June 28-30, 2020

Jun 28 12:26 The Democrats' race crisis
Jun 28 15:43 Adam Schiff's BS returns

Jun 29 00:34 The COVID emergency is behind us
Jun 29 16:30 Ilhan Omar's Democrat spin/lies
Jun 29 23:42 Defund the police revisited

Jun 30 03:25 Viewing Cancel Culture from the Bible's perspective
Jun 30 05:58 One nation under God
Jun 30 14:40 Where's Winkler's wisdom?

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The Democrats' race crisis

Democrats think the George Floyd murder is a political winner. It's indisputable that it started that way. Unfortunately for Democrats, the political issue didn't stop with the murder. That was just the start of things.

After that, the race riots started, complete with the looting destruction of minority neighborhoods. If you're accusing whitey of hating minorities, why would the first targets be minority businesses and neighborhoods? The next thing that's destroying the Democrats' George Floyd 'advantage' is the Democrats' calls to defund the police. Minneapolis took it a step further by voting for dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department.

CHAZ/CHOP happened next. Jenny Durkan, Seattle's dipstick Democrat mayor, and Jay Inslee, Washington's pathetic Democrat governor, just say idly by while Antifa and BLM anarchists took over 6 blocks of downtown Seattle. When asked about how long it might last, Durkan tried spinning it:
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If you're sensing a trend developing, you aren't alone. It's what happens after every major crisis. After every crisis, the Democrats insist that they have a mandate to dramatically transform American society. These Democrats are terrible at reading the public, mostly because they spend little time listening to the public.

The current overstep is tearing down the statues. While some will go along with eliminating the Confederate Flag, only Antifa and BLM anarchists think that tearing down the statues of U.S. Grant, Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln is popular.

Like Yasir Arafat, Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. The Democrats' biggest mistakes came this week. First, Dick Durbin described Sen. Tim Scott's JUSTICE Act a token gesture. Next, Nancy Pelosi said that that "Republicans were trying to get away with murder, George Floyd's murder." Finally, Democrats voted against opening debate on Sen. Scott's JUSTICE Act. These Democrats didn't even want to debate the merits of the JUSTICE Act. Democrats didn't want to amend the JUSTICE Act. Democrats wanted nothing to do with Tim Scott or the JUSTICE Act. Let's hear Democrats respond point-by-point to Sen. Scott's interview:
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This might frighten Democrats but I'll say it anyway. Tim Scott isn't going away. The JUSTICE Act will get a hearing, whether that's in the Senate as a complete bill or offered as amendments to the House bill when the Senate debates that bill. The only way for Senate Democrats to avoid voting on the JUSTICE Act is if they vote against debating the House Democrats' bill in the Senate.

That I'd pay to see. Tim Scott's JUSTICE Act is supposedly a token bill so Senate Democrats won't even debate it. The House Democrats is so bad that Senate Democrats won't debate that bill either? I'd love hearing Schumer explain that.

The Democrats have a race crisis. Part of the Democrats' crisis is that they've taken minorities for granted for 50 years. The other part of the Democrats' crisis is Tim Scott, who can walk the walk.

Posted Sunday, June 28, 2020 12:26 PM

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Adam Schiff's BS returns

After impeachment failed, COVID took our mind off of Adam Schiff's dishonesty. Thanks to Schiff's op-ed , published by USA Today, we're reminded that Schiff is still a world-class liar. Liar might be too harsh a word, though. It's entirely possible that Schiff actually thinks that he's telling the truth.

That would make him delusional or psychotic, not dishonest. That would mean that he needs to be put in a padded room, not a prison cell. That's certainly a possibility. But I digress. Let's examine the depths of Schiff's potential psychosis.

The opening paragraph is fairly mundane, stating "Last week, we witnessed the reemergence of John Bolton, the president's former national security adviser, and the release of his book. In it, Bolton describes his personal experiences with Donald Trump and his great alarm at Trump's incompetence, his dangerous subordination of our national security to his own personal interests, and his fundamental indecency."

Schiff's psychosis isn't exposed until the second and third paragraphs:

In short, Bolton is telling Americans what we already know. That the president is exactly what he appears to be: petty, self-serving, ignorant and utterly supplicant to autocrats in China, Turkey, North Korea and Russia.

We proved during the impeachment trial that Trump withheld hundreds of millions in military aid to Ukraine to coerce that country into announcing a sham investigation of his political rival. Bolton confirms our case and provides additional evidence of that flagrant abuse of power by providing a firsthand account of how Trump confirmed this illicit quid pro quo during a conversation they had. Moreover, Bolton also corroborates the testimony of Gordon Sondland, the former U.S. ambassador to the European Union who testified that "everyone was in the loop." Indeed they were, including the secretary of State, the Defense secretary and Attorney General Bill Barr.

Saying that President Trump is "utterly supplicant" to China is beyond delusional. It's totally unhinged with reality. Saying that President Trump is utterly supplicant to Russia is psychotic, too. President Trump sent Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine , something that the Obama-Biden administration never did. If sending anti-tank missiles to Ukraine makes Trump utterly supplicant, does that make the Obama-Biden administration traitors or, at minimum, Russian assets? Remember this?
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That's what being utterly supplicant to Russia looks like. Sending anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, Russia's neighbor, isn't being supplicant, utterly or otherwise. That being said, Schiff was is lying when he said that Democrats "proved during the impeachment trial that Trump withheld hundreds of millions in military aid to Ukraine to coerce that country into announcing a sham investigation of his political rival."

What was proven was that military aid was delayed until the Trump administration figured out whether the Zelenskiy administration was corrupt. The minute the Trump administration knew that President Zelenskiy could be trusted, the military aid was released. Mike Taylor proved that in this cross-examination of Gordon Sondland, the US Ambassador to the EU:
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KABOOM!!! Sondland's testimony during Michael Turner's cross-examination is proof that the Democrats didn't prove that military aid wasn't withheld from Ukraine to coerce Ukraine "into announcing a shame investigation" into Joe Biden. That's irrefutable proof that didn't happen. That's the opposite of what Schiff said.

The rest of Schiff's op-ed consists of Schiff quoting discredited Bolton quotes. While I won't state that Schiff and Bolton are world-class liars, I wouldn't hesitate in saying that Schiff is discredited Ambassador Joe Wilson's equal in terms of lying. (The old joke about Wilson was 'How can you tell Wilson is lying? A: If his lips are moving.' That fits Mr. Schiff perfectly.)

Posted Sunday, June 28, 2020 3:43 PM

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The COVID emergency is behind us

It's time for the legislature, especially the DFL House, to strip Gov. Walz of his peacetime emergency powers. It's time because the COVID crisis doesn't exist anymore. We know that thanks to this article , which reports "Sunday, the Minnesota Department of Health reported there are 523 new cases that have tested positive for COVID-19, creating a total of 35,549 cases in the state. MDH reports there are 1,425 total deaths, with eight additional deaths reported Sunday."

Sunday morning, At Issue With Tom Hauser reported that there were 1,411 COVIDS as of Friday's report. Further, Hauser reported that Friday's report marked the sixth straight day of single-digit deaths. That streak has now hit 8 straight days. A month ago, Minnesota was averaging 25-30 COVID deaths per day.

It's clear that there isn't much to be worried about with COVID if you don't have underlying health issues or if you're living in a long-term care facility. If you're 50 or younger and don't have diabetes or respiratory problems, this just isn't a problem.

If the DFL House doesn't vote to eliminate Gov. Walz's emergency powers, the DFL House should own, along with Gov. Walz, the economic catastrophe caused by COVID-19. There isn't an emergency anymore.

Shutting off Gov. Walz's emergency powers and passing a bonding bill should be the only things on the agenda if there is another special session. Everything else is irrelevant. There shouldn't be any money appropriated to rebuild Minneapolis. Twin Cities politicians did nothing while the riot erupted and Antifa and BLM anarchists demolished neighborhoods. But I digress.

The bottom line is simple. The COVID emergency doesn't exist anymore. More than a week straight of single-digit deaths proves that. Gov. Walz shouldn't have special authority for a situation that might or might not happen. The definition of emergency is "a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action" or "a state, especially of need for help or relief, created by some unexpected event."

Notice that both definitions describe an existing situation. They don't talk about something that might happen. In fact, it talks about the "need for help or relief" caused by "some unexpected event."

It's inconceivable that Minnesota's Constitution would give a governor such sweeping authority to prepare for an event that might not happen. Further, I don't see the usefulness of giving any politician the authority to act unilaterally, especially for extended periods of time. If Melissa Hortman, Ryan Winkler and the House DFL don't cut off Gov. Walz's autocratic authority, they'll own Gov. Walz's idiotic decisions that've ruined people's lives. Make no mistake, either. There's a ton of economic damage that Gov. Walz and the DFL have caused, as this report shows:
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It's time for the legislature to start acting like a co-equal branch. It's time for the DFL to stop acting liking a rubberstamp to Gov. Walz's decisions, especially considering that the crisis is behind us.

Posted Monday, June 29, 2020 12:34 AM

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Ilhan Omar's Democrat spin/lies

It's time to throw away the Democrats' anti-police spin/lies. The latest in the series is Ilhan Omar's op-ed . It contains one of the biggest whoppers I've ever seen, which is something considering the fact that I just read an op-ed written by Adam Schiff.

In the op-ed, Rep. Omar wrote "In the wake of George Floyd's murder, people across the country and around the globe are standing in solidarity with the protesters in Minneapolis. The message and movement of 'Black Lives Matter' has at long last gained the acceptance they long deserved." That's almost pure BS. First, the people that've gotten out in the streets aren't protesters. They're anarchists, rioters and looters. That's substantially different than the definition of a protester.

The definition of protester is "an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid." The definition of rioter is "a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets." This isn't a protest:
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That's what a riot looks like. Next, Black Lives Matter is getting discredited, thanks in large part to the fact that BLM's co-founders said that they're "trained Marxists." America-hating Somalis might think Marxists are gaining acceptance with Democrats but that's the only place BLM is gaining acceptance. Then there's this:

For too long, people who live and work in Minneapolis, particularly black and other marginalized communities, have faced violence at the hands of police. Despite attempts at accountability and reform, the department continues to fail the city, as was laid bare with George Floyd's murder and the department's actions since his killing.

That's because Minneapolis is 'governed' by activists, not policy-makers. Further, DFL City Councilmembers think first about how situations can be used for their political advantage. The Minneapolis City Council is entirely DFL. If the police aren't trained properly, then that's 100% on the DFL.

Ilhan Omar is part of the DFL. Ditto with Keith Ellison, the person who represented Minnesota's Fifth District. Ditto with Phyllis Kahn, the woman who represented the legislative district Omar represented. Kahn represented the district for almost 50 years.

The legitimate argument is that Minneapolis should throw out the Democrats who've represented Minneapolis's failed status quo for 40+ years. Why doesn't the DFL get the blame? They're the people representing the city at all levels of government, from the City Council, to the State Legislature to the U.S. Congress. The results are in and indisputable. Democrats have failed Minneapolis for half a century.

Posted Monday, June 29, 2020 4:30 PM

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Defund the police revisited

It's long past time to tell Democrat media hacks like Jessica Tarlov, Marie Harf and Donna Brazile to shut up about what the 'Defund the Police' movement is or isn't about. Tarlov, Harf and Brazile are Democrat establishment hacks waging a public fight against the Bernie Bros/BLM/Antifa/AOC activist wing of the Democratic Party. The truth is that Democrats are split on this from a PR standpoint. Democrats aren't split on this from a policy standpoint.

Bill de Blasio is the worst big city mayor in America. He wants to cut $1,000,000,000 from NYPD's $6,000,000,000 police budget while "gun violence has surged across the Big Apple." De Blasio insists that "We can do this, we can strike the balance, we can keep this city safe."

Of course, that doesn't match with reality, which is normal with de Blasio:

The violence continued across the city over the weekend as eleven people were shot in less than 12 hours Saturday night into Sunday night, including in Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Manhattan.

The key to preventing crime is ... reducing the numbers of officers on the street? If de Blasio had been alive when they made the Wizard of Oz, he might've gotten cast as the Scarecrow even without an audition:
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"We have caved to the mob in a moment we know will come back to haunt us," Councilman Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island) told The Post. 'The mayor is smart enough to know that these actions will create a more violent environment in New York. "This is what you get when you have government-by-hashtag," he added.

Borelli's counterpart from Queens, Councilman Robert Holden, echoed the complaints. "I'm against wholesale cuts based on protest signs," the Middle Village Democrat said. "One billion dollars is an arbitrary number that the mayor and some of my colleagues are trying to reach to appease the masses without considering public safety."

De Blasio insists that this is part of his reform package. That's BS. There aren't any reforms in this proposal. The only thing that's happening is de Blasio caving to BLM, Antifa and AOC.

Defunding the police is happening in too many places for Democrats to ignore. LA, NYC, Seattle, Portland and Chicago are cutting their budgets. Minneapolis wants to eliminate their police department entirely. Since PD budgets are set locally, Democrat hacks like Tarlov, Harf, Brazile and Biden can say whatever they want. Their voices are irrelevant.

The voices that matter are the activists' voices (#BlackLivesMatter, Antifa) and the de facto leaders of the Democrats (AOC, Ilhan Omar, Lisa Bender and Jeremiah Ellison).

Posted Monday, June 29, 2020 11:42 PM

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Viewing Cancel Culture from the Bible's perspective

Democrats hating various statues, monuments, military bases and cities aren't looking at things from a biblical perspective. It's understandable that Democrats would want the confederate flag removed. It's a reminder of the Democrats' racist history. The MSM won't admit this but the Democrat Party is the party of Bull Conner, Jim Crow, George Wallace, the KKK (including Robert C. Byrd ) and the Party of segregation.

Now that that isn't hidden anymore, let's look at these sins from a biblical perspective. King David is described as a "man after God's own heart." Despite that, David murdered Uriah after David slept with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, and gotten her pregnant. Despite that, God forgave David.

Saying that David was a complex person is understatement. God saw what was important and forgave David. After that, David became one of Israel's greatest kings. That's just the first example from the Bible.

Most people know the story of Moses killing an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite while Israel was held hostage in Egypt for 400 years. After that, Moses hid in the desert until God called him to lead Israel out of Egypt. Despite the fact that Moses had murdered another person, God chose Moses to lead Israel out of captivity. After the Passover, when the Lord spared Israelis whose doors were marked, Pharaoh called for Moses, then let Israel go. The only other thing that Moses is famous for is parting the Red Sea and giving Israel the Ten Commandments. Imagine that. God utilized a complex individual to fulfill one of His biggest promises.

That isn't factoring in the contributions of Saul of Tarsus. Saul of Tarsus was a Roman hired by Romans to kill Christians. Saul was extremely gifted at killing Christians. His most famous slaying was of Stephen, who was stoned to death. While he was being murdered, Stephen "saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, 'Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!'" That's the only time in the Bible when Jesus wasn't seated at the right hand of the Father.

Shortly thereafter, Saul had his "Damascus experience." After that, Saul of Tarsus became the Apostle Paul, the father of the church and the greatest evangelist in the history of Europe and Asia. During his life, Paul made 3 major missionary trips, establishing churches throughout Europe, Greece and as far away as India and Africa. Paul wasn't too proud to admit that he was "chief among sinners."

The point I'm making is that the things that the Cancel Culture wants to abolish were no worse than the things that David, Moses and Paul did. God forgave David, Moses and Paul before using them to fulfill major prophecies. Today, the Cancel Culture wants the statues of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ulysses S. Grant torn down, just to name a few. Is the Cancel Culture so hard-hearted that they can't forgive complex people who did things that they regretted doing before doing things that make them heroes worthy of celebration and distinction?

If the U.S. becomes unwilling to forgive our fellow citizens, then this society won't be sustained for any length of time. Everyone has committed incredible sin. People belong to the least exclusive club in the history of mankind. According to Paul's letter to the church in Rome, " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That means that everyone, including the members of the Cancel Culture, have committed heinous wrongdoings. Should we eliminate everyone except Christ, the only man who never sinned?

Too late. Cancel Culture wants His statues torn down, too.

Posted Tuesday, June 30, 2020 3:25 AM

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One nation under God

Religious Freedom is Ours to Win or Lose
By Ramblin' Rose

We mourn the torture and repression of Christians in other countries. Figures from the Pew Research Center reveal the horrific facts that more than 6 BILLION people in 83 countries experience high or very high restrictions on religious beliefs and practice or social hostilities due to religion.

We have felt safe in our nation. One nation under God.

But reviewing national polls about the precipitous decline in the number of professed Believers in the last decade, the warnings from Church leaders about the closing of numerous congregations, the proposals in Congress to force a leftist agenda on our nation, legalized abortion (infanticide), and the Supreme Court ruling last week that redefines 'gender' as emotion and not biological identity, cut to the hearts of Christians.

Debates and concessions have grown in the last few weeks about the acceptance of 'taking a knee' to protest our national flag. Who remembers how Tebow was ridiculed and humiliated by leftists for taking a knee to pray to God? How many recall the numerous high school and college coaches that have been fired because they prayed on the field - by themselves, with their team or allowed their teams to pray?

As the pandemic raged in our land and around the world, allegedly the most requested and purchased book was the Bible. Is there some hope? Have more turned to God or just purchased the Bible to hold it to their heart as hopeful students sleep with their textbook for a pillow before an exam?

Jeremy P. Barker, Director, Middle East Action Team and Senior Program Officer for the Religious Freedom Institute defined religious freedom with this statement: 'As articulated in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, core international covenants such as Article 18 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and contemporary research, religious freedom [emphasis added] is understood to be a fundamental human right, the cornerstone of a successful society, and a source of national and international security.'

WE cherish our First Amendment Rights. It is reassuring to know that religious freedom was a part of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, even though that fact was not a part of the school curriculum in the last 50 years, at least. Nor was/is the passage of the United States International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) in 1998 a part of traditional public-school teaching. That act brought attention to the status of religious freedom around the world. Through IRFA, the policy of the United States became one 'to condemn violations of religious freedom, and to promote, and to assist other governments in the promotion of, the fundamental right to freedom of religion.'

Consequently, a new position, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, within the State Department mandates an annual report of religious freedoms in every country and an independent Commission on international religious freedom at the National Security Council.

President Trump's Executive Order 13926 of June 2, 2020, mandates that 'Religious freedom, America's first freedom, is a moral and national security imperative. Religious freedom for all people worldwide is a foreign policy priority of the United States, and the United States will respect and vigorously promote this freedom.'

While the USA was the first country to enact the IRFA policy, now more than two dozen countries have similar positions and policies.

In July 2018, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo initiated the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom to address religious freedom violations on a global level with foreign officials at the ministerial level and representatives from those societies, as well as victims of religious persecution and discrimination. The sole focus of the meeting was 'the unalienable human right of religious freedom.' Vice President Pence addressed the gathering.

The second annual (2019) Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom was the largest religious freedom event of its kind in the world, with more than 1000 civil and religious leaders from more than 100 invited foreign delegations.

The Trump Administration sets a priority on the protection of the unalienable right of religious freedom. In September 2019, President Trump hosted the first Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom at the United Nations General Assembly, with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary Pompeo in attendance.

In 2020, Warsaw, Poland, is set to host the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom.

I do try to regularly follow the news, but I only recall media coverage of the 'irregular' manner in which President Trump addressed the General Assembly of the UN last fall. Was there positive coverage of this event?

It has been gratifying to have speakers at the National Prayer Breakfast, in recent years, that laud Christian/Judeo beliefs, traditions and practices instead of spanking them publicly for past atrocities - in the name of religion.

While there is no guarantee that there is a movement to again embrace the universal unalienable rights of the freedom of religion, it is reassuring to know that the current administration is working to advance those opportunities.

In the words of another great leader of this country, 'If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.' (Ronald Reagan)

God bless America!!

Posted Tuesday, June 30, 2020 5:58 AM

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Where's Winkler's wisdom?

This week's e-letter update from Minnesota House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler is typical DFL spin/bullshit. The e-letter update starts with the announcement that the "House Jobs and Economic Development Finance Committee will hold a public forum today (Tuesday, June 30) at 5:00 pm on the Promise Act. Then it says "The Promise Act also establishes a Civil Unrest Investigatory Commission to conduct a neutral investigation into the government's response to the unrest , with a public report due by December 15, 2020."

Later in Winkler's update, he writes "Unlike the neutral investigation that House Democrats proposed as part of the Promise Act, Senate Republicans recently announced partisan hearings into the civil unrest that followed George Floyd's murder. We know Senate Republicans have been working from the start with Bob Kroll of the Minneapolis Police Federation and his allies to preserve the status quo for public safety. The forthcoming hearings they plan to hold will have zero credibility because they were organized without the input of any DFL Senator, including POCI Caucus members." Winkler finishes by writing this:

It's clear that Senate Republicans are focused on throwing red meat to their base on FOX News instead of working with us to create a system of public safety where everyone can be safe, no exceptions. I'll have more to say later this week when the Senate holds its first hearing.

Apparently, one of Rep. Winkler's gifts is that he knows what's going to happen days before it happens. Apparently, this gift doesn't work on gas tanker trucks , though. Don't forget this:

Winkler doesn't know what's happening at this Senate hearing. He's a typical DFL partisan hack. When Winkler tweeted about the oil tanker truck, he intentionally said that the vehicle had racist stickers on it. He couched it as 'I just heard some things from friends who said ...' At a time when tensions are higher than Mount Everest, you don't throw white gas on that fire.

It turns out that the guy who got into the near-accident was delivering to a gas station owned by an African-American gentleman. Winkler got virtually everything wrong about the incident. He put out gossip that might've ignited more rioting. That's the definition of irresponsible. The first order of business at the next special session should be censuring Winkler for being this reckless. He's a back bench hack who shouldn't be House Majority Leader.

Posted Tuesday, June 30, 2020 2:40 PM

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