July 1-6, 2011

Jul 01 16:26 Mark Dayton, Man of His Word?

Jul 02 11:52 Shutdown: Bad Faith Negotiating, Part I

Jul 04 11:44 Sen. Thompson vs. Rep. Hilstrom, Eliot Seide & Potted Plant Media
Jul 04 20:21 Stupidity, Media Bias On Display In Editorial

Jul 05 09:18 Quote T-Shirt Vote
Jul 05 09:55 The Carlson-Mondale Solution?
Jul 05 14:47 Midsummer Night's Counterprotest Anyone?

Jul 06 08:23 The Carlson/Mondale/Showalter Commission
Jul 06 16:17 Exposed: Twin Cities Potted Plant Media

Prior Months: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Mark Dayton, Man of His Word?

There's a growing body of proof that Gov. Dayton doesn't keep his promises. This video shows how he lied to Tom Hauser and to the state during a debate that he wouldn't shut government down if he didn't get his tax increase:

It's always been my philosophy to trust people until they give me a reason not to trust them. This video is all the reason I need to stop trusting Gov. Dayton. That's before talking about how Gov. Dayton reneged on his offer yesterday :

Pg. 2 of this document tells quite a story. What it represents is an offer by Gov. Dayton, aka MBD, that doesn't include a tax increase.

It includes a shift in K-12 school payments, a $50 per pupil increase in overall spending and a restoration of funding to the Department of Human Rights, Trade Office.

According to Gov. Dayton's own document, this would've saved the state '$1.34 Billion.'

Also, Gov. Dayton's proposal included a 'signed agreement that tonight's special session of the legislature would be confined to passing a 'Lights On' extension of funding for all current operations and obligations of state government until 11:59 of July 11, 2011.'

Later in the day yesterday, GOP legislators made a counterproposal, which Gov. Dayton agreed with in part, then refused to live up to his promise of not raising taxes.

Gov. Dayton's unwillingness to keep his promises has poisoned the relationship between GOP negotiators and his office.

According to Larry Hosch , Republicans insisted on getting other things passed. Here's that transcript:

HOSCH: Other issues came into the discussion, very controversial ones like stem cell funding, school vouchers, a request to have the redistricting map signed by the governor if he agreed to the budget.

What's revealing is that Speaker Zellers' and Leader Koch's letter didn't mention this. Gov. Dayton's letter didn't mention it either. I know Rep. Hosch well enough to know that he wouldn't tell an outright blatant lie. Still, I think he'd put the DFL spin on things, too.

The truth is that Minnesota Majority's video is devastating. That's due in part because it's talkin about the exact situation we're faced with. It's also due in part because grainy pictures showing a politician lying never help out the lying politician.

Gov. Dayton still has the bully pulpit but that power will be diminished because he's exposed as a liar. The bully pulpit doesn't work if a person's credibility is tarnished.

Thanks to Minnesota Majority's video, people will see how corrupt Gov. Dayton is. That won't play well with the Minnesota Nice crowd.

Posted Friday, July 1, 2011 4:26 PM

Comment 1 by walter hanson at 03-Jul-11 07:08 AM

On July 1st I sent the following email to one of the Star Tribune writers who wrote their article. The writer was baird helgeson.

I have a silly question. You talked about the 2010 campaign and how Dayton said he was doing this shutdown because it's the right thing to do.

Dayton said during the campaign that if he didn't get his tax increase he wouldn't shut down the government. In a story that tried to make the Repubicans look bad why didn't you mention this?

I guess you're on Dayton's payroll because any real reporter would've included that in the story let alone have it in their lead paragraph.

I haven't got an answer yet. I guess even if a reporter knows about this promise they'll pretend Dayton didn't make. I thought a free press was suppose to keep an eye on the politicians to keep the politicians honest. I guess we don't have that anymore except for bloggers like you.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Shutdown: Bad Faith Negotiating, Part I

If the media wants proof that the DFL didn't negotiate in good faith on the budget, I'll offer abundant proof. In fact, the landscape is littered with proof if anyone's interested.

Friday afternoon, Derek Brigham announced via Twitter that he'd received in the mail a mailing criticizing Republicans for shutting the government down and for not compromising with Gov. Dayton.

I'll point out the obvious. How could Derek get a mailing within hours after the shutdown started criticizing Republicans for negotiating in bad faith? I've worked in the print industry long enough to know that this piece had to have been planned at least 2 weeks ago.

If that isn't enough proof of the DFL not negotiating in bad faith, let's ask how ABM announced a website titled ShutdownShame criticizing Republicans for shutting down, among other things road projects. I've written extensively about how House Transportation Commitee Chairman Beard and Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Gimse have a bill that's written that would fund Minnesota's highway projects for the next 2 years. ( Here , here , here , here and here )

Never think that ABM or Gov. Dayton will hesitate in lying about what's actually happening. They'll lie if they think it'll help them achieve their ultimate goal of raising taxes on Minnesota's most productive citizens and redistributing that wealth to their allies.

The transportation lie by ABM is particularly spectacular in that John Gunyou, Speaker Kelliher's runningmate last summer, is criticizing Gov. Dayton and MnDOT Commissioner Sorel for undercutting Minnetonka's biggest transportation project this summer:

Perhaps more importantly, the 169/Bren Road project is a locally contracted and managed project. Unlike state highway projects, the city of Minnetonka is fully administering all phases of construction, including inspection and testing, and has already received all necessary project approvals from MnDOT .

This leaves a very limited role for MnDOT during the actual construction phase, which is now well underway. In short, the Minnetonka project is not dependent on any legislative or administrative action, and is wholly independent of and unaffected by any state shutdown. Construction can clearly proceed according to the already authorized schedule and standards, whether or not MnDOT is fully or partially staffed.

As noted earlier, John Gunyou isn't someone that the Dayton administration could credibly argue is a far right extremist. He's criticizing Gov. Dayton for sabotaging (my word) Minnetonka's Bren Road project.

That Gov. Dayton can refuse to negotiate or let his commissioners negotiate on his behalf, then tell Minnesota that he's on their side is proof that he isn't on anyone's side except his political allies' side.

Gov. Dayton's first bit of notoriety came when Time Magazine named him the worst senator in 2006 . Time cited then-Sen. Dayton shutting his offices down in 2004 because of a mythical impending terrorist attack.

Now Gov. Dayton is the ill-equipped governor who shut down Minnesota's state government after refusing to negotiate in good faith. Gov. Dayton put a higher priority on scoring temporary political points than he put on doing what's right for Minnesota.

That's why he's such a tragic figure in Minnesota history.

Posted Saturday, July 2, 2011 11:52 AM

Comment 1 by walter hanson at 03-Jul-11 07:01 AM

Maybe the union's can teach your printing plant a thing or two. The Hennepin County locals had a meeting with the county administration and was so concerned about warning for possible layoffs that they wanted to put something out. Based on the date of the meeting we got it out basically the day of the meeting (there was I heard a different mailing being planned for something else which we substituted this for). Still it's possible it could be done.

The part that makes me think it was planned it had to be dropped into the mail before 8 p.m. the last pickup for minneapolis post office. These people were predicting that Dayton was going to shut down the government before he acually announced it.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 2 by April at 03-Jul-11 11:39 AM
The Republican attempts at negotiating were a joke. Why try to add social legislation to a budget bill? Why are the Republicans too obsessed with banning gay marriage and trying to prevent those whom they assume will vote DFL from being able to vote, rather than using their majority status to introduce legislation that will create jobs and get Minnesotans back to work? What purpose do these social issues serve in helping us balance our budget and create jobs? Why do they think that they should be taken seriously when they obsess over what folks are doing in their own bedrooms and doctor's offices? Explain to me the real motivation or these actions, and maybe I'll start believing that the MN GOP are not acting in bad faith.

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 03-Jul-11 12:47 PM
Why are the Republicans too obsessed with banning gay marriage?Silly me. Why didn't I think that society had gotten marriage wrong for these past 5,000+ years? I should've known better.

Why are the Republicans trying to prevent those whom they assume will vote DFL from being able to vote?There's mounting proof that people are voting illegally. If we aren't obsessed with preserving legal voters' rights, then we're essentially saying that anything goes. No thanks. That isn't the type of Minnesota or nation I want to live in.

Why aren't Republicans using their majority status to introduce legislation that will create jobs and get Minnesotans back to work?They have. Gov. Dayton vetoed them. Tell Gov. Dayton to stop running away from problems just once. Tell him to be part of the solution just once.

Leaving the Capitol 2 hours before shutdown, not negotiating right up until midnight, that isn't what solution-minded people do.

BTW, the legislature passed my legislator's bill that would establish a sunset commission. That's important because too many institutions of government can't justify their budgets. Are you saying that spending taxpayers' money wisely isn't important? If the DFL ever hops on board with serious reforms, I'll take them seriously.

Comment 3 by sara at 03-Jul-11 03:12 PM
This needs to get national media attention since it's obvious that the local main stream media won't touch this. I have been sending this out to every media outlet I can in hopes that someone will expose Dayton and his plans for what they are.

Response 3.1 by Gary Gross at 03-Jul-11 03:32 PM
Sara, I couldn't agree more with you. Unfortunately, Gov. Dayton is only part of the problem. Later this afternoon, I'll be writing about other things that need exposing. You'll definitely want to read this post.

Comment 4 by Eric Austin at 03-Jul-11 05:00 PM
Guess what, that thing about the mailer "criticizing Republicans" is full of shit. But hey who needs facts when you are trying to deceive your readers.


Sen. Thompson vs. Rep. Hilstrom, Eliot Seide & Potted Plant Media

There was a mismatch this morning on Esme Murphy's program this morning. First, let's start with the most outrageous thing Rep. Hilstrom said:

REP. HILSTROM: Yes, in 2005, I did have some booing prior to the shutdown. This time, that was not the case. I believe that the people of Minnesota understand what's at stake here in Minnesota and we're talking about whether or not we will balance the budget in a short-term way or a long-term way.

Rep. Hilstrom obviously doesn't remember what Cathie Hartnett told Tom Hauser and Phil Krinkie :

HAUSER: No matter how this budget is resolved this year, can you guarantee that in 2 years that there won't be another request for another tax increase , maybe on these same wealthy taxpayers?

HARTNETT: It could happen and it depends on what services we need.

HAUSER: At what point does this spiral end?

So much for raising taxes being the longterm solution. Let's remember that State Demographer Tom Gillaspy said that raising taxes this year still wouldn't prevent an oversized deficit in 2013.

Try as Rep. Hillstrom might, there's no arguing the fact that raising taxes doesn't solve Minnesota's chronic deficit problem.

Next, I'd like to highlight Eliot Seide's sad verbatim recitation of the DFL's talking points. Here's Seide's recitation:

SEIDE: Well, the Republicans have failed to compromise with Gov. Dayton, who's compromised repeatedly since this process began. And now we have the biggest layoff in state history ; 23,000 state employees have been shut down and laid off.

If only the rich would pay just a little bit more, we could end this shutdown and prevent risky cuts to vital public services but people like Sen. Thompson, who you had on here earlier, said that there can't be any new revenue, putting their ideology ahead of a practical outcomes for all Minnesotans.

What's practical about raising taxes knowing that AFSCME, Gov. Dayton and the DFL will return 2 years from now for another bite at the 'Tax-the-Rich' apple?

Later, Seide puts his foot in it:

SEIDE: We see people like Sen. Thompson, who are saying there has to be an all-cuts budget. An all-cuts budget that the Republicans have produced will lay off or eliminate 30,000 public and private sector jobs. It'll kick 140,000 people off health care. It makes the deepest cuts in Higher Education in the history of the state. It raises property taxes by $1,000,000,000. This is not necessary. We have a revenue problem, not a spending problem.

I pray, pray, pray, pray pray that Eliot Seide makes his beliefs known far and wide. According to this KSTP-SUSA Poll , Minnesotans disagree with him by a gigantic margin:

Going forward, should Minnesota's government increase spending? Decrease spending? Or continue to spend about the same amount as it has been?

8% Increase

60% Decrease

27% About The Same

5% Not Sure

You read that right; 87% of those polled said that spending should either be cut or kept the same. That's 7 of 8 voters. If the DFL wants to stick with that position, that's their right. It's also a surefire way to get your political heads handed to you in 2012.

While Seide was reciting one DFL talking point after another, Esme Murphy sat there like a potted plant. She didn't question anything Seide said. That's particularly disturbing considering the fact that Sen. Thompson refuted most of the things Seide said. Here's a transcript of some exchanges between Murphy and Sen. Thompson:

MURPHY: People are waking up to headlines like this one in the Star Tribune that spells out the additional costs of the shutdown, millions and millions of dollars a day on top of the economic and budget crisis we already have. What is the reaction in your district in Dakota County? I mean, what kind of feedback are you getting?

SEN. THOMPSON: Well, first of all, yes, there are costs associated with being shut down but there are obviously savings attached to the shutdown as well. We don't know how all the numbers will work out.

The response that I'm getting, Esme, is that...obviously, we all have different districts with different demographic groups within our district but the sense is that most people believe that spending the same amount going forward as we spent the last biennium that just ended last Thursday is a reasonable number. So the feedback I'm getting is 'We've gotta stop this spiraling cost of government so hang tough' is the feeling I got.

Here's another exchange:

MURPHY: Alright, in terms of a possible compromise, what kinds of additional revenue streams would you personally support?

SEN. THOMPSON: I am not supportive of additional revenue.

MURPHY: At all?

SEN. THOMPSON: Here's my perspective. There's two sides to this. There's the revenue side and there's the spending side. The reason we are where we are is we have put in place a system that structurally is to spiral the costs in a way that virtually everybody thinks is unsustainable. You're seeing that internationally in Greece. You're seeing it nationally in Washington, DC with the debt ceiling. You're seeing it in California, Massachusetts, Illinois. So that's why, at some point, I'm an irresponsible legislator if I support a system that I know will end up bankrupting my kids and grandkids. And that's where we're headed so that's why I can't sign up for that.

What's interesting viewing the video is that Murphy was leaning towards Sen. Thompson. Her hand gestures were highly expressive, with her hands, at one point, almost in 'prayer formation'. The signal it sent was that she wanted very badly to win Sen. Thompson over.

Fortunately, Sen. Thompson didn't respond to the emotion but instead focused on whether legislators should agree with the DFL on increasing spending irresponsibly or whether they should do what's right and sustainable.

What's telling, too, is that Seide accused Sen. Thompson of being a blind ideologue for not agreeing to raise taxes. Based on Sen. Thompson's detailed reply about what's happening in Greece, in Washington, DC and in California, Massachusetts and Illinois, I'd argue that Sen. Thompson's opinion is anchored in the horrifying facts that out of control spending is destroying countries and crippling big states.

That isn't ideology-driven policymaking. That's responding to the root cause of our current fiscal crisis. With Sen. Thompson, it's about the trends and the numbers and figuring out what not to do.

Seide is the blind ideologue. His pleas for additional revenue are shallow enough. Still, they pale in comparison with his statement that "we have a revenue problem, not a spending problem." That's a stunning statement. He even talked about "if the rich would only pay the same share of revenue as they did under Gov. Carlson," we wouldn't have this mess.

For the better part of 20 years, government got into the habit of increasing spending by 15% per biennium. It's painfully obvious that that isn't sustainable.

I wrote earlier that Cathie Hartnett admitted that raising taxes on "the rich" this year didn't mean that the DFL wouldn't return for another bite of that tax apple in 2013.

That means that the DFL's budget is only sustainable with repeated tax increases.

That isn't responsible budgeting. It's like doing something reckless, then hoping for a positive outcome. That isn't smart. It's rather foolish.

What's particularly insulting is Seide's implicit claim that the money that's currently being spent is money that's being spent wisely. Frankly, that's insulting in the extreme.

If Seide actually thinks that's the case, he's unfit for any leadership position in any organization. If he doesn't think that, he doesn't have the integrity to hold a leadership position in anything other than a corrupt organization.

The DFL's arguments are being exposed. They aren't playing well. 87% of poll respondents saying that spending should be frozen or cut isn't what the DFL expected to hear.

Seide admitted that his stubbornness, along with Gov. Dayton's, in holding out for a tax increase is hurting AFSCME workers badly. That isn't doing what's right for his workers. It's doing what he and Gov. Dayton want.

Shame on Seide's blind ideology. Shame on Rep. Hilstrom for mindlessly reciting the DFL's talking points. Most importantly, shame on Esme Murphy for challenging Sen. Thompson, then acting like a potted plant while Eliot Seide recited other DFL talking points.

Thankfully, Sen. Thompson was a consummate professional. He was the only person who understood what the people of Minnesota wanted. He's the only person who stood with Minnesotans in this fight.

He's the one that said no to new spending rather than playing the 'St. Paul game.' His feet and his opinions stayed anchored in the real world.

Posted Monday, July 4, 2011 11:45 AM

No comments.

Stupidity, Media Bias On Display In Editorial

I know that, for the most part, the media is in the tank for the DFL. I don't need to look further than the potted plant performance put on by Esme Murphy Sunday. As in-the-tank as Esme Murphy was, this Fergus Falls Daily Journal editorial is its equal. Here's a sampling of the FFDJ's bias:

The Republican majority in the Minnesota Legislature can blame Gov. Mark Dayton all they want, and talk about how a tax on the richest Minnesotans will kill jobs.

But the bottom line is, it appears that if the state shutdown, which began Friday, will end, the Republicans are going to have to allow the tax increase.

If I didn't know who wrote this, I would've bet it was Rep. Ryan Winkler :

Rep. Ryan Winkler (DFL-Golden Valley) has said he believes that if courts refuse to fund 'core services' during a shutdown, this would force Gov. Mark Dayton and GOP leaders to reach a budget agreement.

'The GOP will cave. Only question is if they do it [before] they cause shutdown,' Winkler Tweeted last Wednesday.

The inevitability argument isn't a strong argument for Gov. Dayton and the DFL. Yesterday, Eliot Seide admitted that AFSCME Council 5 employees would be hurt badly by a protracted shutdown. During his interview with Esme Murphy, he said that the average salary for AFSCME Council 5 employees is $38,000 a year.

He then said that, if it lasts a full year, AFSCME Council 5 employees would collect approximately $14,000 in unemployment benefits during that year.

If Seide's information is right, something that's far from guaranteed, it's difficult seeing a way that AFSCME Council 5 employees hold out 2-3 months. Personal budget matters will affect them fairly quickly.

Here's another part of the editorial that shows their pro-DFL bias:

It's clear that Dayton believes that, no matter where the cuts come from, increasing taxes is a more palatable option than cutting additional spending. It's also clear that, for Dayton, who left the U.S. Senate after only one term, re-election is not a priority.

For the 2nd Sunday in a row, the Pi-Press ripped Gov. Dayton. Here's what they wrote in their first op-ed :

Rather than work out differences and sign off on large portions of the budget on which agreement is within reach, Dayton has as of this writing refused to get deals done and preserve operations in those parts of government. This is not compromise. This is hostage taking.

The governor is threatening to unnecessarily shut down portions of government to have his way on other, more contentious budget matters. We understand his desire to bring the greatest possible pressure to bear on the Legislature in support of his promise to raise taxes on higher incomes. Politics ain't beanbag. But the unnecessary infliction of pain is not consistent with an attitude of compromise.

Here's what the Pi-Press Editorial Board said in this Sunday's editorial :

What we have here is a failure to compromise. Much of the state budget could have been passed, but the governor chose not to get those parts of the deal done. At midnight the lights went out unnecessarily on lots of state workers and government functions tied to parts of the budget that could have been passed. At the 11th hour legislators proposed a lights-on measure that would have kept the government running for a few more days. The governor dismissed it as a gimmick.

In other words, bring on the pain - an unnecessary infliction of pain. But, as they say, sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. The DFL governor is apparently thinking he can inflict enough pain on the state to force the Republican Legislature to its knees.

Let's be clear. The Legislature passed a complete budget and sent it to the governor. He vetoed it. Meanwhile, the governor has yet to put forward a full budget himself. Instead, he put forward a set of numbers without the details to back them up.

Gov. Dayton and the DFL were counting on the Pi-Press, the Strib and other Twin Cities media to excoriate GOP legislators. DFL strategists would be wise to admit that their strategy isn't working. In fact, it's failing miserably.

These editorials have dramatically changed the shutdown's dynamics. First, GOP legislators certainly are bouyed by the Pi-Press's criticism of Gov. Dayton and the DFL. Most importantly, it isn't a stretch to think that AFSCME Council 5 employees, along with other PEU employees, are questioning their leadership's tactics.

Lord knows that they'll probably start questioning leadership's strategy the minute the money starts getting tighter. Anyone thinking that that won't become a major consideration is kidding themselves.

What this means is that rank-and-file government employees will soon start publicly questioning their leadership and the legislators who support the unions' agenda. In a year when the headwinds will be blowing against the DFL again, how many DFL legislators will twist in those headwinds indefinitely?

I'm betting it won't take long before swing-district DFL legislators start looking out for their re-election. It's important to factor in the fact that all 201 state legislators are up for re-election in 2012 thanks to redistricting. That means lots of exurban DFL legislators in the House and Senate will face the voters, often in relatively new districts.

If Gov. Dayton stays stubborn into December, another factor starts creeping in, one that doesn't work in the DFL's favor: the start of the 2012 regular session. Once that starts getting closer, Gov. Dayton and the DFL are behind a bigger 8-ball. At that point, Gov. Dayton will have lost his leverage.

What's worse is that people will still be resentful that he needlessly shut government down and put alot of people through alot of pain. Does anyone seriously think that DFL legislators won't turn on him the first chance they'd get to override his veto in a regular session?

Gov. Dayton, Eliot Seide, Javier Morillo-Alicea and Denise Cardinal are playing a dangerous game, a game that might find them without alot of support in 2012.

Does that really sound like a can't-win situation for the GOP legislature?

Posted Monday, July 4, 2011 8:21 PM

Comment 1 by C Quigley at 05-Jul-11 08:08 AM
Unless the media keeps bringing up the failures of this Governor and the DFL, your average voter has a short attention span and won't remember or care what happened in 2011 and will continue to vote for the party that gives them the most goodies (DFL).

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 05-Jul-11 09:27 AM
I'm not buying that theory anymore. People are afraid of what's happening in gov't. The Momma Grizzlies are especially that way. They remember things quite clearly. This isn't the Clinton 90's.

Quote T-Shirt Vote

Mitch has a great post up reminding us of famous DFL quotes. One of his golden oldies was initially reported in this post :
Cy Thao said "When you win, you get to keep your money. When we win, we take your money."
Mitch then added this quote from Larry Pogemiller:
'I think it's silly to assume people can spend their own money better than government can."
It's time to add another quote to the DFL Taxpayers Hall of Shame. It's something I wrote about here . Eliot Seide made this assinine comment:
This is not necessary. We have a revenue problem, not a spending problem.
Mitch thinks we need to make a T-shirt out of those quotes. I heartily concur with that opinion. I'll get things started by suggesting that the T-shirt should have Thao's quote on the front, Seide' quote on the back. What's your opinion? Vote in the comments section. Feel free to make your own suggestions too. At LFR, we're all about empowering people.

Posted Tuesday, July 5, 2011 9:18 AM

No comments.

The Carlson-Mondale Solution?

Later this morning, former Gov. Arne Carlson will join former VP Walter Mondale in introducing their solution to the shutdown. Many in the media are talking about what will be in their solution. WJON-AM Radio in St. Cloud reports that, when questioned by reporters, Carlson was "coy."

Let's cut to the chase. Though this will be a much ballyhooed event with the Twin Cities media, Minnesotans will essentially yawn. It isn't that Minnesotans are disrespectful. It's that Minnesotans have outgrown their retired politicians are gods mindset.

The reality is that Arne Carlson is the DFL's favorite 'Republican' to quote. He's never really been a Republican. He just played one in the 1990's when there wasn't much difference between the GOP and the DFL. Though the media is still enamored with him, most voters couldn't care less about him.

He's a wealth distributionist who pretends he's still relevant. This morning's press conference is just his most recent attempt to appear relevant.

Walter Mondale is famous for his 1984 statement that both he and Reagan would raise taxes but that he was only one honest to admit it.

That's why it's easy to know well ahead of time that Carlson's and Mondale's 'solution' will mostly be about raising taxes. It won't be serious in terms of finding wasteful spending. In fact, I'd be surprised if it's a serious proposal.

Let's remember that spending during the Carlson years was unsustainable. The only thing saving his lunch was the great Clinton-Kasich economy. As for Mondale, he was VP during one of the worst economies in our nation's history.

Now we're taking these clowns seriously on budget matters? Why?

Posted Tuesday, July 5, 2011 9:55 AM

Comment 1 by walter hanson at 05-Jul-11 01:39 PM
Just think I actually voted for him four times! Twice in primaries not to mention general elections. Can I have my votes back!

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Comment 2 by walter hanson at 05-Jul-11 01:40 PM
This so call independent commission I heard is going to have Dayton's budget man on it and I haven't heard any key Repubican budget person is on it. Wow do I sense the fix is in on this group.

Walter Hanson
Minneapolis, MN

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 05-Jul-11 02:34 PM
It will be co-chaired by two former state lawmakers, Republican Stephen Dille and Democrat Wayne Simoneau.Dille is a total RINO, which figures considering who picked the panel. This panel shouldn't be publicly ridiculed for only one reason: They should be charged with the responsibility of making serious policy recommendations based on whether their recommendations are a political band-aid or whether they produce a long-lasting solution. Anthing short of producing a long-lasting solution should be dismissed.

Midsummer Night's Counterprotest Anyone?

After reading AFSCME's latest propaganda sheet , I'm wondering if Twin Cityites and suburbanites are willing to stage a counterprotest to AFSCME's astroturfed protest. Here's some of the propaganda in the AFSCME newsletter:

Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are creating unemployment. They're ready to shut down the state and cause the biggest lay off in Minnesota history. If you're angry about losing your job and your public services, join us Wednesday, July 6, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. on the state Capitol steps.

We'll set up 'Downeyville,' spotlighting the policies of the state representative from Edina (and his allies) that would wipe out the jobs of 5,000 state workers. But that's just the beginning: If Legislative Republicans get their way, their 'cuts only' budget will eliminate 30,000 public- and private-sector jobs, permanently.

People won't lose their jobs if Keith Downey's reforms are enacted. This is a DFL scare tactic. They even got political operative Jim Showalter to create fictional fiscal notes 'showing' people that the House GOP budget would cut each department's spending by 9%. Showalter's fiscal note said that the Senate GOP budget only cut each department's spending by 8%.

This despite Rep. Downey's testimony that the vast majority of workforce reductions would be caused by not hiring to replace retirees. The expectation is that 6% of the PEU workforce will retire each of the next 3 years.

That isn't the only propaganda in AFSCME's version of Pravda. Here's more:

The Republicans' budget also eliminates jobs in other ways:

  • Their proposed cuts in aid to cities and counties will make it harder for communities to provide the public safety and basic amenities businesses rely on.

  • Their proposed cuts to public transit will make it more expensive, and, in some cases, impossible, for workers to get to their jobs.

  • Their refusal to even consider the governor's bonding bill means continued unemployment for tens of thousands of construction workers.

If you applied truth-in-advertising laws to this statement:

Cuts in aid to cities and counties will make it harder for communities to provide the public safety.

Actually, communities could still provide public safety services if communities didn't spend money on less-than-essential thing like $50,000/ea. artistic drinking fountains. Public safety should be the first priority of every city, county, township and state. PERIOD. Saying that you're cutting spending on public safety means that you're using money on non-essential services. Any mayor that isn't putting public safety first as a budget matter is the picture of irresponsibility.

If the Republicans force a government shutdown [ ed. note: they didn't ] and refuse to meet Gov. Dayton halfway on a budget deal, up to 23,000 state workers could be laid off. It will be the biggest layoff in Minnesota history, at a time when 196,000 Minnesotans already are unemployed.

Republicans didn't force a government shutdown. They wanted to keep negotiating. Numerous temporary spending bills had been written that would've temporarily funded government while the final negotiations continued. Gov. Dayton said that accepting that option was worse than shutting down government. I'm betting that AFSCME or MAPE employees disagree with that statement. If the CRs or other activists put together a counterprotest, feel free to email me any pictures from your counterprotest or from the union's protest and I'll post them on this blog.

Posted Tuesday, July 5, 2011 2:47 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 05-Jul-11 06:22 PM

I am so glad to see you still posting.

The shutdown has not disabled your ability to think or type.

This is good news.

It has been so very, very, very DISRUPTIVE elsewhere. I read it as so, in the papers, online. Which are still posting too.

But think of the bright side. The reduced carbon load, people staying home.

Comment 2 by walter hanson at 06-Jul-11 08:39 AM
Somebody should tell the unions that Mark Dayton is the person who shutdown the government.

Walter Hanson

Minneapolis, MN

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 06-Jul-11 08:55 AM
Umm. They have.

Comment 3 by TW at 06-Jul-11 02:47 PM
I am a MAPE union member by confiscatory duress. They won't represent me unless I pay even more. I support the current Republican legislature in their efforts. I see the waste and profligate spending. I am also fortunate to not be off work since I am in the public safety and higher ed communities.

That said, I see the outlandish retirements and unbelievable salaries paid out to academics and administrators flaunting the law about not earning more than the governor. I see people who serve little or no purpose and they are protected by towing the party line. No one is saying fire everyone, no one is saying one or the other.

I was encouraged to contact my legislators and I did, both Republican leaders and my district reps. I told them to hold the line on their principles. The only stipulation is that whatever the sacrifice it must be shared equally across the board. I guess twenty years in the military taught me about things like that.

I don't agree with the people who say do away with all government employees. The fact is many of us do work hard for the people of Minnesota. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water my Mom used to say. These are our representatives, supposedly intelligent people, roll up the sleeves and get it done. That means the Governor, too. This shutdown, no matter who caused it is hurting many good people and while they may be misguided on the details they are still hurting. My mortgage company is the beneficiary of my good fortune, others aren't so lucky. The long term effects will be devastating so those people who say no big deal are misguided as well.

The Carlson/Mondale/Showalter Commission

While the Twin Cities media praise Arne Carlson, Dave Durenberger and Fritz Mondale's panel profusely, the serious media is paying attention to the details. KSTP-TV is one of the media outlets that's paying attention to the details. So is Examiner.com .

Here's the information that exposes the Carlson/Durenberger/Mondale/Showalter panel for what it is:

Carlson and Mondale won't serve on the panel. They say it will be co-chaired by Republican former state Sen. Stephen Dille and Democratic former state Rep. Wayne Simoneau. The commission will also include Gov. Mark Dayton's budget commissioner, Jim Schowalter .

Other members include budget experts chosen for their bipartisan records. Carlson told reporters he hopes the panel will finish the proposal and present it by Friday, because of the urgency of resolving the budget stalemate.

Two details in that article should alarm us. The fact that Gov. Dayton's chief political/economic operative Jim Showalter is part of the panel says that this panel is rigged. The fact that they hope to present their recommendations this Friday says that this panel's main mission is purely political.

This panel won't have time to make serious recommendations. This panel won't have time to do anything other than make recommendations based on the failed status quo form of government.

Republicans have offered and passed numerous reforms that will save taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. This panel will ignore those positive changes that the GOP legislature has put forward.

The notion that Jim Showalter, who's been exposed as Gov. Dayton's political operative, is part of the panel says that he's there to control the outcome. There's no chance that he'll let the panel do anything that Gov. Dayton isn't interested in.

Anyone taking this panel seriously isn't paying attention to political reality. How is it possible to take this panel seriously when the Dayton administration is represented by their enforcer? How is it possible to take this panel seriously when we know that they'll take all of 72 hours to put their budget proposal together?

NOTE TO TWIN CITIES MEDIA: It's time to retire Arne Carlson, Dave Durenberger and Fritz Mondale as serious political analysts.

Posted Wednesday, July 6, 2011 8:23 AM

Comment 1 by Bob J. at 06-Jul-11 11:24 AM
There's a real good reason Fritz Mondale is the only man ever to lose a federal election in all fifty states.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 06-Jul-11 11:51 AM
Yup. It's because all those people taking advantage of his youth & inexperience. That's what you were thinking, right?

Comment 2 by C Quigley at 06-Jul-11 01:24 PM
WTF (and I ain't talk win the future), who do these blowhards think they are? I really hope Zellers has a part 2 to his criticism of Carlson and this time has some words for Mondale.

Comment 3 by Bob J. at 06-Jul-11 02:48 PM
Gary, you read my mind. It's like you have ESPN.

Response 3.1 by Gary Gross at 06-Jul-11 05:55 PM
Bob, It isn't just that I have ESPN. It's that I'm psychotic, too. HEH HEH HEH

Comment 4 by Rex Newman at 06-Jul-11 10:41 PM
The League of Inconsequential Gentlemen!

Response 4.1 by Gary Gross at 07-Jul-11 03:16 AM
AKA The Trio of Egomaniacal Old Farts.

Comment 5 by Tony Spadafora at 07-Jul-11 03:06 PM
Expert and advocates and retired politicians have a role in the decision-making processes of government, so do citizen-taxpayer-voters, but decisions should be made by elected officials after listening to various experts and researching the wants, needs, feelings, and expectations of their constituents.

Response 5.1 by Gary Gross at 07-Jul-11 03:42 PM
I couldn't agree more, Tony, especially the part about doing the research into the needs of their constituents. Not so much into the wants part, though. We can't afford that.

Exposed: Twin Cities Potted Plant Media

This weekend, I wrote about Esme Murphy's interview of Sen. Dave Thompson, Rep. Deb. Hilstrom and AFSCME Council 5 president Eliot Seide . She pushed Sen. Thompson but sat like a potted plant when Rep. Hilstrom, then Seide recited DFL talking points like they'd eaten the DFL script.

Lord knows that Esme Murphy isn't the only journalist who frequently ignores pertinent information. Scott Johnson's post highlights how many pertinent facts the Strib's Rachel Stassen-Berger has omitted:

Here let me pause to note that Rachel Stassen-Berger et al. at the Minneapolis Star Tribune have failed to get this right despite the fact that the documents have been made available to them and that Senator Koch herself explained them to Stassen-Berger this past Saturday. The Star Tribune threw four reporters, including Stassen-Berger, into reporting the breakdown of negotiations and still couldn't get it right . According to the Star Tribune: 'The GOP proposed delaying another $700 million in payments owed to schools, which would add to the more than $1 billion the state already owes K-12 schools.' On the contrary, however, the idea came from Governor Dayton.

RSB can't claim that she didn't know about Gov. Dayton's offer; Sen. Koch spoke directly to her, highlighting the final offer exchange between Gov. Dayton, Sen. Koch and Speaker Zellers .

During the Faceoff segment on @Issue With Tom Hauser, DFL strategist Cathie Hartnett said that Gov. Dayton went from wanting to "raise taxes on the wealthiest 2% to .3. He compromised all along this way." Hartnett is refering to Gov. Dayton's final offer to raise taxes on those people making $1,000,000 a year. That represents the top .3% of Minnesota wage-earners.

Ms. Hartnett skips the part about Gov. Dayton taking his tax increases off the table. She rightly highlights the fact that Gov. Dayton had held fast to his tax-the-richest-2% policy. She's right that Gov. Dayton's final offer prior to the shutdown was a surcharge on income above $1,000,000.

In fact, I can state categorically that I haven't heard any of this past weekend's DFL guests talk about Gov. Dayton taking his tax increases off the table. I can state categorically, too, that none of the talk show hosts raised that issue either.

People will say it's unfair to compare Cathie Hartnett with Rachel Stassen-Berger and Esme Murphy because she isn't a reporter. I'd argue that neither are Rachel Stassen-Berger and Esme Murphy.

For far too long, the Twin Cities media, with some notable exceptions, have acted like potted plants rather than challenging Gov. Dayton, DFL legislators or the DFL's special interest allies. As a result, Minnesotans aren't getting the information they need to consistently make informed decisions.

I suspect that that's the DFL's plan.

Thanks to Scott Johnson's and John Hinderaker's work at Powerline, Mitch Berg's work at Shot in the Dark, as well as at other websites (like LFR , Sheila Kihne's The Activist Next Door and Erin Haust's work at Examiner.com ), the media's corruption is getting exposed. More importantly, people are getting the information they need.

Thanks to speeches at TEA Party rallies, people are realizing that the Twin Cities media isn't a reliable source of information. They're also finding out that they can be their own source for information by checking state and city government websites.

The upside is that people no longer have to rely on the potted plant Twin Cities media.

Posted Wednesday, July 6, 2011 4:17 PM

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