January 28-31, 2019

Jan 28 07:41 SOTU suggestions
Jan 28 14:08 Chancellor Malhotra on Twitter
Jan 28 21:29 The Democrats' Pelosi problem

Jan 29 04:25 Democrats' new face of anti-Semitism
Jan 29 13:58 Will Pelosi accept their offer?

Jan 30 09:42 The Wall is coming

Jan 31 09:43 VA Democrats: the infanticide party

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SOTU suggestions

I have a few suggestions for President Trump's SOTU address. First, I'd wait until after the Feb. 15 funding deadline to give it. If Congress does what it's supposed to do and funds the wall, I'd give a different speech than I'd give if Democrats obstruct again. That being said, I'd be surprised if Democrats didn't continue with their open borders agenda. In that case, I'd prefer that President Trump open his SOTU Address like this:

As I traveled across the nation, I saw cities getting rebuilt, communities coming together and great unity. Across that nation, the state of our union is as strong as it's ever been.

Unfortunately, when I've tried working with Congress, especially Democrats under Nancy Pelosi's leadership, what I've seen is a dysfunctional union, a union that refuses to protect our southern border and the people living in the Southwest. Democrats haven't paid much attention to Angel families. In fact, I've spoken with Angel families who visited Speaker Pelosi's office, only to be told she wasn't in.

I canceled my Christmas vacation so I could stay available to negotiate with Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer. Rather than work on re-opening government, Speaker Pelosi left for a Hawaiian Christmas vacation. After the new congress was sworn in, Speaker Pelosi tried leaving on a week-long trip paid for by taxpayers. Senate Democrats took a different path. Thirty Senate Democrats accepted a lobbyist-funded vacation in Puerto Rico rather than negotiating in good faith with me.

While they were making these extravagant trips, Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer talked about hold the American people hostage. How are their travels not holding the American people hostage? How were the Democrats' trips not proof that they didn't negotiate in good faith.

Speaker Pelosi, you started with no funding for border security. Your next bid was literally $1 of border security funding. Drugs are pouring across our southern border. Human trafficking is as awful as it's ever been. That's why, after attempts to negotiate multiple times in good faith with Democrats, I'm declaring a national emergency. Later tonight, I will sign an executive order to build 150 miles of border wall in Texas to stop the drug cartels, illegal aliens and human traffickers from crossing the border in those sections.

I specifically want President Trump to focus on building the barrier in Texas because that isn't in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals:

As long as the Democrats can't file their lawsuit in the 9th Circuit, which is a virtually guaranteed victory, President Trump holds the upper hand. Democrats were ecstatic last week when President Trump "caved". If Democrats don't negotiate in good faith, they'll regret it because President Trump still has, metaphorically speaking, another card to play, namely the National Emergencies Act. Once that gets into the courts, the president wins.

I'm betting that Democrats will overplay their hand because that's what they typically do. Right now, I'm betting that Speaker Pelosi thinks she's won the final battle. I'm betting that because she knows that she can manhandle the moderates in her caucus.

Posted Monday, January 28, 2019 7:41 AM

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Chancellor Malhotra on Twitter

Is It Important For Chancellor Devinder Malhotra To Have Followers On Twitter?
by Silence Dogood

Last December, SCSU President Robbyn R. Wacker posted her support to 'unleashfollowers' to encourage faculty and staff to follow Chancellor Devinder Malhotra on Twitter. This was posted to SCSU Announce by Jeffrey C. Wood in University Communications:

I don't care about following anyone on Twitter especially when the you consider the best 'worst example' of Twitter use comes from the current U.S. President. However, the idea that the Chancellor will 'love us if we help push him over the 1,000 mark' is just plain silly. Hopefully, the Chancellor is not that much of a 'diva.' But, today who knows?

The idea that counting the numbers of Twitter followers as some measure of importance is probably one of dumbest things I have ever heard. If it were true, then one of Chancellor Malhotra's faculty members in the Minnesota State University System at Mankato with 17,400 followers must be truly brilliant and deserving of a pay raise! And it didn't take a plug from a university president or PR staffer for Dr. Sprankle to get his followers.

SCSU is facing serious problems from declining enrollment. It's truly sad that a university president and PR subordinate think it's worth their time to pitch increasing the number of the Chancellor's Twitter followers. Unless, of course, the object is to distract people from important issues.

P.S. It worked! Chancellor Devinder Malhotra has blasted past 1,000 Twitter followers!

At this rate it will only take 136 years to catch Professor Sprankle.

Posted Monday, January 28, 2019 2:08 PM

Comment 1 by Crimson Trace at 28-Jan-19 08:17 PM
The name from MnSCU to Minn State has changed but the high level of incompetence has not. It's way past time for an overhaul of higher education in Minnesota. Republicans and the DFL deserve an F for their efforts.

The Democrats' Pelosi problem

When President Trump ended the shutdown, Democrats crowed that Pelosi had stood up to the bully and defeated him. I won't pretend that she didn't defeat him in this round . I'm with Kevin McCullough, though, who insists that Democrats have a long-term problem :

To see leftwing activists so eagerly cheer the defeat (even temporarily) of some of the most broad-based (and in many instances - Democrat initiated) objectives as it pertains to common sense border security was disheartening.

Why Congressional and Senate Democrats would refuse the opportunity to take partial credit of creating an orderly border process is mystifying. Especially so when 78%-90% of Americans seek tougher border measures. Most of whom also believe that a border barrier is a key component to the multi-lateral security strategy.

Democrats have a spine problem. They don't have one when it comes to standing up to Pelosi. Democrats insist that they elected a bunch of moderates in 2018. That's BS. They're moderates when Pelosi doesn't need their votes. If she needs their votes, then they're as far left as she needs them to be.

Why didn't Seth Moulton or Tim Ryan challenge Pelosi? A: They're spineless. My point is simple. Until Democrats stand up to Ms. Pelosi, they'll be a far left party. I don't care how many so-called moderates they elect. With her at the top, they're a far left party.

The hard left has such hooks into the party's base that they have literally forced leadership to completely abandon policy that they supported under President Obama. Remember in 2013 Senator Schumer got the entire Democrat caucus to vote in lock step approval for a $40 billion border security package that included upwards of $8 billion in building additional miles of barriers

Democrats worry more about what Tom Steyer says than what their constituents say or what's best for America. They should be punished for that in 2020.

Posted Monday, January 28, 2019 9:29 PM

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Democrats' new face of anti-Semitism

The Democrats' new face of anti-Semitism is Rep. Ilhan Omar. According to this article , Rep. Omar once said of ISIS terrorists "The best deterrent to fanaticism is a system of compassion. We must alter our attitude and approach; if we truly want to effect change, we should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation." Right. I'm sure that the minute we show compassion towards these terrorists that they'll return to a life of running their small businesses and volunteering to help with the Boy Scouts.

One of the men in particular, Abdirahman Yasin Daud, was facing over 30 years in prison for trying to join the terrorist group. He admitted in court that he wasn't trying to enter Syria on humanitarian grounds, but rather to participate in the activities of ISIS.

"I was not going there to pass out medical kits or food. I was going strictly to fight and kill on behalf of the Islamic State," he said.

Showing compassion to confessed terrorists isn't just not compassionate. It's downright stupid. What's worse is that Rep. Omar was just put on the House Foreign Relations Committee. What's worst is her anti-Semitic tweet:

[Video no longer available]

Posted Tuesday, January 29, 2019 4:25 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 29-Jan-19 05:35 PM
Hard to believe that there was someone worse than Keith but CD 5 was able to pull it off. Sadly she'll have the seat until she decides to quit or run for higher office.

Will Pelosi accept their offer?

After reading this article , the obvious question is whether Nancy Pelosi will accept this offer or if she'll simple ignore these women. I'm betting that she'll ignore them, even if they appear in the First Lady's box during the SOTU Address.

A group of women whose husbands work as Border Patrol officers are inviting Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to come to McAllen, Texas, to see what's taking place at the U.S.-Mexico border. "We would like to show you around!" Jill Demanski wrote in a Facebook post to Pelosi last Thursday, which marked the 34th day of the government shutdown. "You don't need to bring any security detail. Our husbands/boyfriends/fiances/wives/significant others are actually very good at their jobs, thank goodness! And since you see no threat here, I'm sure you can just make a quick flight down here alone."

During the shutdown, I wrote President Trump with the suggestion that he include some of the Angel families in the FLOTUS box, as well as border patrol agents. I also suggested that President Trump blister Ms. Pelosi in the opening of his speech. With her sitting right behind him, its a golden opportunity to highlight the fact that she flew to Hawaii for Christmas while President Trump cancelled his Christmas plans. If he thinks that's too harsh, he can dial it back a notch or 2.
[Video no longer available]
Democrats might want to consider this :

The government shutdown is over -- for now -- but the political ramifications are still being sorted out. The media has been chortling that Donald Trump "caved," and he may well have lost this battle with congressional Democrats. Their "victory," such as it is, is to notify American voters that they are so opposed to a wall and a secure border that they were willing to keep the government shut down for four weeks to ensure it doesn't happen.

Trump has thus exposed the Pelosi-Schumer Democrats as being hopelessly soft on illegal immigration. Some Democrats are starting to wonder whether they have dug their own political grave for 2020. This is why in recent days congressional Democrats are screaming from the rafters that they are for border security -- just not the way Trump wants to do it.

The reality is far from this spin. At the start of the shutdown, the Pelosi crowd was saying that "there is no border crisis" and that "a wall is immoral." But actions speak louder than words, and every response to illegal immigration over the past decade proves they don't want it stopped. Democrats have instead openly encouraged illegal immigration.

There's only one vote that matters on this or any other issue. That vote belongs to Nancy Pelosi. Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, don't matter. That's why I agree with President Trump that a deal won't get reached. Pelosi is too dug in to let President Trump get credit for an important victory.

Posted Tuesday, January 29, 2019 1:58 PM

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The Wall is coming

Anyone that thinks that President Trump won't get the wall built are either kidding themselves or they haven't studied the tools at President Trump's disposal. One guy who gets it is Bill O'Reilly. Check out this video and you'll understand why I say this:
[Video no longer available]
There's a reason why President Trump doesn't think they'll reach a compromise. Actually, there's multiple reasons why. The biggest reason in Ms. Pelosi. The next biggest reason are the Democrats negotiating on the conference committee . Any conference committee that's got Dick Durbin, Pat Leahy, Nita Lowey and Barbara Lee (the only member in Congress to vote against the war right after 9/11) is far left and then some.

Apparently, Jim Clyburn didn't get the memo :

I applaud the president's reopening of the federal government and appreciate his recognition of the need for a 'smart wall,' which I have defined as one that uses drones, scanners, and sensors to create a technological barrier too high to climb over, too wide to go around, and too deep to burrow under. Traditional walls are primitive and ineffective. They are expensive to build and to maintain. And throughout history - from the Wall of Jericho to the Great Wall of China to the Berlin Wall - they have ultimately failed to achieve their goals.

What a liar! The Berlin Wall kept Germans from experiencing freedom for almost 30 years . The wall in Israel has kept terrorists from killing Israelites for over a decade.

Further, if anyone thinks that smart walls stop caravans, then they're either too stupid or too dishonest to serve in Congress.

Based on this op-ed, I'd argue that Clyburn's statements to Chris Wallace this past Sunday were exceptionally slippery :

WALLACE: Yes, so, I just want to make sure bottom line, are you saying no negotiations until the president reopens the government, and are you saying, as Speaker Pelosi does, under no circumstances, no money -- new money for the wall?
CLYBURN: No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying yes to the first part. To the second part, it seemed as if the president started talking about barriers in a statement yesterday. And as you realize, I have been talking about barriers for a long time. A smart wall will be a barrier. A smart wall would be using drones, using sensors, using X-ray equipment to be an effective wall.
Not just something that would be a monument to one's existence, but to be a deterrent at the border and to be an effective barrier for people who are trying to come in illegally. And while we're doing that

This indicates that President Trump will have to use the Emergency Powers Act to get his wall. It's clear that Pelosi won't spend a dime.

Posted Wednesday, January 30, 2019 9:42 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 30-Jan-19 03:16 PM
Progressives don't want money for walls or barriers to their future voters and actually want to give them the money that's meant to keep them out. The country is headed down a horrible path and it will only get worse with the election of one of the progressive's as President.

VA Democrats: the infanticide party

Let's be blunt about what Virginia Democrats are trying to do. Virginia Democrats are pushing to become the nation's first political party associated with infanticide. Of course, their defenders are saying otherwise :

Gov. Ralph Northam added gas to the fire Wednesday by describing a hypothetical situation in a radio interview where an infant who is severely deformed or unable to survive after birth could be left to die. That prompted accusations from prominent Republicans that he supports infanticide.

Democrats said their views were being deliberately mischaracterized by the GOP for political gain. "Republicans in Virginia and across the country are trying to play politics with women's health, and that is exactly why these decisions belong between a woman and her physician, not legislators, most of whom are men," Northam spokeswoman Ofirah Yheskel said in a statement.

The story's language says otherwise:

Northam said that if a woman were to desire an abortion as she's going into labor, the baby would be "resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue" between doctors and the mother, leaving open what would happen next.

The mother of what? The mother of an unviable tissue mass? (That's what NARAL and NOW used to call unborn babies.) It's clear that Gov. Northam is referring to the mother of a fully born baby. This woman (Monica Klein) is clearly a propagandist who isn't interested in the truth:
[Video no longer available]
Check this out:

The interview began with Carlson asking Klein for her thoughts on comments made by Virginia's Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, a pediatric neurologist, that calls to reduce restrictions on late-term abortions. Klein accused Carlson of wanting to go back to a time when women resorted to back-alley abortions and used "coat hangers."

"I think that right now, reproductive healthcare is under attack by the Republican Party. Seventy-two percent of Americans support right to choose," Klein said. "We have [President Donald] Trump and sexual predator [Supreme Court Justice Brett] Kavanaugh trying to repeal Roe v. Wade and trying to take away control over our bodies. This isn't about babies. This is about you attempting to control women's bodies."

Sexual predator Kavanaugh? Seriously? This Klein woman is nuttier than a peanut farm. Sen. Ben Sasse issued this response :

This is morally repugnant. In just a few years pro-abortion zealots went from 'safe, legal, and rare' to 'keep the newborns comfortable while the doctor debates infanticide.' I don't care what party you're from - if you can't say that it's wrong to leave babies to die after birth, get the hell out of public office.

I couldn't agree more. This isn't a matter of Roe v. Wade. It's a matter of endorsing infanticide.

In 1996, when the Senate debated whether to override President Clinton's veto of a bill that would've banned partial-birth abortion, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, (D-NY), said this :

"It is as close to infanticide as anything I have come upon."

It should be noted that Sen. Moynihan was staunchly pro-choice. Still, he was intellectually honest enough to call it what he thought it was. Sen. Moynihan died in 2002 or thereabouts. Moynihan's Democratic Party died shortly thereafter.

Posted Thursday, January 31, 2019 9:43 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 31-Jan-19 05:29 PM
Progressives are pure evil, plain and simple. They won't allow states to kill a mass murdered but they'll murder a baby coming out of the birth canal. If that isn't evil, I don't know what is.

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