August 26-28, 2020

Aug 26 04:13 A tale of 2 conventions, Part II
Aug 26 15:59 Joe Lockhart, CNN's paid jerk

Aug 27 04:24 Another rising star is unveiled
Aug 27 10:06 Joe Biden condemns street violence after 3 months of street violence
Aug 27 18:40 The Democrats' latest spin

Aug 28 04:48 A tale of 2 conventions, final night edition

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A tale of 2 conventions, Part II

Last night's GOP Convention featured rising star Daniel Cameron, Kentucky's Attorney General, and Ryan Holets , a police officer and "father of five who, together with his wife, adopted the daughter of a drug user living on the streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico." It featured President Trump pardoning "Jon Ponder, who was arrested" and "went to prison for bank robbery; after his release, he became the founder and CEO of Hope for Prisoners, which helps ex-convicts reenter civilian life."

Last week's Democrat Convention featured has-beens like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton. The Democrats' rising stars are mostly radicals who fit into the mainstream of the Democrat Party but are far outside the mainstream of American politics. Maine lobsterman Jason Joyce "spoke in support of Trump's trade and fisheries policies." Cris Peterson spoke "in support of Trump's trade policies that favor American dairy exports." DFL Mayor Robert Vlaisavljevic praised "Trump's steel tariffs":
[Video no longer available]
Last week, speaker after speaker spoke about what a nice guy Joe Biden is. What they omitted is that he's been wrong on policy after policy. Vlaisavljevic said that Biden has been in DC for 47 years before asking "why would year 48 be any different?" Getting thing after thing wrong isn't just something that Joe Biden is famous for. It's who he is.

President Trump has made mistakes with the China Virus. Nobody would've gotten every decision right. When it comes to the economy and trade, though, President Trump got everything right. Literally for decades, Joe Biden got those things wrong. To answer Mayor Vlaisavljevic, there's nothing in Biden's record to think that year 48 will be better than the first 47.

Posted Wednesday, August 26, 2020 4:13 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 29-Aug-20 07:29 AM
You say Trump has gotten some thing wrong with the China virus. What are those things and isn't it really Fauci, Brix, and the CDC that got it wrong as he was only following their directions? Had he done a complete lockdown as Biden has suggested he would do if elected (god help us), he would have been pilloried and called a tyrant. He floated the idea of state border checkpoints and Cuomo went nuts but now the Cuomo is doing it himself. The left lost their minds with the flights being banned then a month later turned around and said he should have done it sooner. Pelosi was telling people to party in China Town and is now lambasting him for not shutting things down. The guy can't win in the eyes of the MSM and progressives and wouldn't have won no matter what he did, right or wrong.

Joe Lockhart, CNN's paid jerk

Last night, CNN's Joe Lockhart didn't keep it classy . After Nick Sandmann's speech, Lockhart, a lifelong Democrat, said "I'm watching tonight because it's important. But i [sic] don't have to watch this snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky."

Why do Democrats hate like that? Apparently, Lockhart hasn't noticed but CNN said some untrue, nasty things about young Mr. Sandmann. That's why CNN settled with him. That's why other lawsuits will likely get settled quietly. This article highlights the Democrats' nastiness. First, though, here's Mr. Sandmann's impression of what happened that day:
"Looking back now, how could I possibly imagine that the simple act of putting on that red hat would unleash hate from the left, and make myself the target of network in cable news networks nationwide?" Sandmann said.

"I found myself face to face with Nathan Phillips, and other professional protesters looking to turn me into the latest poster child showing why Trump is bad. While the media portrayed me as an aggressor with a relentless smirk on my face, in reality the video confirms I was standing with my hands behind my back with an awkward smile on my face."

Here's the video of Sandmann's speech:
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From Sandmann's speech:
"My life changed forever in that one moment. The full war machine of the mainstream media revved up into attack mode," he said of the infamous video. "They did so without ever researching the full video of the incident; without ever investigating Mr. Philips' motives; or without ever asking me for my side of the story. And do you know why? Because the truth wasn't important . "

This is why the MSM isn't trusted. They're thoroughly unprofessional. They sensationalize a story without asking any questions. That's why fair-minded people are happy that young Mr. Sandmann has gotten paid off by CNN and the Washington Post.

Posted Wednesday, August 26, 2020 3:59 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 27-Aug-20 08:25 AM
"The truth wasn't important," he says.

The truth is a sick two-party owned thing where Trump and Biden are no different and the owners of each overlap. Pence and Harris are poseurs.

Is the truth important? Dog and pony shows are what they are. No more. No less. Stupid stuff while Mammon rules. That's the truth.

Which day does Stephen Miller speak?

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 29-Aug-20 07:21 AM
Mammon rules? Are you insane? Sandmann was pointing out that the corrupt MSM didn't do their job when he said the truth didn't matter and only reported on what they wanted to direct the narrative to make him look like the villain when it was the exact opposite. Then he made them pay yet they continue to bad mouth him. I hope he makes them pay again.

Another rising star is unveiled

For the third straight night, the Republican National Convention unveiled a new rising star. This time, the rising star's name is Madison Cawthorn. He's running for current White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows' seat in North Carolina's Eleventh District. Last night, he gave a passion-filled speech about the adversity he's overcome in his young life.
The real estate investment CEO, 25, recounted his own compelling life story where he was left paralyzed and wheelchair-bound after a car accident at the age of 18 before. Cawthorn sent shockwaves through Washington in June when he unexpectedly won the GOP primary runoff in a North Carolina congressional seat left vacant by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

'At 20, I thought about giving up. However, I knew I could still make a difference. My accident gave me new eyes to see, and new ears to hear,' he said on the third night of the convention, themed 'Land of Heroes.' 'At 20, I made a choice. In 2020, our country has a choice. We can give up on the American idea, or we can work together to make our imperfect union more perfect,' he continued.

Already, Cawthorn is driving Democrats nuts :
"PBS NewsHour" correspondent Yamiche Alcindor was heavily criticized late Wednesday over a tweet describing GOP House candidate Madison Cawthorn standing at the conclusion of his Republican National Convention remarks as a "direct rebuke" to those protesting social injustice. Cawthorn, who was partially paralyzed in a 2014 car accident and uses a wheelchair, closed his speech by urging Americans not to "cower to a mob," and to "kneel before God but stand for our flag.

"Be a radical for liberty and be a radical for our republic for which I stand, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all," Cawthorn said as he rose from his wheelchair and stood behind a walker.

This is Mr. Cawthorn's speech:
[Video no longer available]
Monday night was Sen. Tim Scott's nationwide coming-out party. Tuesday night was Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron's nationwide introduction. Last night was Mr. Cawthorn's turn in the spotlight. This trio is filled with charisma, talent and an unlimited future.

Posted Thursday, August 27, 2020 4:24 AM

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Joe Biden condemns street violence after 3 months of street violence

Joe Biden finally condemned the street violence that's been happening for 3 months. After CNN noticed that Biden's poll numbers were tanking, Biden issued his statement.

In a tweet, Biden's staff said "Once again, a Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick. Is this the country we want to be? Needless violence won't heal us. We need to end the violence, and peacefully come together to demand justice." Way to go, Slow Joe. Where were you when Senate Democrats voted against even starting a debate on police reform? A: Biden was nowhere to be found. Biden was silent about Tim Scott's police reform. Kamala Harris, his running mate pick, let her actions speak for her :
He noted that Scott 'sat down' with Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Cory Booker, D-N.J., and Harris 'and they said, 'We have 20 problems with your bill.' 'And Tim's response was, 'OK, I'll give you 20 amendments. You have 20 problems, I'll give you 20 amendments. Let's see if we can fix this, let's say goodbye to politics, at least on something as important as the criminal justice system. I'll give you an amendment for every problem you have with our bill' and unfortunately, Kamala Harris put her vice presidential aspirations ahead of what is best for this country,' Gowdy continued.

'So don't blame Tim Scott, blame the people who would not take an amendment for every single problem they had with the bill,' Gowdy said.

There's a pattern here. Biden didn't say anything until his polls started tanking. Harris sabotaged Tim Scott's legislation because she wanted to be Biden's running mate.

Partisan considerations took a higher priority thank protecting people. That's proof that Biden-Harris put partisanship ahead of doing what's right. That alone should disqualify them. Further, Biden offered only empty words:
On Wednesday, he struck a similar tone. 'It is needless violence,' Biden said. 'Violence that endangers lives and guts businesses and shutters businesses that serve the community. That's wrong.' Biden said that the country needs to unite, heal, do justice, end violence and end systemic racism. "Needless violence won't heal us," Biden tweeted. "We need to end the violence and peacefully come together to demand justice."

What we've seen isn't "needless violence." It's criminal activity. Sugarcoating things like that doesn't help. Making a video while reading a TelePrompter doesn't help, either. That's what he did in this videotaped message:
[Video no longer available]
Watch his eyes throughout. They keep switching back-and-forth. He wasn't speaking from the heart. He was reading from the TelePrompter.

Biden was silent about street violence for 3 months. When his polls started tanking, he spoke through a TelePrompter. That isn't leadership. That's what happens when you hand serious responsibilities to a senile career politician.

Posted Thursday, August 27, 2020 10:07 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 29-Aug-20 07:14 AM
Come on Gary, cut Biden some slack. He didn't know there was rioting for the past 3 months because no one told him.

The Democrats' latest spin

The Democrats' latest spin is that President Trump is to blame for the violence in Kenosha, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle and Chicago. During his interview with NBC's Andrea Mitchell, Biden said "He views this as a political benefit to him, you know. He's rooting for more violence, not less, and it's clear about that. And what's he doing, he's kept pouring gasoline on the fire."

Fighting violence in cities is the cities' responsibilities. That isn't President Trump's primary responsibility. His responsibility is to prevent federal crimes. When rioting erupts in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and Kenosha, that's those cities' responsibilities, not President Trump's.

Joe Biden insists that he'll fact-check President live during their debates. During this interview, Joe Biden told some whoppers, starting with him saying that President Trump is "rooting for more violence, not less." Joe Biden's nose is growing. This article contradicts Joe Biden's whopper:
"I'm suggesting to some of these governors that are too proud ... 'Don't be proud. Get the job done. You'll end up doing much better in the end, calling the National Guard. Call me,'" Trump said in remarks at the White House Rose Garden. " You have to dominate the streets . You can't let what's happening, happen," he added.

President Trump has consistently pushed for stopping the rioting. President Trump has consistently told the press that he's contacted the various governors and offered them help. That's indisputable fact. If Biden says that it can't be disputed that President Trump is "rooting for more violence, not less", my first statement would be that it's totally disputable. Check this out:
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Then check this out:
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Vice President Biden is a liar. President Trump has consistently and repeatedly pushed for stopping the violence in this nation's biggest cities. Vice President Biden, by comparison, didn't speak out on the issue for 3 months !

PS- During the debates, I'm betting that the MSM won't fact-check Vice President Biden's whoppers. They're as disgraceful as Biden.

Posted Thursday, August 27, 2020 6:40 PM

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A tale of 2 conventions, final night edition

Now that President Trump has accepted the Republicans' nomination for another 4 years in the White House, it's time to attempt to capture the essence of President Trump's acceptance speech. Personally, I'm somewhat at a loss for words. Thankfully, the WFB's Matthew Continetti wrote a nice summarization of President Trump's speech. In his article, Continetti wrote "President Trump accepted the Republican nomination Thursday night with his family flanking him on a dais constructed atop the South Lawn of the White House. His speech hit all the marks of Trump-ism. He said Joe Biden was inept and a vehicle for the socialist left, described how he's fulfilled the MAGA agenda, and reasserted his opposition to political correctness. 'We are not a nation of timid spirits,' he said. 'We are a nation of fierce, proud, and independent patriots.'"

Continetti then closed the article, saying "All of a sudden, legitimate concerns about racial equity and social justice are transmuted into justifications for vandalism, theft, violence, cancellation, and ostracization. Random communities - Kenosha, Wis., diners in Washington - become sites of revolution, rebuke, and disorder. This cannot last. What Trump offers isn't so much the end of the chaos - federalism and prudence circumscribe his sphere of action - but at least a rhetorical and gestural rebuke of the idea that my country was originally, and fatally, diseased. It was not. I love my country, and the Constitution, and the principles that animated its Founders. And I don't think I'm alone. The Republican convention did a good job of demonstrating that white, black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans agree. What Donald Trump has done is reframe the 2020 election as a referendum on the American idea. And Joe Biden might not know how to answer."

FNC's Chris Wallace thought that President Trump's speech went too long. It's true that the speech lasted 70 minutes. That being said, it was perfect in the sense that President Trump hit all of the themes for the fall campaign -- law and order, the economy, the China Virus and criticizing Joe Biden. Nothing brought the law and order theme home better than Ann Dorn, the widow of St. Louis Police Capt. David Dorn, who lost his life while defending a friend's store. Here's Ann Dorn's presentation:
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President Trump will hit Joe Biden hard on the law and order issue this fall, just like he hit Biden hard during his acceptance speech Thursday night:
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President Trump has Democrats on the ropes as a result of this week's convention. Thursday, the Biden-Harris campaign announced that Biden will travel this fall to battleground states. Last week, when asked if he could win from his basement, Biden replied "We will."

Posted Friday, August 28, 2020 4:48 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 28-Aug-20 09:28 AM
It is realistic to say Trump could get four more years. Gary, do you believe the Republicans have, beyond Trump, consolidated down ticket hopes? It is as if entrenched politicians were paraded, not ones to move nose counts but instead to hold. If you see downticket opportunity from showtime, it might be worth a post. Also, if you see the host of Republicans Biden featured as irrelevant or on a hot seat as to their futures, that too might merit a post. The opinion I hold, both conventions, so what. No Flynn shouting about locking anybody up, but that's yesterday's fish. There may be a hiccup on polling, it often happens after a media thing, but in permanent terms, what do you see down ticket? Aside from trashing Biden and Harris and blindly calling them socialists, which is both easy and ineffectual when you look at that pair, aside from easy name calling, what's the thought? Also, was it significant in your view that Mitch McConnell was absent? It seems a glaring absence to anyone knowing anything about DC. AIPAC did not convene with ignoring McConnell, but Trump did. Is that significant to you?

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