October 12-13, 2019

Oct 12 01:43 Hatred & cruelty personified
Oct 12 10:44 MSM spreads anti-Trump storyline

Oct 13 00:43 Do it for the kids
Oct 13 10:35 Rose McGowan vs. Hillary Clinton
Oct 13 11:20 Collin Peterson is independent?
Oct 13 21:08 Agenda Media aren't journalists

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Hatred & cruelty personified

Friday night, I got TakeAction Minnesota's weekly newsletter. The top item in TAM's newsletter, predictably, was President Trump's Thursday night rally. TAM wrote "Well, it's Friday, and it's been quite the week. Last night, President Trump visited Minneapolis. And, as expected, he used his platform to spread hate and division. Much of it was directed it toward our Somali friends and neighbors."

Of course, that was only part of this DFL front group's dishonest update. It continued, saying "But that's not the entire story. Last night, tens of thousands of Minnesotans, including many of you, came together in the cold rain to affirm what we know: every person has inherent worth and dignity. No matter where they came from or what faith they practice. And no matter what President Trump says. Right now, we're faced with a choice: Either we stand together with unbreakable solidarity across race, class, gender and geography, and rise up to meet the challenges we face. Or we allow hatred and cruelty to rule the day."

Speaking of hatred and cruelty, here's what the rioters did while the rally was just ending:
[Video no longer available]
Then there's this:

It's a safe bet that the rioters weren't Trump supporters. I'd estimate the chances of the rioters being Democrats and Antifa to be north of 90%. If TakeAction Minnesota wants to talk about hatred and cruelty, they'd better look in the mirror first. TakeAction Minnesota is famous for pushing the envelope when it comes to on-the-ground activism. I wrote about TAM's threats and intimidation in this post . TakeAction Minnesota went to Jason Lewis's home:

But my neighbors saw 20, 25 people, nobody knows the real count, outside. Their daughters were home alone, got scared, called their dad. He called the police, which, by the way, in the suburb I live in, it's a violation of a city ordinance to what, not to mention trespassing.

Rule #1 -- Whatever the DFL accuses Republicans of doing is exactly what the DFL is doing. Rule #2 -- Never forget Rule #1.

Check out this wrap-up of Thursday night's violence. Spread these videos far and wide. Without visual proof, people won't believe that the DFL has gotten this violent.

Posted Saturday, October 12, 2019 1:43 AM

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MSM spreads anti-Trump storyline

Heading into President Trump's Minneapolis rally, DFL Chairman Ken Martin predictably issued a statement criticizing President Trump's divisiveness. After the event, DFL Chair Martin issued another statement that served as an I-told-you-so bookend to his previous statement. In the after-rally statement, DFL Chair Martin criticized President Trump for attacking the Somali refugees living in Minneapolis. Imagine my surprise when I read this Washington Post article that criticizes President Trump for attacking Minneapolis's Somali population.

It didn't happen. That's just how it was written. Allyson Chiu wrote "The president soon widened his attack to target Somali refugees in Minnesota, a group that includes Omar, a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in the East African country. He promised rally attendees, who booed loudly at the mention of the state's Somali residents, that he would 'give local communities a greater say in refugee policy and put in place enhanced vetting and responsible immigration controls. As you know, for many years, leaders in Washington brought large numbers of refugees to your state from Somalia without considering the impact on schools and communities and taxpayers.' Trump said as some in the crowd jeered, adding, 'You should be able to decide what is best for your own cities and for your own neighborhoods, and that's what you have the right to do right now, and believe me, no other president would be doing that.'"

Apparently, the DFL thinks that parents having a say in what's best for their cities and neighborhoods is hateful. Similarly, the Washington Post thinks that people that don't want their property taxes increasing each year are hateful. I live in St. Cloud, which is Ground Zero in this fight. My property taxes have gone up since the first Somali arrivals. Meanwhile, AP classes went from 9 programs at Tech to 2 in a 4-year period. The money for the AP programs was shifted to English immersion classes. As this happened, people left St. Cloud for the Sartell and Sauk Rapids-Rice school districts so their kids can get a better education.

I'd love hearing DFL Chair Martin explain why it's hateful for parents to want the best education for their children. I'd love hearing the Washington Post explain why it's wrong for parents to want their property taxes stable and low.

Then again, the point isn't that these things are wrong. These spinmeisters' goal is to spread the message that President Trump hates minorities. Ken Martin understands that the DFL will get crucified if the subject is the economy. Martin knows that President Trump's economic policies are working for most people. This Marist Poll provides President Trump good news:

Nearly two in three Americans (65%), including 62% of independents , say the economy is actually working well for them personally. Republicans (93%) overwhelmingly have this opinion while Democrats divide. 46% of Democrats think the economy is benefitting them, and 50% do not.

If Democrats don't convince voters that President Trump's policies are hurting them, then Democrats will get their butts kicked in November, 2020.

People understand that it's ok for communities to determine when a flood of refugees is too many to support. This isn't hateful. It's common sense. This is what hatred looks like:
[Video no longer available]
It's impossible to say that the anarchists/rioters aren't haters. They certainly are. It isn't just anarchists that displayed their hate :

On a Livestream of the violent protest by Star Tribune reporter Andy Mannix, a sitting Democrat State Representative Aisha Gomez (DFL-Minneapolis) was spotted participating. Due to the violence by the masked leftwing protesters Minneapolis Police was occasionally forced to deploy chemical irritants to subdue and disperse people committing assaults. Rep. Aisha Gomez bragged on twitter that she was able to use her position as a state rep to instruct the Mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey to have the police stand down .

Here's that tweet:

That's proof that the DFL actively participated in getting people fired up for violence. That's also proof that the DFL actively ensured lawlessness. The MSM, including the Washington Post, insists that President Trump is a hater but says nothing about the DFL's ginning up of hatred amongst rioters.

Posted Saturday, October 12, 2019 10:44 AM

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Do it for the kids

"Do It for the Kids"
By Ramblin' Rose

That statement alone triggers such emotional reactions that sensible people often lose all sense of reason, especially in the current panic and mania of youth worldwide. This world is full of conservationists (or 'good stewards' in Biblical terms), but their statements are not heard because they do not label themselves environmentalists.

Hundreds of thousands of youth around the world left classes to protest 'climate change' on September 20, 2019, and activists, including their acclaimed leader Greta Thunberg from Sweden. Thunberg and some 700 youth activists continued the protest at the United Nations on Saturday, complete with demands for financial commitments and threats against the leaders if their agenda is not met. Komal Karishma Kumar from Fuji told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, 'we will hold you accountable, and if you do not, remember we will mobilize to vote you out.' (Intimidation strategy from indoctrination - learned from adults or inherent in human DNA?)

Let's try to follow this historically and logically.

First, what is the difference between weather and climate? According to the NASA:
'The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time.
'Weather is basically the way the atmosphere is behaving, mainly with respect to its effects upon life and human activities. The difference between weather and climate is that weather consists of the short-term (minutes to months) changes in the atmosphere. Most people think of weather in terms of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, brightness, visibility, wind, and atmospheric pressure, as in high and low pressure.
'In short, climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.' [Editorial question: If climate relates to a long-term pattern of weather in a particular area, how can the environmentalists call it global?]
'Some scientists define climate as the average weather for a particular region and time period, usually taken over 30-years. It's really an average pattern of weather for a particular region.' [Another question: Did the study of climate change only begin in 1989?]

NO!! NASA attributes interest in the topic to Thomas Jefferson in the late 1700s.

In mid-September, Breitbart published a chronology of the sensational predictions about ice ages, global warming, climate change. Please remember the definitions above - a particular area for a period of 30 years:

  1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975.

  2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear in a Cloud of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)

  3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000

  4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980

  5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030

  6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070

  7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast

  8. 1974: Another Ice Age?

  9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a 'Great Peril to Life

  10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent

  11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes

  12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend

  13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s

  14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs

  15. 1988: Maldives Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they're not)

  16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels Will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000

  17. 1989: New York City's West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it's not)

  18. 2000: Children Won't Know What Snow Is

  19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don't Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy

  20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024

  21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018

  22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013

  23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World

  24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to 'Save The Planet from Catastrophe'

  25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014

  26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015

  27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before 'Climate Chaos'

  28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide

  29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources

  30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years

  31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years

  32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil Will Peak in 90s

  33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000

  34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020

  35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010

  36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!

  37. 2005: Manhattan Underwater by 2015

  38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985

  39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable

  40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish

  41. 1970s: Killer Bees!'

It appears that the dates listed cover more than 30 years and no particular area is listed in all 41 articles. Hmmm.

This link provides photocopies of many of the predictions when published, all filled with doom and gloom and not a single prediction came to fruition. There is certainly a divide between the environmentalists and the skeptics. Both sides agree that it is probably driven by financial greed and politicians seeking fame, fortune and power at a global level. However, the guilty parties are distinct for each side.

On the 'green' side, we read: "Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, or IPBES, which contends nature "is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely."

While on the other side that notes the lengthy list of failed predictions, we read:

"Scientist Art Robinson's The Petition Project gathered the signatures of 31,487 scientists who agree that there is 'no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.'"

Al Gore still maintains that 99%+ of the scientists agree with him about the urgency of dealing with "an ice age," and later it was "global warming" that transformed itself into "climate change." [the power of linguists to transform scientific issues to fit the current set of selected data]

Many of the 2020 presidential candidates on the extreme left have embraced some very radical solutions to addressing this issue: having no children (and the birth rate is drastically lower across the world - and then abortion lowers the numbers even more), cannibalism, elimination of all fossil fuels. How do those politicians expect to travel or transport goods? Or will they have an exemption for personal travel in private jets? How will the environmentalists deal with the toxic/hazardous wastes in solar panels as they fail/break/deteriorate/age? How can the environmentalists justify solar panels that create 300 times more waste per energy unit than nuclear energy?

After the recent hurricane Dorian and the massive devastation that it caused, how did it rank among the deadliest hurricanes in US history?
These are the five deadliest hurricanes in American history:

  1. The Great Galveston Storm (1900) The deadliest storm in American history, the Galveston hurricane killed 8,000 to 12,000 people.

  2. Hurricane Maria (2017)

  3. The Okeechobee Hurricane (1928)

  4. Hurricane Katrina (2005)

  5. The Cheniere Caminada Hurricane (1893)

Dorian did not make the list. Notice that only two occurred within the last 30 years. That magic 30-year window for climate change was not met with historical data and the scientific guidelines. However, the media acted as if Dorian was the ultimate proof positive of climate change caused by humans, portending the apocalypse of the world. Hurricanes have ravaged the USA long before fossil fuels were ever used for transportation or industry.

A similar claim could be made to refute the alarms and panic about the eruptions of volcanoes. They are not a novelty after the globalists claims of the last 60 years. What about some of the startling predictions?

In early May of this year, an IPBES from the UN predicted the potential loss of 1 million species since the extinction rate has accelerated in the last 10 million years. This is not the first prediction for the loss of species. In fact, in 1970, S. Dillon Ripley of the Smithsonian Institution predicted a loss of 75%-80% of all animal species before 1995. It did not happen. In 1979, Norman Myers, a biologist at Oxford University, predicted a loss of 25% of all species by 2000. It did not happen.

Some people are holding funerals for the glaciers that are disappearing. Swiss dressed in mourning black held a funeral complete with speeches and a wreath-laying ceremony for The Pizol in the Glarus Alps of northeastern Switzerland. Ironically, according to Matthias Huss, a glaciologist, since 1850, more than 500 glaciers have disappeared in Switzerland. Iceland also held a funeral for a lost glacier in August, 2019.

But, in 2016, a NASA study reported that 90% of the world's glaciers are growing. The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) reported that since 2010, the sea ice areas of the Arctic have been growing. Despite the evidence of greater ice masses, since 2017, at least six polar research ships have had to abandon their expeditions at both poles due to thick ice impeding their travel. Some call this stupidity - repeating the same practice with different results expected. Others would call it Karma.

Apparently, the data have not been able to provide a definitive answer for scientists and glaciologists. Lunacy does seem to be an apropos term to describe the manifestations of 21st century alarmists. Let's concern a couple of examples.

In mid-September of this year, an allegedly Christian seminary, the Union Theological Seminary, held a chapel service for Christians to confess their climate sins to plants. The hysteria of paganism and syncretism has entered religious institutions, calling traditional Christian theology "deplorable." Even Pope Francis instructed the masses to "obey the United Nations." The UN's adherence to the climate change agenda is celebrated in late September in New York.

At Creation, God (Genesis 1:28) directed mankind to dominate the world and all that He created. "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

Good stewards believe that God created everything for good and as elements for mankind to employ in daily life. That would also include fossil fuels. Recently, the alarmists held a protest in Washington, D.C. While the protestors may consider their event successful, just consider how ridiculous it was to cause gridlock and increased carbon emissions.

Another progressive environmentalist solution is to "Don't eat cows; Eat the Rich!" Yes, cannibalism is part of the green deal's remedy for climate change. Yet, at the Iowa Polk County Steak Fry in mid-September, 17 Democrat presidential candidates grilled 10,500 steaks/burgers and 1000 vegan burgers.

At the UN, Greta Thunberg and 15 kids filed a lawsuit against 5 countries (Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, and Turkey) for excessive carbon emissions. They did not include China in the lawsuit even though China is responsible for approximately a third of the carbon emissions in the world. These young people are telling the world leaders that they are more informed than scientists and world leaders and that they will hold the world leaders accountable for their future. It is more likely that they have been indoctrinated more than educated about nature.

I agree. "Instead of frightening young people with alarmist hyperbole that the world is ending, it would be better to offer them something truly constructive, such as an education." If their interest in the future is genuine, then an informed mentor and classroom teacher could provide the accurate information - even from both extremes - and allow these kids to study and investigate and search for a real answer for becoming good stewards of the world instead of making unfounded claims and outrageous threats for actions that do not fit into their prescription for curing all the ills of the world through taxation and restriction of thought.

If the concerns were really about climate change and pollution, the countries under attack would be China, Mongolia, Botswana, Russia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Kuwait, and the UAE because they are the nations that are producing the man-made pollution. However, the activists are attacking the USA. The goal is to destroy this civilization and turn all control over to the globalists. The real story is about politics, power, control, social engineering, lies and deceit.

God help us all!

God help the young to learn and to not fall as innocent victims to the lies of those who seek to destroy those who seek to follow God's commands to care for His Creation and know that they will be accountable to Him alone at the End of Time.

Posted Sunday, October 13, 2019 12:43 AM

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Rose McGowan vs. Hillary Clinton

This past week, Rose McGowan criticized Hillary Clinton . Actually, Ms. McGowan let the former First Lady have it with both barrels. Supposedly, "Rose McGowan called out Hillary Clinton last week over a report that Clinton's publicist told journalist Ronan Farrow that his investigation into Harvey Weinstein's alleged history of sexual misconduct was 'a concern' for the Clinton camp. 'I knew that Hillary Clinton's people were protecting the Monster,' McGowan wrote, referring to Weinstein. 'I can't believe I used to support her. I guess predators are her style.'"

Good for Ms. McGowan. Hillary is one of the nastiest, cold-blooded, public figures I've ever seen. Frankly, I wouldn't want her autograph or a copy of any of her books. She's so morally bankrupt that she didn't walk away from Bill Clinton. She's so morally bankrupt that she kept accepting money from Weinstein.

This interview shows how the system works:
[Video no longer available]
It's built by the Clintons, Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby to perpetuate their disgusting behavior. The thought of rehabilitation for any of these monsters should be the furthest thing from society's mind. The hell these people caused shouldn't be forgotten.

Bill Clinton did some unspeakable things but what Hillary did was, in my estimation, infinitely worse. She portrayed herself as a champion for women while she protected her husband and predators like Harvey Weinstein. It's important that people remember that Hillary put herself in charge of "bimbo eruptions." That's such a disgusting term, isn't it?

Hillary wasn't asked to handle it. She volunteered to do it. All the while, she protected Harvey Weinstein, too. Here's hoping that Ms. McGowan's criticism will be a major part of Hillary's epitaph. Hillary's earned it.

Posted Sunday, October 13, 2019 10:35 AM

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Collin Peterson is independent?

I didn't know that Collin Peterson was truly independent. I'm skeptical of that characterization ever since I wrote this post . I'd received an email from Lt. Gov. Fischbach announcing her candidacy to challenge Peterson. This jumped off the page at me:

"Collin Peterson no longer represents Western Minnesota values," added Fischbach. "One of his first votes this Congress was to ban the wall, and he votes against President Trump 85 percent of the time . Unlike Peterson, I will work with President Trump to secure our borders, build the wall, fight against the Democrats' socialist agenda, and keep America great."

It's important to remember that President Trump won the Seventh District by 31 points. Voting against President Trump 85% of the time isn't proof of Peterson's independence. It's proof that Peterson wants it both ways. Peterson apparently is afflicted by Tom Daschle Disease. That's where a politician votes liberal in DC, then professes his moderation the minute he enters his rural district.

This is who Peterson really is:

In 2010, I'd say that Peterson is a Blue Dog Democrat until Pelosi needed his vote.

Posted Sunday, October 13, 2019 11:20 AM

Comment 1 by Patrick Mattson at 13-Oct-19 02:33 PM
Collin Peterson is an independent when it convenient. Never did like that guy!

Agenda Media aren't journalists

Back on March 27, 2006, I wrote this post . That's when I coined the phrase Agenda Media. By definition, the Agenda Media is interested in furthering the Democrats' leftist agenda. The Agenda Media isn't interested in spreading the truth. If the Agenda Media had a mission statement, I'm betting that it would say that acquiring, then maintaining, power for Democrats is their mission. That's a shameful mission.

Kim Strassel's new book, titled Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters Are Breaking America is essentially about the Agenda Media. The truth is that the Resist movement couldn't exist without the Agenda Media's help. Ms. Strassel writes:

Last week The Washington Post revealed the alarming news that House Democrats were considering having their anonymous "whistleblower" testify from a remote location, and in disguise. Just as shocking as the details of this plan was the justification the Post ladled on this Democratic effort to hide impeachment information from the public.

It explained, high up in the story, that the cloak-and-dagger approach was merely Democrats expressing "distrust of their GOP colleagues, whom they see as fully invested in defending a president who has attacked the whistleblower's credibility and demanded absolute loyalty from Republicans."

This year, House Minority Leader McCarthy coined a phrase that said "Democrats hate President Trump more than they love America. That'd sound extreme if you haven't paid attention to the Democrats' actions. If you've paid attention to the Democrats' actions, Leader McCarthy's cliche is legitimate.

It'd be wrong to call Pelosi's Democrats a domestic terrorist organization but I wouldn't be that far off. Since President Trump's election, Democrats have voted virtually unanimously against prosperity and against giving President Trump some political victories. Let's not forget that every Democrat in DC voted against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that's been the heart of this incredible economic performance.

Let's remember that every Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted against confirming Justice Kavanaugh. In fact, those Democrats did everything imaginable to destroy Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation and Justice Kavanaugh's family. It isn't surprising that every Democrat voted against Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation .

The Resist Movement is spearheaded by the Agenda Media. The truth is that the Agenda Media is significantly to the left of traditional Democrats. That doesn't mean that today's Democrats are moderates. They definitely aren't. The AOC wing of the Democratic Party is the biggest wing of the Party. They're also the craziest part of the Party. Check out this interview:
[Video no longer available]
Notice that Leslie Marshall cites polls favoring impeachment rather than defending the secrecy with which House Democrats are conducting their sham impeachment proceedings. Marshall didn't attempt to defend Pelosi's or Schiff's indefensible actions.

That's changed in the age of Trump. The press has embraced its bias, joined the Resistance and declared its allegiance to one side of a partisan war. It now openly declares those who offer any fair defense of this administration as Trump "enablers." It writes off those who question the FBI or Department of Justice actions in 2016 as "conspiracy" theorists. It acts as willing scribes for Democrats and former Obama officials; peddles evidence-free accusations; sources stories from people with clear political axes to grind; and closes its eyes to clear evidence of government abuse.

It's time for truth-loving Republicans and independents to shove the NYTimes, CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post off a non-literal cliff. They're propagandists. They aren't real journalists.

Posted Sunday, October 13, 2019 9:08 PM

Comment 1 by Lady Logician at 14-Oct-19 11:57 AM
I would quibble, slightly, your definition of Agenda Media. Only because they worked their hinders off to skew the nomination toward Hillary in 2016 and towards Warren now. They are doing their d@mndest to make sure that the "old white guy" is NOT, NOT, NOT the nominee....

Comment 2 by eric z at 16-Oct-19 10:44 AM
Unlike FOX, there is Agenda Media. For Shame. For Shame.

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