July 8-10, 2019

Jul 08 01:00 Democrats' week in review
Jul 08 14:13 Trump in domination mode

Jul 09 00:50 Idiots to the left of US
Jul 09 02:49 DFL coalition wants Brandmire, Conway to resign
Jul 09 23:30 St. Louis Park City Council vs. the Pledge of Allegiance

Jul 10 10:46 First Amendment or Indoctrination
Jul 10 13:48 Anne Mavity's depravity
Jul 10 18:44 Thank God for constitutional republics

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Democrats' week in review

Why anyone would think that the Democrats' presidential nominee has a fighting chance 16 months from now is beyond me. Don't tell me about the latest polls showing Sleepy Joe Biden, Crazy Bernie Sanders or a handful of other Democrats defeating him at this point. Each of those polls comes with a fatal flaw. That fatal flaw consists of 6 words that change everything. The fatally flawed words are "if the election was held today."

Unfortunately for Democrats, and luckily for the nation, the election won't be held until Nov. 3, 2020. Another thing that will work in President Trump's favor and in the GOP's favor is what's happening beneath the public's radar. What's happening beneath the public radar is Brad Parscale, President Trump's campaign manager, building a machine. During a recent interview with FNC's Martha MacCallum, Parscale told her that he'll have a volunteer army of 2,000,000 people to knock on doors and man the phone banks. That's in addition to having already built out the campaign headquarters in Washington, DC and New York City. That's in addition to the RNC already staffing field offices in all 50 states. Newt Gingrich put it perfectly in this interview:
[Video no longer available]
But I digress. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Kurt Schlichter's latest article highlights just how foolish Democrats are:

You gotta hand it to them - it's an innovative strategy to run for President by taking the position that your country is garbage and that its are people deplorable monsters. It'll be interesting to see how the Democrats fare on their "America sucks!" platform. The last week has seen Team Donkey take brave stands against the flag and celebrating our military, and you would half expect them to next advocate for something insanely suicidal, like taking your health insurance or forcing you to pay for illegal aliens' doctors. Oh wait, that happened too.

Let's see how this is adding up. Democrats have told Americans that they're for taking away these Americans' employer-provided health insurance and replacing it with government-run health care. Democrats also told Americans that they want American taxpayers to pay for illegal aliens' health care.

Joe Biden, the Democrats' leading idiot, justified taxpayer funding of health care for illegal aliens this way:
[Video no longer available]
Biden is right that a significant portion of illegal aliens came in legally. The fact that the Obama-Biden administration didn't even attempt to fix that crisis the last 5+ years of their administration speaks to how unserious the Obama-Biden administration was on this issue. That being said, conditions at the border have dramatically changed.

Remember Larry Tribe insisting that the 2 tanks and the 2 fighting machines reminded him of the Chinese forces who mowed down peace protesters in Tiananmen Square?

Remember AOC telling dishonest reporters that CBP put "women in rooms without running water", then telling those same dishonest reporters that those same women stuck in a room that didn't have running water were drinking water out of toilets? If you don't, this should help refresh your memory. Make sure to watch the video of AOC lying through her teeth.

Please explain to me why we should ever let any of these Democrats within 1,000 miles of America's levers of control. I'd argue that AOC, Biden and Harris in charge would be a total disaster for the US. They'd be worse than Obama. PS- That's something I didn't think I'd hear myself say, especially with the bitter memories of the Obama-Biden administration so fresh.

Posted Monday, July 8, 2019 1:00 AM

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Trump in domination mode

Anyone who thinks that the Democrats will have a fair shot at retaking the White House in 2020 hasn't read this article . The best way I know how to put it is that President Trump, the RNC and his family have decided to go for the Democrats' jugular right away.

The record-breaking fundraising isn't just intimidating numbers-wise. It's intimidating because it shows the enthusiasm for President Trump's re-election. Those donors, both small-dollar online donors and rich donors alike, love what President Trump has done. The entrepreneurs love the corporate tax cuts and the deregulation. Small dollar donors love their bigger paychecks and rising wages. If there is anything to the notion of a sweet spot campaign, this is pretty close to it.

Factor in, too, the volunteer army that Brad Parscale is putting together and it's difficult to picture the Democrats having much of a chance. That isn't a reason for the GOP to get lethargic. The goal should be to re-elect President Trump, increase Mitch McConnell's Senate majority and retake the US House in a big way.

Republican donor enthusiasm is reaching new levels more than a year before the presidential election, sparking wild predictions that President Trump and the Republican National Committee's joint fundraising committee will raise more than Trump and Hillary Clinton collected in the 2016 election.

GOP fundraisers said the president could rake in $2 billion to $2.5 billion, a record amount that is double what Clinton and former President Barack Obama took in for their most recent campaigns.

It's time to demolish the Democrats. I don't say that because I hate Democrats. I say that because the Democrats' agenda is that far outside the political mainstream.
[Video no longer available]
When the DHS Secretary for the Democrats says that this year's Democrats want open borders, people should take notice. It's my belief that citizens are noticing even if the MSM isn't noticing. When several Democrat presidential candidates want to raise taxes up to the 70% marginal rate, that's light years away from the mainstream. When every Democrat presidential candidate supports decriminalizing illegal immigration, those Democrats need the Hubble Telescope just to see the fringes of the mainstream. This isn't what Democrats wanted to hear:

"I raised six figures from a businessman who got a tax refund of seven figures. It's the same dynamic for middle-income Americans - they're more likely to support us with $5, $20, or $100 because they see the difference in their own paycheck and want to keep it going," one fundraiser said.

The myth that people aren't feeling the growth from President Trump's policies is shattered by the contributions information. If people aren't feeling the positive impact of President Trump's policies, why would they be enthusiastically contributing to President Trump's campaign?

At this point, President Trump is justified in operating from a mindset of dominating the 2020 election. That's what it's looking like at this point.

Posted Monday, July 8, 2019 2:13 PM

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Idiots to the left of US

This LTE should frighten thoughtful people because of the 'logic' applied to the subject of the border crisis. The author of this LTE identifies himself as a retired civics teacher, which means he's a progressive who isn't capable of applying logic.

In the article, this retired teacher identifies himself as part of the 'Hate America First Crowd' wing of the Democrat Party. He did that by writing "I was appalled by the consequences of the decisions of this administration that used the slogan 'Make American Great Again' was making our country a disgrace." Before moving along, let's apply some critical thinking to that statement.

Why is a simple, positive slogan seen as something that "was making our country a disgrace"? Is it because the economy is the best it's been in 15+ years? Is it because minority and women unemployment are at historic lows? Perhaps, we're a disgrace because we didn't put Foggy Bottom blinders on when negotiating terrible trade deals with China.

Better yet, perhaps we're seen as a disgrace because a sociopath from NYC is comparing detention centers to Nazi concentration camps. Are we seen as a disgrace because this same sociopath is telling disinterested media people that illegal aliens are being put into rooms with no running water, then being ordered to drink from toilets that rely on the supposedly nonexistent running water?

The article in the June 24 edition of the New York Times demonstrated that the situation at the border for innocent children is disgraceful and inhumane. It is incredible that the country that I have been proud of has allowed this to happen.

This is a complicated problem that needs solutions on many fronts. Border policy has been a problem for many years. The president, his administration, the Republicans in Congress who refuse to challenge these policies and the Democrats who delay action to get rid of the disgraceful, unfit, dangerous president are complicit in the downward spiral of our country's moral standing in the world.

So we're supposed to "get rid of" a president who has installed a set of fiscal policies that have brought minority unemployment to historic lows? President Trump and the GOP didn't work on immigration at the start of his administration because the economy was in much worse shape. The border didn't get become the total crisis that it is now until House Democrats filled the DHS appropriations bill with poison pills that now prohibits illegal aliens entering with a child to be deported.

This fits with the Democrats' plans for opening the borders and not enforcing the US's immigration laws. Anyone that thinks that isn't the Democrats' goal is kidding themselves. At the twin DNC/Democrat debates 2 weeks ago, each of the 20 Democrat presidential candidates raised their hands when asked if we should decriminalize illegally entering the United States. What's truly frightening is that all of those Democrat presidential candidates raised their hands to make sure illegal aliens had health care free of charge if they were elected president. This is disgusting:

After reading the first few paragraphs of the excellent NYT article , my granddaughter plainly told me that she did not want to hear more. She did not want to hear about children who had little food and horrible living conditions.

There's nothing excellent about the NY Times article. The living conditions, while crowded, are kept clean considering the fact that House Democrats complained that children were sleeping on the floor, then seeing 99 of their members vote against providing funding for beds.

The conditions at the border are difficult because House Democrats have obstructed putting things in place. In December, when Republicans introduced legislation to fix this problem, Democrats said there wasn't a crisis. In February, House and Senate Democrats said that there was just a "manufactured crisis." By April, Democrats started admitting that there was a "humanitarian crisis." If AOC doesn't act in the next 2 months, how will Democrats describe that crisis?

Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2019 12:50 AM

Comment 1 by Gretchen L Leisen at 09-Jul-19 09:08 AM
At the first debate of the Democrat candidates for POTUS, they revealed their hand when they chose the interests of illegal immigrants over the best interests of US citizens. It was very obvious to any sane person watching.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 09-Jul-19 10:51 AM
Sane people weren't watching unless it was their job. LOL

DFL coalition wants Brandmire, Conway to resign

A coalition of DFL activists, a significant portion of whom are paid activists, organized a resist movement event at Monday night's St. Cloud City Council Meeting. Included in the coalition of DFL activists were "the East Central Area Labor Council, TakeAction Minnesota and #UniteCloud, according to Jane Conrad, field representative for East Central Labor Council." TakeAction Minnesota is one of the most hardline progressive organizations in Minnesota.

I wrote about TakeAction Minnesota's depravity in this post because they went out to then-Congressman Jason Lewis' home to spread their fear and hatred to Lewis's family and neighbors by trespassing on Lewis's property. What's ridiculous is that Monday night's activists carried signs that read "We are greater than hate":

TakeAction Minnesota is among the greatest fear-mongers in the state. TAM is one of the weapons that the DFL uses to stifle debate. They aren't about civic pride. They're about shutting down debate. They're about intimidation. If TAM didn't have fear and intimidation, they wouldn't be activists.

As for #UniteCloud, that organization specializes in preventing transparency and accountability. Whenever someone asks for information on how much the refugee resettlement program costs, #UniteCloud reflexively accuses that person of being Islamophobic and racist. This DFL hate group isn't interested in having a discussion about the program itself. It's about overthrowing an election of 2 conservatives. (The rest of the City Council are either progressives or Chamber of Commerce Republicans, aka crony capitalists.) The last thing the DFL's shadow organizations want is to deal with people who know how to articulate a principled message.

Loyal readers of LFR have reported that ISAIAH/GRIP was out in force Monday night, too. These organizations portray themselves as religious organizations. That's fiction. They're another DFL front organization. In 2010, ISAIAH/GRIP published "three 'Shining the Light' reports, co-authored by the Kirwan Institute for Race and Ethnicity." The Kirwan Institute identifies themselves as dealing with implicit bias. In their own words , implicit bias "affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases, which encompass both favorable and unfavorable assessments, are activated involuntarily and without an individual's awareness or intentional control. Residing deep in the subconscious, these biases are different from known biases that individuals may choose to conceal for the purposes of social and/or political correctness. Rather, implicit biases are not accessible through introspection."

In other words, one of the organizations attacking Paul Brandmire and Mike Conway think that people possess biases that they're unaware of and that they can't control. But I digress.

Conway said Brandmire, by agreeing to be interviewed for the story, was "trying to have an open discussion. All he did was he noticed. You bring in 20,000 people, I don't care where they are from, you bring them in from anywhere in a short period of time, you are going have people say, 'Oh, that's different,'" Conway said. "Paul is not a racist. I'm not a racist. We're not bigoted. We just are the ones who are saying, 'Hey, there are some differences going on. We need to find out how to make those things work.'"

The message that ISAIAH/GRIP, TakeAction Minnesota and #UniteCloud want to put out there is that Republicans are racists. The truth is irrelevant to them, which is disgusting. These DFL front organizations aren't about having a conversation. They're about shutting down debate.

UPDATE: This is the speaker who called for the resignations:
[Video no longer available]
This is the speaker representing the labor unions:
[Video no longer available]
Let's be clear about this. The DFL was behind this artificial uprising. This wasn't happenstance. The DFL doesn't like Republicans serving anywhere. That's why this happened.

Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2019 4:34 AM

Comment 1 by M Starry at 09-Jul-19 04:27 PM
ISAIAH also joined with CAIR on a hit list against so-called 'Anti-Muslim' Propaganda Mill that looks a lot like old time mafia tactics. It included well respected journalists and a congressional candidate along with conservative think tank leaders. They both use 'religion' as a tool to promote collective socialist goals.

Comment 2 by Jenna at 09-Aug-19 02:41 PM
Should have done your research. Isaiah doesn't currently have a presence in Saint Cloud and hasn't since January.

All organizations are independent and are not affiliated with each other.

But we know Gary, you and your church deal in lies and propaganda.

Too bad you're not a patriotic American that respects people's opinion And doesn't attempt to incite violence

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 09-Aug-19 03:50 PM
Jenna, whether ISAIAH/GRIP has an office in St. Cloud is utterly irrelevant. I had friends at the meeting who recognized members of that bunch of guttersnipes.

As for you knowing that my church deals "in lies & propaganda", I'd love knowing how you know this since you don't know which church I attend or even if I attend church.

It's one hell of a trick to know that I'm not patriotic & that I don't respect other people's opinions since we've never met. Making those types of statements without firsthand verification smacks of McCarthyism at its worst. Have you no shame?

St. Louis Park City Council vs. the Pledge of Allegiance

More and more, the American people are getting the impression that anti-American forces are trying to take apart part of the United States' identity simply by complaining. In St. Louis Park, it might not have taken even that much for the City Council to vote to eliminate reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before City Council meetings.

According to the article, "council members voted for removal because some argued the Pledge of Allegiance could discourage non-citizens from the political process." So the St Louis Park City Council voted unanimously to stop reciting the Pledge because it might offend someone? How is that different than a heckler's veto against conservative speakers?

Thankfully, our pro-American president isn't sitting on the sidelines while the Hate America First Democrats strip away one tradition after another. This isn't just one isolated incident after another. These are related. There's no question that there's a plan in place. Here's President Trump's tweet:

Apparently, these politicians don't understand who they're dealing with as constituents. This is the age of Brexit, populism and President Trump. Check this out:

(Anne Mavity, the council member who sponsored the original changes to the meeting protocol, previously told KARE 11 that non-citizens shouldn't have to say a pledge to do business with the city). However, the decision led to some backlash and even national media attention, including the president's tweet. Mavity said she supports a detailed research process that incorporates feedback from constituents. "We clearly fumbled by not anticipating the desire of our St. Louis Park residents to be in conversation about this,' Mavity said. 'So, I want to make sure we get it right at this time."

First, if non-citizens have a problem with meetings that start with the Pledge of Allegiance, that's their problem. Period. Next, it's important for the United States to maintain its identity. Someone should send this recital of the Pledge to the Council:
[Video no longer available]
I've watched the Pledge getting recited dozens of times. Each time, I gain new appreciation for the Pledge. Whenever this Pledge is recited, though, something special happens. I can't explain it but I know it when I feel it.

That's why winning this fight isn't just important. It's essential.

The mayor supports reinstating the pledge but was out of town when the vote occurred in June. On Monday night, he said council members 'skipped a step' and should have taken more time to consider the community's feedback. "Let's have a focused discussion (about the pledge)," Spano said in interview. "Whether or not that is in fact welcoming or unwelcoming and what does that mean? And how do we move forward as a group?"

It's difficult to believe that the Council accidentally skipped a step. I think it was intentional because I'm betting that the Council wanted a specific outcome and because they didn't want to have to explain their decision to the uppity peasants.

Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2019 11:30 PM

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First Amendment or Indoctrination

First Amendment or Indoctrination
By Ramblin' Rose

'Actions speak louder than words.' We have all heard, and probably said, that adage many times. Yet on college campuses, where information is to be exchanged and knowledge acquired, that is not always the case. The news media frequently reports on the cancellation of visit by a conservative or Christian speaker due to protests by "enlightened" leftists. If they do attempt to make their speech, they are frequently attacked, physically and verbally.

Many universities announce comfort toys, therapy dogs, massages in de-stressing spaces for students facing final exams. It seems that Snowflakes do melt. Are these young adults who are learning to develop their own informed decisions or sponges ready to follow the indoctrination of left-wing progressive educators?

In March, 2019, South Dakota's Republican governor Kristi Noem signed HB 1087. Upon signing the bill into law (effective July 1, 2019) she stated, "Our university campuses should be places where students leave their comfort zones and learn about competing ideas and perspectives: I hope this bill lets the nation know that, in South Dakota, we are teaching our next generation to debate important issues, work together to solve problems, and think independently."

Diversity? It's a buzzword that has become a part of the PC vocabulary and had its meaning warped by the Left to be a tool to limit free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment. It now symbolizes 'inclusivity' as long as the Left determines who is to be included and which ideologies MUST BE embraced by their exclusive definition of 'tolerance.' Anyone who tries to express, or worse, practice conservative and/or Christian values MUST BE silenced. This left-wing ideology emanates from diversity offices housed on almost all postsecondary campuses, promoting social justice causes and requiring students, faculty and staff to attend safe space training, suppression of white-identify workshops, drag shows and a plethora of other perverse topics.

In South Dakota, lawmakers estimate that diversity offices cost about $6 million annually and employ 31 people: without improved results for minority/diverse students.

Native Americans comprise the largest minority in South Dakota. Yet they are still struggling to graduate. What are those diversity programs doing for them? One of the bill's sponsors, Representative Sue Peterson, asked that question. In her review of report from the state's diversity office reports, she noted references to safe zone training, social justice training and oversight of university hiring projects. She did not report on assistance to Native American students.

The executive director of the Board of Regents claims that "the role of diversity offices is to prepare students to work among other cultures. Businesses that recruit students want employees who can be sent anywhere in the world and adjust to different cultures."

Representative Peterson, whom I have not met, and I agree that the director's statement is hollow, at best, and maybe just closer to a lie.

Doing a search for the characteristics that employers want in their employees, communication is still number one. So why not invest in teaching students the language of the company/country where they hope to work. Then they could communicate with the employer, co-workers (#7 on the list of the top 10 quality and skills sought by employers in prospective employees), and the host community.

If the language program is solid, the professors will use the professional standards of ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). All will use the target language (the one being learned) in order to gain the ability to communicate in the language: not in English. The company will not have to hire interpreters for the employee. (US-based company: Do you want your employees depending on local interpreters who may not have the best interests of your company in mind as they interpret: maybe to the benefit of the host-country administrators?)

Those professional standards also include 'culture.' Culture, properly taught, includes "products, practices and perspectives." Traditionally, only products have been named and the practices of a few holidays mentioned. Rarely were the differing perspectives included. They MUST BE if there is to be transparent communication and deep understanding. (Culture classes are also taught in the target language so that English perspectives does not influence the interpretation.)

Let's consider two examples.

In March, 2001, China downed a US military plane. They had to apologize but would not. However, someone who knew both the language and the culture (all 3 Ps) offered a face-saving resolution. In Chinese, there is a way to say you are sorry without saying that you are sorry. That was not found in a dictionary or on Google Translator. It came from a thorough understanding of the language and culture.

Not all who speak the same language (standard language, dialects and slang excluded) have the same culture. An international student from Peru told me that she had assumed that all Spanish-speaking peoples, at least in Latin America, shared the same perspectives. She was exposed to differences in a US university. She returned home with a better appreciation of the breadth of her own culture.

The insights to be successful as a tourist or professional in another country will not be attained through the programs offered by the diversity offices on US campuses. The executive director is wrong.

South Dakota is one of 17 states that passed legislation, signed by the governor, to protect the First Amendment. The media has not shared this as news. They reacted (negatively) to President Trump's Executive Order 13864, signed on March 21, 2019. It decrees it to be federal policy to ": foster environments that promote open, intellectually engaging, and diverse debate." It also directs this nation's colleges and universities to protect free speech on campus or lose federal research funding.

The Board of Regents met in late June to determine how to operationalize the new law on July 1. We're still waiting for a report. Their Facebook page provided a short report related to student organizations but nothing about this policy. Hmmmm.

But our neighbor has taken a brave step.

"Supporters are optimistic that the new South Dakota law will help to foster true intellectual diversity, as opposed to what they decry as the left-wing multiculturalist version of diversity that treats all cultures as equal and pressures students to conform.

The new law, known as HB 1087, prevents colleges from creating so-called free speech zones that limit free speech to a specific area on campus and requires the South Dakota Board of Regents, which administers the state's six public universities, to file with the governor and state lawmakers a report each year identifying "events or occurrences" that "hinder intellectual diversity."

Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:46 AM

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Anne Mavity's depravity

Something that I missed in this post was something that Anne Mavity said in explaining why she submitted a rules change that would stop the St. Louis Park City Council from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before City Council meetings.

The article said "Council member Anne Mavity, who sponsored the rules change, told KARE 11 that she didn't feel saying the pledge was necessary, especially for non-citizens." That's bassackwards thinking. Do we want refugees to assimilate or do we want them clinging to their society's norms? Newt Gingrich had it right when he stated that we aren't a multi-cultural nation, that we're instead a multi-ethnic nation.

It's apparent that Mavity is utterly clueless. According to this article , Mavity said "As a proud American, I'm appalled that our little suburban community's meeting protocols have sparked this polarizing conversation." Would a "proud American" think that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is "polarizing"? Those things don't mesh together whatsoever.

If you're a proud American, affirming your loyalty to the greatest nation in the history of mankind is a privilege. It isn't polarizing. Further, if parts of the population find American ideals distasteful or polarizing, perhaps it's those people that need to re-examine their loyalties. This video is disturbing:
[Video no longer available]
KARE11's Jon Lauritsen reported that "Public input was not supposed to be part of Monday night's study session." It's worth noting that the main topic for Monday night's study session was the rule change eliminating the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance at City Council meetings. People were furious because the rules change was passed unanimously without public input.

Conservatives push for local control of issues. That being said, they also push for accountability and listening to constituents. The whole idea behind local control is so We The People have maximum input.

Finally, Mavity's depravity is frightening because, according to her public statements, she doesn't understand why a simple little rule change should be controversial. What a dipstick. This isn't about making a simple rule change. It's about why the St. Louis Park City Council thinks that pledging allegiance to this great nation is controversial. What a dipstick!

Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2019 1:48 PM

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Thank God for constitutional republics

One thing that I didn't mention when I wrote this post is the importance of constitutional republics. Without that system of government, what you'd really have is mob rule.

Let's refresh your memory on what happened Monday night at the St. Cloud City Council meeting. BTW, why is so much happening at city council meetings this week? We'll return to that later. At Monday night's St. Cloud City Council meeting, members of various DFL front groups showed up with an anti-election agenda. Some of the DFL partisans asked for Paul Brandmire and Mike Conway to resign from their council positions. Others from these DFL front groups petitioned the Council to kick Mssrs. Brandmire and Conway off the Council.

The reason for those actions wasn't specifically stated but it's pretty clear why these DFL front groups want Brandmire and Conway gone. Both of these gentlemen have done their job by asking questions about the refugee resettlement program.

The crowd included members from the East Central Area Labor Council, TakeAction Minnesota and #UniteCloud, according to Jane Conrad, field representative for East Central Labor Council. Conrad called out council members Brandmire, who was quoted in the New York Times story, and Conway for being publicly sympathetic to the C-Cubed group that she calls "anti-refugee and anti-Muslim."

It's worth noting that C-Cubed isn't funded by special interests. It isn't an AstroTurf organization. It's a legitimate grass roots organization. By comparison, TakeAction Minnesota, #UniteCloud and the East Central Area Labor Council are DFL front groups.

It's worth noting that Jane Conrad is a longtime DFL activist/operative.

Owen Saucedo, a St. Cloud resident, spoke on behalf of the labor council. He asked both Brandmire and Conway to resign and if not, for the city council to censure them to show "it rejects bigotry in all its forms."

That's pretty drastic. There's nothing bigoted about Brandmire or Conway. I've known both men a fair amount of time. I wouldn't hesitate a split-second to state under oath that these men are men of integrity and not men with hostile animus.

Conrad and Saucedo both talked of Islamophobia and racism. How shameful. That's the language of desperate people. It's unsubstantiated. Worst of all, it's the language of people who aren't interested in winning a debate. Conrad especially just wants to win fights.

Winning a debate requires the ability to listen, persuasive logic and an understanding of what principles are most essential for the health of a society. Winning a fight just means being the biggest, baddest bad-ass in the fight. Right now, these DFL front groups aren't equipped to win debates. They're built to win fights. Winning fights is for juveniles. Winning debates is for adults.

In the meantime, I'll just thank our Founding Fathers for giving us a constitutional republic, not mob rule.

Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2019 6:44 PM

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