August 26-27, 2019

Aug 26 00:49 The Democrats' Recession obsession
Aug 26 02:33 When did the SCTimes become SCSU's cheerleader?
Aug 26 09:03 Mr. President, call China's bluff
Aug 26 15:42 Defining Biden being Biden
Aug 26 23:52 The Democrats' hiding recession

Aug 27 00:56 Enough with the euphemisms
Aug 27 09:46 More turmoil at Minnesota HHS
Aug 27 11:35 Defining Do-Nothing Democrats
Aug 27 15:46 Rep. Omar's self-destructive lifestyle

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The Democrats' Recession obsession

This article makes it emphatically clear that Democrats, especially those in the media, have a recession obsession. The Q2 GDP was 2.1, down from 3.1 in Q1. For historical perspective, the average GDP during the Obama administration was about half that of Q2.

Back then, when economic growth was pathetic, the MSM didn't talk about the possibility of a recession. The MSM talked about things like consecutive months of job growth as though that was a miraculous accomplishment. Here's a hint for the MSM: The default of the US economy is to create jobs. That isn't a miracle, except if you compare it to European countries. By their standards, the US default is miraculous.

By comparison between administrations, economic growth during the Trump administration is significantly better than economic growth during the Obama administration but the Trump economy is getting the negative press.

What's upsetting to me is that we're talking about a slowdown at this point, which is a distant cry from a recession. The fact that we're in a full-fledged trade war with China, the next biggest economy in the world, and our economy keeps growing should be a point of confidence. If we're going through all this and the economy is still growing at twice the rate it did during the Obama administration, shouldn't we take note of the Trump economy's durability?

During the Clinton administration, economists worried about tough economic times in Asia. Back then, economists rightly worried about what was then called "the Asian Flu." They worried that the Asian Flu would trigger a recession in the US. All that happened was that the US economy slowed down. Years afterward, the economists concluded that the Clinton economy was fundamentally strong, which helped it weather the storm.
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Maria Bartiromo nailed when she said that the media that's predicting a recession is the same media that predicted President Trump's impending impeachment from the Russia collusion illusion:

I think the broader picture is that the media continues to have an incredible amount of influence in terms of explaining to the world what is going on. When you go back to the fact that we just came off of the 2 years of collusion delusion where the media was all about President Trump colluded with the Russians, et cetera, et cetera. You know, "Sunday Morning Futures," my program right before this program was every week poking holes into that narrative for 2 years and I got slammed in the media as a result of the fact that Congressman John Ratcliffe and Devin Nunes, the congressmen who actually saw the redacted document, the people who were there interviewing the FBI officials and they knew the story better than anybody...

Then she finishes that flourish with this:

The media's responsibility is to report the truth and seek the truth, but Howie, how many programs do you hear the media saying the unemployment rate is at 51-year low, how many media outlets are you hearing saying we had 4 plus percent growth for one quarter last year, 3.1% in the first quarter and 2.1% in the second. A recession is two quarters of negative performance, meaning negative, not positive. We are only seeing positive readings, so the fact that we are talking about a recession being on the horizon and not even talking about the facts reminds me of editorial meeting that took place at New York Times two weeks ago where the editor there said, well, for two years we were putting all of our resources into Russia collusion, the story changed on us. The story didn't change, Howie, the story is the same story, but they put all resources in collusion and now they decided that they will put all resources on racism.

KA-BOOM! That's delivering the boom like a true economist should. First, consumer spending represents two-thirds of the GDP. That's up 0.7% over last month. The Trump-GOP tax cuts have put hundreds of billions of additional dollars. Unemployment is at a historic low. What part of that sounds like a recession is right around the corner?

Thad McCotter was right when he wrote about "The Left's '3 Rs': Russia, Racism, & Recession." He was exceptionally right when he said that "the Democrats were missing the 4th R: Reality."

Amen, Thad. Democrats are indeed missing that. I don't anticipate Democrats finding that missing ingredient anytime before the election, especially if Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren is the nominee. It's obvious that Democrats, especially the Media Wing of the Democratic Party, is hoping for a recession. They're practically begging for that recession. Bill Maher didn't hide it. He explicitly called for a recession to get rid of President Trump.

Democrats have a recession obsession. Unfortunately, they don't have an obsession for reporting the facts. To paraphrase Al Gore from the 1992 campaign, when he said "Everything that's up should be down and everything that's down should be up", everything that Democrats should be for, they're against and everything that they're supposed to be against, they're for. Democrats should be for a booming economy but they're praying for a recession. Democrats should be for sealing off the border but they're for decriminalizing illegal immigration.

Posted Monday, August 26, 2019 12:49 AM

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When did the SCTimes become SCSU's cheerleader?

Our View editorials like this one offer a disservice to the community. Rather than being SCSU's chief cheerleader, the St. Cloud Times should ask SCSU President Robbyn Wacker tough questions about what she's doing to improve SCSU's image academically. They should also ask how much longer it'll take to reorganize SCSU.

How many people in St. Cloud know that SCSU is going through another reorganization? Do people realize that SCSU's revenues haven't kept up with SCSU's expenses? If they don't know that, why hasn't the Times reported on that? The key to understanding SCSU's plight is found in this paragraph:

"It's time to stop doing things the same way we always have and expecting different results," Wacker concluded in her annual address to faculty and staff to start the 2019-20 school year. "It's time to push ourselves to think differently to meet today's learners where they are at and continue to provide them with the world-class education that St. Cloud State has been known for."

It's impossible to right the ship if you think the ship is still doing ok. When President Wacker says that SCSU should "continue to provide [students] with the world-class education that St. Cloud State has been known for", I view that as a world-class case of denial. SCSU has been known for a couple of generations (at minimum) as a party school. While the University has worked hard to shed itself of that image, that's still its image.

While many 4-year universities still struggle, a number of 4-year universities have turned things around. Purdue University has transformed itself into a popular destination, thanks in large part to University President Mitch Daniels' leadership.

When President Daniels took over, he immediately implemented a plan to fit the University's budget to families' budgets, not vice versa. Then he contacted Amazon to see if they'd be willing to partner with Purdue in offering books at a reduced price. He found out they were interested. As a result of those 2 decisions alone, tuition hasn't risen in almost a decade. The same is true of book prices.

If SCSU started shooting for goals like that, I'm betting that they'd see a near-immediate resurgence in enrollment. With increased enrollment comes increased tuition and dorm revenues. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out that increased enrollment and revenues lead to shrinking deficits. Who knows? If SCSU accomplishes that and maintains that for 5+ years, they might even start running surpluses while training the workforces that we need.

Who's interested in that?

Posted Monday, August 26, 2019 2:33 AM

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Mr. President, call China's bluff

President Trump doesn't need my unsolicited advice on China. Still, that's what I'm about to offer the Leader of the Free World. President Trump needs to know that the American people stand with him against China's predatory trade practices. President Trump also needs to know that, like him, we understand that these negotiations require a long-game approach. Finally, President Trump needs to know that we'd value him calling China's BS as spin.

Recently, China's vice premier said something truly insulting when he said "We welcome enterprises from all over the world, including the United States, to invest and operate in China. We will continue to create a good investment environment, protect intellectual property rights , promote the development of smart intelligent industries with our market open, resolutely oppose technological blockades and protectionism, and strive to protect the completeness of the supply chain."

What a crock! That statement shouldn't be left to stand. It's insulting to people who've had their intellectual property stolen by the Chinese government.

Mr. President, thanks for letting China know that you won't hesitate in pushing China's economy to the brink. This toughness is affecting businesses but it's worth it, but only if we get a fair deal from China.

Mr. President, while you're fighting the Chinese on trade details, I'd throw this information back in the faces of your domestic political enemies:

The market is now dominated by fears of a portending U.S. recession, although the American economy is actually holding up, and much of the U.S. economy is made up of consumption, Innes said. If interest rates come down, he added, consumer spending is likely to go up, working as a buffer for the economy.

Yes, this trade war is affecting the economy. Capitulating, though, will only make things worse. If we blink, China will be emboldened. That isn't what we want. Personally, I'd prefer keeping the pressure on China's throat until they capitulate.

Finally, Mr. President, I'd highlight what James Roberts said in this interview:
[Video no longer available]
Are these trade wars causing a slowdown? Without question. Are they pushing us into a recession? Let's put it this way -- there's a better chance that the anti-Trump media will try pushing the US economy into a recession than there is of the US-China trade war pushing us into a recession.

Posted Monday, August 26, 2019 9:03 AM

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Defining Biden being Biden

There's no questioning that Joe Biden is more than a "gaffe machine." That appears to be the MSM's favorite rationalism in excusing Joe Biden's speaking mistakes. I'm questioning whether they're gaffes. I think it's entirely possible that he's just an overhyped blithering idiot.

Biden first ran for president in 1988. He left that race before the Iowa Caucuses after plagiarizing a speech from Neal Kinnock, then a British politician. The second time Biden ran for president was in 2008. This was a marked improvement only from the standpoint that he actually made it through the Iowa Caucuses. Then again, Biden " stopped his campaign on January 3, 2008 after he did not get many votes in the Iowa caucus."

This past weekend, Biden campaigned in New Hampshire while a dozen of his competitors auditioned for California activists. Unfortunately for Joe, his staff didn't remind him that he was in Keene, NH. While in Keene, NH, Biden talked about how he'd visited there many times before asking bystanders "Who doesn't love Vermont"?

Then there's Joe's 'memory' of where he was when Bobby Kennedy and MLK were assassinated. The gospel according to Joe is that they were assassinated in the 1970s:
[Video no longer available]
Here's a serious question to Democrats. At any point in his early Senate life, did Joe Biden pay attention to his surroundings? Can you offer any legitimate proof that he paid attention? The other serious question is this: Is this the best Democrats can do for a frontrunner?

In 2004, Howard Dean was the Democrats' frontrunner for several months. In the end, though, they turned on him and nominated John Kerry. It's a frightening thought to think that Joe Biden pales in comparison in terms of candidate quality to John Kerry.

Posted Monday, August 26, 2019 3:42 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 27-Aug-19 04:10 PM
Good post, Gary.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 27-Aug-19 08:58 PM
Eric, I think Biden's campaign is circling the drain. Ditto with Amy's campaign.

The Democrats' hiding recession

If I was a Democrat, which I once was when the Democratic Party still had giants like Scoop Jackson, Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Hubert Humphrey, I'd demand better political pundits. Since the night of President Trump's election, Democrats, especially those idiots in the media, have been predicting a stock market crash, a great recession or both.

Back in the early days right after the stunning Trump victory, Democrats have been waiting for (or demanding ) his impeachment. Democrats have predicted President Trump's demise more times than they predicted Hillary Clinton's historic shattering of the ultimate glass ceiling. How many more times must we put up with these idiots' predictions? It's getting to the point where I just tune them out.

Finally, this article is a nice first step in countering the Democrats' lies. Written by Madison Gesiotto, "who serves with the advisory board of the Donald Trump campaign", it highlights how many times 'the experts' have predicted incorrectly:

As the country awoke to the news of his victory as president, the stock market rocketed upwards, yet liberal economist Paul Krugman inexplicably prophesied in the New York Times that we were probably facing a "global recession" with no end in sight. Less than a week later, he wrote about an impending "Trump slump." Krugman was not alone. Matt Krantz of USA Today thought a recession was on the way because Trump is a Republican president, and that was before Trump even took office.

I'm surprised that these Democrats haven't figured things out yet. The same media people who predicted that President Trump would be impeached are the people who predicted that President was a racist. One Democrat after another thinks that the Trump Recession is right around the corner.

Adding to that list, let's remember that Elizabeth Warren has, according to Melissa Francis, "predicted 25 of the last 2 recessions." Francis was assigned to Warren when Francis worked at CNBC. BTW, Elizabeth Warren is a capitalist -- on a personal level:
[Video no longer available]
When she says "the system" works well for the 1%, she'd know. She's part of that 1%. That's proof that she's part of what I'd call the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do progressives.

The bottom line is simple. When it comes to talking economics, Democrat pundits don't know what they're talking about. Ditto with Democrat politicians.

Posted Monday, August 26, 2019 11:52 PM

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Enough with the euphemisms

Monday night on Hannity, Hannity interviewed Lawrence Jones and Allie Beth Stuckey about why young people aren't as patriotic as they used to be. Lawrence immediately and without hesitation said that it's the result of indoctrination on college campuses:

There's little doubt that college professors push their political beliefs onto students on a daily basis. Still, I'd like to see Republicans master the art of pushing the Democrats' buttons in communications.

Indoctrination is too soft of a word for what happens altogether too often in college classrooms. What happens altogether too often there is Democrat activists bully their students, then threaten those students into giving the answers that their professors instruct them to give -- even if it's the wrong answer. Further, the other thing that happens in those classrooms is full-throated intimidation.

There's a simple way of stopping these threats, intimidation and bullying. Some of these students need to capture on film forever their professors in the act, then use that video to threaten lawsuits against these hostile, partisan professors. The best part is that these students don't need to win their lawsuits, though that'd be fantastic.

From an administrator's standpoint, just the thought of a lawsuit is enough to inject fear in these universities' administrators hearts, if they still have hearts. The thought of word getting out that their university is intimidating students is enough to tell prospective students' parents that their son or daughter can find a better university.

Nothing pushes positive change as quickly as the possibility of a major lawsuit hanging over a university's head and ruining that university's reputation. Universities understand that lawsuits push enrollment down. They also ruin universities' credibility. Once those universities lose their credibility, it's virtually impossible to get it back.

Indoctrination is too gentle of a word to use in these situations. Using edgier words like bullying, intimidation and threats are the right words to effect positive change in campuses' environment.

Finally, when dealing with bullies, the best weapons are sharp words and threats of lawsuits. Bullies back down when they understand that they've got skin in the game.

Posted Tuesday, August 27, 2019 12:56 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 27-Aug-19 04:08 PM
You'd best define "patriotic" first. Kapernick had only one career to give for wanting a better country.

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 27-Aug-19 08:57 PM
I don't think Kaepernick gave up his career wanting a better career. I think he knew his career was heading for the dumpster so he figured 'why not go out a folk hero'?

More turmoil at Minnesota HHS

Just when you thought that things might return to normal at Minnesota's Department of Human Services, another high-ranking official resigns. This resignation is different in that it's the re-resignation of a former employee who returned to work only to resign again. Got all that? I didn't think so. Suffice it to say that HHS is a department in disarray.

This article should help you figure out what's going on:

Claire Wilson, deputy commissioner of the Department of Human Services, will leave the agency on Friday, according to an internal email sent to employees. Wilson, along with her fellow deputy commissioner Chuck Johnson, resigned last month from the agency but then rescinded their resignations after a new commissioner took over.

Acting DHS Commissioner Pam Wheelock convinced the two deputies to stay after Commissioner Tony Lourey and his chief of staff, Stacie Weeks, resigned. All of the leaders had resigned without public explanation.

I don't have high hopes that this department will get fixed anytime soon, if at all. As I wrote here, the incoming commissioner seems to think that the Department is doing good work. It's impossible to fix a problem until you admit that there's a problem. Jodi Harpstead doesn't think that there's a problem.

I'm betting that Claire Wilson is thankful that Friday is her last day. With all the turmoil and controversy swirling around within the Department, I'm betting that she'd rather just move on.

I can't blame her for wanting to leave.

Posted Tuesday, August 27, 2019 9:46 AM

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Defining Do-Nothing Democrats

Since Democrats took over the US House this past January, essentially nothing has gotten done. That's because this batch of Democrats are totally beholden to the Resist movement. Resist Democrats aren't interested in doing what's right for America. Resist Democrats only want to hate President Trump. Lindsey Graham is right. It's time to elect people that don't hate President Trump so we can fix this nation's existing problems.

According to Sen. Graham, not a single Democrat will co-sponsor his immigration bill. If you think there are moderates Democrats in the Senate, you're totally wrong. The LFR definition of a moderate Democrat is one that's campaigning. The minute they get their election certificate, they turn into Schumer's shills or Durbin's dupes.

Co-host Steve Doocy asked Graham why the Flores agreement has been politicized. Graham repeated "they hate Trump" in response, arguing Washington needs people who don't share such hatred of the president.

"I have been working on immigration for 10 years. I'm willing to deal with a DACA population... I'm willing to spend money in Central America to make life better. I've done everything I know to do... I can't get one Democrat to agree with me that you should apply for asylum in Central America, or Mexico, not the United States."

This is proof that Democrats hate President Trump more than they love this country. Think about this: think that Democrats voted unanimously against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Thanks to those tax cuts, the US economy is the envy of the world. Democrats said no to these low unemployment rates, these rising wages, this prosperity.

The 2 most important things to the average person are peace and prosperity. Unemployment is at a 50-year low. Wages are rising. Minority unemployment rates are the lowest they've ever been. That's what's called prosperity by everyone that isn't a Democrat. Democrats keep talking about the impending recession.

On national security, it's impossible to think that Democrats are serious. Democrats want asylum seekers to appear in court, then released. Democrats know that the vast majority of these people will never set foot in a court again. If that isn't the definition of open borders, then that definition doesn't exist.
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Graham further chastised Democrats for refusing to work with him across the aisle on illegal immigration and said he can't find one lawmaker from the opposing party who will agree to reform Flores. "I can't get one Democrat to agree to allow children to be held with their families humanely for, 40, 50, or 100 days so we can process their claims," he said.

"They literally want them released in the United States... They will not work with me. They will not work with President Trump. I am dumbfounded as to why we can't find [a] compromise."

When Democrats won't work with Lindsey Graham on immigration, that's proof positive that they aren't interested in fixing things. It's time to throw a bunch of Democrats overboard by electing people who will actually fix things.

When Democrats unanimously vote against fixing illegal immigration after they voted unanimously against the Trump/GOP tax cuts, that's proof that Democrats are the definition of do-nothing politicians.

The US Senate used to be the greatest deliberative body in the world. Today, it's the embodiment of the Swamp, thanks mostly to these Do-Nothing Democrats.

Posted Tuesday, August 27, 2019 11:35 AM

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Rep. Omar's self-destructive lifestyle

Saying that Ilhan Omar has led an interesting lifestyle is understatement. This article will make people question her explanations of her multiple previous marriages. First, let's hear the basics of this article:

Beth Jordan Mynett said her political consultant husband, Tim Mynett, told her in April that he was in a relationship with the Minnesota Democrat, according to a divorce filing obtained by the New York Post. The filing was submitted Tuesday in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

'The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,' the divorce filing says.

This gives an entirely new definition to the old cliche that "politics makes for strange bedfellows." I'm also reminded of President Reagan's old saying that "Politics is the world's second-oldest profession and, at times, it resembles the oldest profession." Then there's this:

Beth Mynett is seeking primary custody of their son, citing her husband's "extensive travel" with the congresswoman. Omar's campaign has paid Tim Mynett's consulting firm E. Street Group more than $200,000 since 2018. "Defendant's more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments," the divorce filing alleges.

The question now is out there that some of these trips were fundraising trips or whether they were fundraising trips co-mingled with romantic interludes. I'm not a campaign finance attorney but I'm smart enough to know that a legitimate investigator should investigate this.

If Omar has used some of her campaign funds to pay for romantic jaunts, then she deserves to feel threatened by law enforcement. I don't know the answer to that question but I'm certain that an investigation is worthwhile. Couple that information with this information and you start getting the picture that Rep. Omar thinks that the laws don't apply to her:
[Video no longer available]
State Rep. Drazkowski has been persistent in digging up information on Rep. Omar's sordid lifestyle. Meanwhile, the Minneapolis Star Tribune has barely lifted a finger to investigate Omar's 'lifestyle choices'. I'd say that this is one of those jobs that Americans just won't do but that isn't accurate since Rep. Drazkowski is doing this work and he's an American.

Perhaps we should say that this is a job that the Media Wing of the Democratic Party won't do. Further, it's worth noting that people of integrity are totally willing to do this work. Just because Democrats don't believe in enforcing the law doesn't mean Republicans have to agree with that philosophy.

Apparently, the Democrats' gene pool needs a ton of chlorine to clean itself up. The courts in Hennepin and Ramsey counties are mostly Democrats. I know that the county attorneys are Democrats. That's why I'm not holding my breath waiting for this potential investigation. Apparently, Democrats always protect other Democrats. (If you don't believe that, check out how Ken Martin and the DFL protected Keith Ellison after he allegedly attacked Karen Monahan.)

It's long past time for people to realize that the DFL is exceptionally corrupt. They've been that way for years. It's just that the Strib has kept that fact hidden until now.

Posted Tuesday, August 27, 2019 3:46 PM

Comment 1 by eric z at 27-Aug-19 04:05 PM
Five bucks says she is reelected. You take the bet yes/no?

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 27-Aug-19 08:55 PM
I'd still lean towards her getting re-elected while being a negative force for the DFL & Democrats. When you're known more for your affairs & anti-Semitism than for your legislative accomplishments, that isn't something to be proud of.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 27-Aug-19 05:12 PM
So is this just another green card/immigration fling?

She is a horrible human being but with that said, she'll get re-elected hands down because the democrats don't care. The ends always justify the means for them.

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