October 10-13, 2018

Oct 10 01:37 Minnesota's fever swamp
Oct 10 10:27 Erin Murphy does the impossible
Oct 10 18:39 McSally vs. Sinama race heats up

Oct 11 02:26 LWV City Council forum notes
Oct 11 09:34 Is Radinovich anti-#MeToo?
Oct 11 10:33 Who believes the Democrats' BS?

Oct 12 01:55 GOP positivity vs. Democrat outrage
Oct 12 19:36 Keith Ellison, scofflaw extraordinaire

Oct 13 02:15 Antifa attacks NYC GOP

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Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Minnesota's fever swamp

According to this article , he DFL's fever swamp extends well into the schools. According to the article, "A Rosemount school district employee has resigned over a social media post in which she appeared to suggest that someone should kill new U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh."

The article continues, saying "Zuzek said the district began receiving complaints about the tweet on Sunday. It read: 'So whose [sic] gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?' By Monday, a spokesman for the FBI office in Minneapolis said the agency was aware of the posting, and the school district was conducting its own review."

Rosemount isn't the only place where the Left's fever swamp exists. Predictably, it exists in Hollywood, too:

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Summarizing, a Minnesota leftie wants Justice Kavanaugh murdered. A Hollywood leftie is thrilled that they ruined Justice Kavanaugh's life. Democrats don't regret these things. They just regret that they didn't prevent Judge Kavanaugh from becoming Justice Kavanaugh.

Democrats didn't just want to prevent Brett M. Kavanaugh from becoming Justice Kavanaugh. Democrats didn't hesitate in throwing out principles like the presumption of innocence. It isn't just that Democrats will do anything to achieve their goals. It's that Democrats didn't care what they had to do to demolish a good man.

Posted Wednesday, October 10, 2018 1:37 AM

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Erin Murphy does the impossible

According to a quote in this article , Erin Murphy has supernatural powers. Nora Hertel quoted Murphy as saying "It is easy to advance a message that scapegoats some people. When we hear a candidate talk about ending any refugee resettlement, we know what that is about. When we hear a candidate for the attorney general's race saying he wants to change the complexion of the state of Minnesota, we know what that is about."

Apparently, Erin Murphy can hear dog whistles. Seriously, how would Erin Murphy know what people are thinking? I'm betting that Murphy is projecting. I'm betting that Murphy wants to avoid talking about the substance of the issues.

Why would she want to talk about Keith Ellison's love of sanctuary cities? Why would she want to talk about the fact that Doug Wardlow actually wants to enforce existing Minnesota laws rather than immediately filing lawsuits?

Murphy apparently prefers accusing Republicans of being racists without having proof. Here's the real choice for Minnesotans:

[Video no longer available]

Posted Wednesday, October 10, 2018 10:27 AM

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McSally vs. Sinama race heats up

The McSally-Sinema race is definitely heating up. If it wasn't, Mitt Romney wouldn't be taking time away from his campaign to campaign for Martha McSally . That isn't the only proof that the race is heating up, either.

Over the past 2-3 weeks, Sinema has gotten caught in some fairly major lies. First, she was caught lying about being homeless as a child. She took a hit when a reporter found electric bills that her family paid while they were supposed homeless. It's difficult to picture a homeless family paying electric bills while they're homeless. Further, Sinema was exposed as supporting a lawyer for a famous terrorist :

The first, from Fox News, delineated how Sinema promoted events at Arizona State University that featured attorney Lynn Stewart, who was convicted for aiding Omar Abdel Rahman, who himself was charged and sentenced to life for scheming to blow up the United Nations, an FBI building, two tunnels, and a bridge in New York City.

Then there's this:

The second story was reported by The Washington Free Beacon, which wrote of a group email from 2006 in which Sinema equated the deaths of American soldiers with illegal immigrants entering the United States.

Perhaps, those stories started circulating while this poll was in the field:

A month ago, the MSM were all but writing Arizona off for the Republicans. If that ABC poll is right, reports of McSally's demise were definitely premature.

Posted Wednesday, October 10, 2018 6:39 PM

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LWV City Council forum notes

Jenny Berg's notes on Wednesday night's City Council forum were enlightening. Specifically, Question 4 asked what each person's top 2-3 budget priority was.

According to Berg's notes, Steve Laraway said "Laraway says the city should have a balanced budget. He would like to see focus put on economic development. Putting money into businesses can help with jobs, etc. He also wants to take a close look at affordable housing. The No. 1 item people talk about are the roads, he says. He'd like more money to go to roads."

What a sloppy answer. The budget, by law, must balance. Next, I'm betting his constituents, of which I am one, don't put affordable housing on their priorities list.

Liz Baklaich, who is challenging Laraway, said this:

Baklaich says she would like to do things more intelligently instead of just pulling more money out. She wants to focus on economic development, police, and infrastructure, which is good roads and parking. The latter two both impact economic development, she says. She says the city is losing businesses and residents. That affects all of us.

Notice that Baklaich recognizes that crime is a problem and that Laraway didn't. That's a problem for Laraway because crime is a problem, both in St. Cloud and in Ward 2.

Here's what Masters said:

Masters says the city's current budget puts an emphasis on roads - $18.4 million. Those partnerships, he says, like the Rotary working with the city for Summertime By George helps put money into the city for parks or other things. He wants to encourage more partnerships with private entities to get more bang for the buck. The city also has incentives like tax-increment financing to help development.

Here's what Dr. Palmer said:

Palmer says the city has some of the highest crime rates in the nation and state. One way to do that, he says, is to have the city review how it is fighting crime. Preventing crime will attract people to the city. Maintaining roads and infrastructure is part of the city's brand, too.

Notice again that the incumbent didn't mention fighting crime but the challenger did. Why didn't the incumbents notice? Why didn't they speak to this issue? Clearly, St. Cloud has a crime problem.

This Election Day, I'll be voting for Ms. Baklaich because she, unlike Mr. Laraway, has a firm grasp of reality.

Posted Thursday, October 11, 2018 2:26 AM

Comment 1 by Corinne at 12-Oct-18 06:48 AM
Thanks for this analysis of important issues & a look at how to constructively dissect political discourse.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 12-Oct-18 06:17 PM
You're welcome. That's what I've been doing on this blog since 11/19/2004.

Is Radinovich anti-#MeToo?

One of the principles of the #MeToo movement is that women are automatically to be believed when they insist that they've been sexually assaulted. Apparently, Joe Radinovich isn't pro-#MeToo. According to this article , he "continues to avoid taking a stance on the allegations against Minnesota attorney general candidate Keith Ellison." A profile in courage, he isn't. Then again, finding a Democrat who's willing to stand up to Tom Steyer, Mike Bloomberg, Black Lives Matter and Antifa is virtually impossible.

Here's what courage doesn't look like:

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The DFL doesn't believe in protecting women. They just believe in saying that they'll protect women. After watching Sen. Feinstein throw Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford to the wolves, why should anyone think that Democrats care about women?

The reason why these allegations are sticking to Keith Ellison is because of Ellison's lack of character. In the past, he's supported cop-killers and other radicals. Is it that difficult to believe he isn't a man of integrity?

Posted Thursday, October 11, 2018 9:34 AM

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Who believes the Democrats' BS?

After reading this op-ed , honest people would be skeptical of anything Democrats say.

In this op-ed, Cheri Bustos, Hakeem Jeffries and David Cicilline write "For the past two years, Republicans have had total control over the House, the Senate and the White House. What do they have to show for their leadership? A tax scam that pads the pockets of millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the middle class. Skyrocketing health care costs and prescription drug prices that are forcing millions of Americans deep into debt. A culture of corruption in Washington that's so far-reaching it's putting our entire democracy at risk. A nation that is growing more divided and more cynical - and a politics more chaotic and exhausting - with each passing day."

While Americans feel better with extra money in their wallets, Democrats insist that the Trump/GOP tax cuts are a scam. How is that different than what Nancy Pelosi said?

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How are the tax cuts coming "at the expense of the middle class"? Is their explanation that this money isn't being "invested" in the future? If that's the Democrats' explanation, then they're the ones scamming people.

As for "skyrocketing health care costs and prescription drug prices", Minnesota's premiums are coming down. Further, thanks to President Trump, consumers have more choices in terms of types of policies they can buy. They don't have to buy the policies that the government orders them to buy. Consumers actually get to make real choices.

Finally, Democrats are being little drama queens when they insist that Trump is destroying our democracy. Here's a question that voters should ask themselves: What can the Democrats do that Republicans aren't already doing well? Under unified GOP government, incomes are rising, consumer confidence and small business confidence is shooting through the roof, durable good orders are skyrocketing. Will Democrats improve on any of those things?

I'm betting that they won't. In fact, I'm betting that they'll fail. Why risk the success we're already experiencing?

Posted Thursday, October 11, 2018 10:33 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 11-Oct-18 02:46 PM
You could be right Gary. The landslide Housley vote spilling over downticket. Minutes from now wait for me to throw in the towel. What do you know about Andrew Parker and Austin Monahan?

GOP positivity vs. Democrat outrage

It's becoming obvious that the so-called enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Democrats is mislabeled. The truth is that the Democrats' "enthusiasm" is actually outrage. Just watch a short clip of Hillary talking about civility. What part of that inspires enthusiasm?

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Though this clip doesn't show it, The Politics Show, hosted by Esme Murphy and Pat Kessler, talked about President Trump's rally in Rochester:

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They said that they were surprised at how many people were treating the Trump rally like a celebration. Kessler then mentioned that he'd been to many presidential rallies but that he'd never seen one this deep into an administration had this much enthusiasm.

The truth is that the Republicans' resurgence is fueled by enthusiasm and positivity. Positivity has the potential of persuading people to join the cause. That gives the GOP the advantage of building on the 'Kavanaugh Effect'.

Meanwhile, the Democrats' 'enthusiasm' is built upon outrage. When Eric Holder says "When they go low, we kick them", he isn't giving people motivation to join the Democrats' cause. When Kirsten Sinema, the Democrats' Senate candidate in Arizona, belittles Arizonans , she isn't motivating Republicans to vote for her.

If I had to bet on the House majority, I'd bet on the GOP holding that majority. The myth that suburban white women were fleeing the GOP is overblown. Further, people are underestimating the white male turnout in blue collar districts. If Democrats don't make a significant dent in those districts, they'll be stuck in the minority again.

Posted Friday, October 12, 2018 1:55 AM

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Keith Ellison, scofflaw extraordinaire

Keith Ellison is running to be Minnesota's Attorney General. Today, Minnesotans are learning that Ellison hates paying his federal and state income taxes. This afternoon, I received an email from the Wardlow campaign highlighting this article , which was written by Bill Williamson.

According to the article, "Ellison's critics in the DNC and some supporters of Labor secretary Tom Perez, the other top candidate, are pointing to the Minnesota Democrat's past tax troubles, campaign finance violations and minor legal issues that once led to his driver's license being suspended as evidence that he's ill-equipped to lead the DNC."

It's apparent that Ellison cares as much about tax laws as arsonists care about fire codes. How can serious people consider electing a person who doesn't care about the law to be Minnesota's top law enforcement officer?

In light of Ellison's frequent law-breaking and his support of cop-killers like Assata Shakur, shouldn't Minnesotans think that Ellison is capable of lying about assaulting Karen Monahan?

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There's no disputing the fact that Keith Ellison is a scofflaw. That's why he shouldn't become Minnesota's Attorney General.

Posted Friday, October 12, 2018 7:36 PM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 13-Oct-18 02:46 PM
Laws are for little people to follow and obey, not those like Keith or others like Radanovich. Sure there are those in the GOP who break the law but the party shuns them whereas the progressives embrace their law breakers.

Antifa attacks NYC GOP

Insisting that these attacks are just the beginning , Antifa is apparently taking Eric Holder's threats seriously. Let's remember Holder's retraction where he said "Ok, stop the fake outrage. I'm obviously not advocating violence. (In fact, when I was AG violent crime in the US was historically low.) I'm saying Republicans are undermining our democracy and Democrats need to be tough, proud and stand up for the values we believe in - the end."

This is where the Holder backtrack started:

[Video no longer available]

Antifa let their intentions be known when they wrote this threat:

Our attack is merely a beginning. We are not passive, we are not civil, and we will not apologize.

Antifa won't apologize but they're willing to threaten others:

The vandals leave a note.

It's time to start taking these thugs seriously. It's apparent that the Democratic Party is getting overrun with thugs.

Posted Saturday, October 13, 2018 2:15 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 13-Oct-18 06:39 AM
Policies of mass misery? I guess policies of mass prosperity are now called misery by the progressives.

The progressives are looking for a civil war but I think they should be very careful what they wish for. Even good people who want to mind their own business and just be left alone can be pushed too far, especially when it means protecting themselves and or their families.

Comment 2 by J. Ewing at 14-Oct-18 08:16 AM
I think we are all safe from being kicked, unless the "progressives" are lying-- not a matter of short odds, that. But if we are not kicked unless we go low, which we NEVER do, we're safe. They're projecting again. How can we possibly go lower than they have?

Comment 3 by MtkaMoose at 14-Oct-18 10:57 PM
I think J. Ewing is onto them. Holder, etal, think that supporting traditional values, including ones that no Democrat would have disagreed with earlier in my lifetime, are now fighting words. This 'mob' is looking for an excuse to riot.

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