August 22-25, 2020

Aug 22 09:30 Will RNC perform better than DNC?

Aug 23 03:53 The Democrats' situational empathy
Aug 23 10:07 The Democrats' dilemma
Aug 23 10:40 Black Lies Matter?

Aug 24 00:30 Presidential debates in the early voting era; some suggestions
Aug 24 01:12 Trump's rocketship recovery continues; is the recession over?
Aug 24 01:59 Klacik added to Monday night schedule
Aug 24 11:02 RINOs for Biden-Harris

Aug 25 06:25 A tale of 2 conventions, Part I

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Will RNC perform better than DNC?

The expectations for the Democratic National Convention weren't high considering who their primetime speakers were. Still, they managed to not meet expectations. Most importantly, the Democratic National Convention didn't do what Democrats needed it to do. Next week, Democrats will yield the stage to Republicans, who will hold their quadrennial convention.

Expectations are higher because the speakers' talent is higher. According to this article , the speakers will be "former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley , U.S. Senators Tim Scott and Joni Ernst , and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem ."

The article continues, saying "Other speakers will include Nick Sandmann , who sued several media outlets for libel over the portrayal of his role in a confrontation with a Native American group on the National Mall in 2019 when he was a high school student, and Mark and Patricia McCloskey , a Missouri couple who face charges from a local prosecutor after brandishing guns at Black Lives Matter protesters marching in their neighborhood last month."
Each night will also feature "a speaker who lived under socialism."

Then there's this:
Alice Marie Johnson, whose life sentence was commuted by Trump following intervention by Kim Kardashian West, has confirmed that she will speak. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will deliver taped remarks. A previous report suggested he would skip the convention, but his campaign said that was a "miscommunication." While Jared Kushner was not originally scheduled to speak alongside Trump's adult children, CNN reports that 'it's now under consideration.'

This sounds interesting. At least, the RNC won't feature one past-their-prime politician after another. It's great that the primetime speeches will be live. I hope that Kim Klacik speaks at the convention, too, even if it's just to introduce Tim Scott or Alice-Marie Johnson.

I'm betting that Alice-Marie Johnson will highlight the First Step Act, which President Trump signed into law in December, 2018. The First Step Act is fixing some of the injustices created by the 1994 Crime Bill that then-Sen. Joe Biden co-authored. Biden is now the Democrats' presidential nominee. I'm betting that Nick Sandman will talk about the media mob. I'm betting that the McCloskeys will highlight Soros prosecutor Kim Gardner's unjust prosecution of them for defending themselves.

This will be a livelier convention than the DNC. That isn't exactly difficult to accomplish.

Posted Saturday, August 22, 2020 9:30 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 22-Aug-20 09:48 AM
Will Bannon have a role? He'll be out on bail.

That Wall. Gotta build it, private initiative if DC GOP does not deliver? How did those guys find one another, who's the Chinese yacht owner, and what's his role and/or share of crowdsourced money?

Seriously, Gary, Who cares? Everybody already knows how he/she will vote, and with early voting to become the norm, citizens risking pandemic face-to-face polling place attendance will be less a factor than early voting.

What it looks like to me is the hate ads, both ways, will heat up earlier because of early voting. Ramping up already. It seems so already with some of the Lincoln Project stuff being as mean or meaner than any other. Do you or any reader know whose money is backing the LP folks? Bloomberg? Comcast people? A Wall Street spectrum? Or California and other military contracting firms?

Biden sure seems to be promising war with Iran by using Powell and then the LP ads - one featuring Mattis. Mongering war - or I am missing the Biden message? He was really hot back after 9/11 to mess with Iraq, along with Bush, and then during his VP time Libya, Syria.

Jimmy Dore tearing into that thought is online on YouTube. A websearch = jimmy dore biden powell youtube, and setting it "past week" -- that will get reporting about Dore or the actual video.

Trump's approach seems more measured and less belligerent, yes/no?

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 23-Aug-20 11:52 PM
The MSM has intentionally done a terrible job reporting on the wall. It's two-thirds finished but you wouldn't know if by CNN's 'reporting'.

Democrats are on the wrong side of the 3 biggest issues -- the economy, law & order & school choice. Coronavirus is an issue but it isn't the issue.

As for LP, I'm betting it's many of the corporatists that support both parties. Bloomberg is likely one of the bankrollers. Ditto with Soros, Jeff Bezos & Tom Steyer.

Biden is promising to rejoin the disastrous JCPOA. Biden is an idiot. He'll be quickly rejected.

The Democrats' situational empathy

This WFB editorial perfectly highlights the Democrats' situational belief that black lives matter. Democrats didn't hesitate in partnering with Black Lives Matter, the organization. Democrats have been thoroughly reluctant to make the statement that ' all black lives matter'.

The WFB editorial starts with "LeGend Taliferro was asleep in his Kansas City, Mo., home in late June when a gunman opened fire from the street outside his window, shooting him dead. He was four years old, one of the many black boys and girls killed in the past three months. Victims were front and center at the Democratic National Convention: of police brutality, of climate change, and of every other -ism. And while virtually every speaker said that "black lives matter," not a single moment at the Democratic convention was dedicated to the dozens murdered this summer in America's Democrat-led cities."

Why can't Democrats say that all black lives matter? Is it because they're only aligning themselves with the BLM political organization? If that's their sole consideration, then that's a sad verdict on their party. I don't believe that most Democrats think that. However, I think that the vast majority of Democrat politicians think that way.

Remember when we saw the horrific video of Derek Chauvin's knee on George Floyd's neck? People of all political parties united to express our repulsion with Officer Chauvin's actions and rightfully so. Within 2 weeks, though, that unity was shattered by Senate Democrats when they voted against Tim Scott's bill.

They didn't vote against final passage. They voted against even starting the debate on Sen. Scott's bill. Think of that. Democrat politicians won't say that all black lives matter. Democrat politicians won't even start debate on a police reform bill. How do those actions improve the lives of minorities? Muriel Bowser spoke about racial injustice but it was selective.
[Video no longer available]
She spoke at the Democrats' convention about George Floyd but she didn't say a thing about Secoriea Turner of Atlanta. At the Democrats' convention, Mayor Bowswer didn't speak about Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Jr. of Seattle. Don't their lives matter too? Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Sr. got a call from President Trump. He hasn't gotten a call from Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan.
When Democratic governors call federal law enforcement an "occupying force," and when Biden's criminal justice platform says more about investigating police forces than keeping crime down, voters should be afraid. They should be afraid for themselves and their families. But they should also be afraid for the young black men in Chicago and Baltimore and Kansas City for whom the chance of being murdered is 30 to 40 times higher than the national average.

The Democrats' concern for African-Americans would be convincing if it wasn't situational. Mostly, it's purely for partisan purposes. Rather than seeing people, Democrats see a voting bloc.

Democrats should try being Americans first, politicians after that.

Posted Sunday, August 23, 2020 3:53 AM

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The Democrats' dilemma

Last week, Democrats repeatedly told us that Americans were racists and that there was no escaping their racism. Then they told us that Joe Biden, who spent a half-century in the DC Swamp and contributed to this systemic racism, is the only cure for this racism. They said that the man who co-authored the 1994 Crime Bill that started mass incarcerations of black people was a fine man, a virtuous man, a man of unending decency.

My question for these Democrats is simple. How can a man who is virtuous and decent write legislation that put thousands of African-Americans in prison? This week, the Democrats' dilemma will get exposed when Alice Marie Johnson speaks at the Republican National Convention. Ms. Johnson spent 21 years in a federal prison before her sentence was commuted by President Trump .
A campaign in support of her release was launched by the American Civil Liberties Union and the website Mic; activists who supported her release argued that the punishment was excessive and an example of disproportionate impacts on African-Americans. A number of individuals and organizations supported Johnson's bid for clemency, including U.S. Representatives Steve Cohen, Bennie Thompson, and Marc Veasey, law professors Marc Morje Howard and Shon Hopwood, and Orange is the New Black author Piper Kerman. According to her lawyer Shawn Holley, the warden supported her release.

Johnson's was one of the 16,776 petitions filed in the Obama administration's 2014 clemency project. In 2016, she wrote an op-ed for CNN asking for forgiveness and a second chance. Her application was denied just before Obama left office . In 2018, Kim Kardashian and President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner sought to persuade Trump to grant clemency to Johnson. In late May 2018, Kardashian met with the President in the Oval Office to urge him to pardon Johnson.[19] On June 6, 2018, following Kardashian's appeal, Trump commuted Johnson's sentence, and Johnson was released. The commutation was one of a series of acts of clemency made by Trump in a "few high-profile cases brought to him by associates and allies."

The Democrats' dilemma is explaining how their standard-bearer and his running mate showed enthusiasm for putting drug dealers in prison without being part of the problem. I'd love hearing VP Biden explain why he didn't lift a finger to get Ms. Johnson released from prison. Further, I'd love hearing him explain his justification for accusing President Trump for being a racist. He's used Charlottesville as 'proof' that President Trump is a racist. I triple-dog dare VP Biden to find the racism in this full video:
[Video no longer available]
Good luck with that. There isn't any proof of racism. There's just a baseless accusation of racism and Biden's twisting of words. As people find out more about the Biden-Harris ticket, the Democrats will find themselves incapable of competing effectively with the Trump team.

The Democrats' convention is over. The laser-focused attacks against him aren't front-and-center anymore. Finally, the Democrats' ticket is seriously undertalented compared with Trump's accomplishments. In terms of popular vote, I don't know what the margin will be. In terms of the electoral votes, I'm thinking that President Trump will get more for reelection than he got in 2016.

Posted Sunday, August 23, 2020 10:13 AM

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Black Lies Matter?

BLM: Black Lies Movement
By Ramblin' Rose

Yes, LIES.

Words carry meaning. Assuredly, black lives matter, but so do the lives of all other races - from conception to natural death. But the BLM movement has little, if anything, to do with race. It is a leftist push to divide the country and to forge ahead with the destruction of Christian doctrines and values. Sadly, many professing-Christians have joined their ranks.

The Bible declares in Genesis that God is the Creator of all life! The Bible declares in Genesis that God created males and females and defined His expectations for "marriage" and provided His definition of "family." The Word of God repeatedly states that any other sexual orientations are an abomination. Those are the pillars that the founders of the movement want to attack and upon which they build their lies.

In 2013, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi co-founded the BLM movement. Two of the three self-identify as "queer" (outside the heterosexual norms of Christianity). Cullors and Garza proudly champion their identity as "trained Marxists." Those parameters have nothing to do with race.

Many from all ethnicities champion the presence of a "father" in the nuclear family to provide stability and guidance for the next generation. Data from the Census Bureau in December, 2016, point to the demise of the nuclear family. In 1960, 88% of youth 18 years of age and younger lived with both parents. In 2016, that number had declined to 69%. For blacks, it was only 38.7%. The nuclear family is disappearing. Might that be influenced by lies from atheists and leftists?

Compare the tenets from the LGBTQ agenda -
"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure: foster a queer?affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking."

and those from BLM -
"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

While a few words differ, the goal is the same. These splinter groups, now trying to become the dominant forces in Society, need to destroy the family unit designed by God in order to impose their views as the 'norm.'

Christians should promote social justice, but this organization (and similar groups of devastation, destruction and hatred of God and this country) do not promote the betterment of persons based upon race, rather on the advancement of their devilish agenda.

Marx clearly stated his plan. In 1849, Marx wrote, 'When our turn comes, we shall make no excuses for the terror. There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.'

The fallout will destroy modern life, but the consequences are eternal.

If Christians make the choice to embrace these groups, they make a choice with a damnable destiny.

Posted Sunday, August 23, 2020 10:40 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 24-Aug-20 01:08 PM
Gary, some people do regard the bible as fiction. And unimportant. You post as if they do not exist. Arguing from what are not universally accepted premises is a danger.

Presidential debates in the early voting era; some suggestions

By now, we've learned that the Commission on Presidential Debates has established the dates/locations for this year's presidential debates. What we've learned is that they've failed miserably. The Commission should be significantly reformed. Specifically, I'd recommend these changes:

  • The dead weight on the Commission should be eliminated.

  • The first debate should be held before the start of early voting. SIDENOTE: If a candidate doesn't agree to participate in all debates, they should be passed over for the other debates.

  • A mix of moderators is best. Citizen journalists should be included as moderators.

These changes are required because we've had too many cringeworthy moments like Candy Crowley's Benghazi meltdown:
[Video no longer available]
President Obama did use the term terrorist attack the day after the attack in Benghazi. Then he went back to saying that it was a spontaneous reaction to an obscure internet video. Obama even used the latter spin during his address to the UN General Assembly.

The point is simple. The fossils occupying positions of prestige at CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS don't ask questions that inform viewers. They ask questions that reinforce their narratives. With what Newt Gingrich calls the "Propaganda Media" going further into the tank against Republicans, the people serving on the CPD Board of Directors should be infused with new blood. People like FNC's Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum and Harris Faulkner, PBS's Judy Woodruff, CBS's Major Garrett, MSNBC's George Will and Greta van Susteren with FullCourtPress should be considered for moderating debates.

I'd eliminate George Stephanopoulos, Wolf Blitzer and Chuck Todd immediately. Todd and Stephanopoulos are hyperpartisans. Todd isn't that bright, either. Finally, it's essential to have at least 1 debate before early voting starts.

Check back tomorrow for more on early voting reform.

Posted Monday, August 24, 2020 12:30 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 24-Aug-20 01:03 PM
Gary, I am curious whether your readership holds the debates to be as important as you appear to indicate. They've been a bore. Can you remember a single thing in a Bush/Kerry debate that you'd call a defining moment? It's same old, same old. Or do your readers think otherwise. I'd be interested to see if they respond to the question. And with what range of opinion.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 24-Aug-20 06:53 PM
The debates this year would show how mentally diminished Biden really is. The cheese was sliding off his cracker during the VP debate with Ryan and it's only gotten worse. Progressives talk about compassion but standing this doddering old fool up to be the president is elder abuse.

Trump's rocketship recovery continues; is the recession over?

This article provides more information that points to President Trump's rocketship recovery. For those who've forgotten about that presidential prediction, here's a refresher:
[Video no longer available]
But I digress. This article points to a strong, perhaps fantastic, recovery. The article opens by saying "In signs an economic recovery may be picking up speed, U.S. home sales rose at a record rate for a second straight month in July, and purchasing managers in both the manufacturing and services sectors report business activity has accelerated at a brisker-than-expected pace this month ." That points to a strong first month in terms of GDP. July is the first month of Q3, 2020. While it's far too early to make predictions, this data offers a hopeful start to Q3. This does, too:
With mortgage rates holding near record lows and a work-from-home trend apparently enticing many Americans to move further from city centers, the National Association of Realtors said on Friday sales of existing homes rose 24.7% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.86 million units last month from 4.7 million in June.

Home prices also shot to a record $304,100, and a shortage of inventory is making competition for houses fierce. The average time on the market fell to 22 days in July, a record low, from 24 in June, and nearly 70% sold in less than a month. Combined with June's 20.2% gain, home sales have mushroomed by nearly 50% in two months to fully retrace the cratering in residential real estate activity in the spring after the COVID-19 pandemic started spreading across the country.

If this continues, the economy will be the biggest issue in this election cycle, with COVID and Law and Order following close behind. The thing that's indisputable is that President Trump's policies created one of the best economies in our nation's history before COVID, aka the China Virus, took the economy down. Now, President Trump's policies are starting another strong economic recovery. President Trump has already proven that he knows how to implement the right economic policies. Joe Biden can't honestly do the same. The Obama-Biden recovery was the weakest since the Great Depression.
Meanwhile, a purchasing managers' survey showed U.S. business activity snapped back to the highest since early 2019 in August as companies in both the manufacturing and services sectors saw a resurgence in new orders even as new COVID-19 cases remain stubbornly high across the country.

Rocketship recovery, here we come. That's an awful lot of positive economic data.

Posted Monday, August 24, 2020 1:15 AM

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Klacik added to Monday night schedule

Kim Klacik's viral video has paid off bigtime. According to this article , Ms. Klacik will speak at the Republican National Convention Monday night:
Kim Klacik, the Republican running for Maryland's 7th Congressional District, will speak during the first night of the Republican National Convention, according to a Trump campaign announcement Sunday. Klacik has sparked national attention several times, including when she documented Baltimore blight last summer, causing President Trump to call the city 'rat-infested' and blaming then-Congressman Elijah Cummings.

If you haven't seen Ms. Klacik's video, then you've either been comatose or you just landed here from another planet. This explains why I'd say that:
Her new ad for her congressional race went viral recently as well, seen and shared by hundreds of thousands of people.

This weekend, she appeared as a guest on Gov. Mike Huckabee's show:
[Video no longer available]
Then there's this:

The Monday night schedule isn't star-studded in the way that Democrats did their convention. Instead, Republicans are featuring real people who've benefited from President Trump's policies. I'll just say that people should have some tissues handy for Monday night.

Posted Monday, August 24, 2020 1:59 AM

Comment 1 by J. Ewing at 24-Aug-20 09:26 AM
Of the names I recognize, at least four are persons of color. Bye-bye, racist Trump narrative.

Comment 2 by eric z at 24-Aug-20 12:49 PM
Huckabee has a TV show? What channel? What time slot?

Also, which day does Melania Trump speak? She seems to be one having something to say less predictable than others. Also, Trump himself is, from what I read, intending to put himself into prime time slots each day, yes/no? You don't list him.

RINOs for Biden-Harris

It was predictable that the Biden-Harris campaign would make an announcement in their attempt to scuff up President Trump. The Biden-Harris campaign calls them " Republicans for Biden " but they're more accurately portrayed as RINOs for Biden.

Another nickname for this motley bunch would be Has-Beens for Biden:
Reps. Steve Bartlett of Texas, Bill Clinger of Pennsylvania, Tom Coleman of Missouri, Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, Charles Djou of Hawaii, Mickey Edwards of Oklahoma, Wayne Gilchrest of Maryland, Jim Greenwood of Pennsylvania, Bob Inglis of South Carolina, Jim Kolbe of Arizona, Steve Kuykendall of California, Ray LaHood of Illinois (who served as Transportation secretary in the Obama administration), Jim Leach of Iowa, Connie Morella of Maryland, Mike Parker of Mississippi, Jack Quinn of New York, Claudine Schneider of Rhode Island, Chris Shays of Connecticut, Peter Smith of Vermont, Alan Steelman of Texas, Bill Whitehurst of Virginia, Dick Zimmer of New Jersey, and Jim Walsh of New York.

There was a time when I knew the names of virtually every Republican member of the House. I recognize the names of Charlie Dent, Charles Djou, Bob Inglis, Ray LaHood, Jim Leach and Christopher Shays. I don't recognize the other names on that list. They're either has-beens or never weres. Most important, today's GOP is results-oriented and more conservative.
'These former members of Congress cited Trump's corruption, destruction of democracy, blatant disregard for moral decency, and urgent need to get the country back on course as a reason why they support Biden,' the Biden campaign official told Fox News.

'These former Members of Congress are supporting Joe Biden because they know what's at stake in this election and that Trump's failures as President have superseded partisanship,' the official continued.

What corruption is Biden referring to? The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax is just that -- a hoax. Are they referring to Adam Schiff's impeachment? If so, Schiff is the corruptocrat. They impeached President Trump without a single piece of direct evidence. There wasn't an email or series of texts highlighting a crime, much less a high crime.

When the Biden campaign talks about the destruction of democracy, what are they talking about specifically ? Do they have anything specific in mind? Or are they tossing that term around like Ms. tossed around the terms "national security" and "constitutional crisis" during impeachment? Everyone knows that those terms were focus grouped phrases that lacked in meaning.

As for moral decency, perhaps Vice President Biden can talk about how his son flew with him on Air Force Two to China, where the Chinese gave Hunter Biden $1,500,000,000 to invest. Better yet, could Biden explain how it became official US policy to get investigators fired who were looking into Burisma? Better yet, could Biden talk about the BS he spewed in this interview?
[Video no longer available]
When did President Trump ever talk about bleach as a cure for COVID? When did President Trump ignore the scientists? There were times when he disagreed with them on keeping the economy shut down but that's entirely different than ignoring the scientists.

During the interview, Biden flip-flopped on law enforcement, saying now that police need more funding, not less. Gone are the days when Biden told an interviewer that he "absolutely" would "redirect" money away from police departments. What's significant about the flip-flop is that Democrats didn't say a word about law enforcement during their 4-day convention last week.

Posted Monday, August 24, 2020 11:02 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 24-Aug-20 12:54 PM
What exactly is a RINO? What policy position makes them that? How do they differ from Lindsey Graham or Ted Cruz? Or George W? Or Mitt Romney? It seems only a term used when somebody does not like something somebody else did. Is Bloomberg a RINO? Why, specifically so, if so? I truly do not understand the usage. Colin Powell? Kasich? Gary, haven't you at times posted well of Kasich?

Response 1.1 by Gary Gross at 27-Aug-20 06:47 PM
A RINO is an acronym that stands for Republican In Name Only. Think John McCain.

Comment 2 by Chad Q at 24-Aug-20 06:42 PM
A RINO is someone who claims to be a republican but talks and votes a lot like a liberal/progressive. Just join the other party if that's how you really feel.

So will the GOP list those democrats who won't vote for the progressive ticket? Your average democrat who can't stand the stink of the Biden Harris ticket is more valuable than a few has been RINO's. I think that would be more telling than a bunch of pseudo republicans who are going to vote for their buddies so they might get a piece of that pie.

It's all about the power and like Trump or not, he's shaking up the power system in politics and people don't like it.

A tale of 2 conventions, Part I

Last week's Democrat convention might've been the most negative convention since the 1992 GOP Convention. By comparison, Monday night's GOP convention had the feel of Reagan's Morning in America of 1984. When Nikki Haley talked about a US ambassador to the United Nations who spoke at a GOP Convention, my first thought was about Jeane Kirkpatrick characterizing Democrats as the "blame America first" party. That's exactly what Ambassador Haley referenced:
[Video no longer available]
It's fair to say that South Carolina played a starring role in Monday night's events. While Haley's speech was positive and well-received, Sen. Tim Scott's speech was the highlight of the night:
[Video no longer available]
Sean Parnell made a name for himself , too:
Sean Parnell, a U.S. Army combat veteran and GOP candidate for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional district, ripped Democrats over their "contempt for middle America," accusing the party of abandoning the families and workers they were supposed to represent in favor of hedge fund managers and celebrities.

"Where Democrats once stood for hard-working, law-abiding Americans who displayed our flag with pride, this New Democrat party considered them uneducated racists, clinging to guns and Bibles," Parnell said during his Monday night speech to the Republican National Convention. "The party of Harry Truman became the party of hedge fund managers, Hollywood celebrities, tech moguls and academia, bloated with contempt for middle America."

From a substantive perspective, last night's event was filled with substance. From the standpoint of assessing the Democrats' lack of character, it was devastating. From the standpoint of disproving the Democrats' opinion of President Trump, it was powerful.

Most powerful, though, was how easy it was to create a positive first impression of the entire GOP, President Trump included. The production value was high. The tempo of the speakers was even better. The messages from the first night was that a) President Trump has accomplished a lot on behalf of the American people and b) Republicans are the hopeful party.

Republicans made a great first impression last night, despite what Jennifer Rubin thinks :
In the spin before the Republican National Convention began, President Trump's team insisted we would get optimism, hope and uplift. Instead, the first night has brought a parade of angry and aggrieved, and mostly White, speakers who sound as paranoid as Trump.

Ahw must mean that the speakers were mostly white other than Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Herschel Walker, Vernon Jones, Kim Klacik and Maximo Alvarez. Rubin also made this insulting statement:
The white supremacy was barely disguised as 26-year-old Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA and Students for Trump said Trump is the 'the bodyguard of Western civilization.' Let me translate: Anyone who is not a White American is foreign, alien and 'the other."

It's stunning that an educated person like Rubin could be that racist. Equating Charlie Kirk with white supremacy is foolish. Only a Democrat would think like that.

The first night of the DNC was characterized by Michelle Obama's angry scold of a speech. The first night of the RNC was characterized by one upbeat patriot after another after another. A tale of 2 conventions, indeed.

Posted Tuesday, August 25, 2020 6:25 AM

Comment 1 by eric z at 25-Aug-20 10:11 AM
Better TV? "Bodyguard of Western Civilization?" Was somebody really that pompous? Jeez. Being There must have been an even stronger thing - watching camera work, lighting, the make-up room. The coaching of each speaker before going on camera.

Gary, I am curious about your segment choices. It had to have run several hours. Can you put your finger on why those two segments?

Was there any other point where you were struck but the video was not available? Matt Gaetz? Mark and Patricia McCloskey? Were they highlights, or did they bomb? Or so-so? Trump Jr.? Your editorial choice is what interests me. Can you shed light about conscious choice, or was it instinct that those were the two?

Comment 2 by Gretchen L Leisen at 25-Aug-20 11:50 AM
The entire night was inspiring. For example, Eric, Mr Pollack, the father of the deceased Meadow Pollock, the McCloskeys, Herschel Walker, Maximo Alvarez, etc. Probably the least interesting because of their relationship to the President were Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr's girlfriend [and a Latina].

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