September 16-17, 2019

Sep 16 00:00 Kavanaugh re-hearing, Part XX
Sep 16 07:09 NYTimes 'bombshell goes bust
Sep 16 08:38 Tired of winning? I'm not
Sep 16 10:00 The hate-filled, fact-deprived Left

Sep 17 03:27 The Democrats' new normal?
Sep 17 08:30 O'Rourke, Harris vs. Constitution

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Kavanaugh re-hearing, Part XX

Isn't it a coincidence that this article just happened to pop up right after Jerry Nadler's impeachment inquiry fizzled, again. It seems like the fiftieth time on that. It feels like the fiftieth time that Democrats have brought forth unsubstantiated accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.

Democrats have put together another 'scandal' involving Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This time, a significant portion of the Democrats' presidential candidates insist that Justice Kavanaugh be impeached. According to this article, "Top 2020 Democratic contenders Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke, Cory Booker and Julian Castro announced on Sunday that Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh ' must be impeached ,' after a new, uncorroborated and disputed allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh surfaced in a weekend New York Times piece."

Apparently, Democrats don't care if they destroy Justice Kavanaugh's family, including his beautiful daughters. Remember this moment from Justice Kavanaugh's hearing?
[Video no longer available]
That's a moment I'll never forget. Conversely, I wish I could forget the torture that Democrats inflicted on Justice Kavanaugh's family. I wish I didn't have to know this BS:

The Times piece by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, adapted from their forthcoming book, asserted that a Kavanaugh classmate, Clinton-connected nonprofit CEO Max Stier, "saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student."

The Times did not mention Stier's work as a Clinton defense attorney, or Stier's legal battles with Kavanaugh during the Whitewater investigation, and simply called him a "respected thought leader."

Then there's this:

But, the Times' article also conspicuously did not mention that Pogrebin and Kelly's book found that the female student in question had denied any knowledge of the alleged episode. "The book notes, quietly, that the woman Max Stier named as having been supposedly victimized by Kavanaugh and friends denies any memory of the alleged event," observed The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway. "Seems, I don't know, significant."

The book reads: "[Tracy] Harmon, whose surname is now Harmon Joyce, has also refused to discuss the incident, though several of her friends said she does not recall it."

It isn't a coincidence that Ms. Blasey-Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, just admitted in a speech that Dr. Blasey-Ford had political motivations for testifying:
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This is frightening:

The Times went on to note in the article that it had "corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier," but the article apparently meant only that the Times had corroborated that Stier made his claim to the FBI. No first-hand corroboration of the alleged episode was apparently obtained.

In other words, the NYTimes' article is just about worthless. This story is just as corroborate as Ms. Blasey-Ford's initial accusation. This is just as frightening:

Nevertheless, Democrats announced a new effort to topple Kavanaugh. Hawaii Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono, who infamously said last year that Kavanaugh did not deserve a fair hearing because he might be pro-life, said the Senate Judiciary Committee should begin an impeachment inquiry to determine whether Kavanaugh lied to Congress.

Sen. Hirono should take a civics class from Dean Urdahl. Impeachment doesn't start in the Senate. Impeachment investigations start in the House because the House is the only body authorized by the Constitution to start articles of Impeachment.

These Do-Nothing Democrats haven't contributed a thing to make the United States better. That's why Democrats should be run out of Dodge, proverbially speaking.

Posted Monday, September 16, 2019 12:00 AM

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NYTimes 'bombshell goes bust

This weekend, the NYTimes 'reported' that "a freshman named Brett Kavanaugh pulled down his pants and thrust his penis at [Deborah Ramirez], prompting her to swat it away and inadvertently touch it." Here's how the NYTimes article opens:

Deborah Ramirez had the grades to go to Yale in 1983. But she wasn't prepared for what she'd find there. A top student in southwestern Connecticut, she studied hard but socialized little. She was raised Catholic and had a sheltered upbringing. In the summers, she worked at Carvel dishing ice cream, commuting in the $500 car she'd bought with babysitting earnings.

At Yale, she encountered students from more worldly backgrounds. Many were affluent and had attended elite private high schools. They also had experience with drinking and sexual behavior that Ms. Ramirez, who had not intended to be intimate with a man until her wedding night, lacked.

During the winter of her freshman year, a drunken dormitory party unsettled her deeply. She and some classmates had been drinking heavily when, she says, a freshman named Brett Kavanaugh pulled down his pants and thrust his penis at her, prompting her to swat it away and inadvertently touch it. Some of the onlookers, who had been passing around a fake penis earlier in the evening, laughed.

After that article ran this weekend, virtually all of the Democrats' presidential candidates called for Justice Kavanaugh's impeachment. Sen. Hirono, one of the Democrats who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, insisted that the Senate Judiciary Committee start an impeachment investigation into the matter. This was a big story this weekend.

This morning, "The New York Times suddenly made a major revision to a supposed bombshell piece late Sunday concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh -- hours after virtually all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates had cited the original article as a reason to impeach Kavanaugh." According to this article , " The update included the significant detail that several friends of the alleged victim said she did not recall the supposed sexual assault in question at all . The Times also stated for the first time that the alleged victim refused to be interviewed, and has made no comment about the episode."

Suffice it to say that the NYTimes and the Democrat presidential candidates have egg on their face this morning. Ditto with Sen. Hirono. They were so willing to pounce on this story because they saw it as the perfect opportunity to take down Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump with a single story. Now the NYTimes is apologizing :

It said "Also, a tweet that went out from the @NYTOpinion account yesterday was clearly inappropriate and offensive. We apologize for it and are reviewing the decision-making with those involved."

Here's Elizabeth Warren's tweet:

The nomination wasn't rammed through by any stretch of the imagination. What happened was that Democrats brought forth tons of unsubstantiated allegations once they knew Justice Kavanaugh would be confirmed. These allegations weren't substantiated. Democrats panicked because they were certain that Kavanaugh would be part of the 5-4 'Republican majority' that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

Amy Klobuchar stopped short of calling for impeachment, and instead posted a picture of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford with the words, "Let us never forget what courage looks like."

Let's never forget what dishonesty looks like:

Posted Monday, September 16, 2019 7:09 AM

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Tired of winning? I'm not

While campaigning, then-Candidate Trump would say that Americans would get tired of all the winning if they elected him. As the 2020 election nears, Victor Davis Hanson has written this article that's appropriately titled "Trumped Out?" I'm not. Give me 4 more years of this. I'm loving it.

Hanson is apparently loving it, too:

The August jobs report 'unexpectedly' reminds us that never have so many Americans been at work. The 3.7 percent unemployment rate continues to be the lowest peacetime unemployment figure in 50 years. Black and Hispanic unemployment remain at record lows. Workers' wages continue to rise. Talk of recession is belied by low interest, low inflation, low unemployment and a strong stock market. The result is that millions of Americans enjoy far better lives than they had in 2016.

If President Trump isn't re-elected, what will happen? Here's Hanson's opinion into that:

When we look to alternatives, all we seem to hear is multi-trillion-dollar hare-brained schemes from radical progressives and socialists masquerading as Democrats at a time of record national debt. The Green New Deal, Medicare for All, free healthcare for illegal aliens, reparations, the abolition of $1.5 trillion in student loan debt, and free tuition for all - are the stuff of fantasies and either would have to be repudiated by any of the Democratic nominees who actually was elected, or would destroy an already indebted nation.

That doesn't sound attractive. That's what would likely happen with a Democrat president. Democrats control the House. The woman who really runs the House is so radical that she thinks this isn't radical enough. I'm not talking about Nancy Pelosi. I'm talking about AOC. This is what awaits us if AOC ever assumes total control:

But these are not normal times. There is (for now) no longer a Democratic Party. Instead, it is a revolutionary Jacobin movement that believes socialism is our salvation, that identity politics is our creed, that gun confiscation is our duty, that the abrupt end of fossil fuels is coming very soon, that open borders is our new demography, and that the archetypical unmarried, childless, urban hipster is our model woke citizen.

Over my dead body. President Trump has had quite the effect on otherwise timid Republicans. Check out the 'Trump effect' on Lindsey Graham:
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It's important that traditional-thinking people decimate today's AOC Democrats. They're despicable. They're the antithesis of fair-minded. Today's AOC Democrats don't see the United States as the greatest protector of human rights or civil rights. Check out what Robert Francis O'Rourke thinks of your right to protect your family:
[Video no longer available]
Prof. Hanson is a historian by trade. When he makes statements about history, I pay attention. That's why I paid attention to this statement:

I cannot remember a moment in U.S. history when a presidential candidate conspired with the intelligence community of the lame-duck administration of the same party to destroy a presidential rival.

Robert Mueller forever discredited the idea of a special counsel, given his unprofessionalism, bias, and apparent incompetence that ate up 22 months of the Trump presidency. Even in the crude post-1960s, we have never seen anything like the current assassination rhetoric of Hollywood celebrities and the boasts of doing bodily harm to the president by his political opponents.

That's what AOC's Democratic Party is about. They're mostly interested in trampling anyone, whether it's a Republican, a Democrat who isn't sufficiently woke or an apolitical person, who doesn't march in lockstep with them. I don't agree with each of President Trump's tweets. I certainly disagreed with his idea of bringing the Taliban to Camp David. But I've literally thanked God that he's our president. I thank God because he's a fighter. As Prof. Hanson said, "After all that, the strange thing is not that Trump can be occasionally wearisome, but that he is even still breathing."

Posted Monday, September 16, 2019 8:38 AM

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The hate-filled, fact-deprived Left

If people needed additional proof that today's Democrats are hate-filled and fact-deprived, they need only check out E.J. Dionne's latest fact-deprived column . Included in Dionne's scribbling is this BS, which says "The costs of this approach were underscored this weekend by a New York Times report that offers new corroboration for charges by Deborah Ramirez that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her when both were undergraduates at Yale. In denying the charge, Kavanaugh told the Senate that had it been true, the incident would have been 'the talk of the campus.' Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly - drawing on their new book, 'The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation', write tellingly: 'Our reporting suggests that it was.'"

I'd love hearing Dionne's explanation for this column after this information came to light:

In a major revision late Sunday, a Times editor's note added a significant detail - that several friends of the alleged victim said she did not recall the purported sexual assault in question at all. The Times also stated for the first time that the alleged victim had refused to be interviewed and has made no comment about the episode.

"Significant detail", my arse. That's a bombshell that just dropped in the middle of the NYTimes' building. That begs the question of where these 'authors' got this information from. Did they make it up? Did a third party spoon-feed them this allegation? Wherever it came from, it certainly isn't truth-based.

Check this out:

Here is the institutionally devastating part of their story: Ramirez's legal team gave the FBI a list of "at least 25 individuals who may have had corroborating evidence" of her story. The bureau, the authors report, "interviewed none of them." Nor did the FBI look into Stier's account.

It's worth noting that "Stier" is a Clinton lawyer :

The Times did not mention Stier's work as a Clinton defense attorney, or Stier's legal battles with Kavanaugh during the Whitewater investigation, and simply called him a "respected thought leader."

Keep that in mind when reading this from E.J. Dionne's column:

Stier is president of the thoroughly bipartisan and widely respected Partnership for Public Service. From my experience, he is the last person who would want to get into the middle of an ideological fight - unless his conscience required him to.

Let's speculate a little. It's possible that Mr. Dionne's perspective on Stier is shaded by what I'd call Washingtonitis, sometimes known as DCitis. Remember how often the DC media told us that Robert Mueller was a straight shooter and how Jim Comey was a "boy scout"? How many people still think that?

Like the NYTimes, I'm betting that E.J. Dionne is wiping egg off his face. This is pretty much the only thing in Dionne's article that I agree with:

But it was such a sharply constrained investigation that neither Kavanaugh nor Ford was questioned, and the other allegations against Kavanaugh were ignored. ' The process was a sham ,' Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), a member of the Judiciary Committee who is seeking her party's presidential nomination, said Sunday on ABC's 'This Week.' She was not being hyperbolic. In the wake of the new revelations, three other Democratic contenders quickly called for Kavanaugh's impeachment.

There's no question that the process was a sham. At the last minute, Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats brought forth one unsubstantiated allegation after another. What's most disgusting is that they're still bringing forth unsubstantiated hate-filled allegations after Justice Kavanaugh has been confirmed.

Initially, Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats wanted to disqualify then-Judge Kavanaugh the 'normal way'. When it became apparent that wouldn't work, Democrats chose the unsubstantiated allegations path. This is a slimy path only used by hate-filled ideologues. Thank God for Lindsey Graham's speech:
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Lindsey Graham laid out the crap that Justice Kavanaugh and his family went through. That's the real sham. Democrats should be obliterated for their vicious conduct. May E.J. Dionne and Senate Judiciary Democrats rot in hell together.

Posted Monday, September 16, 2019 10:00 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 16-Sep-19 08:12 PM
"Facts? We don't need no stinking facts! We have the MSM to perpetrate our lies until the braindead public believes they are true." signed - progressive socialists.

P.S. - We don't care how many lives are ruined with our lies.

Comment 2 by eric a at 17-Sep-19 12:14 PM
Chad - Now, now, be civil. You and Gary need to tell readers again what is wrong with Joe Biden. Unless you like the guy. Chad - what about the media touting Joe? That has zippo to do with progressivism. All to do with money buying what is for sale.

The Democrats' new normal?

This weekend's hit piece on Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the NYTimes is a new low for the former Paper of Record. The NYTimes isn't anything except the Democrats' version of Pravda. Still, it's worth noting that a pattern is emerging from this article. It's apparent that Democrats will do anything to stop the Republicans' Supreme Court nominees unless they're named Merrick Garland.

Smearing an innocent man and his family has become the Democrats' new normal. Protecting Roe v. Wade has become an ends-justify-the-means fight in the Democrats' minds. First, Democrats vilified Justice Kavanaugh with one smear after another, starting with Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford, then with Julie Swetnick (she's the one that said Justice Kavanaugh was at a series of house parties where young women were gang-raped.) That's why it isn't surprising that they'd attempt to smear Justice Kavanaugh with allegations of sexual misconduct involving Deborah Ramirez and an unnamed co-ed at Yale.

It's frightening to think that Democrats would sink so low that they'd ruin an entire family's life just to protect their political agenda. Still, that's what's happening. I'm old enough to remember Ted Kennedy's attack of Judge Robert Bork , where Sen. Kennedy said of Judge Bork "Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is -- and is often the only -- protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy."

At the time of Kennedy's full frontal assault on Judge Bork, this was unheard of. Kennedy's vicious, unsubstantiated attack would be considered mild by today's standards. That isn't the frightening part. Today's attacks on Justice Kavanaugh will be considered temperate compared to what Democrats will do if there's a healthy-sized GOP majority in the Senate and President Trump gets to nominate the person who replaces Justice Ginsburg.

Democrats will launch the longest-lasting, nastiest smear campaigns in the history of this nation. They'll accuse that nominee of being the worst human since the Romans paid Judas Iscariot thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus.

I take issue with the speech that Sen. McConnell gave on the Senate floor Monday. First, here's the video of Sen. McConnell's speech:
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It isn't that I disagree with what Sen. McConnell said. Sen. McConnell's information is more accurate than the NYTimes' article that started this high-voltage firestorm. To repeat a phrase coined by the late, great Charles Krauthammer, "Sen. McConnell, you aren't cynical enough." The Democrats' intentions are apparent and two-fold. First, Democrats intend to destroy the families of Republican Supreme Court nominees. If they have to make things up, that's what they'll do without hesitation. If they need to start a smear campaign based totally on unsubstantiated allegations from 25 years in the past, that's what Democrats will do without hesitation.

Republicans need to understand that, to Democrats, the fight for the Supreme Court is an existential threat. Without the Supreme Court, Democrats lose too many fights for the Democrats' liking. Democrats are hyperventilating at the thought of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals not being heavily tilted in their direction. The thought of the Ninth being balanced equally between Republican and Democrat appointees frightens Democrats greatly. This should frighten the American people:

'Six of the Democrat presidential candidates, plus one who has now quit to run for the Senate, have publicly flirted with packing the Supreme Court. Court-packing. Today's bold new Democrat idea is a failed power grab from the 1930s. Just a few weeks ago, some Senate Democrats nakedly threatened the Supreme Court justices in writing. Our colleagues sent the Court an outlandish brief, gravely intoning that 'the Supreme Court is not well.' Here was the punchline: Either issue rulings we like or we'll pack the court. This is not normal political behavior. These are the actions of a political party whose agenda is so alien to the Constitution that they feel threatened by fair and faithful judges.

The best way to win these confirmation fights is to re-elect President Trump and strengthen Mitch McConnell's Senate majority.

That's the best way to thwart the Democrats' attempt to impose a new normal on the courts.

Posted Tuesday, September 17, 2019 3:27 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 17-Sep-19 12:08 PM
Bork fired Archibald Cox. That is his place in history. At least he is now dead. Few people deserve that epitaph, but Bork did.

Comment 2 by Gretchen L Leisen at 17-Sep-19 01:05 PM
What Gary has written here is the absolute truth and not an exaggeration. As a lover of my country, I worry constantly about our future as a bastion of freedom. It would b e easy to descend into depression about it, and only my faith in a loving God has kept me with any sense of hope. In addition to everyone who loves freedom and our country getting active and actually promoting the rights enumerated in our constitution, we must also acknowledge what we are fighting against: The Democrat Party and its allies - the news media, our education establishment, our entertainment media, and some faiths which do not respect the Bill of Rights and human dignity. We need to add one major thing to our arsenal against the drift toward totalitarianism: a return to prayer. History has recorded many times when the Almighty God intervened in human crises and changed the course of civilization. Now is the time to beseech the living God to come to our aid.

O'Rourke, Harris vs. Constitution

Thursday night's debate showed just how much contempt Democrat presidential candidates have for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Kamala Harris said that she'd issue an executive order to confiscate (my word, not hers) AR-15s and AK-47s if Congress didn't act on banning assault weapons. I quoted from the DC v. Heller case in this post why she'd get slammed 9-0 in the Supreme Court:

Miller's holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those "in common use at the time" finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54-56. 3. The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District's total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of 'arms' that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense.

The Supreme Court has ruled that guns that are in common use are beyond Congress because they're protected by the Second Amendment. Period.

Harris isn't the only Democrat that thinks they're above the Constitution. Robert Francis O'Rourke, the rich brat from El Paso, went on this tirade during the debate:
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O'Rourke himself is just a punk who won't be president. With that tirade, he took himself out of the running for being a serious challenger to Sen. Cornyn, too. That's why I couldn't care less about Robert Francis. What I'm bothered about was the applause he received from the audience at the Democrats' debate in Houston. Those idiots are our neighbors, co-workers and friends.

This is what happens when our schools don't emphasize civics in the classroom. Increasingly, our society thinks that they're beyond the law and the Constitution. Chief of those that think that way is AOC. Harris apparently thinks that she can ignore the Constitution , too:
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Harris responded, "I would just say, hey, Joe, instead of saying, no, we can't, let's say, yes, we can. And yes, we can. Because I'll tell you something, the way that I think about this is, I've seen more autopsy photographs than I care to tell you. I have attended more police officer funerals than I care to tell you. I have hugged more mothers of homicide victims than I care to tell you. And the idea that we would wait for this Congress, which has just done nothing, to act, is just - it is overlooking the fact that every day in America, our babies are going to school to have drills."

To Sen. Harris: I've read the Bill of Rights. It trumps the autopsy pictures that Sen. Harris has seen. It trumps the attempt to play on victims' emotions, too.

Perhaps it's just me but Sen. Harris sounded like she was high when she said "Hey, Joe, instead of saying 'no, we can't,' let's say 'yes, we can.' That laughter made her sound like she was high.

Whether Sen. Harris was high or not, she's definitely wrong on the Constitution.

Posted Tuesday, September 17, 2019 8:30 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 17-Sep-19 12:04 PM
Healthcare reform is the issue. Bernie and Liz are right, Biden is an owned disaster. But talking beyond those three is unrealistic.

If Joe Biden is foisted off on us I may have to seriously consider voting for Trump. Four more years vs the disaster of eight Biden years, etc.

And, hey. Your guy fired Bolten. What better can be said of Trump than that? Sooner would have been better.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 17-Sep-19 05:54 PM
The democrat (progressive socialists that is) are a complete disaster and are only trying to outdo each other knowing full well that can't keep any of their promises.

The mask is off these bat crap crazy candidates now that Harris and the Irish guy let it out that they really do want to take our guns away.

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