylists and customers are ready to go as soon as Gov. Tim Walz allows. 'We're going to open right away. That Monday if possible,' she said, assuming he will designate a Monday start. 'It will be busy.' But business will be different, Lawson added. Stylists will wear face masks and gloves and sanitize more often. Customers will not be allowed to bring a friend or a child. 'We'll probably eliminate our front seating area,' Lawson said."

In other words, businesses are already making adjustments so they can reopen. That's the predictable result of this virus. People understand that, at least initially, they'll have to adjust. They're totally willing to do that. This article is proof of that. Lawson's story is just one of the stories. Here's another:

Christine Ward, owner of Patina Stores, a gift and furnishings retailer that has been around the Twin Cities for 25 years, said Walz holds the fate of the company in his hands. Ward last week received a Small Business Administration loan to cover payroll costs and must start using the funds this week. But the state won't let work happen in Patina's eight stores.

She wants Walz to give retailers like Patina the same opportunity to do business that he has to liquor stores, coffee shops and garden centers. She said smaller stores can more easily adapt to the new normal than the stores that are currently drawing crowds. "The safety and health of our employees and customers is the most critical issue for us," Ward said. "We can match what other businesses that were allowed to remain open are doing. As entrepreneurs, we feel we excel in adapting."

She's installing plexiglass at checkouts and already stocked masks, gloves and cleaning equipment at the company's eight stores. She has been able to defer some bills but Patina needs to open next month, Ward said, or it will have to close for good. "There's no thinking past the end of May for us. There is too much mounting debt," she said.

If Gov. Walz and the DFL was paying attention, which they aren't , they'd notice that businesses are making adjustments to open. If Gov. Walz and the DFL was paying attention, which they aren't, they'd notice that people are on the verge of losing their livelihoods, their life savings and the family business that's been in their family for decades. That's how communities, not just families, get demolished.

Digi-Key Electronics Inc.
Around 2,300 employees for Digi-Key Electronics, the components distributor based in Thief River Falls, have been working from home during the pandemic.
'We transitioned to that over about two days, so kudos to our IT staff,' said Kevin Brown, its vice president of communications. More than 600 are performing essential work at the firm's warehouses, he said.

When the stay-home order is lifted, the company will bring employees back to offices in phases, he said. The company has already implemented 'extreme sanitization procedures' for staff working now, including sanitization breaks every two hours, a tunnel that uses UV rays to disinfect the bins used to move products around the warehouse, gloves and masks for workers, more separation between employees, and a contract with an outside cleaning firm to disinfect the warehouses at the end of each day. 'We've also become much more adept at videoconferencing,' Brown said.

It's amazing what can happen when you trust people. Gov. Walz and the DFL should try it sometime.

Posted Sunday, April 19, 2020 7:29 PM

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The Pelosi Recession

While Nancy Pelosi didn't create the current recession, it's certain that she's responsible for extending it . First, the recession started because of the COVID-19 virus that was spread by China because they weren't transparent about how infectious the virus is. The Chinese Communist Party, aka the CCP, is still hiding information from the world. They're still lying, too.

That being said, Nancy Pelosi has twice caused tons of economic harm that didn't have to happen. First, there was bipartisan agreement on a relief package in the Senate. Meanwhile, the House left on recess. Pelosi returned to DC and immediately insisted on a ton of demands that had nothing to do with COVID-19. She held that original bill hostage for a week. That's the bill that created the Payroll Protection Program, aka the PPP. After a week of holding small businesses hostage, Pelosi settled for $25,000,000 in funding for the Kennedy Center and funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities and funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.

This time, Pelosi is holding Blue Collar America hostage again. The PPP ran out of money. Senate Democrats objected to Sen. McConnell's bill for a supplemental appropriation of $250,000,000,000 to the PPP after it ran out of money. Again, Pelosi wasn't in DC searching for a solution. She was in her San Francisco mansion showing off her "two Wolf Sub-Zero refrigerator-freezers."

Speaker Gingrich wrote that "my wife Callista knew what a Wolf Sub-Zero refrigerator was, but I sure did not. I Googled it. Wolf's own description is: 'Find the best luxury refrigerators for your needs with Sub-Zero full-size stainless steel or custom panel refrigerators, freezers and undercounter refrigerators.' They range in price up to $20,000-plus." Then Speaker Gingrich added this:

While many Americans were gathered around their Easter tables praying and wondering what they would do without income or a job, Pelosi was blocking small business support and wondering what she would have done without ice cream. By the way, you, too, can get the ice cream she was bragging about having delivered - five pints for $58 before tax.

Pelosi could've signaled that she was ok with topping off the PPP account via unanimous consent and this crisis could've been averted. Loans could've still been approved. Payrolls could've been met without interruption. Lives wouldn't have to have been disrupted for something that wasn't an urgent need.

Blue Collar America has had their lives disrupted unnecessarily because Ms. Pelosi couldn't resist the opportunity to play partisan politics yet another time. Lives hang in the balance but Ms. Pelosi thinks that it's a game. This quickly puts things into perspective:

What makes the Pelosi attitude so infuriating is the fact that the small business payroll protection plan has worked far better than anyone thought possible. The Small Business Administration, working with the nation's banks, has gotten nearly $350 billion into the economy in 14 days. Before the Trump administration, $30 billion in an entire year was a major SBA effort. Now, it had managed to loan $349 billion in two weeks.

There's a book that I gave to my brother as a Christmas present years ago titled "Nothing else like it in the World", written by Stephen Ambrose. It's the history of how the Transcontinental Railroad was built in the 19th Century. America is still that amazing place, though it's changed some. This video captures my sentiments perfectly:
[Video no longer available]
Ari Fleischer nailed it by saying that "It all comes from freedom, capitalism and innovation." The default position of the United States is growth, innovation and the occasional miracle that stuns the world. A friend of mine from Fingerhut was one of the most optimistic people I've ever met. He had a little sign in his office that fits this situation perfectly. It said "The difficult, we do immediately. The impossible takes a little bit longer."

We're still that people -- when politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Tim Walz and other Democrats get out of the way.

Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 12:58 AM

Comment 1 by Gretchen L Leisen at 20-Apr-20 02:10 PM
I am surprised that Nancy Pelosi has not been stuck with the nickname Marie Antoinette of 'let them eat cake' fame. I am not certain whether that quote is a real statement that MA made, but Nancy furnished proof positive in pictures that she is a 'let them eat ice cream'.

Walz's COVID-19 defensive posture

If any message came through today's COVID-19 email from Gov. Walz, it's that he's adopted a defensive posture. Rather than being part of the solution, Gov. Walz has been part of the problem. For instance, Gov. Walz's email talked about "Mental Health: If you're worried about a loved one, or if you want someone to talk to, know you can reach out. We have a website with mental health resources . You're not alone in this challenge."

Here's another thing it talked about:

Unemployment Support: Minnesota is one of the first states in the nation to implement both the $600 per week additional compensation and the 13 week extension of benefits available under the CARES Act. Find these and answers to other unemployment questions here .

You can find links to these resources and additional help for employers and employees, volunteer opportunities, and information about donating personal protective equipment our COVID-19 website .

It's all about coping with problems. While I get it that people are experiencing difficulties, people need to know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel and that the light isn't a train headed straight for them. People need to know that there's a reason why they're making these sacrifices. Flattening the curve isn't enough motivation.

While it's nice that golfing and fishing is now allowed, businesses need to start reopening. Some businesses are making preparations for that day. Gov. Walz should already have started lifting that ban in select counties. Here's what I wrote in this post :

In terms of confirmed infections, Scott County, Wright County and Stearns County have 23, 23 and 16. That ranks them T-15, T-15 and 22, respectively. Population-wise, Stearns ranks 7th in population, Scott County ranks 9th and Wright ranks 10th, respectively. Why aren't those counties open?

At this point, there's virtually no chance of those hospitals getting overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases. The businesses are ready to make the required adjustments. Why won't Gov. Walz reopen businesses in those counties? Does he want to get nicknamed Gov. Shutdown?

The DFL supports Gov. Walz's decisions thus far. Businesses are going bankrupt. Life savings are disappearing. The leader of the Democratic Party said yesterday on national TV that the best way to reopen the economy is to shelter-in-place :

CHRIS WALLACE: As you know, protests against the stay-at-home orders are growing across the country. People are taking to the streets, pushing back against some of the more stringent restrictions in some states. Can you understand why they're doing that?
HOUSE SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI: No, not really. Because what we have to do is - is - is shelter-in- place. That is really the answer. Testing, tracing, treatment, shelter-in-place. And I do think that it's unfortunate - but you know, people will do what they do.
But the fact is we're all impatient. We all want out. But what they're doing is really unfortunate because what is great, though is - are the American people. The American people know that the good health of themselves and their families and their loved ones is what is important. And that's why you have seen such an overwhelming commitment to shelter-in-place and distancing - people distancing.

Thus far, the DFL has stuck to that game plan. Why? Does the DFL think that we can just shelter-in-place until COVID-19 disappears? Does the DFL think that businesses will still exist in 2 years if we just shelter-in-place?

Political pressure is building to reopen soon . These protests aren't going away. They'll only get bigger:
[Video no longer available]

Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 8:34 AM

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Trump War Room on offensive

It's safe to say that the Trump War Room has gone on the offensive to put the Paycheck Protection Program, aka PPP, in the spotlight.

Then there's this news report:

Another loan/grant, another restaurant opens:

These businesses got help from President Trump's program. Now, they're getting hung out to dry by Nancy Pelosi, who is intent on running a) the economy into the ground and b) businesses into bankruptcy. This must stop immediately. Democrats are doing this to decimate the economy. This isn't hyperbole. Yesterday, Pelosi said that the best way to re-open the economy is to shelter-in-place. She literally said that.

It's possible to negotiate with reasonable people. It isn't possible to negotiate with someone like Nancy Pelosi because she's constantly a partisan hack. The next time she negotiates in good faith will be the first time. People are scrimping and saving to feed their families. Meanwhile, she's showing off her twin $24,000 freezers stocked with chocolate ice cream. Nothing says out-of-touch like $12-a-pint ice cream.

Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 9:57 AM

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Jay Inslee vs. the Constitution

Last Friday, Jay Inslee decided that protesting was "fomenting domestic rebellion" . Inslee, a former congressman, thinks that protesting his decisions, and the decisions of other governors, is harassment. If he can't take the heat, he should get his rotting carcass out of the proverbial kitchen.

Here's what Inslee said:

Inslee derided the president's tweets as "unhinged rantings." "His unhinged rantings and calls for people to 'liberate' states could also lead to violence," Inslee's statement said, according to Q13 FOX. "We've seen it before. The president is fomenting domestic rebellion and spreading lies even while his own administration says the virus is real and is deadly.'

What a total wimp. Do any of these Democrats have a spine? If they do, I haven't detected it yet. This is part of the Democrats' discredited playbook. Democrats insist that anything that a Republican says might "lead to violence." When Gabby Giffords was shot, people immediately indicted Sarah Palin for the shooting. The shooting was done by Jared Loughner, a troubled young man with mental issues.

Democrats need to stop telling whoppers like this. Their incendiary language is disgusting, dishonest and disheartening. It's got to stop immediately.

Inslee is one of those idiots that think the planet will die within the next 12 years if we don't stop climate change. He's essentially a socialist who thinks that government isn't intrusive enough. If you follow his career, you'll see that he's just a cookie cutter politician. Apparently, Inslee's brain is prohibited from accepting original thoughts.

Here's what Gov. Inslee told Anderson Cooper:
[Video no longer available]
First, you heard it. Gov. Inslee, one of the furthest left Democrats ever to run for president, said that his executive order was the law of the land. That's stunning. Shelter-in-place orders aren't laws. They're guidelines that aren't enforceable in the best of conditions. Each state constitution must comply with the US Constitution's system of checks and balances. An executive order is just that -- an order from the Executive Branch. There's no check or balance in a system like that. The executive signs it. It's filed. That's it in terms of process. Further, shelter-in-place orders aren't the law of the land because they violate the First Amendment because people have the right to protest. The Supreme Court ruled that speech is protected. Further, they ruled that political speech is the highest form of protected speech. Period. Anything that violates the Constitution is unenforceable. Period. If Inslee thinks that he can enforce laws that violate the Constitution, I'd love seeing him try. He'd get his butt kicked by the federal courts in a New York minute.

Later, Gov. Inslee pulls a stunt that's commonplace with Democrats when he said "To have a president of the United States willfully try to inspire people of the United States to disobey the law and possibly violate the law with potentially fatal consequences is unbelievably irresponsible." Is Inslee now interested in going into mindreading? Does he think that he's the next Nostradamus? First, he's wrong on the Constitution, then he's making projections about possible maybes? That's as solid as a house built on quicksand.

There's a reason why this idiot dropped out early. He's nuttier than AOC.

Posted Monday, April 20, 2020 9:30 PM

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