May 5-7, 2019

May 05 02:51 Administrators push censorship
May 05 04:19 Walz cleans up mess he created
May 05 09:44 Joe Biden, race-baiting pervert
May 05 20:04 Amy Klobuchar's pandering

May 06 05:12 Pelosi gets more radical

May 07 02:43 2016 GOP presidential candidates vs. 2020 Democrat presidential candidates
May 07 05:34 Ilhan Omar's oversized ego
May 07 06:21 Obama's policies spurring this economy? Yeah right!

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Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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Administrators push censorship

Just when you thought that the loony left couldn't get loonier, up pops articles like this one . Transylvania University's Young Americans for Freedom were approached by "Transylvania University Vice President for Enrollment and Student Life Holly Sheilley and Dean of Students Michael Covert" because they set up a table "to get students to sign a petition in support of the university adopting the Chicago Statement, upheld as the golden standard by many free speech activists, Sheilley approached them and told them to leave."

Transylvania University isn't in the business of treating each individual the same:

As heard in the audio recordings, Drury alleges that although he, Jacob Burnam, and Lucas Reed were shut down within minutes, the Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter tabled in the same area the day before for more than an hour.

"I emailed the first time I tabled and I was like, 'hey do I need to fill out any forms or anything' and they're like, 'no, just grab a table and set up," one of the YDSA students who tabled Wednesday told Drury, according to an audio recording obtained by Campus Reform. "And then this time, I didn't even email anyone. I just found a table and set up."

This is what intellectual midgets sound like:

On Thursday, as Drury, Burnam, and Reed were there tabling, trying to get students to sign a petition in support of the university adopting the Chicago Statement, upheld as the golden standard by many free speech activists, Sheilly approached them and told them to leave.

"I really need y'all to pick up your stuff and go through the process," Sheilly told the students, according to the audio recording.

When the three men asked Sheilly what the punishment would be for not leaving the area, the vice president for enrollment and student life said, "I don't know the answer to that. I'm not the dean of students." Drury, Burnam, and Reed then asked Sheilly about why the YDSA students were allowed to table there the day before for over an hour without anyone asking them to leave.

"I don't know. I wasn't here yesterday. I didn't pass by here, I don't guess. I mean, I'm telling you the truth. I didn't see them. [Dean of Students] Covert says he didn't see them," Sheilly said.

This administrator should be fired immediately. She clearly doesn't believe in the principle of equal justice under the law. It's apparent that she's ok with censorship, though. What a sad day in academia.

Posted Sunday, May 5, 2019 2:51 AM

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Walz cleans up mess he created

This article highlights a DFL 'tradition' of taking credit for cleaning up a mess that they created. When DFL Gov. Walz started filling out his cabinet, he picked Mark Phillips to be the Commissioner of the Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation. Then Phillips hired Joe Radinovich, the DFL congressional candidate for CD-8 in 2018, to a cushy political patronage job on the IRRRB that would've paid Radinovich a $100,000 annual salary.

Enter our fearless hero, Gov. Walz, to deliver a tongue-lashing for the ages. Gov. Walz said "I expect you to model openness, transparency, inclusivity and servant leadership. In this situation, you fell far short of my expectations."

Gov. Walz, you fell far short of our expectations. How dare you appoint a commissioner that's that corrupt. How dare you not do your due diligence before picking a commissioner to lead a board known for its corruption. This article highlights one instance of IRRRB corruption:

It's an issue we've raised before, as recently as last year. The principle of the separation of powers that guides our government at both the state and federal levels, would appear to prohibit the structure now in place at the IRRRB, where a board comprised primarily of sitting legislators has authority over an executive branch agency. The legislative auditor, in his report this past week, agreed that the current makeup of the board leaves the agency vulnerable to a court challenge on constitutional grounds.

But the makeup of the current board raises other concerns beyond a simple legal dispute. By giving local legislators control of the purse strings for millions of dollars in funding for community and economic development projects within the Taconite Relief Area, the IRRRB helps to cement the status quo rather than encourage new ideas and leadership at a time when alternative visions are definitely needed. As we've noted before, giving Iron Range legislators outsized political clout tends to stifle dissenting voices from other elected officials in our region for fear that projects in their communities will be denied funds. There are reasons why the political class on the Iron Range marches in virtual lockstep to the agenda of the region's legislators, and their control over IRRRB funds is certainly one of the most powerful.

This 'arrangement' put legislators in charge of both the appropriations process in the legislature and the handing out of loans from the IRRRB. It's unconstitutional to be a member of the executive branch and the legislative branch.

Had Gov. Walz paid attention to details like that, we wouldn't have had these problems. Gov. Walz, this is as much your fault for not paying attention to the people you hired as it is Commissioner Phillips' fault for not prioritizing integrity in the hiring process.

Posted Sunday, May 5, 2019 4:19 AM

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Joe Biden, race-baiting pervert

Before he jumped into the race, Joe Biden's Democrat presidential challengers brought up his history of his inappropriate (and creepy) touching of women of all ages. As quickly as it started, though, it died down. That's unfortunate. Joe Biden is a creepy old white man.

As sad as Biden's creepy touchy habits are, that isn't his worst character defect. This article highlights Joe Biden's worst character defect.

Never willing to let a good race-baiting opportunity go to was, "former Vice President Joe Biden rang the alarm that 'Jim Crow is sneaking back' at a campaign rally in South Carolina, the south's first primary state that is seen as key to clinching the Democratic nomination." This isn't surprising, just disgusting and repetitive. Joe Biden has been doing this for years. Here's another instance of Biden playing the race-baiting card:
[Video no longer available]
Simply put, Biden is both a race-baiter and a pervert. It's time that sensible Democrats rejected this type of campaigning. That's if sensible Democrats still exist. Then there's this:

On systemic racism, Biden gave the example that if two men named "Jamal" and "John" applied for the same job, "John" would easily get the gig.

I'm tired of hearing this crap. That sounds like something another old white Democrat (Mark Dayton) said.

Biden held a campaign rally Saturday in Columbia, the Palmetto State's capital and home to the University of South Carolina. Bidden added to his usual fighting-for-the-middle-class stump speech by calling for protecting voting rights and ending "systemic racism." Biden cited numerous states' voting laws which he said are "mostly directed at people of color."

Andrew Gillum and Stacey Abrams tried playing that race card, too. They almost won. Neither race should've been close. Apparently, Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to race-baiting:
[Video no longer available]
It's sickening to see Democrats pandering to Al Sharpton, aka Tawana Brawley's co-conspirator. While it's sickening, it isn't surprising.

Posted Sunday, May 5, 2019 9:44 AM

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Amy Klobuchar's pandering

It's disappointing, though not surprising, that Sen. Klobuchar is pandering to the max to win the Democrat nomination for president. She's pandering now by saying that President Obama, not President Trump, deserves the credit for Trump's booming economy.

She said "'I give our workers and our businesses the credit.' Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar says the American workforce and 'policies in place, starting with President Obama' get the credit for historically strong economic numbers."

Despite her statements to the contrary, Sen. Klobuchar isn't that stupid. The policies put in place by President Obama and Sen. Klobuchar have been dispatched with one exception, aka the ACA. By using the Congressional Review Act, President Trump and the GOP majorities in the House and Senate got rid of the industry-killing regulations imposed by President Obama's administration.

Further, the corporate tax cuts and provisions allowing for repatriation of profits from overseas are leading to previously unforeseen prosperity. How can President Obama insist on taking credit for the rocketship known as the US economy after he told the nation that the GDP numbers that then-candidate Trump predicted were a figment of President Trump's imagination? Remember this, Sen. Klobuchar?
[Video no longer available]

PRESIDENT OBAMA: He says he's gonna negotiate a better deal. Well, how's he gonna do that? How, exactly, are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have and, usually, the answer is, he doesn't have an answer."

Just because President Obama was too inept to negotiate great trade deals doesn't mean that it's impossible to negotiate great trade deals. It's just proof that President Obama wasn't capable of negotiating great trade deals .

Changing economic incentives changes the economy's growth trajectory. You don't need a PH.D. to figure that out. Getting rid of counterproductive regulations lift the weight off major industries' shoulders. Think fossil fuels, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.

The policies that Sen. Klobuchar voted for and that President Obama put in place were thrown onto the scrap heap of history's discredited policies. Virtually all of the Obama administration's economic legacy was trashed within the first year of President Trump's administration. I'd love hearing Sen. Klobuchar, or any other Democrat presidential candidate, explain how policies that aren't in place anymore are triggering this economic growth.

When incentives change from stifling economic growth to enticing economic growth, isn't it human nature for profit-makers, aka entrepreneurs, to make profits again?

Ms. Klobuchar also said that many Americans are still struggling financially, thanks to high student loan debt and health-care costs. "That being said, a lot of people aren't sharing in this prosperity, because of the cost, the cost of college, the cost of health care," Ms. Klobuchar said. "The fact that the president had promised he would bring down the prices of their prescription drugs, and that just hasn't happened."

Larry Kudlow has heard enough of the Democrats' criticism and he's speaking out about it :

"I'm just gonna use the damn facts," he told Fox News' Leland Vittert. "On the wage front, [average hourly earnings are] rising 3.2 percent overall. The bottom [poorest] quarter [of workers], 4.4 percent increase, the top quarter, 3.5 percent [increase]."

"First of all, both are good and a rising tide is lifting all boats," Kudlow added. "But the point I'm making is, it's the blue collar people that have the fastest job expansion and it's the blue collar people that have the best wage growth."

"Wow! Low unemployment, high jobs, high wages, big consumer confidence, major productivity and no inflation ," said an enthusiastic Kudlow while gesturing toward the camera. "It's totally awesome. We're killing it on the economy."

Obama and Klobuchar can lie all they want about people not experiencing the gains triggered by President Trump's policies but the reality is that people are experiencing the growth. Why else would small business and consumer confidence be through the roof? If people aren't feeling good about their economic situation, they aren't confident.

Posted Sunday, May 5, 2019 8:04 PM

Comment 1 by Rex Newman at 05-May-19 08:24 PM
She can maybe pander her way to 3%, about 14th out of ... 23?

She could also remember how well it worked for one of best panderers ever - Tim Pawlenty.

Comment 2 by John W. Palmer at 05-May-19 11:26 PM
Wasn't Obama the one who once said "You didn't build that business"? Now Amy say's the very people Obama put down really are the reason the economy is booming. The people Amy credits with building the economy are in fact building the economy in response to the fundamental shift created by Trump's economic policy. If you create incentives to grow, people will respond to those incentives. If you insult and discourage them, they will choose to take fewer risks and circle their wagons to defend against a government that does not trust them and repeatedly tells them what to do. Amy who twisted the arms of this former students to taken on the debt? Amy who has done nothing to put our health care system on sold footing? It certainly was not you or your party.

Pelosi gets more radical

Like the Democrats she leads, Speaker Pelosi keeps getting more radical by the minute. She recently told the NYTimes that she's "worried President Trump might not step down if defeated in 2020", saying "We have to inoculate against that, we have to be prepared for that", urging Democrats to "win the debate that matters most to many voters inside the party: electability. 'Own the center-left, own the mainstream.'"

First, Democrats of 2019 aren't center-left. Which of you reading this thinks that Steven Cohen, David Cicilline or Jerry Nadler represents the mainstream of American politics? Next, there's this:

Pelosi also said that in order to beat Trump, liberals have to play at his level, and the best way to do that is to win big, so he can't challenge the results. "If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he's not going to respect the election,' she said. 'He would poison the public mind. He would challenge each of the races. He would say you can't seat these people."

Thanks to the Democrats' investigation-only agenda, Democrats won't keep their majority in the House. According to this, Democrats can only afford to lose 17 seats if they want to keep their majority. The likelihood of that happening isn't high. Here in Minnesota, the likelihood of flipping the Second and Third districts back to the Republicans looks quite possible. Don't be surprised if Republicans regain House seats in California, Virginia and Pennsylvania, too. The Democrats' majority is anything except rock-solid.

Last Wednesday, Pelosi pushed out a statement taking aim at the Trump administration in the aftermath of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, blasting the president as "immoral, unethical, corrupt and unpatriotic."

That's rich coming from the political party that lied to the American people that President Trump committed treason and had obstructed justice, then had to scamper after the special counsel's grand jury determined the opposite. Now Michael Horowitz, the DOJ Inspector General, is investigating whether Democrats abused "the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act" when they investigated "President Trump and associates of his 2016 campaign."

Finally, there's this:
[Video no longer available]
It isn't easy to get Bill Barr to smile, much less laugh. Ted Cruz accomplished those things during his questioning of Attorney Gen. Barr:
[Video no longer available]
In laying things out so beautifully, Sen. Cruz demolished Speaker Pelosi's arguments. The good news for Speaker Pelosi is that she doesn't have to worry about getting exposed because the MSM, aka the media wing of the Democratic Party, won't cover Sen. Cruz's questioning of Bill Barr.

Posted Monday, May 6, 2019 5:12 AM

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2016 GOP presidential candidates vs. 2020 Democrat presidential candidates

In 2016, the Republican candidates on those debate stages were top-tier presidential candidates, with a couple exceptions. The Democrats' presidential candidates this year are lackluster at best. Creepy Joe Biden? Seriously? Crazy Bernie Sanders? Someone should buy him a calculator. He needs one really badly . Amy Klobuchar? That mental midget is a pleasant-sounding airhead. Corey Booker is a nobody who thinks he's a somebody. Soon, Bill de Blasio will join the field. His greatest accomplishment is having NYPD police officers turn their back on him .

Former MNGOP gubernatorial candidate Marty Seifert used to say of the Republicans' gubernatorial candidates that we "have an embarrassment of riches. The DFL just have embarrassments." Eerily, that opinion fits this year's Democrat presidential candidates perfect.

David Avella, the GOPAC chairman and a GOP strategist, wrote this op-ed over the weekend. Here's the headline-grabbing part of the op-ed:

What a front-runner cannot endure is a rapid evaporation of his or her support. This is what is in store for Joe Biden. He will be out of the race by the time the South Carolina primary votes are counted.

While that's sure to get everyone's attention, the rest of Avella's op-ed is what's newsworthy:

Let us start with the fact that top Internet and social media search topics are "Creepy Joe" and "Joe Biden age." This is not launching a campaign from a position of strength. Despite his best efforts to inoculate himself from political mistakes, Joe Biden is simply the wrong guy in the wrong year.

It's one thing when a candidate gets off to a slow start because he's still putting the staffing puzzle together. That isn't why Biden stumbled. He stumbled because he's running a campaign that Walter Mondale would've used against Ronald Reagan. He's decades behind Obama and light years behind Trump in terms of campaigning.

If Republicans work hard this election cycle, they'll retake the House, add seats in the Senate and re-elect President Trump. The best explanation for that is wrapped up in this slogan:

Vote Republican. They aren't perfect but the other side is insane.

Indeed Democrats are insane.

Posted Tuesday, May 7, 2019 2:43 AM

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Ilhan Omar's oversized ego

Freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar's ego is definitely oversized. In her latest controversy, Rep. Omar, (DFL-MN), insisted that she's President Trump's "biggest nemesis" because "she's a 'nightmare' for the White House that wants to use her 'identity to marginalize our communities.'"

Actually, President Trump just has to highlight Rep. Omar's statements, then let those statements speak for themselves. For instance, Rep. Omar's statements on Hamas's terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens are the rantings of a lunatic:

Nikki Haley wasn't bashful:

Neither was Ari Fleischer:

Good for them. If Rep. Omar can't even get basic facts straight, then she should be criticized. This doesn't have anything to do with President Trump wanting to use her identity against "our communities." It has everything to do with Rep. Omar apparently attempting to be Hamas's spokesperson.

Posted Tuesday, May 7, 2019 5:34 AM

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Obama's policies spurring this economy? Yeah right!

Earlier this week, I wrote this post to highlight Sen. Amy Klobuchar's pandering to the Democrats' base. In her interview with Jake Tapper, she said "I give our workers and our businesses the credit.' Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar says the American workforce and 'policies in place, starting with President Obama' get the credit for historically strong economic numbers."

Way back in 2009, the Democrat supermajorities in the House and Senate passed a $850,000,000,000 stimulus bill. President Obama signed that bill. Part of that bill was a program named Cash For Clunkers. A year after signing the stimulus bill, the money was having virtually no positive effect on the economy. There were more headaches than positives. I wrote about one of the headaches in this post .
When I first watched this interview, I laughed my ass off:
[Video no longer available]
During an interview with Brian Sullivan, Grant Bosse had some light-hearted fun at President Obama's expense:

SULLIVAN: Our next guest has just announced his run for Congress from the phantom Double-Zero district of New Hampshire, one of those mentioned in the stimulus plan that don't actually exist. Grant Bosse says that if it's good enough to be cited as creating jobs, it ought to have a congressman.
Grant Bosse, Brian Sullivan in for Neil today. Forgive the tongue in cheek.
BOSSE: Oh, of course.
SULLIVAN: The Fighting Double-Zero, isn't that what you're calling it up there?
BOSSE: The Fighting Double-Zero. It's about time we had representation in Congress. Just because we don't exist doesn't mean we shouldn't count. We're just as serious, we're just as real as the jobs that were created under the stimulus plan.
SULLIVAN: What is your phantom platform?
BOSSE: Well, to keep the jobs here that the stimulus bill created.
SULLIVAN: Real jobs, though, right? Double-Zero would be happy to push them out to a real New Hampshire district, I assume?
BOSSE: We supposedly found out this week, through the Franklin Center's report on 440 fake congressional districts nationwide, that New Hampshire's Double-Zero District got about 2,800 jobs from the stimulus plan, which was quite a shock to the people who don't live there because it doesn't exist. And then when they changed the website, they took those 2,800 jobs away, so I'm gonna fight to bring them back and I think we need the type of fake jobs that, um...
SULLIVAN: If I was a fake member of that fake district, I'd be really upset because I was being discounted as being fake.
BOSSE: And that's why I'm asking you to pretend to vote for me.
SULLIVAN: You know, you've got my pretend vote. Now the problem is that it's in real reports. So it's not a fake report. That's the problem. It's a fake district with fake jobs but it's a real report.
BOSSE: Yeah, we spent $84,000,000 as part of this stimulus plan for the website and what we got is a very nice website with a great interactive map and the data on it is complete garbage. And in fact, the people that run that website now admit that they can't tell how many jobs the stimulus bill created because the data, they never bothered to check if the data was any good or not.
SULLIVAN: Listen, if I get up to the Phantom Fighting Double-Zero District, we'll go out for a fake burger, a fake beer and a real conversation.
BOSSE: No, the beer will be real.
SULLIVAN: That's the best part. Grant Bosse, thank you very much and good luck with your campaign.
BOSSE: We'll need it.

The Obama administration wants to take credit for Trump's booming economy but they couldn't even get a simple website running to track the jobs created by their stimulus bill. We're supposed to believe that they knew how to create jobs even though their stimulus bill did virtually nothing over a 3-year period. There's no reason to give them credit for anything other than being the most economically inept administration this side of the Great Depression. It's foolish to trust Sen. Klobuchar or any other Democrat's opinions on the economy. They voted against eliminating President Obama's regulations aimed at killing the fossil fuel industry. Not a single Democrat in either the House or Senate voted for the Trump/GOP tax cuts that've fired up this economy.

I'll give credit where credit is due. It's pretty apparent that Democrats deserve very little credit for this roaring economy.

Posted Tuesday, May 7, 2019 6:21 AM

Comment 1 by Rex Newman at 07-May-19 09:42 PM
As a Rush caller noted, Obama blamed his poor economy on Bush, irreversibly poor as the new normal. The "jobs aren't coming back" he said. Paul Krugman who plays an economist on TV predicted a long, possibly permanent recession or worse should Trump become President.

Trump obliged him, doing exactly what the Democrats ostensibly feared, only to see their worst nightmare take shape: a vibrant economy that is benefiting almost everyone and almost every demographic group. What to do but now claim Obama somehow planted the seeds of this recovery that now blooms after his departure.

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