September 1-3, 2019

Sep 01 01:09 Collegiate socialists' stupidity
Sep 01 02:30 St. Cloud Tech lessons learned
Sep 01 02:50 Is Esme Murphy a DFL operative?

Sep 02 03:17 The Biden gaffe storyline
Sep 02 03:38 Michelle Benson's mission
Sep 02 04:53 Minnesota's Bomba Squad
Sep 02 16:16 Biden's mistakes, Rendell's spin
Sep 02 23:00 Is Collin Peterson in trouble?

Sep 03 06:10 Gov. Cuomo's looming crisis

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Collegiate socialists' stupidity

Let's be blunt about something. Today's collegiate-aged socialists aren't too bright. Let me rephrase. A high percentage of them are downright stupid. Even more are historically ignorant. Victor Davis Hanson's latest article offers proof of that accusation.

Progressive elitism is best seen on college campuses, where tuition costs rise at higher rates than everything except health insurance premiums after passage of the ACA. Meanwhile, the students' bang-for-their-buck-ratio hasn't positively increased in ages. That's directly attributable to the ratio of junk degrees to worthwhile degrees. That, in turn, has led to mountains of student loan debt. Let's pick up Prof. Hanson's article at that point:

College-educated Americans collectively owe an estimated $1.5 trillion in unpaid student loans. Many of these debtors despair of ever paying the huge sums back. Canceling debt is an ancient socialist rallying cry. Starting over with a clean slate appeals to those "oppressed" with college loans.

A force multiplier of debt is the realization that many students borrowed to focus on mostly irrelevant college majors. Such degrees usually offer few opportunities to find jobs high-paying enough to pay back staggering obligations.

In other words, the federal government spent too many advertising dollars insisting that students would face desolation with degrees from 4-year universities. As a direct result of that dishonesty, students took out billions of dollars in student loans for Masters Degrees in Social Responsibility or one of the complaint degrees. (Think anything with the word Studies behind it.)

There's a way to eliminate these degrees but it requires a spine, either from politicians or administrators or both. In other words, what's required falls on the shoulders of students and parents because relying on politicians and pointy-headed academicians is foolish. The best way to prevent the elimination of $1,500,000,000,000 in student loan debt is by telling high school students that there are tons of great jobs paying lots of money that a) don't require college degrees and that b) won't require taking out $100,000 in student loans.

Just to stick the shiv in a little deeper, remind them of Cousin Alan, who graduated with a degree in Social Justice, has $75,000 in outstanding student loans and who now flips burgers at McDonalds for $8.50/hr.

Thanks to this strong Trump economy, lots of students with tons of student loan debt can find jobs that will pay off their loans faster. I'm serious when I say "Good for them." I literally want everyone prospering. The difference between me and Democrat elitists like Elizabeth Warren is that I don't care if there's a disparity between what they make & what I make. Income inequality isn't that big of a deal as long as I have a roof over my head, food to eat and enough to enjoy life a little.

Socialists haven't figured out that socialism is a con. It sounds good but it fails every time it's tried. At some point, shouldn't socialists realize that they're playing a rigged game? The game is rigged because, with socialism, there isn't a middle class, which means there isn't upward mobility. Whether you're talking about the Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota or the former Soviet Union, socialism requires a system where there are oligarchs and there are poor people and nobody in between. Put differently, with socialism, you have 2 classes: the haves and the have nothings.

Finally, voting for Democrats isn't the solution, as shown in this interview:

Voting Democrat to solve the problem is like hiring an arsonist as a consultant to the fire department. It's outright stupidity.

Posted Sunday, September 1, 2019 1:09 AM

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St. Cloud Tech lessons learned

This Our View Editorial highlights the short-sightedness of the St. Cloud Times. The subject of the Our View editorial is the new Tech HS that will officially open Tuesday. One of the lessons we supposedly learned is that "If Central Minnesotans have learned anything in the past decade, it's that investments in school facilities are rarely quickly decided. It can take several years and several rounds of proposals to find out the will of the people."

Actually, what I'd learn from that statement is that the school board could get things done faster if they listened to their constituents instead of making a proposal, then putting the school board's proposal up for a vote. I know it's a revolutionary concept but I'm betting that listening to the people who will be asked to foot the bill for projects might improve the ideas the board votes on.

That concept is rooted in William F. Buckley's that he'd rather be governed by people randomly picked out of a phone book than by a bunch of elitists. I'm wholeheartedly with Mr. Buckley on that.

For all intents and purposes, I was the No Vote organizer on the first Tech building referendum that got defeated . The St. Cloud Times ruined the ISD 742 strategy when it wrote that they were "disappointed" that they hadn't seen more yard signs promoting the Tech building referendum. The minute I read that, I knew that Willie Jett and the ISD 742 school board were trying to silently pass the referendum without telling the community at large.

In other words, the education elitists didn't want the hoi polloi finding out about the referendum. The school board knew that their proposal was, at minimum, controversial. They wanted to keep turnout down. As the Vote No coordinator, I wanted to whip voters into a frenzied mob. On November 3, 2015, the referendum lost by a wide margin. (I guess I did my job pretty well.)

My next goal is to get people to understand why it's important to flush the establishment critters off the school board ASAP. People hear about universities being centers of indoctrination. It's indisputable that they tilt heavily to the left but it's equally indisputable that indoctrination doesn't start on university campuses. It starts in Kindergarten, grade schools and high schools.

If people don't start asserting themselves, we'll have students who are heavily indoctrinated before they're junior high students. As an activist/leader, LFR will publish something on this topic soon.

Posted Sunday, September 1, 2019 2:30 AM

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Is Esme Murphy a DFL operative?

My blood boils whenever I watch this video of Esme Murphy's interview of Ilhan Omar:
[Video no longer available]
How dare Omar say that she didn't want to discuss her "personal life" with Murphy. The only thing that's worse is that Murphy essentially stopped that line of questioning of Rep. Omar immediately. Does Murphy think she's a DFL operative? Or does she think of herself as a journalist/reporter? If she considers herself the latter, then she's kidding herself. When Bret Baier interviews a controversial figure, it's considered standard operating procedure for him to ask multiple questions to get the whole truth. If that makes the interviewee uncomfortable or squirm, then that's how it is. The same is true of Harris Faulkner and David Asman.

That isn't standard operating procedure with Murphy, at least when she's interviewing DFL politicians. DFL politicians enjoy being interviewed by Murphy because they know they'll get the kid glove treatment.

Posted Sunday, September 1, 2019 2:50 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 01-Sep-19 07:07 AM
The Republican strategy of "Let's all run against Ilhen Omar" will energize the CPAC base. So?

Jason Lewis and Draz will be elected because Ilhen Omar said/did this or that? I like the policies she ran on, and still do.

I wish she was my Rep. By geography I get stuck with a troglodyte in CD6. I would not vote for Jason Lewis for dog catcher.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 01-Sep-19 10:40 PM
Fair enough, Eric. Unlike Antifa, I heartily encourage the free flow of opposing opinions. I've long felt that the spirited exchange of ideas makes everyone better.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 02-Sep-19 03:41 PM
The Democrat policy of "Let's all run against Trump" is going to energize the progressives/socialists? Only those professing to give everything away for free energizes the them.

Ilhan got elected because she's in a district that would have elected a piece of dog poop as long as it had a D behind the name. I dislike what she ran on to get elected and she sure isn't doing anything like she ran on and is just doing what she was "destined" to do. Listen to the interview to get that nugget. She should be removed from congress for her proven illegal activities and possibly thrown out of the country if all the other alleged activities are found to be true. She is a terrible person hiding behind her race and religion.

I wish the "troglodyte" in CD-6 was my Rep. By geography, I get stuck with worthless Betty McCollum who is more concerned that the language on a grant application makes the worthless green line LRT sound like it's crime infested (it is) than actually doing anything useful in her district. I would not vote for a progressive/socialist for anything.

I love the fill in the blank replies.

Comment 3 by eric z at 03-Sep-19 09:32 AM
Chad - I thought Bruce Vento did a better job before his unfortunate death. And, I'd swap Reps with you in a heartbeat, making both of us happier.

The Biden gaffe storyline

It's time to get rid of the Biden-gaffe storyline. It's fiction. It isn't reality. What's worse is that it's MSM-created fiction designed to protect the Democrats' weak frontrunner. I believe that Biden is the Democrats' frontrunner, albeit the weakest frontrunner in years.

It's fiction that VP Biden is gaffe-prone. That's the polite way of saying that he isn't that bright. Biden isn't that disciplined either. The story about Biden talking about going to a FOB to give a Navy captain a medal isn't just fiction. It's an intentional attempt to make himself look patriotic. It's a disgusting attempt to sound heroic. Instead of sounding heroic, Biden sounds like Brian Williams in Iraq or Hillary Clinton's story running from a helicopter under gunfire in Bosnia as First Lady.

Here's an abbreviated version of Biden's story:
[Video no longer available]
Let's get serious here. Biden apparently doesn't understand what he did wrong :

Later on Thursday, Biden said in an interview with The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart on his "Cape Up" podcast: "I was making the point how courageous these people are, how incredible they are, this generation of warriors, these fallen angels we've lost. I don't know what the problem is. What is it that I said wrong?"

Here's what the Washington Post wrote about Biden's story:

But in last week's retelling in particular, the Post report found, Biden flubbed a number of details, including the location of the encounter, the period of time during which it took place, the act of heroism, the kind of medal awarded, his own role in the ceremony, and the recipient's military branch and rank.

If VP Biden wants to call me and ask me what the problem is, here's what I'll tell him:

It's wrong to put yourself in a position of prominence that you weren't in. Further, it's wrong to get virtually every important detail wrong about the ceremony you witnessed. Finally, it's entirely possible to speak of these heroic soldiers' incredible acts without making it sound like you were placing yourself in harm's way. Other than that, you did nothing wrong.

Let's be clear about this. VP Biden attempted to sound like he was putting his life on the line as vice president to add drama to the story. Let's also be clear about this. There's no questioning whether this soldier was heroic. That's indisputable. What's disputable is whether Sen. Biden (his rank at the time) was heroic. Finally, Biden has been telling this fiction for years. Why did the MSM just pick up on it now? Is it because one of Biden's opponents decide they wanted to eliminate the frontrunner?

Joe Biden isn't gaffe-prone. Here's the definition of a gaffe :

a social blunder; faux pas.

Biden lied repeatedly about this incident. This isn't the first time he's told this story. It's the most recent. When Biden said "I don't know what the problem is", I believe him. I think he's thinking 'What's going on here? I've told that story a dozen times before and nobody questioned me.'

This is a situation where multiple parties did wrong. The MSM didn't say anything until questioned by Biden's opponents. Biden was wrong for telling this story, too. Both the MSM and Biden should be pilloried for this stunt. Thirdly, if one of Biden's opponents for the Democrat nomination is the one that tipped off the MSM, then they should be criticized, too. That's because they're cowards.

Posted Monday, September 2, 2019 3:17 AM

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Michelle Benson's mission

To say that Michelle Benson is on a mission to fix the graft and corruption within the Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) is understatement. Sen. Benson hasn't let up in her pursuit of answers into why Democrats ignored the corruption within the Department. According to this official statement , Sen. Benson sent out questions to key figures in the recent crisis.

According to the statement, "During the HHS hearing on August 13, Senator Michelle Benson told DHS officials she would provide written questions for the department to answer. Questions were sent on August 19 to Carolyn Ham, Acting Commissioner Pam Wheelock, and Deputy Commissioners Chuck Johnson and Claire Wilson. Benson did receive acknowledgment the questions were received by Acting Commissioner Wheelock. However, with another hearing scheduled for September 4, Benson has not received substantial responses to the requests, nor has she received responses the data practices requests made in July."

In other words, political appointees within DHS have refused to cooperate with the legislature's legitimate oversight responsibilities. I wrote here that Jodi Harpstead, Gov. Walz's appointee to replace Commissioner Lourey, has a history of specializing in hiding important details from authorities.

Ms. Harpstead hasn't assumed her position as Commissioner but the Department has already started with hiding things from the legislature. Imagine how tight-lipped they'll be when Ms. Harpstead, aka the silence-meister, takes over as Commissioner.

Check out these questions to these people:

View the written questions:
Questions to Acting Commissioner Pam Wheelock
Questions to Carolyn Ham
Questions to Chuck Johnson
Questions to Claire Wilson

It's pretty obvious that these employees specialize in hiding information from taxpayers. It's equally obvious that these employees think that they don't answer to anyone.

Sen. Benson realizes that that's a problem. That's why she's on a mission.

Posted Monday, September 2, 2019 3:38 AM

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Minnesota's Bomba Squad

When Fox Sports North's Audra Martin interviewed Eddie Rosario, Twins fans have enjoyed cheering on the Twins' "Bomba Squad". It's pretty clear the Twins and their fans are enjoying their moment:
[Video no longer available]
When the Twins started the season, I was one of the people that thought that the Twins had a chance to dethrone Cleveland as the AL North Division champions. This team made some important signings that weren't the high-profile signing like Bryce Harper or Manny Machado but important nonetheless. The most important addition, it turns out, was the man nicknamed Boomstick by his teammates. Nelson Cruz, aka NC23, has led this Twins offense all season. He deserves to be the AL MVP. At age 39, he's hitting .309 with 34 home runs and 91 RBIs. That's a plenty productive season for most guys. Boomstick has achieved that with a month left in the season and despite 2 stints on the injured list. If not for that time on the IL, he'd likely have 40 HRs and 100+ RBIs already.

Cruz's importance goes far beyond his statistics. His insight has transformed Miguel Sano this season. Sano's at-bats look much more professional this season. Despite missing the first month+ of the season, he's still hit 26 HRs while driving in 58 runs. None of his RBIs were bigger than these:
[Video no longer available]
The Twins Saturday in the park was record-setting but it ended in a Twins loss. The Twins hit 6 solo home runs, which gave them 268 home runs for the season. That eclipses the MLB record for most home runs in a season by a team. That record was set last year by the NY Yankees with 267 home runs. The Twins also set the record for most players with 20 home runs in a season when Jorge Polanco, this year's starting shortstop for the American League in the AL All Star Game, hit his 20th home run.

Other charter members of the Twins Bomba Squad (besides Boomstick, Sano and Polanco) are Max Kepler, Eddie Rosario, Mitch Garver, C.J. Cron and Jonathan Schoop. Other Twins hitters worthy of consideration are Marwin Gonzalez, Byron Buxton and Jason Castro.

The thing that makes the Twins such a dangerous team is that they're totally comfortable beating their opponents with bombas or with singles. Sunday, the Twins ambushed Detroit with 5 runs in the second inning. None of the hits were cheap but none were home runs either. The Twins won 8-3 with 11 singles and 1 double. That isn't surprising considering this information. According to this, the Twins have a slugging percentage of .504 and an OPS of .843. Their team batting average is .272, which ranks 3rd in the American League.

The Twins now lead Cleveland by 5.5 games with 27 games left in their season. At this point, that makes them the favorite to win the AL North Division championship. This promises to be quite the fun month of baseball. For those Twins fans with FoxSportsNorth, this promises to be a fun week. After today's game with Detroit, the Twins fly into Boston for 3 games with Boston before starting a homestand against Cleveland.

As the saying goes, this is the time of year that fans wait for. This is when legends and memories are made. Finally, in a just world, Boomstick would win the AL MVP. Either him or Houston's Alex Bregman. Unfortunately, this isn't a just world. It's likely that the BBWAA (the acronym for the Base Ball Writers Association of America), will likely give the award to Mike Trout, the best player in baseball. Trout deserves the Player of the Year award but he doesn't deserve the AL MVP award. Trout's team hasn't been in the pennant race since the All Star break. They're 24 games out of first place. Being the best player on a 4th place team isn't what I'd consider MVP credentials.

Posted Monday, September 2, 2019 5:18 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 02-Sep-19 03:44 PM
The Twins have been having a great season but we all know it won't mean a thing if they fail to get past the first round of the playoffs.

Biden's mistakes, Rendell's spin

Ed Rendell isn't doing Joe Biden any favors with his spin. That's what this op-ed essentially is. The spin is especially thick when Rendell wrote "To us, gaffes by candidates are huge news; sometimes they wind up featured on the front page of newspapers. But often, average Americans don't think that what we insiders consider a gaffe truly is a gaffe - or they really don't care whether candidates are prone to gaffes."

Shame on Gov. Rendell for insisting that Vice President Biden's statements are gaffes. That's spin and he knows it. What we're watching is the deterioration of Vice Biden's mental capacity. When you say that "poor kids are just as smart as white kids", that isn't a gaffe. That's a hint of prejudice. When you repeatedly say that, as Vice President, you pinned a medal on a "young Navy captain" who then told you that he didn't want it because the man he tried to save had died, that isn't a gaffe. That's a lie.

When a former Secretary of Defense says that the former Vice President was wrong about every major foreign policy issue over the past 30+ years, that indicates that Mr. Biden wasn't the brightest bulb to start with and that he's lost something off his fastball since.

Rendell then uses a foolish argument:

If Biden becomes the Democratic Party's nominee, let's remember he would be running against a "Liar-in-Chief" who probably makes misstatements two or three times a week, at least.

In other words, people shouldn't pay attention to Biden's feeble intellectual ability because the other guy is worse. This is Biden's next gaffe:

Does anyone think that voters don't care about defending themselves? That's what Biden is essentially arguing against. It isn't unfair to say that Joe Biden hasn't thought things through lately. Based on past performances, I don't think it's a stretch to think that Mr. Biden has had that problem most of his political life.

Posted Monday, September 2, 2019 4:16 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 03-Sep-19 08:52 AM
There is a sentiment among some, Nobody But Bernie And Elizabeth-- Preferably On The Same Ticket. That phrase can be googled. However, LFR readers should think, have they a Dem "dream ticket" they'd most like to see in a Trump/Pence second term shot. While Gary thinks Pence is secure as second, my guess is a Trump/Haley ticket would be stronger. If Haley would sign on now, that way, or wait is the question.

Comment 2 by Nana at 03-Sep-19 02:10 PM
He is out of touch with reality. He is protected from tragedy with firearms toting security, 24/7. Why does he think I should be a sitting duck when he is a sitting pompous ass? I have as much right to defend myself as he does. The fact that taxpayers foot his security bill while I have to pay my own tab, is irrelevant. We both; we ALL, deserve the right to be protected.

Is Collin Peterson in trouble?

After I got this news , the first thing I wondered was whether Collin Peterson is in trouble.

In 2018, which was a pretty strong DFL year, Peterson won by 4.26% . In 2016, Peterson won by 5.03% . In 2014, Peterson won by 8.45% . In 2012, Peterson won by 25+ percent .

There's no question whether the district is trending in the GOP's direction. The only question left is whether this is the year that Peterson finally meets his match. One thing that's for certain is that this race will get tons more money pumped into it over the next year. Another thing that's certain is that this race suddenly became one of the highest profile races to watch this cycle.

Here is Lt. Gov. Fischbach's official statement:

PAYNESVILLE, MN - Former Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach today announced she is running for Congress in Minnesota's 7th Congressional District. Fischbach will challenge Democrat Congressman Collin Peterson, who has been in Washington for nearly 30 years. Fischbach was the most recent Republican to hold statewide office in Minnesota when she ascended from her role as President of the Senate to Lieutenant Governor in 2018.

'After much consultation and prayer with my family, I have decided to run for Congress,' said Fischbach. 'Western Minnesota families deserve a representative who will fight for their values in Washington and support President Trump's agenda - not the socialist agenda of Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, and the rest of the squad. People here believe in our constitutional rights. They believe in the right to life. They believe in making sure the next generation has the opportunity to pursue the American dream right here in Western Minnesota.'

Before serving as Lieutenant Governor, Fischbach served in the Minnesota Senate. After the 2010 election, the Minnesota Senate selected Fischbach to serve as President of the Senate, making her the first woman in Minnesota history to serve in that role. After the 2016 election, Fischbach was again selected by the Minnesota Senate to serve as President of the Senate, a position she would hold until she ascended to Lieutenant Governor in 2018.

"Collin Peterson no longer represents Western Minnesota values," added Fischbach. "One of his first votes this Congress was to ban the wall, and he votes against President Trump 85 percent of the time. Unlike Peterson, I will work with President Trump to secure our borders, build the wall, fight against the Democrats' socialist agenda, and keep America great."

About Michelle Fischbach:

Michelle Fischbach is a trailblazer and a proven conservative leader. She recently served as the 49th Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota, ascending to that position following the resignation of her predecessor. She was the first woman in Minnesota history to serve as President of the Minnesota Senate - initially from 2011-12 and then again from 2017-18. She also served as Chairman of the Senate Higher Education Committee. She was first elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1996 and served until 2018. She holds a B.A. from St. Cloud State University and a J.D. from William Mitchell College of Law. She and her husband, Scott, live in the Paynesville area and have two grown children and five grandchildren.

About Minnesota's 7th Congressional District:

Minnesota's 7th Congressional District is the most pro-Trump district in the country held by a Democrat. In 2016, President Trump carried the district by nearly 31 percentage points. According to The Cook Political Report, the district has a Partisan Voting Index (PVI) of R+12. According to FiveThirtyEight, in the 116th Congress, Congressman Peterson has voted against President Trump's agenda 85% of the time.

Highlighting the fact that Peterson has voted against President Trump 85% of the time has to hurt Peterson. If he had voted with Trump 40%-50% of the time, he might be able to deflect the ads that are certainly heading in Peterson's direction. That's especially true in a district that Trump took by 31 points in 2016.

Further, the DFL can't paint Fischbach as a TEA Party radical, though I'm certain that they'll attempt that. The other thing we can count on is Nancy Pelosi's PAC dumping $2,000,000-$4,000,000 into this race. Losing this race is something she can't afford if she wants to keep her Speaker's Gavel.

I won't predict the outcome of this race at this point but I won't hesitate in stating that Peterson's seat is legitimately in trouble this time.

Originally posted Monday, September 2, 2019, revised 03-Sep 5:21 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 03-Sep-19 09:15 AM
'Collin Peterson no longer represents Western Minnesota values,' added Fischbach. 'One of his first votes this Congress was to ban the wall, and he votes against President Trump 85 percent of the time. Unlike Peterson, I will work with President Trump to secure our borders, build the wall, fight against the Democrats' socialist agenda, and keep America great.'

That is a big promise to the CD7 people. Has she left anything out the electorate there might care about, or has she hit all of the District's concerns?

Beyond that - She has name recognition in her favor. She looks to be the first Republican to declare as a CD7 candidate. Gary and readers, are there any other likely filings, or is this decision by MF setting the entire District contest early?

Gov. Cuomo's looming crisis

You'd think that a Fordham-educated politician like Andrew Cuomo would be able to understand simple math. Apparently, that's above his pay grade. According to this article , Gov. Cuomo either is too dishonest to tell New Yorkers that his policies have led to this looming crisis or he's too beholden to the environmental activists to do the right thing for the average New Yorker.

New York, California and Minnesota especially need to stop with their outright disdain for fossil fuels and mining. It isn't healthy but it is counterproductive. Here's what's happening in New York:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo doubled down last week on his blame-the-messenger approach to New York's growing shortage of natural-gas supplies by ordering the Department of Public Service to "broaden its investigation" of National Grid and threatening to "find another franchisee." Anything, rather than admit that his own policies are at fault.

The utility has stopped taking new gas customers in parts of Long Island, Brooklyn and Queens where it can't handle the new demand - because Team Cuomo vetoed the proposed Williams pipeline to bring in supplies from New Jersey. (Jersey is also blocking the pipeline, since Gov. Phil Murphy is appeasing the same green extremists.)

National Grid gave months of warning that it would need to impose the moratorium if fresh supplies weren't ensured. Con Ed did the same in advance of its recent new-biz moratorium in most of Westchester, which was also prompted in good part by the nixing of new pipelines.

Gov. Cuomo's policies are mainstream Democrat policies. That's the problem. In a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by 2,000,000 voters, idiotic ideas can pass because they're that month's flavor-of-the-month trend. It doesn't matter if the policy hurts 200,000-400,000 people. If it's trending in popularity, that's what matters in New York. Whether it fixes anything is irrelevant. This is what Gov. Cuomo gets excited about:

That photo says one thing to him -- reelection. That's all he cares about. He won't care about the crisis until it hits. Even then, he'll do as little to fix the problem as possible. Most likely, if he acts, it will be a short-term fix.

Democrats aren't about doing what's right for the long-term. They're mostly about maintaining power.

Posted Tuesday, September 3, 2019 6:10 AM

Comment 1 by J. Ewing at 04-Sep-19 09:25 AM
"maintaining power" How ironic.

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