October 2011 Posts

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

01-Oct-11 Denise Cardinal: President Obama on people's side
01-Oct-11 Newt's tour de force interview, Part I
01-Oct-11 Newt's tour de force interview, Part II
01-Oct-11 Finally, a Glimmer of Sanity

02-Oct-11 President Obama: People don't trust government
02-Oct-11 Attention Supercommittee Republicans: Stand your ground
02-Oct-11 Obama's Bummer Fundraiser
02-Oct-11 MEDIA ALERT: Mitch & Gary vs. the Forces of Evil
02-Oct-11 DFL Shill Sturdevant Ignoring Reality

03-Oct-11 Inside Late Debate's Redistricting Free-for-all
03-Oct-11 Forced unionization of child care businesses story won't die
03-Oct-11 How President Potter blew it with Aviation shutdown decision
03-Oct-11 Dramatic pilot shortages question President Potter's decision

04-Oct-11 Taking President Obama's threats lightly
04-Oct-11 Dayton to host Duluth jobs summit
04-Oct-11 Daily Kos previews campaign against Mitt
04-Oct-11 Adams' book, New Black Panther pictures, paint Obama as black radical
04-Oct-11 How appropriate: Guest of Honor at DFL Founders Day Dinner is Socialist Bernie Sanders
04-Oct-11 DFL didn't learn Stimulus didn't work
04-Oct-11 BREAKING: Christie Isn't Running

05-Oct-11 Setting Jeff Rosenberg straight

06-Oct-11 Gov. Dayton postpones mining projects
06-Oct-11 Exposing Romney's Electability Myth

07-Oct-11 Unemployment Governor Strikes Again
07-Oct-11 President Obama's Plan
07-Oct-11 Protesting Evil Corporations

08-Oct-11 Dayton the Demagogue

09-Oct-11 Republicans Against Check the Right Boxes Candidates
09-Oct-11 Euphemism Princess Strikes Again
09-Oct-11 Robert Reich's Intellectually Bankrupt Column

10-Oct-11 LFR Exclusive: Landowners File Lawsuit Against Houston County's Illegal Land Grab
10-Oct-11 Dissecting Mr. Keller's Drivel

11-Oct-11 Parry will challenge Walz
11-Oct-11 Chip Cravaack making PolyMet a reality
11-Oct-11 Keith Ellison makes an ass of himself
11-Oct-11 Exposing Mitt's flip-flops
11-Oct-11 Christie Endorsing Mitt

12-Oct-11 Environmentalists still opposing PolyMet
12-Oct-11 The fix is in

13-Oct-11 DFL's revolving door to bluster & corruption
13-Oct-11 What Minnesota can learn from Florida

15-Oct-11 TakeAction Minnesota ignores verifiable facts, defends progressive myths
15-Oct-11 Unions still insisting on unionizing child-care providers
15-Oct-11 Mitt's Unhealthy Wall Street Addiction
15-Oct-11 Will Titanic-sized iceberg sink Team Mitt's ship?

16-Oct-11 Mitt's Undoing?
16-Oct-11 Identifying Occupy Duluth Protesters
16-Oct-11 Fanning's TV debut
16-Oct-11 Clarifying Romney

17-Oct-11 Mitt's Pork Brigade
17-Oct-11 What If President Obama's Campaign Died & People Didn't Care?

18-Oct-11 St. Cloud businesses: Less gov't intrusion key to jobs
18-Oct-11 Reid to push gov't bailout first
18-Oct-11 Sen. Ingebritsen criticizes Gov. Dayton, militant environmentalists
18-Oct-11 Gov. Dayton caving to unions again?
18-Oct-11 Occupy Cleveland: Alleged rape, kidnapping

19-Oct-11 Newt wins debate, Perry has his best debate, Mitt has a difficult night
19-Oct-11 Chip Cravaack on Choo-Choos: It's the priorities, Stupid
19-Oct-11 BREAKING NEWS: SRR School Board violates Minnesota's Open Meeting laws

21-Oct-11 DFL stupidity in CD-8
21-Oct-11 SRR Followup
21-Oct-11 Highlighting the DFL's illogical jobs ideology
21-Oct-11 GOP shouldn't nominate a liberal
21-Oct-11 Taxes aren't about revenues, they're about fairness?
21-Oct-11 DTL-Minnesota's, Common Cause MN's true colors showing

22-Oct-11 Romney's race to lose: I've heard that before
22-Oct-11 Newt on the move?
22-Oct-11 Truth stranger than fiction

24-Oct-11 DTL-Minnesota's redistricting scandal

23-Oct-11 Forbes for flat tax
23-Oct-11 Newt's momentum keeps growing
23-Oct-11 Cain's disappearing MO-mentum
23-Oct-11 Las Vegas newspaper ridicules Reid

24-Oct-11 Will Messinger's emergence hurt DFL?
24-Oct-11 Questioning Gov. Dayton's leadership

25-Oct-11 Forced unionization suffers major setback
25-Oct-11 Progressives' multi-pronged election strategy

26-Oct-11 Redistricting gone insane
26-Oct-11 Mr. Finger-in-the-Wind Strikes Again
26-Oct-11 Capt. Flip-Flop-Flip runs from comments
26-Oct-11 Gingrich Momentum Continues
26-Oct-11 Blogger Conference Call Notes
26-Oct-11 Which Version Will Mitt Stick With?
26-Oct-11 HEADLINE: Supercommittee Democrats not serious about cutting debt

27-Oct-11 Grand Forks Herald endorses Cravaack plan
27-Oct-11 California to commit environmentalist-assisted suicide
27-Oct-11 Tarryl running in the Sixth? Says who?
27-Oct-11 Suicidal Democrats? Apparently
27-Oct-11 Ryan Excoriates "Divider-in-Chief"
27-Oct-11 Chaffetz takes Napolitano to the woodshed
27-Oct-11 The Republican Congress?
27-Oct-11 Sen. Klobuchar's Iraq ignorance continues

28-Oct-11 Why 9-9-9 is Stupid Politically
28-Oct-11 Mann, Ornstein shed moderate image, tilt to far left
28-Oct-11 Shrinking college enrollment proof of Higher Education bubble?

29-Oct-11 George Will: Conservatism has come to this?
29-Oct-11 Kaiser on Dayton's mining decision: It's about the jobs
29-Oct-11 A damning indictment against Washington establishment
29-Oct-11 Ohio Fundraiser Calls for DeWine Resignation

30-Oct-11 Will insanity kill California?
30-Oct-11 Sen. Klobuchar's Infrastructure Bill

31-Oct-11 Mitt Romney: Setting new records in spinelessness?
31-Oct-11 Comparing Newt's tax plan with Mitt's tax plan
31-Oct-11 Taxpayers punished for school board's epic failures?
31-Oct-11 Pelosi: NLRB should shut down Boeing's SC plant
31-Oct-11 Common Cause MN decries secrecy in redistricting

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