February 12-26, 2019

Feb 12 09:36 Abandoning Fairfax
Feb 12 10:05 Walz caves to activists
Feb 12 18:18 DFL moderates? Not really

Feb 14 17:11 Democrats won't know what hit them

Feb 16 09:46 The Democrats' foolish argument
Feb 16 18:24 The Democrats' drama queens

Feb 26 01:21 One Uncompetitive Minnesota
Feb 26 10:24 'Moderate' Klobuchar votes against Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

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Abandoning Fairfax

According to this article , 4 of Virginia Lt. Gov. Fairfax's aides have resigned:

Four aides to Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax have resigned from their jobs, leaving Fairfax with a badly depleted staff as he tries to fight two allegations of sexual assault and resist pressure to resign.

Two of Fairfax's three government staffers and two employees of his political action committee left their posts after a second sexual assault allegation emerged Friday.

Let's be clear. Unlike Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats, I believe in due process. Though I think Fairfax is guilty, that isn't good enough to ruin a man's life over. Proof is required .

Vanessa Tyson and Meredith Watson - the two women who have accused Fairfax - have both said they're willing to testify before the General Assembly. Tyson has accused Fairfax of assaulting her in a Boston hotel room in 2004. Watson, who came forward Friday, has alleged Fairfax raped her in 2000 at Duke University. Fairfax has said both encounters were consensual and has refused to step down in the face of what he has called a "vicious and coordinated smear campaign."

It's times like this when the laws must be followed. Still, this must trouble Fairfax:

Vanessa Tyson and Meredith Watson, the two women who have accused Fairfax, have both said they're willing to testify before the General Assembly.

That isn't what people with something to hid do.

Posted Tuesday, February 12, 2019 9:36 AM

Comment 1 by J. Ewing at 13-Feb-19 08:55 AM
I don't know. The Kavanaugh corruption leads me to believe that, given enough money or other enticement, people WILL lie openly.

Walz caves to activists

It isn't surprising that Gov. Tim Walz has caved to environmental activists. In fact, it's entirely predictable.

Gov. Tim Walz says his administration will continue to appeal regulatory approval of the Enbridge Energy Line 3 pipeline project in northern Minnesota. State utility regulators last summer approved Enbridge Energy's plans to build a new $2.6 billion pipeline to replace the aging and corroding Line 3. But, former Gov. Mark Dayton's Department of Commerce appealed that decision. Walz on Tuesday said his administration will continue that effort.

Gee, I wonder what could've caused that cave. Perhaps this?

Last month, more than 50 people, including scientists from the liberal activist group Science for the People, gathered in the governor's reception room to say the science is clear the Line 3 upgrade will aggravate climate change by facilitating further use of fossil fuels.

Gov. Walz is just as owned by the lefty environmentalists as Gov. Dayton was. No wonder our economy isn't what it could be.

Posted Tuesday, February 12, 2019 10:05 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 12-Feb-19 05:49 PM
Thought he was going to be the governor for ALL Minnesotan's. Only took a little over a month for him to renege on that campaign promise.

Comment 2 by Rex Newman at 17-Feb-19 08:43 PM
Presumably Walz is finishing up his career, ending with Governor, supposedly for 'all' Minnesotans. Guess not. Once a hack, always a hack.

DFL moderates? Not really

This afternoon, I had a conversation with a long-time reader of LFR on the definition of a DFL moderate. What's clear to me is that the only DFL moderates, outside of perhaps Collin Peterson, are Democrats running for office. Once they're into office, they immediately turn into leftists.

A perfect example is Tim Walz. This article highlights Gov. Walz's leftward turn:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said Tuesday that his administration will keep pursuing an appeal of an independent regulatory commission's approval of Enbridge Energy's plan to replace its aging Line 3 crude oil pipeline across northern Minnesota, siding with environmental and tribal groups in his biggest decision since becoming governor last month.

The state Public Utilities Commission approved the project last summer. Then-Gov. Mark Dayton's Department of Commerce appealed that decision in December, as did several groups opposed to the project. The Minnesota Court of Appeals last week dismissed those appeals as premature and sent the dispute back to the commission for further proceedings. That move forced the Walz administration to take a stand by Tuesday after weeks of studying whether to continue to appeal or let the matter drop.

It's time to stop pretending that Gov. Walz isn't bought by the environmentalists. He's clearly owned by them:

"When it comes to any project that impacts our environment and our economy, we must follow the process, the law, and the science," Walz said in a statement. "The Dayton administration's appeal of the PUC's decision is now a part of this process. By continuing that process, our administration will raise the Department of Commerce's concerns to the court in hopes of gaining further clarity for all involved."

Enbridge followed the process that the legislature put in place. Then the environmental activists didn't get the outcome they wanted. Enter Gov. Bought And Paid For, aka Gov. Walz.

Gov. Walz threw out existing law and went a different direction, though it must be pointed out Gov. Walz's decision was utterly predictable. The DFL got exactly what it wanted when Walz was elected -- a trustworthy leftist in moderate's clothing.

Posted Tuesday, February 12, 2019 6:18 PM

Comment 1 by Gretchen L Leisen at 13-Feb-19 08:04 PM
Walz was a professor at Mankato State U prior to his election to the US Congress. Why would anyone doubt that he would be a full blown leftist in his policies? Not that every professor is a leftist, but add to it that he is a member of the DFL, well that just about answers the issue.

Democrats won't know what hit them

This Vanity Fair article asks if Republicans can turn AOC into 2020 Kryptonite. It's a fair question but it's short-sighted. AOC is the brightest star in the Democrat galaxy at the moment but she's far from being the only bright star that Republicans can weaponize.

Anyone that thinks that Republicans won't weaponize Ilhan Omar is kidding themselves. And trust me, once they put together a 'greatest hits clip of Rep. Omar, including this one, the nation will know that Democrats aren't the moderates that they claimed to be:
[Video no longer available]
That's before Republicans weaponize Sen. Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Trust me when I say that Democrats won't understand what hit them. Right now, they're confident that their ideas are winning the day. The media is siding with them virtually all the time, too. Pelosi has played a couple issues to her favor. What she didn't do is side with the American people on important things. She'll be exposed on that soon enough.

What Democrats haven't figured out is that the nation actually wants to be safe. Democrats aren't providing that. When Pelosi and Schumer file the lawsuits against President Trump's wall, everyone will know that Democrats don't give a damn about border security. Anyone thinking that Democrats care about anything other than replacing blue collar workers is dumber than AOC.

Posted Thursday, February 14, 2019 5:11 PM

Comment 1 by J. Ewing at 15-Feb-19 07:34 AM
I see two problems. First, That the mass media sets the narrative and that somehow Democrat perfidy will get painted as Truth, Justice and the American Way. Second is that Republicans refuse to play by Democrat rules, in essence wearing a white suit to a mud wrestling contest.

Comment 2 by Gretchen L Leisen at 15-Feb-19 04:51 PM
Alexandra AOC, Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar! It's the Socialist Triplets channeling Adolf Hitler.

It's a good thing that the Democrats have 1, 2, 3 shining female stars! They suck all the air out of the room, and create such interesting and diversionary possibilities for campaign writers.

I can hardly wait until James Woods' twitter account really gets going!

The Democrats' foolish argument

After President Trump announced that he was declaring a national emergency , CNN and MSNBC went into full spin mode. Virtually immediately, we were told by pundits that most drugs came through ports of entry. Ditto with teenage girls that eventually get sold into child pornography, though they don't talk much about that. The 'pundit experts' (I'm using that term very sarcastically) insist that the coyotes and cartels go through well-equipped ports of entry rather than through unprotected areas that aren't fenced.

That's insulting to our intelligence. Why should people think that these cartels and coyotes try smuggling drugs through well-protected ports of entry rather than through the porous parts of the border? Do these reporters think that the cartels want to get caught and their drugs confiscated?

These are the stories of some of the people whose lives have been forever changed by illegal aliens:
[Video no longer available]
MaryAnn Mendoza tried meeting with Speaker Pelosi just a couple weeks ago. Pelosi's staffer told Mrs. Mendoza that she wasn't in the office. In fact, Ms. Pelosi consistently refuses to meet with Angel families. Suffice it to say that Ms. Pelosi is one of the coldest hearted bitches ever to serve in Congress. Even Jim Acosta met with Angel moms after yesterday's presidential press conference:
[Video no longer available]
The woman that Jim Acosta interviewed is Agnes Gibboney. I've interviewed her, too. She's a legal immigrant who came here from Europe via South America. Acosta's interview didn't last long but at least he didn't entirely avoid her like Ms. Pelosi always does.

What's most aggravating is the fact that Ms. Pelosi totally ignores these Angel moms and that Democrats and their allies in the Agenda Media insist that there isn't a crisis. (Yesterday, Ms. Pelosi called it a "challenge.")

What I'm predicting is that President Trump will prevail. I'm basing that mostly off of this information:

Posted Saturday, February 16, 2019 9:46 AM

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The Democrats' drama queens

Crisis : a dramatic emotional or circumstantial upheaval in a person's life.

Saying that Democrats have too many drama queens is understatement. This afternoon, Judith Miller employed the Democrats' favorite phrase while talking about President Trump's declaration of a national emergency when she said this created a "constitutional crisis." Judith Miller is a Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist so she should know the definition of the word crisis.

Honestly, Ms. Miller should know that a crisis only happens when there's a life-or history-changing event. Even if the Supreme Court rules against President Trump's declaration, it's difficult to picture how their ruling changes the course of history.

My definition of a constitutional crisis is when the Supreme Court makes a ruling but the president refuses to obey the ruling. Pushing the envelope over a policy difference isn't a constitutional crisis. That's what I'd define as a constitutional question.

Democrats love throwing the constitutional crisis term around because it makes President Trump sound like a certifiable villain. When President Trump is re-elected, the American people will send the verdict that they're tired of the Democrats' drama queen antics.

PS- The Democrats' other 'drama queens are Mazie Hirono, Chuck Schumer, AOC and Speaker Pelosi.

Posted Saturday, February 16, 2019 6:24 PM

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One Uncompetitive Minnesota

Based on the massive tax increases in Tim Walz's budget, he intends to continue Gov. Dayton's work of turning Minnesota into a cold California. Walz's budget calls for a couple massive tax increases and a massive spending increase. It does nothing to make Minnesota a pro-growth state. The biggest 'accomplishment' of Gov. Walz's budget is that it makes Minnesota less competitive.

Gov. Walz won't admit it but he's a dipstick. Look what he said about education:

The first priority of my budget is education. As a former teacher, I've seen firsthand the power of education to change a life. But as I travel around the state, I see how the quality of a student's education is too often dependent on their race or ZIP code.

That's BS. The biggest determinant is whether a student comes from a 2-parent family. If they don't, their chances of getting a great education drop significantly.

Here's another thing Gov. Walz said:

The third priority of my budget is community prosperity. Right now, whether from the urban North Side of Minneapolis or the rural town of Hallock, many families struggle to find child care for their kids, secure housing that's affordable or even just make ends meet.

Our budget tackles these challenges head on. It expands access to the Child Care Assistance Program and increases the supply of quality child care in shortage areas. It increases rates of homeownership for households of color, expands workforce housing in greater Minnesota, and provides loans to help seniors stay in their homes. It reinstates state aid to cities and counties across Minnesota to help local governments in greater Minnesota improve public safety, streets, libraries, parks and housing.

I don't doubt that it's difficult finding affordable child care. However, the Walz-Flanagan budget does nothing to increase prosperity. Taking money out of people's wallets to pay for other things isn't the right way to build wealth. Imposing regulations is another way to prevent the creation of wealth.

In the first 2 months of the Walz-Flanagan administration, they've filed a lawsuit and proposed major tax increases. That's how to prevent prosperity.

Posted Tuesday, February 26, 2019 1:21 AM

Comment 1 by Rex Newman at 27-Feb-19 09:52 PM
Governor Walz, spend a little time at a CD 4/5 gas station. You'll see many doing $10 prepays, presumably unable to just 'Fill'r up!'. And you think they have a spare dollar for your massive, regressive tax increase. And for what? Certainly not education, where money stubbornly refuses to buy happiness. Not child care, increasingly unavailable and unaffordable thanks to Mark Dayton's war on providers, one Walz will not likely end. Jobs? His inexplicable pipeline decision that surprised many in his own party portends more stalling on mining as well, or anything else that might produce private sector jobs.

The only winners will be new public sector employees in Walz's significantly expanded budget.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 03-Mar-19 09:43 AM
This budget, just like every other DFL budget says to the people "government knows best how to spend your money". More money for a failing education system, more money for daycare so the government can indoctrinate the kiddies from the start, more money for housing for people who can't afford a house, and the list goes on and on. The most frustrating is the gas tax because he keeps saying we can't allow another 35W bridge collapse. The collapse didn't happen because of poor maintenance or even the gusset plates, it was how the contractor decided to go about their work and the stopped traffic.

'Moderate' Klobuchar votes against Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Amy Klobuchar loves portraying herself as a moderate. That facade disappeared when she voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She's so extreme that she didn't even want to debate the bill.

Politico's 'article ', if it can be called that, said that "The Senate on Monday rejected a bill making it a felony for a doctor to harm or neglect an infant who survives an 'attempted abortion,' part of a Republican effort to squeeze Democrats ahead of the 2020 campaign."

If a baby survives an abortion, that live, breathing human is a human. Therefore, that baby has the same rights as you or me. This isn't about abortion. It's about infanticide. Yesterday, Democrats voted to become the 'Infanticide Party'.

In a speech just before the vote, bill author Sen. Ben Sasse quoted campaign stump speeches by Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and independent Bernie Sanders vowing to look out for society's 'voiceless and vulnerable' and accused them of hypocrisy for opposing his bill's regulations for the care of newborns.

"Was that all just clap track for the campaign trail and for soundbites? Or do people mean the stuff that they say around here?" he said of his colleagues with White House aspirations.

Amy Klobuchar isn't a moderate. Neither is Tina Smith. They're proud to be members of the Party of Infanticide.

Posted Tuesday, February 26, 2019 10:24 AM

Comment 1 by Rex Newman at 27-Feb-19 09:19 PM
This shouldn't even be a Federal question. But since the Left made it so via the Supreme Court, that's where such battles must be fought.

Given that, maybe something else explains this: the prospect of one or more additional Supreme Court picks by President Trump. Doesn't this also explain the sudden blue state rush to enshrine abortion even after birth, Vermont the latest?

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