March 30-31, 2020

Mar 30 00:05 Pelosi's Do-Nothing Democrats
Mar 30 11:03 Pelosi's sickening statements
Mar 30 16:09 The Met Council vs. COVID-19
Mar 30 23:45 Why Democrats lose national elections

Mar 31 16:01 What's important this election

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Pelosi's Do-Nothing Democrats

Last week, Nancy Pelosi got caught lying. If you're saying to yourself 'I didn't see anything in the NY Times or on CNN, ask yourself when the last time was that you saw a negative headline against a Democrat legislator. Notice that I didn't say a Democrat. The NY Times and CNN run negative headlines all the time against Democrat candidates . That's entirely different. But I digress.

Pelosi got caught trying to put Democrat policy initiatives into the coronavirus bill. This happened while doctors and other medical personnel didn't have enough ventilators or personal protective equipment, aka PPE. This is how Pelosi defended herself:
[Video no longer available]
It wasn't pretty. Johnny 'Joey' Jones laid it out perfectly. Nothing in the article above helps Pelosi, either:

"His denial at the beginning was deadly, his delaying of getting equipment : to where it is needed is deadly, and now the best thing would be to do is to prevent more loss of life, rather than open things up so that, because we just don't know," Pelosi said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union."

Pelosi held up the relief bill and she's got the chutzpah to insist that President Trump's delays, whatever they are, have killed people? She can't be serious. Pelosi insisted on changes to election laws as part of this emergency bill. We have federal elections, not national elections. The elections are for federal positions but they're administered by state and local governments.

President Clinton frequently said that states were the laboratories of democracy. He's right about that. Apparently, Pelosi isn't interested in perfecting democracies. She simply wants total control. This November, thoughtful people should throw her out of her position of prominence. Kevin McCarthy is the right fit for Speaker because he actually listens to his constituents. The last time Pelosi listened to her constituents happened when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Pelosi's agenda isn't America's agenda. In 2009-10, Pelosi's agenda included 2 things: first, passing the ACA, next, passing Cap & Trade. Democrats lost 63 seats in the House that year. This time as Speaker-in-name-only, Pelosi's agenda has been impeachment and resistance. The odds of her holding the Speaker's Gavel are between slim and none and slim just left town. Rather than pushing a positive agenda that the American people approve of, Pelosi has pushed one anti-Trump initiative after another.

She hasn't done a thing to fix the health care system. She's pushed impeachment while the coronavirus pandemic broke out. Then, she tried playing chicken with Mitch McConnell while the COVID-19 pandemic spread. After the Senate acquitted President Trump, Pelosi, AOC and the rest of the Democrats did nothing to prepare us for COVID-19. The first hearing Democrats held on the COVID-19 virus was on March 4 in the Homeland Security Committee:
[Video no longer available]
That's over a month after President Trump issued his travel ban with China. Pelosi's Democrats have been asleep at the switch when it comes to protecting us from pandemics. That's because they've focused their time on frivolous impeachment hearings. PS- The House Homeland Security Committee has held 3 hearings on COVID-19. The last hearing was March 11. That's pathetic.

While people die in New York, California, Illinois and Louisiana, Homeland Security did virtually nothing. I won't say that the blood of the victims is on their hands. That's clearly on China's hands. What I'm totally confident in saying, though, is that House Democrats didn't pay attention to COVID-19. They spent their attention on impeaching President Trump without mentioning a crime.

If that isn't the definition of do-nothing Democrats, then it doesn't exist.

Posted Monday, March 30, 2020 12:05 AM

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Pelosi's sickening statements

Ed Morrissey's post about Nancy Pelosi's statements on CNN's State of the Union is, as always, spot on. Predictably, Pelosi's statements ignore reality . She's totally oblivious to reality with regard to the coronavirus. I wrote in this post about what House Democrats didn't do when the virus was first taking off. Specifically, I focused on the House Homeland Security Committee's activities.

According to their website , House Democrats held 12 hearings after President Trump's two-way travel ban with China. Of those 12 hearings, 4 were on the subject of the coronavirus. If Ms. Pelosi wants to talk about people fiddling and people dying, she should look into the mirror.

House Democrats' first hearing on the coronavirus was on March 4, over a month after President Trump's China travel ban. Why didn't House Democrats pay attention sooner? In my opinion, it's because they were focused on impeaching President Trump. Let the record show that the Democrats' impeachment didn't include an article that mentioned a crime, much less a high crime, which is constitutionally required for impeachment.

All that Democrats have to offer is panic itself. Ed opened his post with this paragraph:

Say what ? Isn't this the same woman who held up the coronavirus relief package for days to get Green New Deal funding as part of the rescue? Nancy Pelosi told Jake Tapper yesterday morning that Donald Trump still isn't taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously enough, just a few days after Pelosi spent a week back home rather than in Washington dealing with the crisis, only to fly back and derail Senate negotiations for several days in providing a response to it.

It's impossible to take Pelosi seriously when she's vacationing in her million-dollar San Francisco mansion for a week while bipartisan Senate working groups are putting things together. At the last minute, Pelosi flew back from vacation and nixed the entire deal, insisting that major parts of AOC's Green New Deal be included in the emergency coronavirus relief bill. Pelosi also wanted additional protections for sanctuary cities, same-day voting registration and millions of dollars for the arts and the Kennedy Center.

Pelosi fiddled while first responders needed PPEs, ventilators and other life-saving medical equipment. What's required is a voice of sanity. That voice belongs to Dr. Drew Pinsky. Check it out, then implement his wisdom into your life:
[Video no longer available]

Posted Monday, March 30, 2020 11:03 AM

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The Met Council vs. COVID-19

The Met Council's battle vs. COVID-19 represents the Met Council's worst nightmare. Take, for instance, the complexities of living close together vs. fighting viruses. The Met Council's 2040 Housing Plan is essentially obsolete. How can you have people living virtually on top of each other but maintain proper social distancing? The obvious answer is that it's impossible.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. What happens when a truly infectious virus (like COVID-19) visits? Next, what happens if that virus is stronger and hits people of all ages? The people hardest hit by COVID-19 have compromised immune systems and the elderly. What happens if the next virus hits children the hardest and it's twice as deadly?

The fatalities from NYC might look like the good old days compared to that epidemic. Do we really want to plan for that type of epidemic? Will the savings in transportation costs be worth the potential loss of life from epidemics?

I'm still not into the heart of the matter of what's wrong with the Met Council in terms of how the Met Council's planning threatens the health of communities. A little under 5 minutes into this video, you'll see where the problems start:
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The pages' bullet points say:

  1. Urban planners know better than citizens.

  2. Raises vital question.

  3. Thrive MSP 2040

These bullet points are found under the heading of "Consequences of failing to check the Council's power." Think about this frightening thought. Think about an omnipotent central planner telling your family the settings your family will have to live in. The Met Council is already distant from We The People because it's appointed . Distance equals unaccountability. Think of the Met Council's ability to quarantine people in such a situation. The transportation system is light rail. If the Met Council shuts down light rail, activity within the neighborhood stops immediately.

During a pandemic, do you really want government bureaucrats who only answer to an autocrat in charge? Imagine that happening while Gov. Dayton's administration. Frightened already? I'm frightened. I want to be in charge, not some partisan appointee. It's my responsibility to protect my family.

Kathy Kersten said it perfectly when she quoted Forbes columnist Joel Kotkin. Kotkin, according to the quote, said "The people designing your city don't care what you want." Think about that a minute. The statement is true. Just ask city councils in the South Metro.

The truth is that central planners aren't flexible enough to make adjustments to things like pandemics. They're Point-A-To-Point-B thinkers. That's the worst type of person to deal with in a crisis.

Posted Monday, March 30, 2020 4:09 PM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 30-Mar-20 04:56 PM
So you're saying soviet style housing isn't a good thing? Who'd of thunk. The busses and trains now run empty too. Way to go big government!

Why Democrats lose national elections

After reading this article , it's easy to figure out why Democrats lose national elections. They lose because their true colors shine through. At yesterday afternoon's virus press conference, President Trump called several companies' CEOs up to speak about how their companies are helping with the fight against COVID-19. The first of those CEOs was Mike Lindell, the CEO and founder of My Pillow.

While the punks in the press mocked Lindell, others maintained their professionalism. Here's one example of that professionalism:

Liberal 'correspondents' couldn't maintain their professionalism. Here's a few of those examples:

Thank God for Greg Gutfeld:

While the MSDNC gang (don't take it literally) sneers down its liberal noses, Greg Gutfeld highlights the fact that Mike Lindell is a patriot helping his nation through a crisis. The MSDNC gang can't point to anything like that in their resume. God bless all of the Mike Lindell-like heroes who put country ahead of self. Thank God for Greg Gutfeld, too, for criticizing these snobs while providing us with humor.

PS- Democrats lose elections because blue collar people notice how anti-faith Democrats are.

Posted Monday, March 30, 2020 11:45 PM

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What's important this election

Democrats have repeatedly shown that they don't care about the truth. The latest proof of that is Nancy Pelosi's statement that (I'm paraphrasing here) people died while President Trump fiddled. While I can't give President Trump a 10 (out of 10) grade, his decisions have been incredible. Name another president that unleashed the private sector during a crisis the way President Trump has done.

These companies are different sizes, ranging from My Pillow to Ford Motor Company to Raytheon to Procter & Gamble. Each of these companies is contributing in special, significant ways. Frankly, while AOC, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders criticize major corporations, those major corporations are doing incredible things. Greg Hayes of Raytheon/United Technologies spoke at yesterday's briefing . Here's what he said:

As one of the world's largest defense contractors and some of the best technology, we're using that technology to try and solve some real-world problems. Today, we're working with the Air Force to try and help pilots as they're moving medical evacuees with the COVID-19 virus, such that they can be protected and that the patients can be protected.

Again, we're working also with logistics. And if you think about a war, strategy is important, but logistics wins war. It's imperative, I think, with FEMA, along with the Mr. Navarro's office, that we coordinate all of these activities. Last week, we donated about 90,000 pieces of personal protective equipment to FEMA. Next week, we'll have another almost million. Again, working through our supply chain partners around the world.

We're also this week, beginning the manufacture of face shields. Using the additive technologies that we have and the machines that we have available within UTC, we'll be able to produce approximately 10,000 shields in the next four weeks, again, all needed equipment. We stand ready to help in any way we can.

I don't care whether a company is big, small or in-between. If they're playing by the laws of the land and they're helping out nation during a crisis, that's all I worry about. If they make tons of profits by manufacturing a great product or a series of great products, hallelujah!
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What this election will come down to is trustworthiness. Why trust Democrats when their allies at CNN, the Washington Post and the NY Times intentionally misleads us? Check out Don Lemon's statement that admits he wants to mislead people:

CNN host Don Lemon said Monday, "I'm not actually sure, if you want to be honest, that we [should] carry that live. I think we should run snippets. I think we should do it afterwards and get the pertinent points to the American people because he's [President Trump] never, ever going to tell you the truth."

Trusting Don Lemon or Jim Acosta to pick out what's pertinent is frightening. Trusting them (or MSDNC) to put those quotes into proper context is like trusting the networks to treat the Covington Catholic kids fairly. Give me a break.

Then again, it might not matter. If Joe Biden in the Democrats' nominee, Democrats can kiss their ass good-bye.

Posted Tuesday, March 31, 2020 4:01 PM

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